Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

March 30, 1871

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by Sherry Bash

Report of the condition of the First National Bank of Fairfield, at Fairfield, in the State of Iowa, at close of business, March 18, 1871.

Loans and discounts,
$89,259 53
1,518 52
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation
95,000 00
Due from redeeming and reserve agents,
16,421 27
Due from other National Banks,
3,748 83
Furniture and fixtures
894 50
Current expenses
533 66
Profit and loss,
150 25
5,129 65
Cash items (including stamps),
1,100 22
Bills of other National Banks,
4,125 00
Fractional currency (including nickles),
55 39
125 00
Legal tender notes,
  43,222 00
$261,283 82
Capital stock paid in
$100,000 00
Surplus fund,
4,100 00
74 46
3,529 14
National Bank circulation outstanding,
82,289 00
Individual deposits,
  72,571 22
$261,293 82

County of Jefferson    } ss
  I, Samuel C. FARMER, Cashier of the First National Bank of Fairfield, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.      SAMUEL C. FARMER,
  Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of March, 1871.
          George D. TEMPLE, Notary Pub.
    Correct, attest:
            C. W. SLAGLE,        }
            WARD LAMSON,   } Directors.
            James F. WILSON. }

  The first Agency City News-Boy is received. It is a very neat, well printed 6-column paper, has a fair share of home advertising, and its selections and original articles have the ring of the true metal in them. We had faith that Will D. AXLINE would do well in his enterprise, and this first number of the News-Boy shows our faith was well grounded. Abundant success attend him.

  A train containing a colony of 210 persons, and carrying the household goods, animals and agricultural implements of the whole party, left Burlington the other day for Red Oak Junction. The colony will settle on the lands lying in the vicinity of Red Oak.

  John McLOUGHLIN, a railroad laborer, died in Davis county the other day from the effects of excessive drinking of whisky.

No. 103.                TIME TABLE.                  1871.

On and after Sunday, March 26th, 1871, trains will run as follows :

Leave Keokuk.     Ar. at Keokuk.
 3:00 p m  7,00 a m Keokuk  4:30 p m  4:00 a m
 3:30  7:30 Melrose  4;00  3:30
 3:45  7:45 S. Prairie  3:45  3;15
 4:03  8:02 Belfast  3:28  2:58
 4:20  8:18 Croton  3,12  2:40
 4:37  8:35 Farmi'gtn  2;55  2:25
 4;55  8;52 Bonaparte  2;39  2:07
 5;07  9:03 Bentonsp't  2:29  1:56
 5;27  9:23 Summit  2;08  1:35
 5;35  9.30 Kilbourn  2:00  1:27
 5;58  9:55 Douds  1:38  1:05
 6;13 10:08 Inde'dent  1;25 12:52
 6:28 10:22 Ashland  1;10 12:35
 6:45  10:37 Alpine 12:55 12:20
 7:10 11:05 Ottumwa 12.30 pm 11:55 p m
 7:58 11:43 Comst'ks 11;43 am 11:25
 8:25 12:03 pm Eddyv'le 11:20 11;00
 8:53 12:35 Oskaloosa 10:43 10:32
 9:17 12 57 Leighton 10.32 10:03
 9:48  I:22 Pella 10:10  9:43
10:07  1:50 Otley  9:45  9:20
10:23  2:25 Monroe  9:28  9:05
10:50  2:50 Prairie C  9;02  8:40
11;12  3:12 Mitchelly'  8:40  8,17
11;30  3:28 Altoona  8:20  8:00
12:00  4:00 D Moines  7,50  7:30
12:27 a m  4:40 Ashewa  7:00  6:55
12:47  5;08 Waukee  6:22  6:35
 1:07  5:38 Dal Cen'r  6:00  6:17
 1:25  5:58 Minburn  5:35  5:08
 1:45  6:23 Perry  5:05  5:40
 2:10  6:52 Rippey  4:32  5:18
 2,30  7,35 G Juno  4,00 a m  5,00
   8,02 Paton    4,00
   3.30 Gowrie    3 30
   3.03 Kesho    3.00
   9.35 Sioux City Juno    2.25
Arrive 10,00 Ft. Dodge Leave  2,00

                        JOHN GIVIN, Sup’t.
JAS. BARKER, Gen’l Ticket Ag’t,

Death of J. M. Kirker.
  At a regular meeting of the Iowa Republican Association held in Washington City, March 21st, 1871, the following were unanimously adopted :
  WHEREAS, We have heard with deep regret of the decease of James M. KIRKER, Esq., of Fairfield, and a member of this association,
  Therefore Resolved, That in his death this Association has lost one of its best members, the Government service a faithful servant, society a genial and warm hearted companion, and his relatives an affectionate son and brother.
  Resolved, That we extend to relatives of the deceased our sympathy and condolence in this their hour of affliction.
  Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to his relatives and to the Fairfield LEDGER and Iowa Democrat for publication.
          J. P. C. POULTON, }
          W. W. UTTZ,        } Committee.
          C. C. STEVENS.     }

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