The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
June 22, 1871
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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by Sherry Bash
June Session, 1871.
Fairfield, Iowa, June 5, 1871
Members present - ALLENDER, BURGESS, and FORREST.
Minutes of the proceedings of the last day of the April session read and approved.
Ordered, that all road cases be set for hearing on Wednesday next.
Board adjourned until one o'clock, P. M.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
One O'Clock, P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Petition of David LONG for the abatement of taxes on five hundred dollars valuation was presented, and the same was ordered to be abated.
Petitions for several bridges were presented, and the same were passed for further consideration.
Petition of Alex WATROUS for the abatement of taxes for the year 1870 was presented, and the same was not granted.
Petition of M. GLOTFELTY for the refunding of taxes for the years 1865, 1866 and 1867 was presented, and the same was not granted.
Report of ex-Supervisor MOSS, as to the bridge fund drawn by him on the general appropriation, was received and placed on file.
Report of ex-Supervisor PHILLIPS, as to the bridge fund drawn by him on the general appropriation, was received and placed on file.
Petition of I. D. MOWERY, for an appropriation of twenty-five dollars for a bridge in Polk township, was presented, and the same was not granted.
Petition of citizens of Liberty township, was presented, and the same was not granted.
Petition of citizens of Liberty township for an appropriation to build approaches to a bridge on the road leading from Libertyville to Whitfield station, was presented, and the sum of twenty-five dollars was appropriated out of the general fund for that purpose.
Petition of road supervisor of road district No. 4 for bridge in Des Moines township, was presented, and the same continued for further consideration.
Petition of George COCHRAN and others for a bridge in Round Prairie township, was presented, and the same was not granted.
Board adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Ordered, That the sum of twenty-five dollars be appropriated out of the general appropriation for Buchanan township, for the purpose of repairing the county bridge on the Burlington road in district No. 4.
Ordered, That the sum of twenty-five dollars be appropriated out of the general appropriation for Buchanan township, for the purpose of repairing the county bridge on the Glasgow road in road district No. 6.
Petition of James S. WEBB, for abatement of taxes for 1857, were presented, and the same was abated.
Petition of Silas COWAN for the abatement of taxes for the year 1869, was presented, and the same was not granted.
Petition of R. CASSADY for the abatement of taxes for the year 1860, was presented, and the same was abated.
Report of ex-Supervisor COLLINS, as to the bridge fund drawn by him on the general appropriation, was received and ordered to be placed on file.
Treasurer VANCE presented his report, which was ordered to be placed on file.
Board adjourned until 1 o'clock, P.M.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
June 6, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Report of Jacob RAMSEY, ex-Supervisor, as to the bridge fund drawn by him on the general appropriation, was placed on file, and he is hereby requested to file the proper vouchers and receipts by the September term, 1871.
Petition of Hiram McCRACKEN, asking that his assessment for the year 1871, be reduced to the original amount as taken by the assessor, was presented, and the prayer of the petitioner was granted, for the reasons set forth in affidavit now on file.
Petition of George R. MORRIS for abatement of taxes on back years prior to th- (Part of article cut out - remains as shown.).
of Ju
Wednesday, June 7, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Petition of Louis ROEDER and others, for a road in Lockridge township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, H. C. LONG, herein filed, and the fifth day of September, 1871, set for the final hearing of the same.
Petition of E. O. MACY and others, for a road in Penn township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Phillip MILLER, herein filed, and the 5th day of September, 1871, set for the final hearing of the same.
Petition of Clement CAMPBELL and others, for a change in the Fairfield and Richland road, in Blackhawk township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, John WILLIAMSON, herein filed, and the 5th day of September, 1871, set for final hearing of the same.
Petition of W. G. COOP and others, for a road in Penn and Blackhawk townships. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Perry SUMMERS, herein filed, and the 5th day of September, 1871, set for final hearing of the same.
Petition of W. G. BECK and others, for reducing the width of the road leading from THOMPSON’s mill to READ’s mill on Cedar. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, W. W. JUNKIN, herein filed, and the 5th day of September, 1871, set for final hearing of the same.
Petition of John MADDEN and others, for a road, and for a change of a road in Walnut township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Thomas JONES, therein filed, the 5th day of September, 1871, set for final hearing of the same.
Petition of O. H. GILLETT and others, for a road in Polk township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Peter RILEY, therein filed, and the 5th day of September
1871 set for the final hearing of the same.
Petition of O. H. GILLETT and others, for change of road in Polk township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Peter RILEY, therein filed, and the 5th day of September 1871 set for the final hearing of the same.
Petition of M. V. GREENWOOD and others, for a road in Locust Grove township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, John GANTZ, therein filed, and the 5th day of September set for final hearing of the same.
Petition of J. S. CLARK and others, for a change of the Portland road in Liberty township. This cause coming on for hearing on the report of the commissioner, Peter SLIMMER, therein filed, and he is requested either to amend his report so as to conform to the date set forth in his commission, or to proceed to re-examine said road on the first Monday in August 1871.
Road petitioned for by James D. EDWARDS and others, in Walnut township, commencing 80 rods West of the Southeast corner of section 29, township 73, range 9 west, &c. L. J. BIDWELL is appointed commissioner, and the 1st Monday in August 1871 set for the examination of the same.
Petition of J. W. FULTON and others, for a road in Fairfield township, commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section 33, &c was presented. Whereupon Wm L. McCLEAN was appointed commissioner, and the 1st Monday in August 1871 set for the examination of the same.
Petition of John F. TROBERT and others, for a road in Lockridge township commencing at the Northwest corner of section 15, &c., was presented. Whereupon Louis ROEDER was appointed commissioner, and the 1st Monday in August set for the examination of the same.
Petition of James A. GALLIHER and others, for a road in Cedar township, was presented, commencing on the Glasgow and Fairfield road at or near the east line of the West half of the Southeast quarter, section 3. Whereupon R. A. DOUGHERTY was appointed commissioner, and the 1st Monday in August 1871 set for the examination of the same.
Petition of Enos B. SHAW and others, to vacate a road in Buchanan township, commencing on the Fairfield and Brighton road in the Northwest quarter of section 8, &c., was presented. Whereupon W. S. LYNCH was appointed commissioner and the 1st Monday in August 1871 set for the examination of the same.
Petition of Harriet MONTGOMERY and others, for a change in the Deedsville (Part of column missing - remains as shown)
n Buchanan township. This cause
g on for hearing on the report of
commissioner, Samuel ALLENDER,
n filed, and the 5th day of Sep-
er set for examination of the
tition of J. F. WATKINS and others,
road in Liberty township, com-
mencing at a point where the road running from Libertyville to Birmingham strikes the West line of the Southeast quarter, &c. Whereupon Michael GLOTFELTY was appointed commissioner and the 1st Monday in August set for the same.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
(Third Day)
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Road petitioned for by William LAWRENCE and others in Walnut and Lockridge townships. This cause coming on for final hearing on the report of the commissioner, Louis ROEDER, therein filed, and the Board being fully advised in the premises, order that the change be granted as prayed for in the petition, and that the same be entered of record upon the payment of costs.
Change of road petitioned for by Morgan FLOWERS and others, in Cedar Township. This cause coming on for final hearing on the report of the commissioner, J. M. WHITHAM, therein filed, and the Board
being fully advised in the premises order that the change be granted as prayed for in said petition and that the same be entered of record upon payments of costs.
Road petitioned for by Joseph TILFORD and others, in Round Prairie township. This cause coming on the final hearing on the report of the commissioner, George COCHRAN, therein filed, and the Board being fully advised in the promises order that the same be established as a public highway as set forth in the report of the commissioner, and that the same be entered of record upon payment of costs.
Road petitioned for by Alfred PETERSON and others in Lockridge township. This cause coming on for final hearing, and the written consent of all the property holders hnving (sic) been filed, it is ordered that the same be established as a public highway and entered of record upon the payment of costs.
Change of road petitioned for by John S. NOBLE and others, in Blackhawk township. This cause coming on for final hearing on the report of the commissioner, John H. STOCKMAN, therein filed, and the Board being fully advised in the premises, order that the said change be granted, and entered of record upon the payment of all costs.
Ordere, dThat the actions of the Auditor in the appointment of a commissioner in the road case petitioned for by John MADDEN and others, in Walnut township, be and the same are hereby fully approved.
Petition of Joseph STUFF for the refunding of tax for the years 1867 and 1868 was presented, and after careful examination of the same, order that a warrant be drawn for the amount of ten dollars in favor of said STUFF.
(Article Missing.)
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Committee to inquire into the cost of repairing the Court-house made the following report, which was passed for further consideration :
As a committee appointed at the April session of the Board to examine the Court-house roof, I would report that the cheapest and best plan is to extend the roof over the cornice and gutter, and hang an eve-trough under the same. I had examinations made by experienced mechanics and find that the same can be done at the following cost :
Cutting cornice and extending, all materials furnished 50 00
Furnish and hang trough, 26 00
I would recommend that an appropriation be made for this purpose.
And W. T. Burgess was appointed to superintend the same.
Ordered, That the following preamble and resolution be adopted:
Whereas, Believing it is good policy and justice to the tax-payers of the county to meet our outstanding obligations before additional burdens be imposed by additional taxation;
Resolved, That an appropriation at the present time for the erection of a bridge or bridges would be both unwise and inexpedient.
Petition of W. B. KASTER for abatement of tax for the year 1868 was presented, and the same was not granted.
Report of ex-Supervisor CLARK, as to the bridge bond drawn by him on the general appropriation, was presented, and the same was placed on file; and the board order that he be required to return all monies of said appropriation that was in his hands on the first day of January, 1871.
Petition of several citizens of Des Moines township was presented, and the same postponed until a final settlement can be had with the ex-Supervisor of that township.
The Board, after examining the receipts of the Auditor, find that he has paid on the judgments against the county on account of the Railroad coupons the amount of $13,640.00.
Board adjourned until 1 o'clock, P.M.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
One O'Clock, P.M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Petition of Henry FRUSH for abatement of taxes for 1869, was presented, and the same was referred to the Treasurer.
Petition of James C. KAYLOR for abatement of taxes for the years 1860 and 1869 inclusive, was presented, and the same was ordered to be collected with ten per cent. per annum, provided the same be paid by the 1st day of September, 1871.
Petition of Geo. W. DEVECMON, for the reduction of his valuation, was presented, and the same was deferred for further consideration.
Ordered, That all monies and credits, including Bank stock, be reduced 33 1/3 percent, on the assessed valuation.
Supervisor FORREST offered the following resolution, which was adopted:
Resolved, That there be submitted to the electors of Jefferson county, Iowa, at the next general election, for adoption or rejection, an act passed by the 13th General Assembly, kown as an act to restrain stock from running at large.
Board adjourned until 9 o'clock tomorrow.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
Friday, June 9th, 1871.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Petition of R. R. CASSIDAY for abatement of taxes for the year 1862, was presented, and the Treasurer was ordered to collect the same with ten percent. interest per annum.
The Board, after having examined the several bills as presented by the Auditor, order that the same be allowed as appears from the Blotter, (see List published elsewhere) and the Auditor is hereby authorized to draw warrants for the same.
Board adjourned until 1 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of visiting the Pitkin bridge.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present.
Committee on bridges made the following report, which was received and ordered to be placed on file:
Your committee visited the bridge at Pitkin’s crossing on Cedar, on the Birmingham road, and found the bridge in an unsafe condition by reason of one of the braces supporting the main column at the south end of said bridge being broken by the pressure of logs at the south-west
corner forming curb, and if not repaired soon there is great danger of breaking the main column, it being now sprung near two inches. I would therefore recommend that the necessary repairs be made soon to prevent any further damage to said bridge.
Ordered, That there be an appropriation of two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the bridge fund, made for the purpose of repairing the bridge across Cedar at Pitkin’s ford, and that the same be repaired under the supervision of Supervisor ALENDER, who will report at the next meeting of this Board.
Ordered, That Supervisor BURGESS have the Court-house repaired, and also have additional repairs with timber made around the chimneys, and that there be an appropriation of $15 00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, made for that purpose.
Board adjourned until 9 o'clock, P.M.
D. B. MILLER, Auditor.
The Board after carefully examining the Assessors books for 1871 find the following assessments, and order that the following changes be made so as to equalize the assessments between the several townships :
Walnut township assessed at $5 75 per acre; add 33 1/3 per cent.
Penn township assessed at $7 55 per acre.
Blackhawk township assessed at $7 50 per acre; add 15 per cent.
Polk township assessed at $7 80 per acre; add 5 per cent.
Locust Grove township assessed at $7 53 per acre; add 5 per cent.
Fairfield township assessed at $11 33 per acre; add 15 per cent.
Buchanan township assessed at $9 65 per acre; deduct 10 per cent.
Lockridge township assessed at $8 33 per acre.
Round Prairie township assessed at $7 85 per acre; add 6 per cent.
Cedar township assessed at $6 98 per acre; add 15 per cent.
Liberty township assessed at $7 68 per cent; add 6 per cent.
Des Moines township assessed at $9 35 per acre; deduct 10 per cent.
Messrs. SLAGLE & ACHESON appeared on the part of the stockholders of the First National Bank, presenting a copy of the action of the Trustees as to the reduction of the Bank Stock, and the same was received and placed on file.
Board adjourned until 9 o'clock, A.M., to-morrow.
D. M. MILLER, Auditor.
Saturday, June 10, 1871
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All the members present.
Minutes of yesterday read and approved.
Whereas, There was an order passed at the January session of this Board, abating the penalty on the taxes of Alfred LARSON for the year 1863, with instruction to the Treasurer to collect the same with ten per cent per annum, thus abating fourteen and 22 100th dollars. And the said Alfred LARSON, by attorney, having commenced suit in the District Court on the same, order that said order be and the same is hereby rescinded.
Ordered, That the Auditor be and and is hereby authorized to collect from the ex-Supervisors all monies placed in their hands for bridge purposes that was unexpended by contract made prior to January 1, 1871.
Your committee on public buildings would report that the county jail in its present condition is very insecure, not only by damage done to cells, but in their general construction, and would recommend that a warrant of one hundred dollars be drawn in favor of the Sheriff, and that he be empowered to repair the cells as per specification, now on file, and report at the next meeting of this Board.
Ordered, That the report be adopted.
Petition of George C. FRY for an appropriation of $75.00 for bridges in road district No. 4, Des Moines township, was presented and the same was deferred for settlement with ex-Supervisor.
Ordered, That the Trustees of Blackhawk township remove Mrs. OVERBY and family to County Poor Farm without expense for their support being increased.
The Board having examined the books and accounts of the Auditor and Treasurer, find the following exhibits of the condition of the various funds on the 31st day of May, 1871.
WISE--MANN.--June 8th, 1871, at the residence of the bride's brother, by Rev. J. G. CONDIT, Mr. Elliott F. WISE and Miss Sarah J. MANN, all of this county.
JOHNSON--LEAFGREEN.--June 17th, 1871, at the Court House in Fairfield, by Thos. D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. John O. JOHNSON and Miss Emma LEAFGREEN, all of Jefferson County.
BROWN--JEFFERS.--June 15th, 1871, by Rev. C. G. MILNES, at the residence of the bride's parents in Fairfield, Mr. Edward BROWN and Miss Margaret JEFFERS, both of Jefferson county.
May peace and plenty, and all the attending pleasures, wait upon our friend MAGGIE and her partner.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of William HUFFSTEDLER, against John LEONARD and Annie LEONARD, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said John and Annie LEONARD, to-wit; Lot No. four (4) in Block No. Seven (7) in new plat of the city of Fairfield, Iowa. And that on Saturday, the 8th day of July, A. D., 1871, at one o'clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of
Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to $315 77 100 dollars debt, and $5 dollars costs, together with accruing costs at public auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash.
n25 p f $6 J. S. GANTZ,
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of Wm. H. BARNES against John Q. SMOCK as Administrator of the estate of E. HEFLIN, deceased, Sarah F. HEFLIN, Chas. HEFLIN, Laura HEFLIN, Henry HEFLIN, I have levied upon the following
described real estate as the property of the said John Q. SMOCK, as Administrator of the Estate of E. HEFLIN, deceased, Sarah F. HEFLIN, Chas. HEFLIN, Laura HEFLIN, Henry HEFLIN, to-wit; Lots eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), in RAHM’s and ECKERT's subdivision of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of section thirty-five (35) township No. seventy-two (72), north of range No. ten (10) West, except one acre off of the west side of said tract, being eight (8) acres in all more or less. And that on Saturday,
the 8th day of July, A. D., 1871 at one o'clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 1100 dollars debt, and 11 50-100ths dollars costs together with accruing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
n25 p f. $8 J. S. GANTZ,
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
In Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County. August term, 1871.
Administrator of the Estate of } Plaintiff.
Myers HUDLESTON, deceased. }
Benjamin HUDDLESTON, }
Rachel HUDDLESTON, } Defendants.
Charlotte FORD, }
To said Defendants:
You are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of August, A. D., 1871, a petition of Nathan HUDDLESTON as Administrator of the estate of Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased, will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa in and for Jefferson County,
asking said Court to grant an order authorizing said Plaintiff to sell so much of the real estate belonging to said estate as may be necessary to pay the debts of said estate, described as follows: The east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section no. Twenty (20) in township No. Seventy-three (73), north of range No. eleven (11) west, 160 acres; also east half of the west fractional half of the northwest
quarter of section five (5) in township No. seventy-two (72) north of range no eleven (I1) west, (except 5 acres off of south end sold to Henry REAM, see vol. 10, page 606, of Deed Records.) and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D., ‘1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 2nd Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
June 17th, 1871. }
Geo. A. COBBAN, Esq.,
Sec’ y Linn Co. Agr. Society, Marion, Iowa,
DEAR SIR:--I have your favor of 14th, inquiring as to average yield of wheat per acre, in Iowa, for the past ten years, &c. The figures indicate that your estimate of 11 bushels per acre is too low:
Year. | Acres. | Yield. | Bush. per Acre |
1859 | Spring Wheat | 750,719 |
3,090,049 |
40 |
Fall do | 29,190 |
203,204 |
7 |
1863 | Spring Wheat | 1,098,998 |
8,052,684 |
8 |
Fall do | 50,838 |
742,637 |
15 |
1865 | Spring Wheat | 827,487 |
7,175,784 |
8 |
Fall do | 116,965 |
1,108,781 |
11 |
1867 | Spring Wheat | 983,906 |
13,912,368 |
14 |
Fall do | 73,425 |
723,I52 |
9 |
1869 | Spring Wheat | 1,730,590 |
16,823,520 |
10 |
Fall do | 73,914 |
1,140,035 |
15 |
Total, | 137 |
Rates of Postage:--
Letters to Ireland (prepaid) 6 cents
do England,
do 6 "
do Germany,
do 15 "
On single paper, 4 ounces 2 "
do letter, ½
" 3 "
do drop letters 1 "
do circulars, unsealed 2 "
Our friend JUNKIN, of the Fairfield Ledger, who holds the high and responsible position of Alderman of said city, has got into a row with his constituents on the subject of the hog law. They want piggy to run at large, and JUNKIN very properly don't. JUNKIN proposes to shut up piggy or resign. Bro. JUNKIN you are right. Stick to it and your people will back you when they see what a luxury you have forced upon them.--Lyons Advocate.