Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

June 15, 1871

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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by Sherry Bash

Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Con-
      vention of the Jefferson County
        Sabbath School Association,
            held in the Presbyterian
                Church in Batavia,
                    June 6 and 7,

  The Fourth Annual Convention of the Jefferson County Sunday School Association, met in the Presbyterian Church in Batavia, June 6th and 7th, 1871.
  The meeting was called to order by the President, Thos. D. EVANS, and opened by Rev. C. B. EGAN, by reading the Scriptures and prayer.
  Singing, "Come thou fount of every blessing."
  The President made a few remarks on the Sunday School work in the county.
  The secretary reported ten townships, representing about thirty schools, had elected 168 delegates, and had reported about one hundred officers enrolled, with an average attendance of 80; No. of teachers enrolled, 240; average attendance, 180; No. of scholars enrolled 2,000, average attendance, 1,500; total enrollment over 2,300; average attendance 1,760. The report was referred to committee composed of GILTNER, HOPKIRK and ANDREWS.
  The treasurer reported--
Rec’d of N. S. AVERILL          $8 80
      “      Geo. STEVER,              4 30
   Total,                                 $13 10
Paid JUNKIN & ROBINSON,  13 00
Bal. in treasury,                            10

  The report was received and referred to IRELAND, STONER and GANTZ, committee.
  Prayer and benediction by Rev. C. REED.


  The meeting was opened by singing "Coronation."
  SPIELMAN, IRELAND and HOPKIRK were appointed a committee on nomination of officers.
  Rev. EGAN addressed the meeting on the Sunday school work.
  The committee on nomination of officers reported for President, Thos. D. EVANS; Vice President, Rev. A. AXLINE, T. A. ROBB, O. O. SHELDON; Treasurer, G. A. UNKRICH; Secretary, C. S. BYRKIT; Executive committee, A. W. HURST, Henry STONER, Dr. J. M. SHAFFER. The report was amended by striking out the name of G. A. UNKRICH and inserting A. W. HURST. Also, by striking out the names of A. W. HURST and H. STONER from the Executive Committee and inserting N. S. AVERILL and Rev. C. REED. The report as amended was adopted.
  The committees on the reports of Secretary and Treasurer reported; reports received and adopted.
  Singing, "How gentle God’s commands."
  Verbal reports were received from several township secretaries.
  Verbal reports received from a number of individual schools, showing great interest in the Sunday school work throughout the county.
  Singing, "Oh the happy time is coming."
  Rev. EGAN again addressed the meeting.
(Continuation of column has been damaged.)
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  The meeting was called to order and opened with singing, "Bless the Lord my soul."
  The first subject, "What should be our aim as Sunday school workers?" was opened by Rev. McELROY, followed by Mr. HOPKIRK. The rule limiting the length of addresses to five minutes was upon motion suspended, and Mr. HOPKIRK continued, followed by Rev. CALHOUN and others.
  Singing, "Let the Good Angels come in."
  The second subject, "Difficulties peculiar to country schools, and how overcome." Mr. MERRILL being absent, the subject was opened by Mr. IRELAND, followed by Messrs. HOPKIRK, McELROY, CALHOUN, COMBS and others.
  The committee on children's meeting reported.
  Singing, "Watch and pray."
  Benediction by Rev. McELROY.


  Devotional exercises led by Mr. BINKLE.
  Prayer by Rev. McELROY. Topic -- Prayer for the children of our county.
  Singing, "Will the angels come to me?"
  The question, "How shall Sunday schools promote temperance, and what is their duty on this subject?" was discussed by HOPKIRK, GILTNER and McELROY. An excellent paper upon the subject was read by George W. CURFMAN.
  The second question, "Should the school have uniform lessons?" was opened by B. F. IVES, followed by GILTNER, Rev. CONDIT, CLARRIDGE and others.
  The next question, "Are teachers meetings essential to the success of the sunday school?" was responded to by J. T. AXLINE, in an excellent address, followed by IRELAND, COMBS, NELSON, CLARRIDGE, BINKLE, HOPKIRK, Rev. CONDIT and GILTNER.
  Singing, "Jewels."

  In accordance with the above, the following committee was appointed: Penn-- C. ANDREWS; Polk-- I. TANSEY; Locust Grove-- A. J. COMBS; Fairfield-- B. F. IVES; Buchanan-- E. McCARTNEY; Lockridge-- Samuel HORTON; Cedar-- J. BRADSHAW; Liberty-- Jas. COWAN; Des Moines-- J. W. COPELAND.
 The committee to consider the propriety of a county Sunday school excursion asked for further time which was granted.
 The appointment of delegates to the Iowa State Sunday school convention was referred to the Executive committee.
 The time for holding the next convention was fixed as the first Tuesday and Wednesday in June, 1872, and Fairfield as the place.

  The meeting was unusually large and was opened by singing "Keep to the right," also, "Happy Voices."
  Prayer by Rev. CONDIT.
  Addresses by Rev. McELROY and Mr. BINKLE.
  Singing, "Time to work."
  Address by Miss Susie JOHNSON.
  Singing, "Water of Life."
  Addresses by A. J. COMBS and B. F. IVES.
  Singing, "I will follow Jesus."
  Address by Mr. IRELAND.
  Singing, "Come again."
  The following are
  Business Committee -- N. S. AVERILL, Carson REED and A. AXLINE.
  Local Committee -- A. W. HURST, W. M. HUFSTEDLER, Etta MUSSER, Susie JOHNSON and Isaac FELLOWS.
  Music Committee -- A. C. POTTER, B. (Rest of committee list missing)

  The question, "Whose duty and privilege is it to teach in the Sabbath school?" was opened by B. F. IVES, followed by TEMPLETON, BINKLE, N. S. AVERILL, GANTZ, and an address by Dr. J. M. SHAFFER.
  Singing, "Jesus dear I come to Thee."
  The question box was opened and read by C. S. BYRKIT. IRELAND, HOPKIRK, Dr. SHAFFER, Miss JOHNSON, SIMMONS, AVERILL, CLARRIDGE and IVES responded.
  A committee was appointed to take into consideration the expediency of a railroad Sunday school excursion to Burlington or elsewhere. Committee, AXLINE, GILTNER and IRELAND.
  Singing, "Watch and Pray!"
  Benediction by Rev. McELROY.


  Devotional exercises led by Mr. HOPKIRK.
  Singing, "Water of Life."
  The convention then proceeded to the nomination of township secretaries, with the following result: Fairfield-- B. GILTNER; Walnut--A. F. KISSELL; Penn--John W. JONES; Black Hawk--John DAVIS; Cedar--J. T. AXLINE; Locust Grove--J. A. IRELAND; Buchanan--G. W. McCLAIN; Lockridge--W. HOPKIRK; Round Prairie--E. BILLINGSLEY; Liberty--J. F. WATKINS; Des Moines--Isaiah HUMPHREY; Polk--A. ARMSTRONG.
  The following resolution was adopted:
  Resolved, That there be a committee of twelve appointed whose duty it shall be to visit the Sabbath schools now in operation, and also to visit destitute sections and try to organize Sabbath schools at all suitable places.
  (Part of column missing) ... -ution was adopted ... -ing vote:
  Resolved, That we tender to our friends here our thanks for the use of their church, and to the citizens for their kindness and hospitality in entertaining this association.
  The following resolution was also adopted:
  Resolved that the Batavia and Fairfield papers be requested to publish the proceedings of this convention.
  Singing, "Beautiful Mansions."
  Benediction by Rev. McELROY.
      THOS. D. EVANS, Pres.
  C. S. BYRKIT, Sec.

  The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of CRAINE & SLAGLE, in the general merchandise business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and notes of the firm will be found in the hands of James SLAGLE for settlement, and all parties are requested to call on sight, make settlement and pay up. The business will be continued as heretofore by Mr. CRAINE, the senior partner.
  June 1, 1871.

Glasgow, Iowa, June 4, 1871.

      Decoration Day was observed and celebrated at this place in an appropriate manner. The people assembling at the M. E. Church, were formed in procession by Al. HOWELL, "Officer of the Day," and marched to the Glasgow Cemetery and there decorated the graves of the Soldiers -- one more than last year, that of Louis UNKRICH of the 30th Iowa, an excellent young man and highly esteemed and respected by all his comrades, another victim of this unholy rebellion. The soldiers buried here are as follows: S. W. SUMMERS, Co. E, 3d Iowa Cavalry; C, C. HALL, Co. F, 3d Cavalry; Wm. BARNES, member of a Wisconsin Regiment; Louis UNKRICH, Co. G, 30th Iowa Infantry.
  The people next proceeded in wagons to the Gilmer Cemetery and decorated with flowers the grave of Lieut. Geo. STRONG, 2d Iowa. Youthful, talented, chivalric, brave! the first to fall of Jefferson county's noble dead. His monument was festooned with crosses and wreaths of evergreens. The procession then proceeded to the Lambeth Cemetery, where four more soldiers are buried, the last being Lieut. Thomas HOWELL, 30th Iowa, who having lived to the end of the war, came home to die among his dear friends.
  Appropriate speeches were made during the day by Capt. Geo. HEATON, Dr. TAYLOR and I. F. HOWELL. The Brass Band and Glee club enlivened the occasion with excellent and appropriate music.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of Wm. H. BARNES against John Q. SMOCK as Administrator of the estate of E. HAFLIN, deceased, Sarah F. HAFLIN, Chas. HAFLIN, Laura HAFLIN, Henry HAFLIN, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said John Q. SMOCK, as Administrator of the Estate of E. HAFLIN, deceased, Sarah F. HAFLIN, Chas HAFLIN, Laura HAFLIN, Henry HAFLIN, to-wit: Lots eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), in Rahm’s and Eckert’s subdivision of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of section thirty-five (35) towns ip No. seventy two (72), north of range No. ten (10) Weat, except one acre off of the west side of said tract, being eight (8) acres in all more or less. And that on Saturday, the 8th day of July, A. D., 1871, at one o'clock, P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 1100 dollars debt, and 11 50.100ths dollars costs together with accruing cotss, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
  n25 p f. $8      J. S. GANTZ,
          Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.

In Circuit Court the of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County. August term, 1871.
    Nathan HUDDLESTON,           }
Administrator of the Estate of     } Plaintiff.
  Myers HUDLESTON, deceased. }
    Mary HUDDLESTON,      }
    Benjamin HUDDLESTON, }
    Rachel HUDDLESTON,    } Defendants.
    Uriah HUDDLESTON,     }
    Charlotte FORD,             }
    Thomas Huddleston.         }

To said Defendants :
    You are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of August, A. D., 1871, a petition of Nathan HUDDLESTON as Administrator of the estate of Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased, will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa in and for Jefferson County, asking said Court to grant an order authorizing said Plaintiff to sell so much of the real estate belonging to said estate as may be necessary to pay the debts of said estate, described as follows : The east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section No. twenty (20) in township No. seventy-three (73), north of range No. eleven (11) west, 160 acres; also east half of the west fractional half of the northwest quarter of section five (5) in township No. seventy-two (72) north of range no eleven (11) west, (except 5 acres off of south end sold to Henry REAM, see vol. 10, page 606, of Deed Records,) and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D., 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 2nd Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
                Attorneys for Plaintiff.

  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of William HUFFSTEDLER, against John LEONARD and Annie LEONARD, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said John and Annie LEONARD, to-wit: Lot No. four (4) in Block No. Seven (7) in new plat of the city of Fairfield, Iowa. And that on Saturday, the 8th day of July, A. D., 1871, at one o'clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to $315 77-100 dollars debt, and $5 dollars costs, together with accruing costs at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
    n25 p f $6           J. S. GANTZ,
              Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.

"Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise Again."
SOME weeks ago the City Council of the city of Fairfield advertised for bids for the building of a stone culvert on Nebraska Street. John HAGERTY, Thos. WELLS & HOWARD and myself made bids for said work. The contract was first awarded to HAGERTY. He failed in completing the contract, leaving it in the hands of the Council to re-let. My bid was some three dollars less than Messrs. WELLS & HOWARD's. For the purpose of securing the contract, Mr. WELLS stated to the Council that I had withdrawn my bid, when in truth I had not, but had made arrangements for the material to complete the work, if allowed to me. By Mr. WELLS’ false statement, which he knew to be false, the contract was awarded to him and HOWARD.
    25tf                 JACOB COMEGYS.

JOHNSON--SCOTT.--May 26, 1871, by Amos COOK, J. P., in Locust Grove township, Mr. Thomas W. JOHNSON and Miss Nancy SCOTT

ADAMS--JOHNSON.-- June 1, 1871, by Thomas D. EVANS, J. P., at the courthouse, Martin F. ADAMS and Miss Harriet JOHNSON.

Terms of the Ledger.
I copy 1 year, in advance, $2 00
1f not paid within 3 months, 2 50
If not paid within the year, 3 00

  Perilous Leap.--The Muscatine Journal of last Wednesday says :
  "Yesterday afternoon as the eastward bound train on the Southwestern road was a short distance this side of Fairfield, going at a high rate of speed, the express messenger, Mr. REED, had rather a singular adventure. He was swinging carelessly on an iron rod over the door of the express car, with his feet partially resting on the door sills, when a sudden slackening up of the train caused his foot to slip and his hold on the rod to weaken. Realizing that he could not recover himself and in order to avoid falling under the train, he made a spring, alighted on the side of the embankment, and rolled into a ditch filled with water. Crawling from his watery quarters with such dispatch that his clothes had scarcely time to get wet, he was rejoiced to find himself uninjured -- The train having been stopped he jumped aboard and went his way rejoicing, congratulating himself on his narrow escape."

(Untitled article)
  Probably no other community suffered more in loss of life during the war than Round Prairie--most of them being young men of bright promise. Hardly a family but has given one, two and even three of its number in this terrible war. They are missed in Sunday School and in the family circle, and the hearts of fathers and mothers are still unhealed and tears are freely shed as they remember these sons whom they sent forth in the fresh vigor of youthful manhood to do battle for country and home, and who never returned to them again. But our loss has, if possible, deepened and strengthened our patriotism as a people. We also feel that Decoration Day is appropriate, right and proper, and should be observed and celebrated.
  At the close of the day the following gentlemen were named as a committee to make arrangements for celebrating next Decoration Day : Wm. HASKETT, Chairman; Samuel BERRY, W. LYTTON, Geo. COCHRAN, John HUSTON, D. K. BILLINGSLEY, M. SHELDEN, Silas METZ, Elijah BILLINGSLEY, Dr. TAYLOR and Al. HOWELL.
  No doubt friend ROBB’s suggestion in the LEDGER, in regard to the condition of the different Cemeteries, will be remembered and carried into execution.        H.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record in the Recorder's office, from May 15, 1871, to May 30, 1871 :
  Annexed is a plat of Jefferson county. The dates in the following transfers refer to time of signing of deeds: the figures following to price paid.

Range (North.)





Able CRAIG from Fairfield Evergreen Cemetery, lot 2 and 9. Aug. 18, ‘70 35 00
Sarah S. FOREMAN from P. N. WOODS and wife, lot 6, blk 14, o p Fairfield. April 28, 1871. 1500 00
C. A. JONES from Wm. H. and A. S. JORDON and wives, lot 7, Huey’s ad. to Fairfield. April 13, 1871. 600 00
Joseph M. PARKER from E. J. HALE, Trustee, lots 4, 5, 9 and 10, blk 19, R. R. ad To Fairfield, May 5, 1871. 475 00
Melvina SHERMAN from Jane BROWN, lot 22, Batavia, Sept 3, 1870. 150 00
James F. WILSON from Ward LAMSON and wife, lots 7 and 8, blk 16, n p Fairfield. May 16, 1871. 550 00
W. G. BLACK from Louis SENS and wife, 10a, sec 30, 72-10, Dec 30, ‘70. 100 00
Same from Amos VANDEVER and wife 20a, sec 31, 72-10, April 15, 1871. 500 00
James BRIER from S. E. OSBORN and wife, 80a, sec 5, 73-9. Dec 6, 1870. 2800 00
Julius and Wm. H. CRILL from Andrew TRASBERD and wife, et al, 200a, sec’s 21, 22, 31 and 32, 73-9. Mar. 24, ‘71. 1500 00
James EMRY from Archer JONES and wife, 45a, sec 5, 73-9. Nov 18, 1863. 700 00
Levi C. EDWARDS from Alex BLAKELY, a small tract near Salina. May 23, 1871. 300 00
Jefferson County Coal Co. from James H. WALKUP, 10a, sec 33, 73-9. May 10, 1871. 150 00
F. H. LYON from John F. WYSE and wife, 44a, sec 12, 72-8. Dec 17, 1870. 300 00
J. M. LEISURE from Wm. T. FORREST and wife, 2a, sec 17, 73-11. March 17, 1871. 50 00
Hester Ann MACKEY from Marcellus FLEENOR and wife, 60a, sec 8, 73-11. May 22, 1871. 1500 00
Christopher NEAR from John GILBERT and wife, 4 and 45-100ths a, sec 32, 72-9. May 18, 1871. 450 00
S. O. SHELDON from Ira J. COOK and wife, 20a, sec 19, 72-9. May 13, 1871. 200 00
John SMITH from J. L. STEPHENSON and wife, tract in sec 1, 73-11. July 7, 1870. 1800 00
Lawrence SILER from Thos. SHOULTZ and wife, 1a, sec 5, 72-9. Mar. 25, ‘71. 50 00
Solomon VAUGHT from J. W. HAYDEN and wife, 30a, sec 13, 71-11. May 22, 1871. 900 00
Isaac W. WATSON from James BRIER and wife, 80a, sec 5, 73-9, May 18, 1871. 2800 00

          FAIRFIELD, June 10.
  The Republican County Convention met at the Court House, and was called to order by D. HERON, Chairman of Central Committee. Jacob ALLENDER was called to the chair, and J. M. SHAFFER, elected Secretary.
  The object of the meeting was stated by D. HERON.
  D. P. STUBBS spoke as to the propriety of introducing a resolution expressing the sense of the meeting concerning the law authorizing cities and towns to vote taxes in aid of rail roads.
  On motion of D. B. MILLER, the meeting proceeded to nominate delegates to represent the County at the State Convention, to meet in Des Moines, June 21st.

W. T. BURGESS nominated J. A. McKEMEY
F. WRIGHT              “           R. B. MOORE
D. P. STUBBS           “             Joseph BALL
Geo. C. FRY              “        J. M. SHAFFER
W. JACQUES          “               I. TANSEY
D. B. MILLER          “                D. HERON
John HORN             “        W. W. JUNKIN.

  And the persons so named were declared duly elected.
  On motion of D. B. MILLER, the delegates were authorized to cast the entire vote of the County, and also to appoint proxies in case they should be unable to attend the Convention in person.
  The following resolution was offered by W. T. BURGESS :
  Resolved, That we are in favor of a strict enforcement of Sec. 2, of Art. 8 of the constitution of this State; which says that, "The property of corporations for pecuniary profit shall be subject to taxation the same as that of individuals." Meaning and including railroad corporations as well as any others. And that we are in favor of the repeal of all laws making an unjust distinction to the contrary, and that we will support only such persons for office as are in favor of such taxation, and the delegates by us appointed to attend the State Convention, to be held at Des Moines, on the 21st., are hereby instructed to vote only for such persons for State officers as endorse the spirit of this resolution.
  This elicited considerable discussion, and a motion to lay it on the table (by D. HERON,) was lost.
  Geo. H. CASE then offered the following substitute, which was accepted by Mr. BURESS (sic), and adopted by the Convention :
  Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention it is expedient to tax, railroad property as other property is taxed, and we hereby instruct the delegates to the State Convention to use all the means in their power to have a resolution to that effect inserted in the Republican State platform.
  D. P. STUBBS introduced the following which was adopted :
  Resolved, That we are opposed to the principles of Chapter 102 of the "Acts of the 13th General Assembly," known as an "Act to enable townships, incorporated towns and cities to aid in the construction of railroads;" that it is in violation of the rights of the citizen and should be repealed.
  On motion, the "LEDGER" was requested to publish the proceedings.
          JACOB ALLENDER, Pres.
  J. M. SHAFFER, Sec’y.

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