Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

June 1, 1871

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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by Sherry Bash

GRAHAM--BATES.-- May 26, 1871, at the house of the officiating Justice, in Buchanan township, by E. EDWARDS, J. P., Mr. Milton GRAHAM and Miss Sarah W. A. BATES.

HUMPHREY--KENDLE.-- May 25, 1871, at the court-house in Fairfield, by Thos. D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. Sanford HUMPHREY and Miss Margaret F. KENDLE.

FOSS--STORTZ.-- May 27, 1871, at the Court-house in Fairfield, by Thos. D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. Casper FOSS and Miss Christina STORTZ.

FRY--ANDERSON.-- April 19, 1871, at the house of the bride's mother, in Liberty township,, by Rev. J. G. CONDIT, Mr. James W. FRY and Miss Mary J. ANDERSON.

  PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL.--Rev. W. Y. JOHNSON, Rector. Services at 11 A.M. and 4 P.M. Sunday School 3 P.M.
  LUTHERAN--Rev. A. AXLINE, Pastor. -- Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M.  Sabbath School at 9½ A.M.  A. AXLINE, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7½ P.M.
  BAPTIST--Rev. C. DARBY, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 2½ P.M. A. C. Potter, Supt.-- Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  PRESBYTERIAN--Rev. Carson REED, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. -- Sabbath School at 9½ A.M. B. GILTNER, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7.
  CONGREGATIONAL--Rev. Thomas MERRILL, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9½ A.M. N. S. Averill, Supt. Prayer Meting, Wednesday, 7½.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL, (Church Street,) -- Rev. E. H. CODDINGTON, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M., and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M. B. F. IVES, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  FREE METHODIST--Rev. B. DOUGHTY, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 3 P.M., at the Court-House. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
HARMONY M. E.--Rev. C. G. MILNES, Pastor and Supt Sabbath School. Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M. Prayr Meeting, Thursday, at 7½ P.M.

  The Thespians and Prof. POTTER, assisted by the best musical talent in the city, have tendered the Fairfield Orchestra a benefit, to occur on Tuesday eve, June 6th, in Wells’ Hall.
  The programme will consist of the comedy of the "Obstinate Family, or You know how ‘Tis Yourself." Bret HARTEs "Heathen Chinee," The laughable nigger farce of "Uncle Jeff," and a collection of songs and choruses, under the direction of Prof. POTTER. Altogether making the most enjoyable entertainment of the season. Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents.

The Fourth of July.--Pursuant to previous notice, the citizens of Fairfield met at the Court-house, May 27th, for the purpose of considering the propriety of celebrating the coming "Fourth."
  Geo. N. THOMAS was called to the Chair. After a full discussion of the question, "Shall we celebrate the birth-day of our country," the following resolution was unanimously carried:
  Resolved, That we celebrate the Fourth of July, 1871, in an old-fashioned manner.
  The following committees were then appointed:
  Committee on Finances--John SPIELMAN and Charles DAVID.
  Committee of Arrangements --M. M. BLEAKMORE, W. W. JUNKIN, C. W. Slagle, J. J. CUMMINGS and W. T. BUGRESS.
  Committee on Music --Dr. P. N. WOODS, D. ACHESON, Prof. A. C. POTTER, Samuel BIGELOW and J. R. SHAFFER.
  Committee on Speakers, Toasts and Responses --D. P. STUBBS, W. B. CULBERTSON, Chas. NEGUS, Ralph ROBINSON and George ACHESON.
  On motion the Fairfield papers and Batavia Herald were requested to publish the proceedings on this meeting.
  On motion, adjourned to meet at the Court-house Saturday, June 3d, at 7½ o'clock, at which time it is understood the several committees will meet for consultation, and to make other necessary arrangements towards carrying out the objects of this meeting.
            GEO. N. THOMAS, Pres’t.
  D. HERON, Sec’y.

Homœopathist.--Elsewhere we present the card of G. H. BLAIR, M. D., who comes among us for the purpose of healing the sick and diseased. Dr. BLAIR is very gentlemanly in his deportment, and comes to us well recommended as a first-class physician and surgeon in his branch of medicine. He formerly resided at Cleveland, Ohio, where he was Prof. of Theory and Practice of Medicine in Cleveland Homœopathic Medical College. He was also Surgeon in the United States Marine Hospital at Cleveland, President of the Medical Board of Cleveland Protestant Hospital and Physician to the Cleveland Protestant Orphan Asylum. He is a man about 40 years of age, and has apparently studied much to perfect himself in the practice of his profession. We are glad he has taken up his residence with us, and hope his practice may be commensurate with his desires--not meaning that we desire much sickness to prevail for the purpose of giving Dr. BLAIR or any physician a lucrative practice.

(Picture of a threshing machine.)
The undersigned would respectfully invite the attention of the Farmers o
Jefferson and the surrounding counties, to their large stock of

        Among them they offer for sale tke
Wooster, Massillon & Vibrater Threshers
The Excelsior, with Dropper and Self-Rake, the Ohio Self-Rake and World
bined Reaper and Mower. In Cultivators, we have the Eagle, Black-
and Reindeer. The Keystone and Vandirer CornPlanters, to-
gether with Cane Mills, Hay Rakes, Hay Forks, &c.
                          Some of the above at
Reduced Prices to Close Out. Terms to Suit !

    Warehouse on B. & M. R. R., near Depot.
                          ELLIOTT & THOMPSON.

  Who were They? -- The last Weekly Ottumwa Courier says:
  "A new made twain of Fairfield turtle doves took the yesterday evening's train from that place, for a wedding tour to Ottumwa. The frantic efforts of the sleeping car man to sell them sleeping berths, were simply comical. They finally concluded that they didn't want the berths so soon after matrimony, and stoically sat up in their seats through all the long tedious twenty-four miles, to their destination."

One door West of ACHESON's Grocery Store.
        H. S. WILLIS,
INFORMS the public that he has opened a new Meat Market at the above stand, and will keep at all times the choicest and best
that the market affords. His prices will be low and the very best article always furnished.
  A liberal share of the patronage of the Public is respectfully solicited.     n353m

HALL.--At her residence, 125 East Walnut street, Indianapolis, May 1st, 1871, Sarah Alice, wife of Thomas Q. HALL, in the 30th year of her age.

  Wedding Anniversaries.--A lady asked us a question the other day that we could not answer. We hoped the subjoined will be satisfactory. It is fuller than any other list we have seen, and it is hoped embraces all the wedding anniversaries:
  The following programme for the observance of wedding anniversaries seems to be generally adopted throughout the country: First anniversary, iron; fifth anniversary, wooden; tenth anniversary, tin; fifteenth anniversary, crystal; twentieth anniversary, china; twenty-fifth anniversary, linen; fortieth anniversary, woolen; forth-fifth anniversary, silk; fiftieth anniversary, golden; seventy-fifth anniversary, diamond.

This page was created on 1/5/2005. The page may be copied and used for personal purposes but can not be republished nor used for commercial purposes without the author's written permission.

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