The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
July 13, 1871
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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by Sherry Bash
The Fourth at Glasgow.--The good people of Glasgow had an old-fashioned celebration on the Fourth, and an excellent time. The day was ushered in by the firing of anvils, and other fire-arms. At 10 o'clock a procession was formed, and under the direction of S. S. CRAINE marched to the grove west of town, where the following exercises were had:
Prayer, by Rev. H. S. SKILES.
Reading of the Declaration of Independence, by S. K. BILLINGSLEY.
Oration, by Rev. E. H. CODDINGTON.
The whole interspersed with music by a Brass and Martial Band.
After a pic-nic dinner, at which all seemed to enjoy themselves, order was again restored, and the afternoon passed in music, reading of toasts, &c. Responses to toasts were by Maj. A. R. PIERCE, George HEATON, Rev. SKILES, J. K. PIERCE, and Rev. CODDINGTON.
The oration by Rev. CODDINGTON is spoken of as highly creditable to that gentleman, while the thanks of all concerned are due to the Marshal, Mr. S. S. CRAINE, for the efficient manner in which he performed his duties. Mr. CRAINE spent sixteen months in the rebel prisons at Belle Island, Libby
and Andersonville, and seemed more than the rest to enjoy the liberty and freedom of the 4th, under the folds of the Stars and Stripes.
In the evening there was a concert at the M. E. Church for the benefit of the Band, which was well attended, and gave excellent satisfaction.
A display of fire-works closed the festivities of the day, and all dispersed to their homes highly pleased with its pleasures. OBSERVER
Editors of Ledger:--
I am requested by parties interested in the subject of the meteoric explosion which was seen and heard at Fairfield about one o'clock on the morning of Saturday, June 27, to ascertain further particulars on the subject, and I request that those persons who saw the light at the time of the explosion will report to me full particulars of what they saw and heard. It is supposed if the particulars can be had that the place of the deposit from the explosion can be found, which would be a
matter of great interest. I trust all persons having knowledge upon the subject will take the trouble to communicate with me. Respectfully,
The Glorious Fourth.----The programme published in the LEDGER previous to the 4th was more than carried out. We had the biggest and best, the most hearty and social time ever enjoyed in Fairfield on a Fourth of July. We take considerable credit for having pushed the affair along, and we must rejoice at the prompt and earnest manner in which the people of the whole county seconded the efforts of the committees.
We would like to speak at length of the excellent and timely addresses of Hon. James F. WILSON, Col. James THOMPSON, Hons. M. A. McCOID, C. D. LEGGETT, W. T. BURGESS, D. B. MILLER, Thad. GAYMAN, Herbert O’DONNELL, I. D. JONES, W. B. CULBERTSON, David HERON, Smith NEGUS and C. W. SLAGLE.
It would please us to give a lengthy report of the exercises, but "everybody was there," and the news would be stale. The fantastic more than made fun.
We hope that every Fourth of July will be celebrated in Fairfield in as pleasant and social a manner.
Young Richard GAINES, son of Richard GAINES now in Colorado, is here on a visit to old friends. He reports his father and family in good health.
Since the close of Commencement exercises at the Iowa University our town has been cheered by our young friends, Miss Clara MUSSELMAN, Frank SWITZER, WM. READ, Rolla WILSON, Frank SLAGLE, George CLARK, and Bernie SLAGLE. They are well pleased with the institution.
Sam. C. FARMER, Jr., is home from Allen's Military Academy at Sing Sing, New York. Sam looks more of a man than ever.
Sad Case of Drowning.--George Wesley CAMPBELL, aged nearly 21 years, and son of Mr. Thomas CAMPBELL, living about six miles north of Fairfield, was drowned in the north fork of Skunk river, three miles from Richland, on the 29th ult. He with others, was seining in shallow water, and suddenly stepped into fifteen feet of water, and was drowned before assistance could be rendered him. The accident occurred not more than fifteen feet from the shore, and where were seven or eight men. He left home in excellent health and spirits, and the first notice of his death to his parents was the bringing home of his dead body. He was spoken of as an exemplary young man in all respects, and his sudden death has caused deep sorrow in the hearts of those among whom he was best known.
A young man who was caught straining his sweetheart to his bosom the other night, justifies himself on the ground that he has a right to strain his own honey -- Sensible chap.
N U R S E R Y!
The undersigned has on hand and for sale
100,000 Apple Trees
Two, three and four years’ growth, which he
As Low as the Lowest.
Also a lot of
Early May Cherry Trees
These trees are
All grafted from cions taken from
Bearing Trees,
True to Name.
I will also have a large lot of
For Spring delivery.
Embracing all the Leading Vari-
Warranted True to Name.
Applications by mail prompt-
ly attended to.
Grain taken in exchange for trees at
my farm, 6˝ miles north of Fairfield-
W. S. McKEE.
6 Baker, Jefferson Co., Iowa
Proof of Will
} ss;
Jefferson County. }
To All Whom it May Concern:
Know Ye: That there is now on file in the office the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county, a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Eleste MULKINS, deceased, and that the same has been produced in open Court and publicly read, and the 1st day of the next term of said Court set for the proof and final hearing of the same.
Notice is therefore hereby given to all concerned, That the proof of said Will will be heard on the 1st day of the next term of the Circuit Court in and for said county, to be held in the Court-house in Fairfield on the 2d Monday of August, 1871.
[L.S.] Witness Geo, H. CASE, Clerk, and the Seal of said Court hereto affixed, this July 1st, 1871. GEO. H. CASE,
3t28 Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa,
August Term, A.D. 1871.
McCOID & HERON } Plaintiffs.
William MITTOWER, }
Elizabeth MITTOWER, } Defendants.
Nancy KING, }
To William MITTOWER, Elizabeth MITTOWER and Nancy KING :
You are hereby notified that a petition of McCOID & HERON is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County claiming of you the sum of Three Hundred dollars, as justly due them on account, for services rendered, and asking the issuance of a writ of attachment; and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D. 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the second Monday of August,
1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
4w28 McCOID & HERON.
Jefferson County. }
To Samuel I. TRAVIS, Emery P. TRAVIS, Daniel E. TRAVIS, Asa N. TRAVIS and Andrew CARLSON.
You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, a petition of A. C. D. BRADSHAW, as administrator of Daniel TRAVIS, deceased, asking an order of said Court to sell the following described real estate of said deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts against said estate, to wit: Forty-four and one-half (44˝) acres off of the east end of the south half of the south east quarter of section 8, tp 72, range 8; and six and two-thirds (6 2/3) acres off of the west end of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section 10, tp 72, range 8. All situate in the County of Jefferson and State
of Iowa; and showing that it is necessary to sell all of said lands for the payment of the debts against said estate, and unless you appear thereto and defend the same, before noon of the second day of the August Term of said Court to be begun on the second Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and said order will be granted in accordance with said petition.
4w28 Adm’r of Daniel TRAVIS, dec’d.
Proof of Will,
} ss
Jefferson County. }
To All Whom it May Concern :
Know Ye, That there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said county a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of William L. LAYTON, dec’d, and that the same has been produced in open Court and publicly read and the 1st day of the next term of said Court set for the proof and final hearing of the same.
Notice is therefore hereby given to all concerned, That the proof of said Will will be heard on the 1st day of the next term of the Circuit Court in and for said county, to be held held in the Court-house in Fairfield on the 2d Monday of August 1871.
[L.S.] Witness Geo. H. CASE, Clerk, and the Seal of said Court hereto affixed this June 27th 1871, GEO. H. CASE
3t27 Clerk
In Circuit Court the of State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County. August term, 1871.
Administrator of the Estate of } Plaintiff.
Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased. }
Benjamin HUDDLESTON, }
Rachel HUDDLESTON, }Defendants.
Charlotte FORD, }
To said Defendants :
You are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of August, A. D., 1871, a petition of Nathan HUDDLESTON as Administrator of the estate of Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased, will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa in and for Jefferson County, asking said Court to grant an order authorizing said Plaintlff (sic) to sell so much of the real estate belonging
to said estate as may be necessary to pay the debts of said estate, described as follows: The east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section No. twenty (20) in township No. seventy-three (73), north of range No. eleven (11) west, 160 acres; also east half of the west fractional half of the northwest quarter of section five (5) in township No. seventy-two (72) north of range no eleven (11) west, (except 5 acres
off of south end sold to Henry REAM, see vol. 10, page 606 , of Deed Records,) and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D. 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 2nd Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
School Teachers.--The School Board of Fairfield District elected the following teachers for the Union School during the ensuing year: Principal-- H. N. WEST; Assistants--Geo. W. DUNGAN, Misses Susie JOHNSON, Lizzie RAMSAY, Alice V. COFFIN, Martha J. SHAFFER, Hester BUCKINGHAM, Anna FARMER, Anna MATHEWS AND Mattie C. JOHNSON.
The Principal will receive $100 per month; the 1st Assistant, $50; and the other teachers $35 per month. There were about 30 applicants for the various positions.
Teachers’ Monthly Association.
The Teachers’ Association of this county will be held in the Court House, on next Saturday, June 15, 1871; commencing at 1 o'clock P.M.
1. Should physiology be taught in preference to algebra? By Miss Anna GRAY.
2. Should a teacher be held responsible for the intellectual growth of his pupils? By T. A. ROBB.
3. What are the evils of itinerating in the teachers’ profession? By Eber OGDEN.
4. Miscellaneous business.
5. The best plan for teaching elocution. By Geo. N. THOMAS.
6. What good results from Teachers’ Institutes? Discussion.
7. Should there be religious exercises each morning in the school room; if so, to what extent, and how much time should be used in that way? By Miss Mary HEWITT.
The meeting is expected to designate the time of the coming Institute and make preliminary arrangements for the same. It is expected that all who are in earnest in this work will be present and take part in the Association.