Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

February 16, 1871

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Fairfield Journal
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by Sherry Bash

[Ed. note: The following article has no explanation as to what it represents. It's possible this is an accounting of payment for services. Unknown why there are two columns of figures, or why the amounts are sometimes different between columns.]

Henry WEBB, Clerk of Round Prairie Tp.,
$14 70
14 70
Jacob FRY, Truestee Des Moines do
7 00
7 00
Jacob METZ, do Round Prairie do
9 25
9 25
Philander CHANDLER, Trustee Buchanan Tp.
13 00
10 00
S. K. BILLINGSLEY, Cl'k election Round Prairie Township
3 00
3 00
J. L. REED, Clerk of election in Cedar Tp.
3 00
3 00
W. H. SULLIVAN, Trustee of Liberty Tp.
13 50
12 00
D. W. GARBER Cl'k of election Liberty Tp,
2 00
2 00
Thes. SHEETS, do do Des Moines do
2 00
2 00
P. L. G. CAMBLIN, Trustee Cedar do
6 50
6 50
W. R. M'CARTNEY, Clerk of Liberty do
15 81
11 81
Peter SLIMMER Trustee of Liberty do
8 25
7 25
A. S. RANDALL do Polk do
10 00
10 00
John KYLE do Penn do
9 33
9 33
Geo. W. SHELLEY, Clerk at election
3 50
3 50
H. H. LOONEY, Trustee, Walnut do
12 50
11 50
13 50
12 50
John H. BROWN, as't cl'k at eleotion do
3 00
3 00
C. MANN, trustee Walnut do
13 50
12 50
Jas DUNN, do Des Moines do
8 00
8 00
John MAHON do Cedar do
8 15
8 15
Sam HUGHELL, do Des Moines do
7 00
7 00
Thomas CHARLES do Penn do
9 83
9 83
Ed NORVELL, clerk of Cedar do
16 65
16 65
C O STANTON, trustee Penn do
9 08
9 08
I W ELLIS, Clerk Penn do
12 58
12 58
T McCONNELL, assistant clerk do
3 00
3 00
M L. CRAFT Clerk Des Moines do
16 50
16 50
D S STULL trustee Des Moines do
7 00
7 00
Daniel HARTER trustee Blackhawk do
10 16
7 00
John BIRKHIMER, Clerk Buchanan do
5 00
5 00
H M KAUFFMAN Clerk Lockridge do
18 00
18 00
A R LEEPER Clerk Locust Grove do
9 00
9 00
J M GRAFTON, trustee Buchanan do
9 00
9 00
J W OWENS, trustee Liberty do
3 00
3 00
W D COWGER do Polk do
15 75
15 75
Wm CAMPBELL do do do
18 00
18 00
A W JAQUES Clerk do do
14 00
14 00
D M PARROTT trustee Locust Grove do
14 50
11 00
Geo N. PARK do Lockridge do
8 00
8 00
Jesse CASTEEL Clerk Walnut do
27 75
14 75
D R McCRACKEN Clerk Fairfield do
15 00
15 00
H B MITCHELL trustee do do
16 00
16 00
James EDMISTON do do do
20 0
20 00
J M SLAGLE do do do
20 00
20 00
A F CASSELL do Lockridge do
9 50
9 50
John FORDYCE do do do
8 00
8 00
W. S. P. PINNEY, clerk at election
4 00
4 00
Jacob ELLIS trustee at election
4 00
4 00
John DAVIS, trustee Black Hawk
19 16
14 16
Geo. COCHRAN do Round Prairie
16 00
16 00
H, UNKRICH, do do
9 00
9 00
C. UNKRICH do do
5 00
5 00
M. S. FRISBEE, clerk at election
4 00
4 00
Henry HITE, trustee Locust Grove
7 00
7 00
C. P. SIPPLE, ass't clerk at election
3 00
3 00
John HUSTON, trustee Round Prairie
10 50
    10 50

BUSH--LOWERY.--March 14, 1871 at the residence of John WORKMAN, in Buchanan tp., by Rev. E. McCARTY, Mr. Gilbert M. BUSH and Miss Anna M. LOWERY.

ECKELS--LAWSON.--March 1, 1871, at the Court House in Fairfield, by Thos. D. EVANS, Mr. George ECKELS and Miss Mary LAWSON.

  The Cedar Township Literary Association was addressed on last Monday evening by Prof. M. THRASHER, Principal of Fairfield Union School; subject: "How many races have we?" Mr. THRASHER opened by remarking that he had come to present his views upon the subject in hand, and, although they might conflict with previous teachings and ideas rendered sacred by time, he gave assurance of his determination to offer freely and without reserve his own opinion of the subject. He boldly avowed the idea that there were created in the beginning three distinct pairs of human beings, from which all of the people of the earth have sprung. He discarded the Malay and American Indian, as forming distinct races, but declared them only to be only a degenerate or inferior species of the Mongolian, changed by time and climate. The masterly manner with which he handled these controverted points, and the confidence with which he drew aside the curtain of popular opinion and adduced historical evidence in defence of his views, attest how minutely he has investigated the subject of plurality of races.
  Mr. McCOID will address the association on next Monday evening. Subject "Battle for Bread."

      JAS. E. WILKINS, Proprietor.
               FAIRFIELD, IOWA.

  This House has been thoronghly renovated,
an d fitted up in the best style with new furni-
    A free Bus runs to and from the cars.
  Feb. 9, 1821.--5tf

I. O. O. F.
JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 4, I. O. O. F., holds its regular meetings at the Odd Fellows Hall, Fairfield, Iowa, Tuesday evenings at 6˝ o'clock. Officers for the present term: D. B. MILLER, N. G.    B. F. IVES, V. G.    J. DAHLMAN, Rec. Sec’y.    B. B. TUTTLE, Per. Sec.    Thos. D. EVANS, Treas.

Tin Wedding.--Mr. & Mrs. J. C. SNODGRASS celebrated their Tin Wedding on last Tuesday evening. Quite a large party of guests were present, and the entertainment was of the most social and agreeable kind. Among the presents were articles useful, unique and grotesque, and presented quite an array of tin-ware. We join in the hope expressed by all present, that as they have happily enjoyed their tenth anniversary wedding equally joyous may be all their days until they celebrate their diamond wedding, which we trust they may happily reach.

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