The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
December 7, 1871
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
STRONG--WHEELER.--Nov. 23, 1871, at the house of J. H. HILTON in Batavia, by Rev. J. M. McELROY, Mr. N. B. STRONG and Miss Carrie WHEELER.
VOGEL--MURROW.--Nov. 23, 1871, at the house of Alfred WRIGHT in Cedar tp., by Rev. Thomas HOWELL, Mr. F. F. VOGEL and Miss Amy E. WHEELER. (sic - not Murrow?)
OVERHOLSER--SHELLEY.--Dec. 5, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, in Fairfield Tp., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. William OVERHOLSER and Miss Rebecca Ann SHELLEY.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of a general execution to me directed, issued out of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of John ABRAHAM against Jacob WEBB, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said Jacob WEBB, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section fourteen [14] township seventy-two [72] range nine [9] west.
And that on Saturday, the 30th day of December, A. D. 1871, at one o'clock P.M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 163 17-100 dollars debt, and 2 75-100 dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash. J. S. GANTZ,
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
3w49pf $6.50.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of David SEARS against M. D. L. SPURLOCK and Rachel SPURLOCK, I have levled (sic) upon the following described personal property as the property of the said M. D. L. SPURLOCK and Rachel SPURLOCK, to-wit: The undivided one-half part of the saw-mill known as the SPURLOCK mill situated in Locust Grove township, Jefferson county, Iowa. And that on
SATURDAY, DEC. 23, A. D. 1871, at one o'clock P.M. of said day, on the premises of said mill, in Locust Grove township, Jefferson county, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 795 20-100 dollars debt, and 20.00 dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash. J. S. GANTZ,
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
3w49pf $6.50.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of Seth S. RANSOM and James J. RANSOM, against John J. HODGEN, Sarah HODGEN, John R. HODGEN, Friend & Son, R, C. RISK, J. GARROTT and First National Bank, Fairfield, Iowa, I have levied upon the following described real estate as the property of the said John J. HODGEN, Sarah HODGEN, et al, to-wit: The north half of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the east half of the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, all in Section No. one (1) Township No. seventy-three (73) north, of range No. nine (9) west; also the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the west thirty acres off of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, and the south half of the southeast quarter of the nosthwest (sic) quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, all in Section No. sixteen [16] in township No. seventy-three [73] north, of range No. eight [8] west. And that on
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30th, A. D. 187I, at ten [10] o'clock, A.M. of said day, at the front door of the Court house, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to $5012 88-100th debt and $9 30-100th costs, together with accrueing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa,
3w49-p.f. $10.00.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of CULBERTSON & JONES against John N. CORY as administrator of the estate of Gustaf JOHNSON, deceased et al., I have levied upon the following desceibed real estate as the property of the said John N. CORY as administrator of Gustaf JOHNSON, deceased, et al., to wit: The west half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section number four [4] township [72] north of range number [8] west containing twenty acres more or less. And that on
SATURDAY, DEC. 30, A. D. 1871., at one o'clock P.M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to 119 16-100ths dollars debt, and 10 66-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash. J. S. GANTZ,
Sheriff of Jefferson Co., Iowa.
Literary Society.--Mr. Ward LAMSON of Fairfield, will address the Cedar Township Literary Society on next Monday evening Dec. 11th. Subject. The necessity of railroad regulation and taxation for the protection of private property, public liberty, and home industry. F.
Grand and Petit Juries.--The following are the names of the Grand and Petit Jurors, for January term, 1872, drawn on Friday, Decmeber 1, 1871, by the County Clerk, Auditor and Sheriff:
Grand Jurors.--Perry B. HULSE, J. P. ROBERDS, John GIFT, T. J. HILL, J. W. SHAFFER, Andrew SINN, Christian SHAFER, A. W. JAQUES, Marion TRACY, Peter C. MONFORT, David WEBSTER, W, G. BAXTER, P. P. FISHER, E. G. DERDURFF.
Petit Jurors.--John SANBLOOM, R. Emory ALEXANDER, W. H. FULTON, J. M. SLAGLE, Phillip HAMM ND, (sic) S. F. BOOKER; Sam'l DIXON, Jacob CLINE, Enoch McPHERSON, John LARAMORE, John HIZEL, W. M. HOLMES, Joseph R. DOLE, C. W. GAGE, J. L. REED.
Union School.--In very plain words, the present manner of heating our Union School Rooms is outrageous, and an imposition on tax-payers, parents, children and teachers, besides being very unhealthy. We might use more and milder words, but could use none that would be more expressive or truthful. Here in this school district we have about 700 children, and during the past two weeks the average attendance has not been half that number. Some days the schools had to be dismissed. On last Monday there were not over 100 children in the ten rooms at 11 0'clock.--Why is this? Let the following temperature of the rooms, taken at our request by the Principal, answer.
At 9 o'clock the thermometer, at a height of about 5 feet from the floor, indicated the following temperature:
No. 1 48° No. 6 28°
2 38° 7 39°
3 36° 8 48°
4 35° 9 44°
5 53° 10 15°
A patent heating apparatus is used in all these rooms. When we take into consideration that a temperature of 65° is required in a room, and that the Janitor started fires in the furnaces at 5:30 o'clock, we think we are justified in making exceptions to this mode of heating our school rooms. At the time we were there (from 10 to 11 o'clock) we found half a dozen children in each of the rooms on the first floor, huddled over and around the registers. On the second floor fires had been built in the stoves, and the rooms were getting comfortable. One of two things ought to be done: Either the registers should be taken out, or those who put them there be compelled to make them right. If one of these two things is not done, it would be better that we have no school at all during cold weather.
At 10 o'clock, in the same rooms, the thermometer indicated the following temperature:
No. 1 52° No. 6 39° fire in stove 1¼ hours
2 57° 7 52° fire in stove 1 hour.
3 48° 8 60° fire in stove ¼ hour
4 39° 9 51°
5 58° 10 22°
At 11:30 the temperature was as follows:
At a height of 5 feet. On the floor.
No. 5 67° No. 5 46°
8 66° 8 52°
9 60° 9 37°
There is too great a difference in the temperature here indicated to make a room comfortable or healthy for any one, and we cannot blame parents for not sending their children to school, or teachers for not learning them anything when they do attend.
BRADFORD.--December 1st, 1871, in Fairfield, Mr. Henry C. BRADFORD, recently from New York.
Thus have passed away in one short week, the father and mother of that bereaved family. How said if "in this life only we have hope," but
"'Tis not death--the soul's releasing--
Bursting off its prison bars--
Bounding back to God who gave it--
Mounting upward to the stars--
Is but life--'tis life eternal
Here to close the weary eyes,
But to open them with transport
On the beams of Paradise."
C. L. S.
ELLER--PECK--Nov. 19, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, Capt. W. D, PECK, in Polk township, by Rev. R. M. TRACY, Mr. Alexander H. ELLER and Miss Lucy J. PECK. All of this county.
Our best wishes will always attend the happy couple, and we hope their Peck of pleasure may be multiplied into Bushels. The generous tender of a fine fat turkey and a greenback shows that they have commenced life aright, and gives assurance that they will be harassed by few of the ills of this life. Again, we wish the fair bride and the happy groom all the pleasures imaginable.