Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

December 14, 1871

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

Productive.--Our article on the "sheet and pillow slip" masquerade has been a very productive source for something to write about, and nearly every Iowa exchange has made use of it. They all fiddle on the same string, and the following from the Cedar Rapids Observer is a fair sample of all the others:
  "The young folks of Cedar Rapids can beat that two to one. Here they like 'sheet and pillow slip' parties, but they don't fool away their time in any such nonsensical proceedings as those the LEDGER tells about--they just get a marriage license and call in the parson."
  Now as our cotemporaries (sic) have said the same thing, we know there is something very funny or very smart in it, but for the life of us we can't tell which it is. Won't some one rise and explain?

A Coincidence.--We have in our city two one-armed men. The arms of both were lost in the service of their country. We have other one-armed men, but of the two in question we design to speak at present, and in rather a happy and jolly connection. One of them is the Rev. E. H. CODDINGTON, the popular and effective Pastor of the Church Street M. E. Church. He has a good right arm that does him much service. The other is our excellent Sheriff, J, S. GANTZ, whose left arm does duty for two. One day last week both these gentlemen started on a tour of inspection. They were hunting for a pair of gloves. They found a magnificent pair of fur gloves at B. ALLMAYER's Clothing Store, and purchased them, Mr. ALLMAYER, in the largeness of his heart, throwing off all his profits. The purchase of those gloves is an instance of economy that few of us can practice, and fewer are disposed to. We feel like congratulating our good friends upon their bargain, and hope they may live long enough to make similar purchases. The sad side of this story we will not allude to.

  BAPTIST.--Rev. C. DARBY, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 6½ P.M. J. EDMISTON, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL.--Rev. W. Y. JOHNSON, Rector. Services at 11 A.M. and 6½ P.M. Sunday School 3 P.M.
  LUTHERAN.--Rev. A. AXLINE, Pastor.--Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9½ A.M. A. AXLINE, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7½ P.M.
  PRESBYTERIAN.--Rev. Carson REED, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M.-- Sabbath School at 9½ A.M. B. GILTNER, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7.
  CONGREGATIONAL.--Rev. Thomas MERRILL, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9½ A.M. N. S. AVERILL, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7½.
  METHODIST EPISCOPAL, (Church Street,) Rev. E. H. CODDINGTON, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M., and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M. B. F. IVES, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  FREE METHODIST.--Rev. B. DOUGHTY, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 3 P.M., at the Court-House. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  HARMONY M. E.--Rev. C. L. STAFFORD Pastor and Supt Sabbath School. Services at 11 A.M. and 7. P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, at 7½ P.M.

Promotion.--The many friends of J. W. ROBINSON in Jefferson county will be pleased to read the following item about his promotion, from the Council Bluffs Nonpariel :
  The Board of Supervisors, now in session, appointed J. W. ROBINSON, Clerk of the District and Ciruit Courts, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. CRAWFORD.

HALL--WATKINS.--Nov. 30, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, in Round Prairie township, by Elder H. A SKILES, Mr. James L. HALL and Miss C. L. WATKINS.
JAQUES--FRYER.--Nov. 30, 1871, at the residence of the brides father, in Blackhawk township, by Rev. A. W. HAINES, Mr. Thomas J. JAQUES and Miss Lucinda FRYER.
PARKER--SMITH.--Dec. 7, 1871, at the residence of the officiating minister, in Fairfield, by Rev. Thomas MERRILL Mr. Oliver PARKER and Miss Carrie SMITH.
BRUEZ--MARIEZ.--Dec. 7, 1871, at the Court House, in Fairfield, by Thomas D. EVANS, J P., Mr. Peter P. BRUEZ and Miss Philemon MARIEZ.
KIRK--KNIGHT.--Dec. 6, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Carson REED, Mr. Henry KIRK and Miss Mary J. KNIGHT.

Christmas Beef.--The cow that took the premium at our last County Fair, and owned by A. INGALLS, of Ioka, will be on exhibition in our city on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, and will be butchered on Thursday night and offered for sale to the lovers of good beef at the Meat Mhrket (sic) of E. SMOCK, on Washington street, north of the Square. All who want something of the best, for their Christmas Dinner wil then have an opportunity to procure it. Leave your orders early or you may be disappointed.

Sad Death.--With pain we record the particulars of an accident that sent bereavement to loving parents. On Friday last Mr. W. W. MORRIS was about to move from the farm of Mr. William COOP. The furniture had been taken out of the house. A large walnut cupboard had been set out in the yard. The cupboard was blown over, and some time afterwards, when it was raised, the crushed and bruised body of a little child nearly three years old was found under it. Life was extinct. A severe blow had been inflicted on the right side of the head, which crushed in the skull. The grief of the parents is very great at the loss of their darling child.

Singing.--The good citizens of Salina have determined to improve the long winter evenings by cultivating the voice. For this purpose they have organized a singing Society of old and young, and elected Mr. Solomon CLARK President, and Dr. A. C. D. BRADSHAW Secretary. The society meets every Saturday evening. This is a pleasant and profitable manner of spending an evening each week, and we trust that other neighborhoods will form similar or ganization (sic).

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