Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

August 31, 1871

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

Struck by Lightning.--During the storm on Thursday, August 22d, Mr. Phillip MILLER, living 7 miles northeast of town, had three horses struck by lightning. He had five horses and some young stock in the stable. The lightning struck the gable end, passed through some hay, and killed two of the horses. It then passed the other stock and killed a horse at the other end of the stable. The horses were the best Mr. MILLER owned and their loss is a severe blow on him. The stable was not burned. Partially insured.

Accident.--A sad accident occurred at the house of Mr. George GILBERT, one mile southeast of Fairfield, on the 23d inst. He was raising his house, using jack screws. His son, James GILBERT, was lying on his back, under the house, working at the props about the screws. when they slipped. He instinctively put up his hands to stop the house from falling. His elbows were on the ground, and the moment the sill struck his hand the bones at the wrist of the right hand were broken and protruded through the skin nearly two inches. The sill fell across his abdomen and held him fast. The other workmen dug him out in a few moments. The sill did not fall enough to crush him, and we believe he does not suffer much from that injury. The joints at the wrist were much injured and it was found necessary to amputate his arm just above the wrist.

Another Accident.--On the Sunday School Excursion last Thursday an accident occurred near Middletown. A son of Mr. J. M. McCLELLAND, of Batavia, was standing on the platform kicking at the weeds and trying to touch the fences at the cattle guards. At one of the guards near Middletown his foot struck the fence and he was thrown about 20 feet from the cars. An engine was sent back after him. He was found to be considerably bruised, but no bones were broken. Boys have no business on the platform of cars, and this may prove a warning to some of them.-- This boy was not the only one who was engaged in this kind of pastime. This was the only accident that happened on the Excursion.

Accident of the C. & S. W.--We learn that a train was thrown from the track on the C. & S. W. on Friday last by obstructions, placed on the track. One man was killed outright, and another so severely wounded that he died the next day. We did not learn the names.

  Union School.--Parents and children will bear in mind that the four months' term of our Union School will commence on Monday next, September 4th. The teachers have been assigned to the following rooms, No. 9 rating highest:
  Principal,     H. N. WEST;
  No. 9,         G. W. DUNGAN;
  No. 8,         Lucy E. WHITON;
  No. 7,         Susie JOHNSON;
  No. 6,         Lizzie RAMSAY;
  No. 5,         Mattie SHAFFER;
  No. 4,         Anna FARMER,
  No. 3,         Mattie JOHNSON;
  No. 2,         Hester BUCKINGHAM;
  No. 1,         Anna M. MATHEWS;
  It is very important that pupils commence with the term and continue daily in attendance. Absence from school one or two days in each week will retard the pupils to such an extent as to compel the Principal, in all probability, to put him a school of a lower grade. We hope that parents will bear this in mind and send their children regularly.

Bonaparte Store
            J. W. QUILLEN
  Is now the sole agent in this county for the
same of the celebrated
      Manufactured by MEEK & Brothers.
  He is now located in this city on Jefferson
One Block North of the Post Office,
    And will keep constantly on hand, to
          Everything in the line of
        W o o l e n   G o o d s !
Manufactured by the above named parties
                Also, Cash paid for
  Be sure and see our stock before trading.
            J. W. QUILLEN.
  May 4, 1871--3m19.

Railroad Accident.--A peculiarly fatal accident occured on the B. & M. R. R. on Saturday last, at Pierce's crossing, near Coalport, in this county(.) A construction train of three cars was being pushed backward by the engine, when the rear car struck a cow and threw the cars from the track. Four men were killed outright, and two others have since died. Five or six others were more or less injured. The names of the killed are: Alfred EARHART, Robert TAYLOR. John DAVIS, ------ GRIFFY, and ------ AGINS. The names of the wounded are: Patrick BAKER, Robert AMBROSE, Timothy FOLEY, James GARVIN, ------ BOYLE, and ------ DILLY. The persons killed were all employes of the road. Mr. EARHART was the conductor. Nearly all the men on the train were killed or injured. The officers of the road did everything in their power to relieve the sufferings of the wounded. Dispatches were received here for the physicians to come to the relief of the wounded, and several of them responded promptly. The accident caused but little delay in the running time of regular trains.

            TO BE HELD
  At Cedar Rapids,
  September 11th, 12th, 13th,
14th and 15th, 1871.
$10,000 IN PREMIUMS!
(line lost in a wrinkle)
        J. M. SHAFFER, Sec'y,
    28            FAIRFIELD, IOWA

SHAMP's Photograph Gallery, over D. YOUNG's store, is in full operations, and is making some of the best pictures in the market. Call and see them.

McDONALD.--In Fairfield, Iowa, Tuesday morning, August 22d, 1871, Effie, daughter of James and Amelia McDONALD, aged about 5 years.

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