Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

August 3, 1871

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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
August 3, 1871

Transcribed by Sherry Bash

In Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County. August term, 1871.
    Nathan HUDDLESTON,            }
Administrator of the Estate of      } Plaintiff.
 Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased. }
   Mary HUDDLESTON,      }
   Benjamin HUDDLESTON, }
   Rachel HUDDLESTON,    }
   Uriah HUDDLESTON,      } Defendants.
   Charlotte FORD,              }
   Thomas HUDDLESTON.   }
To said Defendants:
   You are hereby notified that on or before the 1st day of August, A. D. 1871, a petition of Nathan HUDDLESTON as Administrator of the estate of Myers HUDDLESTON, deceased, will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa in and for Jefferson County, asking said Court to grant an order authorizing said Plaintiff to sell so much of the real estate belonging to said estate as may be necessary to pay the debts of said estate, described as follows:  The east half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section No. twenty (20) in township No. seventy-three (73), north of range No. eleven (11) west, 160 acres; also east half of the west fractional half of the northwest quarter of section five (5) in township No. seventy-two (72) north of range no eleven (11) west, (except 5 acres off of south end sold to Henry REAM, see vol. 10, page 606, of Deed Records,) and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D., 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 2nd Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
          Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Jefferson County.    }
To Samuel I. TRAVIS, Emery P. TRAVIS, Daniel E. TRAVIS, Asa N. TRAVIS and Andrew CARLSON.
  You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, a petition of A. C. D. BRADSHAW, as administrator of Daniel TRAVIS, deceased, asking an order of said Court to sell the following described real estate of said deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts against said estate, to-wit: Forty-four and one-half (44½) acres off of the east end of the south half of the south east quarter of section 8, tp 72, range 8; and six and two thirds (6 2/3) acres off of the west end of the north east quarter of the north-east quarter of the north-east quarter of section 10, tp 72, range 8. All situate (sic) in the County of Jefferson and State of Iowa; and showing that it is necessary to sell all of said lands for the payment of the debts against said estate, and unless you appear thereto and defend the same, before noon of the second day of the August Term of said Court to be begun on the second Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and said order will be granted in accordance with said petition.
          A. C. D. BRADSHAW.
  4w28    Adm’r of Daniel TRAVIS, dec’d.

Fourth Ward Election.---At the election in the 4th Ward of this city on Monday last, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. W. JUNKIN, the vote stood:
W. W. JUNKIN, in favor of hog law  43
JAMES FEGAN, opposed to hog law  42
  Four ballots on one sheet of paper were cast for FEGAN.  Law is being looked up to decide how the four ballots should be counted.  No determination had been reached yesterday morning, though opinions of lawyers had been received.
  Just as we were going to press, the City Clerk served the following notice on the Senior:
  City of Fairfield.  }
To W. W. JUNKIN, Greeting:
 At an election held on the 31st day of July, A. D. 1871, in the 4th Ward of the City of Fairfield, W. W. JUNKIN was elected to the office of Trustee of said ward until the next annual City election of the City of Fairfield.
  In witnes whereof I have hereto set my hand and the Seal of the City Clerk of said City this Aug. 2, 1871.
[L.S.]     GEO. H. CASE,
          City Clerk.
  There is a volume of rebuke in the foregoing, and we therefore rest the case without further comment.

In the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county.
John R. GIBSON, Pl’tff   }
              vs.                     } Sept. term 1871.
Emma M. GIBSON, Deft. }
To Emma M. GIBSON;--
  You are hereby notified that on or before the 24th day of August A. D. 1871, a petition of John R. GIBSON, will be filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, asking for a divorce, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the September Term, A. D. 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1871, default will be entered against you and a decree rendered thereon.
    D. R. McCRACKIN, Att’y for Pl’t’ff.

In the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa,
    August Term, A.D. 1871.
McCOID & HERON } Plaintiffs,
William MITTOWER,    }
Elizabeth MITTOWER, } Defendants.
Nancy KING,                 }
  To William MITTOWER, Elizabeth MITTOWER, and Nancy KING :
  You are hereby notified that a petition of McCOID & HERON is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County claiming of you the sum of Three Hundred dollars, as justly due them on account, for services rendered, and asking the issuance of a writ of attachment; and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the August Term, A. D. 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the second Monday of August, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
    4w28      McCOID & HERON.

Jefferson County.   }
To All Whom it May Concern:
  Know Ye:   That there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of said county, a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of George KNESS, deceased, and that the same has been produced in open Court and publicly read, and the 1st day of the next term of said Court set for the proof and final hearing of the same.
  Notice is therefore hereby given to all concerned, That the proof of said Will will be heard on the 1st day of the next term of the Circuit Court in and for said county, to be held in the Court-house in Fairfield on the 2d Monday of August, 1871.
  [L.S.] Witness Geo. H. CASE, Clerk, and the Seal of said Court h ereto (sic) affixed, this July 17, 1871.  GEO. H. CASE,
  3t29        Clerk.

   Administrator’s Notice.
To Mary MOORE, Elizabeth MAY, J. L. SEARS, Nancy MILLER, Jemima SCOTT, Martha J. COLLINS, James K. SEARS, V. B. SEARS, D. W. SEARS, Mary BREEKER :
  You are notified that at the August term of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, to be held on the 2d Monday of August, 1871, the undersigned will make settlement of the estate of David SEARS, deceased, and ask to be discharged and that some one else be appointed in his place.
        DAVID SEARS, Adm’r.

 Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
  The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of IVES & BOERSTLER is this day dissolved by mutual consent.  The business will be continued by C. H. BOERSTLER who will settle all accounts and to whom all debts due the firm must be paid.
      B. F. IVES,
      C. H. BOERSTLER.
Fairfield, July 18, 1871.     3t29

In the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County:
Phebe FLETCHER, Plaintiff, }   September
                    vs.                  } Term, 1871.
James FLETCHER, Def’t.     }
To James FLETCHER:--
  You are hereby notified that there is now a petition of Phebe FLETCHER on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson County, claiming of you a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and other relief, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the September Term, A. D. 1871, of said Court, which will commence on the 4th day of September, 1871, default will be entered against you and judgment will be rendered thereon.
         Attorneys for Plaintiff.

  The wife of Samuel HAMEST, of Carthage, Ill, was kicked on the chin by a mule a few days since, causing her to bite off the end of her tongue.  Since that time Mr. HAMEST has been besieged by husbands for the purchase of that mule; but a thousand dollars wouldn’t buy him. He thinks he has an invaluable prize.

Copper Found.--Mr. J. W. LARAMORE, living on Cedar, in Liberty township, last week, while looking for keil, found in a small spring branch, a piece of nearly pure copper weighing 12 lbs.  Whether it is a native, or came from elsewhere, it is not certainly known, but as Iowa is productive of everything else we would not wonder if a copper mine was not far from where this piece was found.
  Some 12 or 15 years ago we made record of a piece of copper ore that was found about ten miles southeast of Fairfield.  It weighed only about four pounds.

GREESON.--July 20, 1871, near Richland, Keokuk county, Iowa, George GREESON, aged 75 years.
TYLER.-- July 14, 1871, at the residence of W. F. COWDERY, in this city, of Croup, Bennie P., son of and H. E. TYLER (sic), aged 3 years, 5 months and 3 days.
BLACK.--In Fairfield, Iowa, July 21, 1871, of Dysentery, Eva, infant daughter of J. C. and Martha BLACK.

A Glasgow correspondent gives us the following recipes. The first, she says, has been used extensively with "unfailing success," and the second has been tried on her house, and she likes it:

Cure for Flux.,--White of one egg, one tablespoonful of castor oil, 10 drops of laudanum. Mix together.  This quantity is one dose for an adult, and should be repeated according to the severity of the case.

Cheap Paint.--Skim milk 2 quarts, fresh slaked lime 8 ounces, linseed oil 6 ounces, white Burgundy pitch 2 ounces.--  The lime is to be slaked in water and mixed with one-fourth of the milk.  Dissolve the pitch in the oil by heating them together; add this a little at a time to the lime.  Stir well.  Add the rest of the milk and afterward the Spanish white.  A silver or pearl gray color may be obtained by adding a small particle of blue and a small portion of lamp-black.  These should first be well mixed in a small dish and stirred frequently so as to get them dissolved.  Where this coloring is used enough should be made at once to go all over the building, or it might be difficult to get the right shade every time.  The coloring stuff should stand several hours, and mixed up and well stirred so as to get dissolved.

  PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL--Rev. W. Y. JOHNSON, Rector.  Services at 11 A.M. and 4 P.M.  Sunday School 3 P.M.
  LUTHERAN--Rev. A. AXLINE, Pastor.--Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M.  Sabbath School at 9½ A.M.  A. AXLINE, Supt. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7½ P.M.
  BAPTIST--Rev. C. B. EGAN, Pastor, Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M.  Sabbath School at 2½ P.M.  J. EDMISTON, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  PRESBYTERIAN--Rev. Carson REED, Pastor - Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M.--Sabbath School at 9½ A.M.  B. GILTNER, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7.
  CONGREGATIONAL--Rev. Thomas MERRILL. Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9½ A.M.  N. S. AVERILL, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7½.
  METHODIST EPISCOPAL, (Church Street,) Rev. E. H. CODDINGTON, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M., and 7½ P.M. Sabbath School at 9 A.M.  B. F. IVES, Supt. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  FREE METHODIST--Rev. B. DOUGHTY, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 3 P.M., at the Court-House. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7½ P.M.
  HARMONY M. E.--Rev. C. G. MILNES, Pastor and Supt Sabbath School.  Services a- 11 A.M. and 7½ P.M.  Sabbath School at 9 A.M.  Prayer Meeting, Thursday, at 7½ P.M.

Singular Circumstance.--On Tuesday night of last week, Mrs. POINCETT, living in the Southwest part of town, had a package containing about $26 in money, some receipts, jewelry, &c, stolen from her residence.  During last week the wife of Mr. DAVID ACHESON, living in the northeast part of town was away from home on a visit.  Mr. ACHESON and Mr. THE. HIGLEY slept in the house every night.  On Saturday afternoon Mrs. ACHESON returned home, and on going through one of the rooms struck her foot against something and on picking it up, found it to be a package containing money, &c., and on enquiring found it to be the identical package stolen from Mrs. POINCETT.  How the package got there is a mystery.  On examination it was found some one had been in Mr. ACHESON’s house, as a footprint on a lounge immediately under the window was plainly visible, while the wardrobe, &c., showed the work of a stranger.  Mrs. POINCETT does the washing for Mr. ACHESON’s family, and has done so for a long time, and that gentleman thinks that the finding of the money in his house is a plain case of conscience--the thief knowing that Mrs. POINCETT done his washing, and left the stolen package in his house, so that it could be returned to her.

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