The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
August 24, 1871
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The Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by Joey Stark
HAMMONS--WORKMAN.---August 13, 1871, at the residence of the bride, by Elder H. A. SKILES, Mr. James M. HAMMONS and Mrs. Nancy G. WORKMAN.
EQUAL--CLINKENBEARD.--August 12 1871, at the residence of Mr. WISECARVER, by Rev. R. M. TRACY, Mr. Charles W. EQUAL and Miss Mary CLINKENBEARD.
WHISLER--FRAZEY.--August 17, 1871, at the LEGGETT House in Fairfield, by W. K. ALEXANDER, J. P., Mr. Hiram WHISLER and Miss Celina A. FRAZEY, all of this county.
CURFMAN--RAMSAY.--Angust 17, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father in Fairfield, by Rev. Eli H. CODDINGTON, Mr. Amon C. CURFMAN and Miss Mary RAMSEY, all of this county.
ROBY--LOW.--August 15, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, in Buchanan township, by Rev. Charles E. HARROUN, Mr. William G. ROBY and Miss Araminta J. LOW, all of this county.
The Charges Against Mr. SMITH.
No persons have yet complied with the request made to prefer charges against W. J. M. SMITH, the Republican candidate for Sheriff, of immorality or drunkenness. Inuendoes and insinuations may be resorted to, but no one will have the hardihood to make charges over his own signature that he cannot sustain. On the other hand we have the testimony of Mr. SMITH's neighbors that these charges are without the shadow of a foundation. On Tuesday last we received the following letter from Mr. William CLARRIDGE, an old and respected citizen of Liberty township, which effectually disposes of these false and outrageous charges. Other good citizens of Libety and Des Moines townships are willing to give the same evidence:
For the Fairfield Ledger.
Messrs. Editors:--I see from this week's LEDGER that there are charges against Mr. SMITH of Libertyville, who was nominated for the office of Sheriff
I was acquainted with Mr. SMITH when he was a boy, and have had knowledge of him since, and have no knowledge of him ever being in the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor, not even beer. Neither have I any knowledge of him ever using profane, obscene or vulgar language. His moral character is good, and he is a gentleman.
As a citizen of Jefferson county, I demand the names of those who have charged Mr. SMITH with drunkenness or any other immorality.
I have written this without Mr. SMITH's knowledge.
Near Libertyville, Iowa.
August 18, 1871.
Personal.--A party consisting of Wm. DOTY, N. S. DOTY, H. S. WILLIS, Geo, McCRARY and Nathan REGESTER, of Fairfield, Iowa, passed through Moulton on Saturday last en route for Kansas City and Colorado. They go for health and recreation, which we hope they may find amid the mountain scenery and in the bracing air of Colorado.
The report that Mr. WILLIS was killed in Missouri has no foundation.
Accidental Death.--We are pained to note the fact of the death of Mr. William PARKS, of Walnut township. He was thrown from a horse on Saturday last, and had his neck broken and skull crushed. He was much esteemed by his neighbors. His age is about 30 years. He leaves a wife and family.
Mrs. VALLANDINGHAM died at Cumberland, Maryland on the 13th inst. It will be remembered that she was stricken by the sudden death of her husband, and had been suffering severely ever since from physical and mental prostration. A few weeks since she was taken to Cumberland, Maryland, by her relatives, where she has continued to grow worse, and was recently seized with an attack of dysentery, which resulted fatally.