Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

April 20, 1871

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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
April 20, 1871

Transcribed by Sherry Bash
Has laid out and offers for saleon the
48 1 - ACRE LOTS.

Located and adjoining the corporation of the
City of Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa.
The are the most
For Family Residences
             IN THE COUNTRY

Fairfield is one of the most flourishing cities
in Southern Iowa.
    Can now obtain them on
Address,      W. F. PUMPHREY,
         Fairfield, Iowa.
Or call at the office of the Iowa Democrat
and examine plat of grounds.

        MISS S. E. DUNLAP,

           SALINA, - - - IOWA,
Has a fine stock of all kinds of Millinery
Goods, and is prepared to do Hat Trimming,
Dress-making, and all work in her line, in
the best and most fashionable manner at low
rates.             12-3m.

JAS. E. WILKINS,  Proprietor.
This House has been thoroughly renovated,
and fitted up in the best style with new furni-
A free Bus runs to and from the cars.
Feb. 9, 1821. -- 5tf

MADDER RED.--Take one pound of madder, and two ounces of madder compound (muriate of tin,) for two pounds of yarn.  Soak the madder in warm water over night, in the morning, put in the yarn, wring out, and put into the dye; set it upon the stove, heating slowly to a scalding heat, taking from thirty to forty minutes; keep it scalding hot till the color suits; then rinse well in a clear water, and dry.  If your dye stuff is good. you will have a color you are not ashamed to hang out to dry.

Lemon Pie.--One lemon for two pies; grate the rind and pulp up fine, taking care not to get the least bit of seed in.  Take one and half cups sugar, broken with the yolks of four eggs, one and a half cups of sweet milk, and two teaspoonfuls corn search (starch?) dissolved in the milk.  Bake with one crust.  Beat the whites of four eggs with pulverized white sugar, for puffing; spread over the pie, return to the oven and brown lightly.


Is pleased to inform the citizens and the traveling public that he is now running a line of Omnibuses to and from the cars and to any part of the city.
Will also attend Parties and funerals when desired.      17tf

One Block West of CLARKE & SCOTT’s Store,

Has become the proprietor of this first-class Hotel.  He has just put an addition 30x30 feet to it, and will always keep it in the best condition for guests.  The bus carries passengers to and from the cars.
  March 23, 1871            11tf

Amusement.--The lovers of Natural History and "saw-dust" will be pleased to learn that OLDER's Museum, Circus and Menagerie will visit Fairfield during the present season.  This great traveling exhibition consists of a Museum of surpassing excellence, a Circus of star performers, and a Menagerie of rarest animals.  The rich appointments of this exhibition are of the most gorgeous and attractive description.  Look out and be ready.

How Lost, How Restored.

  Just published, a new edition of Dr CULVERWELL's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermartorhoea (sic), or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary, Sexual Weakness, Impoteney, Mental and Physical incapacity, Impediments to marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance.
  Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts.  The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internl (sic) medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radicaily (sic).
  This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land.
  Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps.  Also, Dr. CULVERWELL's Marriage Guide, price 25 cents.  Address the Publishers,
      CHAS. J C KLINE & CO.,
          127 Bowery, New York,
              Post Office Box 4586

      Desoto, Dallis Co., Iowa.
  EDITOR LEDGER: -- After the lapse of some 10 years I have traveled over the country from Fairfield to Desoto by way of Oskaloosa, Pella and Des Moines.  I think it is one of the finest countries in North America.  The herds of fat cattle and hogs, and large heaps of corn fully testify the richness of the soil.  The country is improving rapidly.  Oskaloosa and Pella are building up fast and permanently.  Des Moines is now a city which Iowa has reason to be proud of.  The more I see of Iowa the better I like it.  It must become the great agricultural state of the west.
There was a storm of wind passed over this portion of the country on Saturday the 8th, that did a great deal of damage.  The equal of it has never been seen in Iowa.  Respectfully,    G. W. SHELLY
   April 15th, 1871

  In St. Louis we found our young friend, Sam MOUNT, enjoying a lucrative desk in the Adams’ Express Company.  Sam is one of the best young men in the business and in a way to still further promotion.  We took dinner with him and his estimable wife, at the residence of Mr. DEAN, who formerly resided here.  They were much pleased with St. Louis.  We accidentally run across Oliver ADAMS, who made such a splendid clerk in the store of WELLS, STEVER & AVERILL.

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