Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

April 13, 1871

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Fairfield Ledger
Fairfield, Jefferson County, Iowa
April 13, 1871
Transcribed by Sherry Bash

  The New Cemetery ---
A few days ago we paid a visit to the New Cemetery, and were surprised at the improvements made.  Under the careful supervision of Col. JORDAN, the grounds are fast assuming a beautiful appearance.  The WELLS’ family circle is nearly completed, and is very neat; walks are being cut between all the lots, and the walks fixed so that they will be permanent; on the ornamental square, flowers are being planted; and everything being done to make it a pleasant place to visit.  Should the same care and diligence be pursued for a short time that is now being exercised the New Cemetery of Fairfield will be the handsomest in the State.  It is already a credit to the gentlemen who have charge and control of it; but to Col. JORDAN is due the most credit for its ornadment.
[Ed. note: On the corner of this column is penned "EVERGREEN".]


             JACOB VOTE & CO.
Would respectfully announce that they have
have purchased the old North American
      Opposite the Court-House,
          Fitted it up with
New and Improved

and are now engaged in manufacturing and
 Furniture of all Kinds.
   They are better prepared than ever before
to fill orders for

             and all kinds of
Parlor & Kitchen

        Sought for in this market.

This Furniture is manufactured from SEA-
SONED LUMBER, and warranted to give sat-
  They have also a fine lot of
               Pictures, and
                            Picture Frames,

        Of all kinds and sizes.
     Prices as low as the lowest.
  Call and examine the stock and prices at
the factory, opposite Court House.  2-04y

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