Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

October 28, 1869

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

  Larceny.--On Saturday last quite an excitement was occasioned at Batavia by the arrest of Isaac H. RIGGS, charged with stealing $500 from Geo. W. LEESON on the 3rd of September. Mr. RIGGS was an occasional clerk of Mr. LEESON’s. He was taken before Mayor WEBB, and waiving an examination was committed to the county jail. We learn that Mr. LEESON recovered $259 of the money. Mr. RIGGS is a young man about 24 years of age, has lived for a number of years in and near Batavia, and has hitherto borne an irreproachable character. The charge against him and his arrest and incarceration have cast a feeling of sadness over all who knew him.

DIED--On Sunday morning, Oct. 17th, 1869, Andrew M., son of W. H. & Rachel JONES, aged 1 year and 25 days.
  Upon the Lord’s own holy day,
  Thy spirit passed from earth away,
  To share the portion of the blest,
  In climes of joy and endless rest.

  We leave thee then in Jesus’ care,
  Without dread or doubt or fear;
  And as He lived and ever reigns,
  We hope to meet the loved again.

MYERS---POPE.--- Oct. 14, 1869, at the house of George FISHER, in Locust Grove township, by Rev. R. M. GRAY, Mr. Richard MYERS and Mrs. Ruth J. POPE.

  There is no denying the fact that Thos. BONFIELD gives the most particular attention to the selection of his dry goods. He always does this in person. The fact that his dry goods were selected with great care is easily proven by any one who will look thro’ the New York Store. Every thing in the line of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Notions may be found in great abundance, and at the lowest living rates.

  Under the head of "Personal,"the Homestead says: Thomas McGIFFEN, Esq., of Jefferson county, called upon us on Tuesday last. Mr. McG. is, perhaps, the most experienced and successful wool grower in the State--from boyhood in Pennsylvania and some six or eight years in this State.-- We hope to have the benefit of his experience to communicate to our readers. He says that wool growing in Iowa, when the product sells for 40 cents a pound, is better than raising wheat at $1 a bushel.

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