The Fairfield Ledger |
November 4, 1869
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
PAUL--SHOPPA.--Oct. 28th, 1869, at the Court House, by Thos D. EVANS, J. P., Mr. Jacob PAUL and Miss Menie SHOPPA.
STANTON--FUQUA.--Sept. 11, 1869, by John WILLIAMS, J. P., at the house of the bride's father, Mr. Elihu B. STANTON and Miss Mary J. FUQUA, all of this county.
STATER--SINKS--Oct. 20, 1869, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Moses Oscar STATER and Miss Mary Ellen SINKS, all of Jefferson county.
SAPPENFIELD--SINKS.--Oct. 21, 1869, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Absolom W. SAPPENFIELD and Miss Taletha Ann SINKS, all of this county.
SMITH--STEWART.--Oct. 26, 1868, at the residence of Levi STEWART, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Winfield Scott SMITH and Miss Arie Elizabeth STEWART. [Ed note: Wedding date should be 1869?]
OLDSON--EADMAN.--Oct. 30, 1869, at the residence of the Pastor, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Swan John OLDSON and Miss Erchana EADMAN;
Original Notice.
STATE OF IOWA, } District Court,
Jefferson County, } ss: January Term, 1870.
You are hereby notified that there is a sworn petition now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, of A. B. WATERMAN, as Administrator of the estate of Alonzo B. HUTCHINSON, deceased, claiming of you the sum of $598.50 as money due from you to him as Administrator of said estate, for horses, cows, hogs, corn, wheat and other articles of property. And that unless you appear and defend thoreto (sic) on or before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court to be begun and held on the first Monday of January, 1870, at the Court House in said County, default will be entered against you for said sum with interest and costs.
R. S. MILLS, and
4t43 p.f. $7.50 Attys for Plff.
Legal Notice.
Jefferson County, } ss:
To the Citizens of Fairfield Township.
You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the Circuit Court of said County, a petition of HUFFORD & HURST, of Fairfield, asking license and authority of said Court, to sell intoxicating liquors as provided by law and that said petition has been set for final hearing on the 3d Monday of November, 1869, at which time and place you can appear and show cause, if any you have, why said permit should not be issued.
Witness, my hand, and the seat (sic) of [SEAL] said Court hereto affixed, this Nov. 2, 1869.
n43t3 GEO. H. CASE, Clerk.
STATE OF IOWA, Jefferson County, ss :
January Term 1870.
YOU are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Rufus C. COOK, claiming of you a divorce. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the secnd day of the next day of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered theron.
n40t4. Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Legal Notice.
STATE OF IOWA, } In District Court,
Jefferson Conuty, (sic) } ss: January Term 1870.
To Alfred R. HEATH, and Mary HEATH, his wife, Marietta SHANNON widow, of John W. SHANNON, Henry SHANNON, Daniel SHANNON and John SHANNON, the legal heirs of John W. SHANNON, deceased, Shelby WILLIS and Sarah Jane WILLIS, his wife, and all whom it may concern :
You are hereby notified that on or before the 15th day of December 1869, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Ben F. CRAIL, claiming of you the correction of a MISTAKE in a deed executed by James W. SHANNON and Marietta SHANNON, his wife, conveying the Southeast quarter of Section No. twenty-four [24], in Township No. seventy-three [73] North, of Range eleven [11] West, and asking said Court to confirm the title to a portion of said real estate in petitioner. And unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court to be begun on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
I. D. JONES, Atty for Petitioner.
It is ordered that publication be made of above notice in the Fairfield Ledger for six consecutive weeks.
GEO. H. CASE, Clk D. C.
Oct. 21, 1869.-6t40 p. f. $14
Original Notice.
STATE OF IOWA, } District Court,
Jefferson County, } ss January Term, 1870.
To James COOPER, Eliza COOPER, Margaret STAKEMILLER, and ------ STAKEMILLER, her husband, Mary LOGAN, and ------ LOGAN, her husband, heirs at law of Joshua COOPER, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on or before the first day of December 1869, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of George W. VANCE, claiming of you the partition of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section No. eleven [11] in Township No. seventy-two [72] North, of Range No. nine [9] West, in Jefferson County, Iowa, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday, the third day, of January, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Nov. 4, 1869. 4t43 p. f. $7.50
Co-Partnership Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership between J. S. BROWN and Samuel REED is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the firm will be left with REED & Bro. North side of the Park, who will collect all accounts due the firm and assume the payment of all accounts against the firm.
All indebted to the firm are urgently requested to call and settle without delay. The books must be squared, and delays are dangerous if costs would be avoided.
Oct. 14, 1869 3t40
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder's office, for two weeks, ending Nov. 1, 1869 :
Edward JOHNSON from Barclay JOHNSON and wife, 125 acres in Penn township. Deed dated Oct. 2, '69. 1,800 00
David H. STEVER from James HILL, 125 acres in Fairfield township. Deed dated Oct. 19, 1869. 2,700 00
Calvin C. HOUGHTON from John ROGERS et. al., 100 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Aug. 31, 1869. 5,200 00
Noah S. MILLER from W. S. McKEE and wife, 5 acres in Penn township.-- Deed dated November 7, 1869. 62 50
Gustaf CARLSON from Harriet MONTGOMERY, 45 acres in Des Moines township. Deed dated Oct. 21, '69. 180 00
Mary Ann TEETER from Noah TEETER and wife, 1 acre in Lockridge township. Deed dated Oct. 18, 1869. 500 00
W. S. McKEE from Richard GAINES and wife, 10 and 68-100ths acres in Penn township. Deed dated Oct. 23, 1869. 550 00
Joseph HUDSON from David PETERS and wife, 10 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated June 23, 1869. 135 00
Daniel VANWINKLE from Ab, VANWINKLE and wife, 20 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated Oct. 16, '69. 1 00
Levi TRIPLET from Isaac OLDS and wife, 1 acre adjoining Fairfield. Deed dated Sept. 26, 1869. 250 00
Isaac OLDS from Adam CASE and wife, one acre adjoining Fairfield. Deed dated Oct. 3, 1865. 210 00
Walter A. CLARK and Isaac L. SARGENT from W. W. JUNKIN and wife, 200 acres in Fairfield township, Deed dated Oct. 18, 1869. 2,250 00
C. J. GUSTASON from Frank O. DANIELSON and wife, the undivided one-seventh of 30 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Aug. 25, 1869. 115 00
George A. SENS from Reuben McCASHLAN, 30 acres in Cedar township.-- Deed dated Oct. 27, 1869. 81 00
Enoch McPHERSON from Levi JOHNSON and wife, 13 acres in Blackhawk township. Deed dated September 14, 1869. 1,000 00
A. T. WELLS from Jefferson County, 40 acres swamp land in Liberty township. Deed dated Sept. 9, 1869. 80 00
Jacob VOTE from Samuel SALTS, 20 acres in Locust Grove township.-- Deed dated Oct. 30, 1869. 275 00
T. G. GRISHAM from E. J. HALE, Trustee, lot 10, block 3, Batavia. Deed dated Sept. 25, 1869. 40 00
John T. WORKMAN from Geo. W. WORKMAN, and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 11, H., W. & Co.'s addition to Fairfield. Deed dated March 9, 1869. 1,500 00
E. J. HALE from John STANSBERRY and wife, lot 6, block 10, Batavia. Deed dated Sept. 28, 1869. 75 00
Rollin H. HUFFORD from Clara B. MUSSELMAN and others, the middle 1/3 of lot 2, block 18, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated Oct. 12, 1869. 2,100 00
New Lumber Yards.--Not in Washington, but in the towns respectively of Valisca and Montgomery, in Montgomery coumty, (sic) Iowa. The BRYSON boys have established lumber depots in each of those place, and as they are live business men they will soon have the county fenced in. Isaac BRYSON will conduct the busines at Montgomery and James BRYSON at Valisca. We imagine John BRYSON, Esq., will have his hands full superintending all along the line. BRYSON has enough boys to start a first class lumber yard at every important stationt (sic) from Burlington to the Missouri river, and we would not be greatly surprised to find such the case at no distant day. The energy of the BRYSON boys guarantees success.--Washington Gazette.
The lumber yard at this point, in charge of Mr. BRYSON, and Mr. ASHBY, son-in-law of John BRYSON, is doing an immense amount of business satisfactory to all parties.
Carpet Lost--On Monday, between the Inghram house and about three miles north on the Richland road, about 18 yards of nearly new rag carpet. By giving information of it or leaving it at the LEDGER office, the finder will be rewarded.
Since our last issue, Thomas BONFIELD has received another new lot of goods, and he informs us he has more coming. For variety of styles and low prices, his stock cannot be surpassed. For BONFIELD was cast during the recent decline, which affords him better facilities for offering to the public good goods at lower figures than any house in the city. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere and you will be convinced of the fact.
Divorce Notice.
Jefferson County, } ss January Term 1870.
You are hereby notified that on or before the first day of December 1869, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Fanny STUCK, claiming of you a decree of divorce, and other equitable relief, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
Nov. 4, '69.4t48. p. f. $6 Atty for Plff.
Our old friends, I. W. ELLIS, (not J. W.) was elected Clerk of Penn township
R. W. MOSS (not ROSS) is the name of the County Supervisor elected in Liberty t'p.
Lecture.--Mr. Antonio ARRIGHI, well known to many of our citizens as the converted Italian, will lecture in Old Zion M. E. Church on Friday evening, November 5th. The lecture will be free to all. A voluntary subscription will be raised. Every body is invited.
Fairfield, Iowa, Oct. 25, 1869.
The exercises of the Institute were opened with prayer by Eber OGDEN.
David HERON was appointed Chairman, and C. S. McCLAIN Secretary of temporary organization.
The Chair appointed the following Committee on Permanent Organization: Messrs. OGDEN, THRASHER, BROWN, Mrs. WELLS and Kate ROWLAND.
The committee made the following report:
President--- D. HERON.
1st Vice President--- M. THRASHER.
2d Vice President--- Mrs. M. WELLS.
Secretary--- C. S. McCLAIN.
1st Assistant Secretary--- F. M. CROY
2d Assistant Secretary--- Maggie SHRINER.
A resolution to change the hour of meeting from 8 to 9 A.M., and of adjourning from 5 to 4:30 P.M. was offered and carried.
The Institute adjourned to 1:30 P.M.
The Institute was called to order.
Appointment by the President of
Committee on Programme: Messrs. OGDEN, CROY and Miss RAMSAY;
Finance: Messrs. DAVIS, ADAMS and THRASHER;
Resolutions: Messrs. MACY, THOMAS, BROWN, Miss Mary HEWITT and Miss Kate ROWLAND.
Critics appointed: J. M. MORGAN and Miss Mary HEWITT.
Two able papers were read by C. S. McCLAIN and W. H. McCRACKEN: "The Teacher--His Mission."
"Best Method of Teaching the Alphabet." By D. W. BROWN. Would teach primary scholars to spell by phonic analysis. Discussion participated in by HERON, MERRILL, AXLINE and THRASHER, who gave several methods of teaching the alphabet.
Exercise in Orthography, by Mr. THRASHER.
Next came a very interesting exercise in Penmanship, by F. M. CROY. Would adopt the old in preference to the new method of the Spencerian System: would have pupils sit with right side to the desk, pen loosely in the hand, pointing over the right shoulder.
Exercise in Reading, by W. C. DAVIS.--- Remarks confined to emphasis; would take short lessons and give plenty of drill; would have frequent reading in concert; was followed by discussion.
Music. Adjournment.
Opened with music.
Lecture by M. THRASHER. Subject--- Lessons in History; followed by a social reunion of the teachers and citizens.
Tuesday, October 26th.
Institute opened with a prayer by Prof. GILCHRIST.
Roll called, and minutes read by Secretary.
Paper read by G. W. CURFMAN--- "Rhetorical Exercises in our Schools." Strongly advocated the adoption of composition and declamatory exercises in the school room; believed men to be influential in their ability to speak and write.
Prof. GILCHRIST, Principal of Pennsylvania State Normal School, then came forward and stated that on invitation of State Superintendent he was conducting Institutes throughout the State, and would assist us if we desired.
This was followed by an exercise in Arithmetic conducted by Chas. GIFT. Would begin teaching Arithmetic to pupils while young, and without a book.
Exercise in Geography and Map Drawing, by M. THRASHER. The system of Map Drawing was first invented by Prof. AGREN of Sweden in 1832; would not confine himself to one method, but would combine the three --Triangular, Circular and Trapezium,
Paper--"When should the Students begin Grammar?" by Maggie SHOUP. Would teach Analysis first. Discussion--in which the chief speakers would begin to teach Grammar orally to the pupil in his second reader.
On motion, M. THRASHER conducted an exercise in United States History. Would teach this branch by topic.
"Best Method of conducting a Recitation," by Rev. A. AXLINE. He recommended that the teacher should review his lesson before class recitation; generally would not permit his pupils to bring to the class their text books. Discussion.
A resolution was then offered to employ Prof. GILCHRIST to act as conductor during the remainder of the Institute, by accepting his offer of $30 for his services as conductor.
Adjourned to 1:30 P.M.
Prof. GILCHRIST took charge of the Institute, and made a few pointed remarks on the duties of teachers.
Paper--"Should Singing be taught in our Public Schools," by Mrs. M. WELLS, who, in an able manner, urged the adoption of singing in our common schools.
Next an exercise by J. H. HOUD--"The Best Method of Teaching Beginners."
"Should Physiology be taught in our Schools," by Rev. MERRILL. He strongly favored it; thought it the most important study of the school room, and thought illy ventillated bed and school rooms suicidal,-- also, that no teacher should be permitted to teach who does not understand Physiology.
Recitation--"Sheridan’s Ride," by Prof. GILCHRIST.
Contents of Question Box, from which much instruction as well as merriment was elicited.
Report of critics and adjournment.
Lecture by Dr. J. M. SHAFFER--"Printed Thoughts can never Die ;" followed by Prof, GILCHRIST on "Common Schools;" concluding with some soul stirring music by Prof. WILLIAMS of Wisconsin.
Wednesday, October 27.
Institute opened with prayer by Mr. PARKINSON.
Roll called, and minutes read.
Chair appointed Miss SMITH and Mr. SAMPSON as critics.
Exercise in Grammar by Prof. GILCHRIST. Opposed the use of Primary Grammars, and would defer the use of a text book until about the age of fifteen; would correct inelegant and ungrammatical expressions of the pupil from his earliest entrance in the school room.
Exercise in Geography by Mr. OGDEN. Would teach by topic and conversation.
Exercise in "Mental Arithmetic," by Prof. GILCHRIST. He would frequently permit the pupil to use the book in reading the example.
"Government of Schools," by J. N. EDWARDS, County Superintendent elect, who thought moral qualifications in the teacher more important, and kindness combined with firmness as the discipline to be used in the school room; would play with the scholar.
Exercise in Arithmetic--"Common Fractions," by Prof. GILCHRIST.
Rev. DIKEMAN spoke on Normal Schools. Would advise all teachers who expect to follow it as a profession, to take a course in some reputable Normal School.
Paper--"The Best Method of securing Regular Attendance," by Miss Hannah RAMSAY. Would not permit pupils to recite who had been absent, until they had learned and recited all back lessons.
Contents of Question Box.
"Penmanship and Book-Keeping," by J. S. LOWELL.
"What should be taught in our Public Schools," by Rev. A. AXLINE. He thought the higher branches should be adopted in our Public Schools, after the minor branches has been mastered. [sic]
"Practicability of Township Graded Schools," by T. A. ROBB. He favored their adoption.
C. W. SLAGLE, Esq., spoke at some length in opposition to the measure.
Paper--"Order of Recitation," by Miss GRAY: Subject matter very good.
Contents of Question Box.
Lecture by Rev. A. AXLINE--"The Teacher--His Mission;" followed by Rev. DIKEMAN of Hillsboro; subject--- "The Elements of Manhood."
Thursdry, October 28. (sic)
Institute opened with prayer by Rev. DIKEMAN.
Roll called, and minutes read.
Exercise--"Teaching Numbers to beginners." He would introduce decimal notation soon after notation of whole numbers.
Exercise in "Orthography," by Prof. GILCHRIST. Would advise a variety of methods in teaching it. Was followed by Mr. HERON, who offered some good suggestions, and would adopt spelling in all the branches taught.
The following resolution was then adopted:--Resolved, That each member of the Institute will pay to the finance committee 50 cents toward defraying the expenses of the Institute.
Prof. GILCHRIST occupied 30 minutes on "Common Things." Would have teacher spend 15 minutes twice or more a week, in talking to pupils on familiar and useful subjects.
"Lessons in Forms," by Prof. GILCHRIST. Would teach the pupil form from objects in the school room; followed by some general remarks on school management; believes in moral suasion. [Ed. note: ‘Moral Suasion’ is Old English; i.e.: Persuasion.]
Select reading by Prof. GILCHRIST. Read "John Maynard" and the "Vagabond."
A resolution was adopted soliciting Mr. Ed. McKNIGHT to favor the Institute with select reading.
A motion was adopted to charge an admission fee to the lecture on Friday night, by Mrs. Mary E. HOUSTON, of Buriington (sic); referred to Finance Committee.
Lecture--by Prof. GILCHRIST: subject--"The True Aim of Education." Followed by a Phrenological Lecture by C. S. McCLAIN.
Friday, October 29,
Institute opened with prayer by Mr. OGDEN.
Roll called, and minutes read.
A resolution was adopting [sic] admitting all members of the Institute, who had paid their membership fee, free of charge; also those who furnish music for the occasion.
Prof. GILCHRIST explained cube root by algebraic formula.
"Management of Reading Classes," by Prof. GILCHRIST. Would not have much concert reading; short lessons and well studied. Discussion followed.
A resolution was adopted authorizing Mr. HERON, County Superintendent, to appoint a committee of three to procure public lecturers for Fairfield during the coming winter.
Exercise--"How to See," by the Conductor; also, an object lesson.
Prof. GILCHRIST explained the phenomena of the "Gulf Stream," in a very clear and satisfactory manner.
Contents of Question Box.
Lecture by Mrs. Mary E. HOUSTON; subject--"Social Cobwebs."
Reading by Prof. GILCHRIST and Mr. McKNIGHT.
Saturday, October 30.
The Institute was opened with prayer by O. BLACK.
Roll called, and minutes read.
Report of Committee on Resolutions.--- These resolutions were discussed and adopted separately:
1st. Resolved, That we tender our sincere thanks to our President, Mr. HERON, for the able manner in which he has conducted the Institute, and as he retires from the office of County Superintendent has our confidence and esteem,
2d. Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to the several lecturers, for their able and instructive lectures, on the evenings of the Institute.
3d. Resolved, That our thanks are due to Prof. GILCHRIST for the effective manner in which he has conducted the Institute.
4th. Resolved, That our thanks are due to the citizens of Fairfield for their kindness in furnishing the Institute with music.
5th. Resolved, That our State Superintendent be recommended to urge uniformity in text books.
6th. Resolved, That the different school boards of our county be invited to re-examine and adopt the list of text books recommended by the last Institute.
7th. Resolved, That we respectfully beg of the Legislature of Iowa to establish in our State one or more Normal Schools.
8th. Resolved, That we deem it necessary to form a Teachers’ Association in and for this county, and we recommend the same to the action of the Institute.
Geo. N. THOMAS, }
Kate F. ROWLAND, }
E. O. MACY } Com.
D. W. BROWN, }
A motian [sic] was then adopted to add to the amount allowed Prof. GILCHRIST, the balance of what fund remained after paying all expenses.
Remarks were then made by Prof. GILCHRIST, AXLINE, THOMAS and HERON.
The Institute then adopted this resolution: "That sickness only should be received by the County Superintendent as an excuse for non-attendance at the Institute."
Also, that a Teachers’ Association be held in Fairfield on the first Saturday of Dec., 1869, and that Messrs. DAVIS, AXLINE and STEVER draw up a programme.
D. HERON, President.
C. S. McCLAIN, Secretary.
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