Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

November 25, 1869

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

 Jefferson County,  } SS: District Court.
          James K. SEARS
          W. J. ELSA, et. al.
To W. J. ELSA:
      You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of James K. SEARS, praying the Court for an injunction to restrain the Sheriff of said County from selling at Sheriff’s sale certain real estate described in said petition, taken by him upon execution in favor of yourself and against D. MOWERY et. al., that said writ be perpetual and for general relief. Now unless you appear and defend thereto on or before noon of the second day of the next January term of said District Court, to be begun and held in said County of Jefferson on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment entered thereon.
              Attys for Plff.
  Nov. 25, 1869.      p f $8.75.      4t16

Original Notice.
STATE OF IOWA, }      District Court,
 Jefferson County,  } ss: January Term, 1870.
      You are hereby notified that there is a sworn petition now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, of A. B. WATERMAN, as Administrator of the estate of Alonzo B. HUTCHINSON, deceased, claiming of you the sum of $598.50 as money due from you to him as Administrator of said estate, for horses, cows, hogs, corn, wheat and other articles of property. And that unless you appear and defend thoreto [sic] on or before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court to be begun and held on the first Monday of January, 1870, at the Court House in said County, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered against you for said sum with interest and costs.
          R. S. MILLS, and
          I. D. JONES,
  4t43 p.f. $7.50          Attys for Plff.

  Jefferson County,  } ss:
  You are hereby notified that on or before the 26th day of November 1869, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Martha A. WEIR, claiming that the pretended bonds of marriage between you and her be adjudged and declared null and void, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.        D. P. STUBBS,
  4t56 p f $6.25          Atty for Plff.

ESTRAY NOTICE.--Taken up by David O. TAIT, of Black Hawk township, Jefferson County, Iowa, on the 1st day of November, 1869, one two-year old roan Steer, marked as follows: crop off the right ear. slit in the left ear, and branded with a letter "C" on the left hip, Appraised at $14, before M. F BOTTORFF, J. P.
              GEO. H. CASE, Clerk.

Divorce Notice.
 Jefferson County,  } ss January Term 1870.
      You are hereby notified that on or before the first day of December 1869, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Fanny STUCK, claiming of you a decree of divorce, and other equitable relief, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday of January 1870, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
            I. D. JONES
  Nov. 4, ’69.-4t43 p. f. $6      Atty for Plff.

Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office, for two weeks, ending Nov. 23, 1869:
J. W. CULBERTSON from James W. WOODS, 10 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated Nov. 12, 1869. 25 00
Wm. M. STEWART from Stephen HICKENBOTTOM, 40 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated August 31, 1869. 1,500 00
Geo. W. McREYNOLDS from James SNIDER and wife, 5 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Oct. 14, 1869. 125 00
Dorcas RITCHEY from James RITCHEY, a lot of land in Cedar township.-- Deed dated Nov. 12, 1869. Consideration--love, affection and 1 00
Wm. H. WISEACRE from Samuel SALTS, ½ acre in Locust Grove township.-- Deed dated Nov. 9, 1869. 4 00
Hiram SMITH from David E. ECKERT and wife, 40 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated Nov. 9, 1869. 190 00
Andrew ALLEN from Edward ROACK and wife, 36 and 6-100ths acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Nov. 6, 1869. 725 00
David E. ECKERT from D. B. MILLER and wife, 40 acres in Round Praire [sic] township. Deed dated Nov. 8, 1869. 160 00
John HAGGERTY from George CEIR and wife, lot 3, block 16, in H., W. & Co.’s addition to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Nov. 18, 1869. 90 00
David HERON from Wm. T. BURGESS and wife, lot 3, block 3, in Grimes, addition to the city of Fairfield.-- Deed dated Nov. 9, 1869. 1,500 00
Daniel P. STUBBS from M. M. BLEAKMORE and wife, lots 2 and 3, block 29, in the new plat of the city of Fairfield. Deed dated November 11, 1869. 2,500 00
Aaron D. CARBAUGH from E. J. HALE, lot 11, block 3, in Railroad addition to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Oct. 20, 1869.
40 00
James W. RODGERS form Sarah E. CULBERTSON, lot 8 block 19, in railroad addition to the city of Fairfield.--- Deed dated Oct. 30, 1869. 110 00

    Dissolution Notice.
THE co-partnership heretofore existing between John H. YOUNG and Benjamin GOODRICH, under the name and style of YOUNG & GOODRICH, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 28th day of October 1869.
  The business of the firm will be settled by either member. The books may be found with YOUNG & CRAWFORD, who will continue the stove and tin business. An immediate settlement is demanded.
          JOHN H. YOUNG,
          BENJ. GOODRICH.
  Nov. 11, 1869,            3t44

OWINGS--LANGDON.-- Nov. 18, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Cedar township, by Rev. Thomas HOWELL, Mr. William OWINGS, of Marion county, and Miss Amanda E. LANGDON, of this county.
  May joys innumerable and happiness complete always attend our young friends as they pass along Life’s pathway.

WEYGAND--LOONEY.-- Nov. 11, 1869, at the Leggett House, in Fairfield, by his honor Mayor D. R. McCRACKEN, Mr. James WEYGAND and Miss Mary A. LOONEY.

ROSENQUIST -- HALLANDER.-- Nov. 12, 1869, at the new Sweden Church in Lockridge township, by Rev. J. E. REHNSTROM, Mr. John ROSENQUIST and Miss Christena HALLANDER.

SAWYERS--BONSER.-- Nov. 6, 1869, at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. T. H. HOLMES, Mr. Christopher Columbus SAWYERS and Miss Julia Orpha BONSER.

METZ--YOUNT.-- Nov. 11, 1869, at the house of O. O. SHELDON, in Cedar town ship, by Rev W. F. BAIRD, Mr. James M. METZ and Miss Louisa YOUNT.

PEEBER--BROWN -- Oct. 21, 1869, at the residence of the officiating minister, in Liberty township, by Rev. Enoch T. PRATHER, Mr. Wm. H. PEEBER and Miss Margaret BROWN.

PETERSON--ANDERSON.-- Nov. 1, 1869, at the residence of the officiating justice, by Archer GREEN, J. P., Mr. Andrew B. PETERSON and Miss Christena L. ANDERSON.

WALMER--PATTISON-- Nov. 11, 1869, at the house of the bride’s parents, in Cedar township, by Rev. Thomas MERRILL, Mr. Joseph WALMER and Miss Elizabeth PATTISON.

KOONS--WOOD-- Nov. 10, 1869, in Locust Grove township, by Rev. C. DARBY, Mr. David KOONS and Miss Mary E. WOOD, both of the above place.

Sheriff’s Sale.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an execution to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of John W. DUBOISE against J. E. BONEWITZ, I have levied upon the following described Real Estate as the property of the said J. E. BONEWITZ, to-wit: Lot six (6), block twenty-five (25) in Henn, Williams & Co.’s addition, according to Mallory’s sub-division to the City of Fairfield, Iowa, and that on
FRIDAY, the 17th day of DECEMBER, 1869,
at one o’clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said execution, amounting to $126 51-100ths debt, $9 40-100ths costs together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder for cash,
            J. S. GANTZ,
          Sheriff of Jefferson Co., Iowa
  Nov. 17, 1869-3-45 p f $6 00

Sheriff’s Sale.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an Execution to me directed, issued out of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of John H. WELLS, and against The Baptist Church of Fairfield, Iowa, I have levied upon the following described Real Estate as the property of the said Baptist Church of Fairfield, Iowa, to-wit: Their interest in Lot No five (5) in Block No. six (6,) and the buildings on the same, in the old plat of the City of Fairfield. And that on
FRIDAY, the 17th day of DECEMBER, 1869,
at one o’clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 59 31-100ths dollars debt, and 5 35-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ,
          Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  Nov. 17, no 45 p f $8 00.

Centre School-House,
          Cedar T’p, Nov. 20.
  Editors Ledger : --At a meeting held at this place, 6 miles southeast of Fairfield, on the 5th of November, for the purpose of organizing a literary and debating society, a constitution was adopted, and the following officers elected: J. T. AXLINE, President; H. HERALD, Vice President; Robert McCLELLAN, Rec. Secretary; Robert PATISON, Cor. Secretary; Alex. PATISON, Treasurer. The following were appointed an executive committee: J. T. AXLINE, Mary PATISON and S. W. LANGDON. The object of the society is to have a course of lectures, during the winter, and the improvement of its members in debating and parliamentary usages. The first lecture of the season will be delivered by Mr. Geo. N. THOMAS. Subject--"Education." All are respectfully invited to attend.

Teachers’ Association.--At the last meeting of the Jefferson County Teachers’ Institute a committee was appointed to prepare a programme for a Teachers’ Association to be held in the Court-House in Fairfield on the first Saturday in December. In order to carry out the design intended by the resolution of the Institute, the committee has prepared the following programme:
  10:00 A.M.--Devotional Exercises. Organization.
  11:00 A.M.--Exercises in Grammar, Mr. PARKINSON.
  11:45 P.M.--Paper, Should prizes be given in school, Mrs. WELLS and Miss Hannah RAMSAY.
   1:30 P.M.--Physiology, Mr. THRASHER.
   2:00 P.M.--Discussion--Township High Schools, Mr. A. AXLINE.
   2:30 P.M.--Essay, Miss A. STEVER.
   2:40 P.M.--Geography, Mr. W. C. DAVIS.
   3:00 P.M.--Mental Arithmetic, Mr. D. HERON.
   3:30 P.M.--Reading, Mr. S. H. ROBB.
  By order of Committee, A. AXLINE,

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