The Fairfield Ledger |
May 13, 1869
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
--At Trinity M. E. Church in Indianapolis, Ind., on Tuesday, May 4, 1869, by Rev. J. M. CRAWFORD, Mr. Charles Fred. WARREN, of Boston, Mass., and Miss Maggie G. HALL, formerly of this place.
We have no acquaintance with the happy groom, but take the privilege of felicitating him on having secured as life’s partner our fair young friend, who formerly resided here.
--April 27, 1869, at the house of A. HEWITT, in Fairfield township, by Rev. Thomas MERRILL, Mr. John D. SMOCK and Mrs. Isabel COLLINS.
--On the 5th inst., at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. William M. LAUGHLIN and Miss Julia A. WOOD; all of Jefferson county.
We congratulate our friend Will on the sensible step which he has taken. Julia will not be likely to give him any cause to regret it. May their cup of happeness [sic] ever be full.
PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to E. JOY & Co., at Fairfield, will please call and settle the same, as our accounts of last year must be settled.
Said accounts can be settled with W. GRAHAM, at our Lumber Yard in Fairfield, as H. L. BOSWORTH has ceased to act as our Agent in the settlement of accounts.
April 1, 1869.-4t13 E. JOY & CO.
Messrs. Editors Ledger:
The following extract from the minutes of April 14th, 1869, of the meeting of the Directors of the Jefferson Library Association, will interest the friends of the association and the contributors to the funds of the society, and you will confer a favor by publishing the same.
Mrs. Dr. CLARKE and Mrs. C. W. SLAGLE, a self-constituted committee to raise funds for the association were present. They reported that they had collected from the ladies in the city $126 10 by voluntary contributions, with the object of paying the debt against the association, and the same
having been paid over to the Secretary by the committee, it was
Resolved, That the hearty thanks of the association be tendered Mrs. CLARKE and Mrs. SLAGLE for their valuable labors, and to the ladies who contributed to the fund, and further, that the names of all persons contributing and the amounts paid by each should be spread upon the minutes
of the Secretary.
The following are names of contributors :
Mrs. Ward LAMSON, | $5.00 |
| | Mrs. H. W. LEWIS, | 1 00 |
" Geo. STEVER, | 2.00 |
| | " Jas. F. WILSON, | 5.00 |
" N. S. AVERILL, | 2.00 |
| | " E. McALLISTER, | 1.00 |
" Marion WELLS, | 1,00 |
| | " Ed. CAMPBELL, | 5.00 |
" Wm. LONG, | .50 |
| | " E. HUEY, | .50 |
" David ACHESON, | 1.00 |
| | " H. SHORT, | 1.00 |
" Geo. W. PHELPS, | .75 |
| | " W. K. ALEXANDER, | .25 |
" Dr. J. S. MOHR, | 2.00 |
| | " S. J. GAGE, | 1.00 |
" S. LIGHT, | 1.00 |
| | " E. W. GAGE, | .50 |
" E. J. MERRILL, | 1.00 |
| | " A. DARBY, | .50 |
" R. W. ALEXAND'R, | .25 |
| | " E. McELHINNEY, | 2.00 |
" E. FELLOWS, | .50 |
| | " Major PIERCE, | 1.00 |
" Guy BEATTY, | .25 |
| | " Geo. ACHESON, | 5.00 |
" Ellen HIGLEY, | .75 |
| | " Richard GAINES, | .50 |
" D. B WILSON, | 2.00 |
| | " Henry BROWN, | .50 |
" Fannie HIGLEY, | 1.00 |
| | " R. H. LEGGETT, | 1.00 |
" John POULTON, | .10 |
| | " Geo. CRAINE, | .50 |
" G. W. WORKMAN, | .25 |
| | " Jos. HOWE, | 1.00 |
" S. JEFFERS, | .25 |
| | " Geo. A. WELLS, | 1.00 |
Miss M. JEFFERS, | .25 |
| | " B. F. IVES, | .50 |
Mrs. M. A. McCOID, | 1.00 |
| | " L. F. BOERSTLER, | 1.00 |
" Sam'l READ, | .50 |
| | " J. S. MOUNT, | 1 00 |
" N. M. BRIGHT, | .50 |
| | " J. M. SHAFFER, | 1.00 |
" J. WEBSTER, | 1.00 |
| | " W. S. LYNCH, | 1.00 |
" D. WEBSTER, | .25 |
| | " W. H. JORDAN, | 2.50 |
" J. S. BECK, | 1 00 |
| | " Cap. W. R. WELLS, | 2 50 |
" M. KNEPP, | 1.00 |
| | " --- HAMPSON,. | 50 |
" Jas. SLAGLE, | 5.00 |
| | " D. MENDENHALL, | 1.00 |
" R. A. YOUNG, | 2.00 |
| | " --- INGHRAM, | 1.00 |
" J. E. CAMPBELL, | 1.00 |
| | " --- LINABERRY, | .50 |
" E. M. BOLING, | 1 00 |
| | " J. A. SPIELMAN, | .50 |
" R. A CLARK, | 1.00 |
| | " Geo. SHRINER, jr. | 50 |
" H. SEMON, | .50 |
| | " Wm. ALSTON, | 1.00 |
Miss M. HAMILTON, | 1.00 |
| | " T. BELL, | 50 |
Mrs. C. S. SHAFFER, | 1.00 |
| | " W. B. ROWLAND, | .50 |
" A. T. WELLS, | .50 |
| | " Geo. SHRINER, sr. | .50 |
" Geo. HOWELL, | .50 |
| | " H. ROGERS, | 1.50 |
" Dr. STEELE, | .50 |
| | " D W. TEMPLETON, | .50 |
" EICHORN, | .25 |
| | " Wm. DODDS, | .25 |
" J. A. McKEMEY, | 1.00 |
| | " J. BROWN, | .50 |
" Dr. WARE, | 1.00 |
| | " J. EDMISTON, | .25 |
" John MOUNT, | 1.00 |
| | " M. BLOSS, | .25 |
" M. SHAMP, | .25 |
| | " Sam'l HASTINGS, | .75 |
" Wm. T. BURGESS, | 1.00 |
| | " Thos. BONFIELD, | .50 |
" J. M. WOODS, | 1 00 |
| | " A. S. JORDAN, | 1.00 |
" Dr. P. N. WOODS, | 2.00 |
| | " Sam'l BIGELOW, | .50 |
" S. C. FARMER, | 1.00 |
| | " --- MORRIS, | .50 |
" F. B. HUNTZING'R, | 2.00 |
| | " T. D. EVANS, | 1.50 |
" D. P. STUBBS, | 1.00 |
| | " M. A. DEEDS, | |
" J. BELL, | .50 |
| | Lowell, Mass, | 5.00 |
" MOTHORN, | .25 |
| | " G. D. TEMPLE, | 2.00 |
" MITCHELL, | .50 |
| | " J. R. SHAFFER, | .50 |
" C. DONALDSON, | .25 |
| | " E. H. ANNEWALT, | .25 |
" Adam CASE, | 1.00 |
| | " W. W. JUNKIN, | 1.00 |
" C. S. CLARKE, | 5.00 |
| | " C. W. SLAGLE, | 5.00 |
Total, - - - |
- - - - - - - - | - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | $ 126.10 |
The children who gave an entertainment for the Library, paid over the net proceeds, $23 75; whereupon a vote of thanks was returned to the children, and to Miss Kate ROWLAND, who inaugurated the entertainment and insured [sic] its success.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for one week, ending May 11, 1869.
J. W. OLIVER from David C. YOUNG and wife, lot 10 in block 28, new plat of the city of Fairfield. Deed dated May 3, 1869.
900 00
Conrad BLOSS from D. W. TEMPLETON and wife, lot 23 in block 9, old plat of the city of Fairfield. Deed dated April 9, 1869. 1,200 00
Isaac R. ALTER from Hiram V. SHORT and wife, the south half of lots 3 and 4, in block 8 of the old plat of the city of Fairfield, except 20 feet off the south end of said lots. Deed dated May 6, 1869.
2,800 00
Rachel A. CLARK from Patrick BURKE and wife, lot 4 in block 3 of the new plat of the city of Fairfield. Deed dated May 3, 1869. 300 00
Cynthia A. GRAFTON, from John Q. SMOCK and wife, 50 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated May 1, 1869. 1,400 00
William COLLINS from Isaac R. ALTER and wife, 108.81 acres in Fairfield township. Deed dated May 4, 1869. 5,500 00
John S ASSEEN from Jacob TRACY and wife, 40 acres in Blackhawk tp. Deed dated March 22, 1869. 3,000 00
John M. GRAFTON from John Q. SMOCK and wife, 50 acres in Buchanan tp. Deed dated May 1, 1869. 1,400 00
Hiram V. SHORT from Isaac R. ALTER and wife, 13 acres in Fairfield tp. Deed dated May 6, 1869. 275 00
James V. BLAIR from Joseph DOLE, et. al. 130 (180?) acres in Liberty tp. Deed dated May 8, 1869. 2,860 00
Carson REED from Wm. F. PUMPHREY and wife, lot of ground adjoining city of Fairfield on the East. Deed dated May 6, 1869.
600 00
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