The Fairfield Ledger |
March 18, 1869
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
On the 14th inst., by Rev. A. AXLINE, at the Pastor’s residence, Mr. Wm. COLLINS and Miss H. Drusey MOWERY, all of Jefferson co.
Solomon says, "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord;"--hence, we think that our friend COLLINS ought to be very thankful for the prize which he has obtained. A.
--On the 16th inst., by Rev. A. AXLINE, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Gustavus E. BURK, of Henry county, and Miss Lottie LINSTRUM, of Fairfield.
We trust that the happiness of our young friends, will never grow less, and that their pathway through life will be cheered all the time with sunshine and flowers. *
School Reports--Buchanan Township.--
Buchanan, lying East of Fairfield township, is divided into six sub-districts, and reports 461 pupils. The houses are all good, three of which have just been built.
Jan. 25.--Visited District No. 1. E. J. HINSHAW, teacher. Wages, $35 per month. Enumeration, 56. Enrolled, 44. Present, 33. Good house. Black walnut desks badly spoiled in making. Whooping-cough in the school--pretty noisy.
Feb. 11.--Visited District No. 2. Maggie SHRINER, teacher. Wages. $30 per month.-- Enumeration, 114. Enrolled, 60. Present, 45. Brick house not yet finished. Size, 22x30 feet. Two windows in each side. We have distinct recollection of a meeting in this district on the evening of "election," relative to building a school house. The "Superintendent" attended and was cordially received by
one of the patrons, as soon as he dismounted. The said "patron" was going to demolish him.
Jan. 29.--Visited District No. 3. Eliza J. BUCHANAN, teacher. Wages, $33 per month. Enumeration, 73, Enrolled, 48. Present, 28. An extra good brick house. Size, 24x32 feet.
Dec. 16.--Visited District No. 4. Smith NEGUS, teacher. Wages, $35 per month.--- Good house, well seated, only the third term in this house, and the black board, which is made on the plaster, looks like an archipelago.
Jan. 26.--Visited District No. 5. Abraham WHISLER, teacher. Wages. $35 per month. Enumeration, 71. Enrolled, 51. Present, 36. Mr. W., after having considerable trouble, quit the school. Miss Ella MUSSER finished the term.
Jan. 26.--Visited District No. 6. Joseph McCRACKEN, teacher. Wages, $35 per month. Enumeration, 56. Enrolled, 44. Present, 33. New house. Size, 24x28 feet. Seats are not well graded. D. HERON.
A Sad Accident.--Mr. N. PIERCE, brother of Major PIERCE, met with a severe accident at the Chicago cattle yards on the 10th inst. He was driving some cattle from the cars to the yard, when one of the steers turned and sprang at him, throwing him heavily upon the plank road and trampling upon him. Mr. PIERCE was picked up insensible and remained so for a long time. He was better on the 11th. He was on his way from Fairfield to Maine after his family, It is doubtful if he will be able to continue his journey.
Council Room, March 11 1869.
Pursuant to adjournment the Council met with the following members present: Mayor McCRACKEN, Ald: ALEXANDER, BIGELOW, BOLING, CRAWFORD, MONFORT, and PHELPS.
Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
A. G. SCRANTOM, Trustee elect of ward No. 2, appeared, took the required oath, and was admitted to a seat in the Council.
The Mayor appointed the following standing committees :
Ways and Means,---CRAWFORD, BOLING and BIGELOW. Claims,---ALEXANDER, PHELPS and SCRANTOM. Streets and Alleys.---MONFORT, PHELPS, and BIGELOW. Public Property,---MESSICK, ALEXANDER and BOLING.
M. M. BLEAKMORE presented a bill for printing, which on motion , was referred to the committee on claims.
Ald. PHELPS moved to proceed to the election of the City Clerk and Weighmaster for the ensuing year. Carried. On motion of Ald. ALEXANDER, Geo. H. CASE was elected Clerk, and on motion of Ald. BOLING, Wm. PAINE was elected Weighmaster.
On motion of Ald. BOLING the report of Mayor DAVID was received and ordered to be filed.
Ald. CRAWFORD moved that the Treasurer be requested to amend his report so as to include time to the 11th day of March, 1869.
Ald. MONFORT offered an ordinance appropriating money for certain purposes, wherefor Ald. BOLING moved that the rules requiring the reading of an ordinance on three separate days before its adoption be suspended. Carried. Voting, yea---ALEXANDER, BOLING, BIGELOW, CRAWFORD, MONFORT, PHELPS and SCRANTOM.
On motion of Ald. MONFORT the above ordinance was adopted. Voting, yea---ALEXANDER, BOLING, BIGELOW, CRAWFORD, MONFORT, PHELPS and SCRANTOM.
Street Commissioner, PRATHER, made report of city property and delinquent tax payers, which on motion of CRAWFORD was received and place on file.
Ald. PHELPS moved that a committee of two, consisting of Ald. BOLING and CRAWFORD be appointed to settle with weighmaster, S. G. GODDARD, and to collect all monies due the city from said weighmaster. Carried.
On motion adjourned for one week.
GEO. H. CASE, City Clerk.
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