The Fairfield Ledger |
March 11, 1869
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:....]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
Jefferson County, } ss:
Margaret MOORE, } Suit pending before
vs. } Edward FLETCHER,
The unknown claimants of } a Jusiice of the
one dark brown horse mule, } Peace, in Liberty
2 years old past, and one } Township, Jeffer-
brown horse mule, one year } son County, Iowa.
old past. }
To the unknown owner of one dark brown horse mule, 2 years old past, and one brown mule, one year old past.
You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of Edward FLETCHER, a Justice of the Peace of Liberty township, in Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Margaret MOORE, plaintiff, claiming of you ninety-nine dollars for a hotel bill contracted with said plaintiff by said unknown owner for himself and horse, and for pasturage, feed and care of one dark brown horse mule, two years old past, and one brown horse mule, one year old past, which property was left by said unknown owner with the plaintiff on or about the 25th day of July 1868, which said unknown
owner claimed said property as his; and in said petition asking an attachment may issue against your property, and judgment for said sum of ninety-nine dollars, with interest and costs, and unless you appear thereto and defend on the 15th day of March 1869, at the office of said Justice of the Peace,
at 1 o’clock P.M. of said day, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. RATCLIFF & GILTNER,
6t5 p f $15 75 Attys for Plff.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending March 9, 1869 :
L. T. MARTIN from E. J. HALE, lot 7, block 20, in Railroad addition to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Jan. 22, 1868. 75 00
L. T. MARTIN from E. J. HALE, lots 8 and 9, block 20, in Railroad addition to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Aug. 28, 1868.
120 00
Thomas ANDREWS from Robert A. MARSHAL and wife, 160 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Nov. 11, 1868. 2,000 00
George COWS from Israel SLATER and wife, 10 acres in Polk township.-- Deed dated Dec. 2, 1867. 100 00
Joel and William CAMPBELL from Edward DAVIES and wife, one-half acre in Blackhawk township. Deed dated March 31, 1868.
15 00
Edward DAVIES from Joel and William CAMPBELL, 81¼ rods in Blackhawk township. Deed dated March 31, 1868. 15 00
[Ed. note: One rod is 16½ feet as a measure of length.]
Edward DAVIES from Henry W. HESTON and wife, one-half acre in Blackhawk township. Deed dated July 2, 1868. 15 00
Trustees of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal church, lot of ground in Polk township. Deed dated Feb. 24, 1869. 25 00
John C. BRADSHAW from St. George KELLY and wife, 40 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated March 2, ’69. 850 00
Henry SMADAKA from Peter DEERS and wife, 10 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Jan. 28, 1868. 100 00
Frederick EDLER from Jacob WERNER and wife, 40 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Sept. 3, 1868. 600 00
William ALSTON from Lara FREELAND, 30 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated March 4, 1869. 100 00
Barbara COLE from Jacob REIS and wife, lots 3, 4 and 5 in block 5, in the town of Pleasant Plain. Deed dated Dec. 19, 1868.
450 00
Personal.--Glad to see our old friend Sam COFFIN, back in Fairfield. He is healthy and gay.
We are pleased to see Dr. SHAFFER "on his pegs." Doc don’t get sick very much, but he occasionally gets mighty powerful weak.
Dr. J. M. WRIGHT, of Abingdon was in Fairfield on business, as was also T. W. GOBBLE. The Doctor practices medicine, and Tommy GOBBLE sells goods. They are both good in their respective branches.
Batavia has "been upon us." We’ve had McDILL, LEESON, O’NEAL, RIGGS, and doubtless others. They look as though they fared well. Believe, too, we saw Mr. ROBERTS, the miller.
A Great Need.--The fire at Al JORDAN’s on Saturday afternoon, demonstrated the fact that out city must have, and that immediately, a compact, strong, light running carriage, fully equipped with hooks and ladders. Had we had such appliances on Saturday, the extinction of the fire at Mr. JORDAN’s would have been but the work of a moment, and without damage to the main building, or injury to the contents of the house. Get the Hooks and Ladders, and a good, efficient, well drilled company to take charge and keep in order, will be forthcoming at short notice. Besides this, if every citizen will provide himself with a leather or india rubber fire bucket, with his name painted on it, we can have a fire organization in our midst, which for effectiveness and economy, will far excel any hand Fire Engine Company that could be possibly raised. Let the people stir the City Council at once to procure the Hooks and Ladders; and let a committee be appoited [sic] to learn the cost of proper fire buckets. Let there be no delay in that matter.
Another Fire.--On Saturday last we came near having another destructive fire. The two story house of Capt. WELLS, opposite the Congregational church, and occupied by Mr. Albert S. JORDAN, caught fire from a defective flue, and in a few moments the South side of the building seemed all a-blaze; but the promptness and energy of our citizens, with the use of water, soon extinguished the flames. A small kitchen on the southwest corner, and the porch running on the south side were totally destroyed.--- The main building had the roof injured, the shutters torn off, and was otherwise damaged, The loss on the building is about $700. Mr. JORDAN lost nearly all his dishes, stove, &c., and had his carpets injured. His loss is about $200.
Destructive Fire.--The large two story house of Oscar A. WELLS, two miles Northeast of Fairfield, was burned to the ground during the high wind that prevailed on Friday, March 5th. The fire caught from a defective flue. The flames spread so rapidly that Mr. and Mrs. WATROUS, the parents of Mrs. WELLS, saved very little except what they had on their backs. Mr. WELLS saved a silver tea service, and some other articles ; but the house, most of the furniture, dishes, &c., was a total loss. About 15 tons of hay was also destroyed. The total loss is estimated at about $5,000, on which there is not a particle of insurance.
Since the above was written, Mr. WELLS called and informs us that the fire originated not from a defective flue, but from the sheet-iron attachment to his kitchen chimney. The attachment was firmly braced, but in spite of his, the high wind made it sway from one side to the other, and through the opening thus made the sparks fell to the roof and set it on fire.
Local Affairs.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending March 4,
1869 :
Pertiller WHITSON from E. CALFERTY and wife, 40 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Nov. 30, 1867. 600 00
John Jackson SMITH from Elias SMITH and wife, --- acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Feb. 6, 1869. 300 00
John S. JOHNSON from Ellen REAM and husband, 40 acres in Polk township, and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 4, and lots 1 and 2 in block 5, and a small strip in block 4, in the town of Aaronville. Deed dated Nov. 9, 1868. 700 00
Hamen V. FINKLE from Preston H. OWINGS and wife, 90 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated Feb. 20, 1869. 2,900 00
Dr. Henry REAMS from Reuben HARRIS and wife, 10 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Jan. 22, 1869. 100 00
Wm. C. HAWK from Greenbury HOWARD and wife, 5 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Feb. 19, 1869. 175 00
A. M. SWANSON from A. O. QUICK and wife, 20 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Dec. 29, 1869. [sic] 500 00
A. M. SWANSON from J. SCHUTZ and wife, 15 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Dec. 29, 1869. [sic] 150 00
Oliver L. HOOPES from Philander CHANDLER and wife, 40 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated Feb. 16, ’69. 800 00
Gustavus VOTE from Henry VOTE, part of block 6 of Mathias Grimes’ addition to the City of Fairfield. Deed dated Feb. 22, 1869. 75 00
Isaiah McINTYRE from Joseph WALKER and wife, 23 acres in Fairfield township. Deed dated Dec. 24, 1868. 600 00
Jean B. DROZ from Robert McELHINNEY and wife, 20 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated Feb. 15, 1869. 160 00
John V. MYERS from Dan. W. BROWN and wife, lot 4, block 30, new plat of the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Jan. 13, 1869.
100 00
William CLARRIDGE from M. T. CREEK and wife, 24 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Feb. 16, 1869. 400 00
Joseph HUDSON from Robert LEEPER and wife, 18½ acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Feb. 18, ’69. 222 00
Joel E. CAMPBELL from J. J. BELL and wife, lot of land in Grimes addition to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Feb. 24, 1869.
217 00
Andrew KASSELL from Jacob WERNER and wife 20 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Sept. 3, 1868. 350 00
Andrew CASSEL from John B. CROSBY and wife, 60 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Feb. 27, 1869. 1,350 00
Abraham WHISLER from Alfred WHISLER and wife, 60 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated July 16, 1867. 1,400 00
Calvin C. HOUGHTON from Annie K. WILSON, the undivided half of 640 acres in Blackhawk township.-- Deed dated Feb. 22, 1869. 2,880 00
Nathan D. COFFIN from Nancy JONES, 27 acres in Penn township. Deed dated Dec. 21, 1865. 400 00
E. JOY & Co. from H. L. BOSWORTH and wife, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 6, in H. W. & Co’s. ad. to the city of Fairfield. Deed dated Feb. 12, 1869. 300 00
John WELCH from Lucy B. GOODALL, 85 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated May 11, 1868. 2,800 00
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