Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

July 29, 1869

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by: Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:....]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

      Council Room, July 15, 1869.
  Council met with the following members present: Mayor McCRACKEN; Trustees--- ALEXANDER, BOLING, BIGELOW, MESSICK, MONFORT and PHELPS.
  Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
  Claim of G. A. UNKRICH of $6.25 for nails, presented, and on motion of MESSICK, allowed; voting---Aye, ALEXANDER, BOLING, BIGELOW, MONFORT, MESSICK and PHELPS.
  A petition of J. S. BROWN, et. al., praying the Council to have the sidewalk in front of lot 2, block 9, old plat, repaired, was read and on motion of BOLING laid on the table.
  Trustee MESSICK moved that a tax of five mills on the dollar on all the taxable property within the city be levied, to meet the current expenses of the present year. Carried. Voting--Yea, ALEXANDER, BOLING, BIGELOW, MESSICK, MONFORT and PHELPS. Nay, none.
  Street Commissioner, PRATHER, made report to July 15, whereupon, ALEXANDER moved that the same be received and placed on file. Motion prevailed.
  On motion of PHELPS the Committee on Public Property, was instructed to ascertain the best means of repairing the public wells around the Park.
  On motion of MESSICK, the Committe [sic] on Streets and Alleys, was instructed to personally examine the condition of the Streets and Alleys of the city and report at next meeting.
  On motion adjourned to July 29, 1869, at 7½ o’clock P.M.       GEO. H. CASE.
             City Clerk.

  B. F. HUNTZINGER is erecting a portico to his residence.

  John E. DAUGHERTY has built an addition to his house.

  John GRIMES has roofed and otherwise repaired his barn.

  Rev. A. AXLINE has put a picket fence in front of, and is otherwise improving, the college premises.

  Mr. Isaac HOFFMAN has the frame up for a large and handsome residence. It is located one street north of the railroad on a line with the Union School House.

The Coal Creek Accident.---The Albia Union of the 22d says:
  The facts elicited at the inquest held on last Friday over the dead bodies of three children of Mr. HERRIOTT, who were drowned by the breaking of the Coal Creek bridge, proved conclusively that the sad disaster was caused by a careless indifference and neglect of the officers and managers of the B. & M. R. R. It was shown in evidence that the agent and employees of the company here were thoroughly cognizant of the dangerous condition of the road, and that telegraphic dispatches had been sent to headquarters at Burlington, warning them that it was unsafe for heavy trains. And yet in the face of these facts, and while the storms raged with increased fury, washing out the grades, a very heavy loaded train of from 15 to 18 cars was sent over the road to be plunged into Coal Creek, thus verifying the truth of the information sent to the officers of the road, but which they in their lofty dignity did not deign to heed. Had that prudence been manifested which it should be expected that men of common sense would display, then that lamentable accident would have been avoided. Railroad smash-ups are becoming too alarmingly frequent, and it is high time that haughty, domineering railroad officials (like the one who drove off some of our best citizens from his special train, when they wished to go to the scene of a disaster to render aid) should be held to a strict accountability, and severely punished whenever accidents can be traced to carelessness.
  We can scarcely credit the above, as we think the pecuniary interests of the road, if nothing else would dictate the opposite course; and fear that the indignation of the editor of the Union has warped his judgment.

Personal.--Mr. M. THASHER, the newly elected Principal of our Union School, called on us during the past week. He brings with him from other points, the highest testimonials for being a thorough, competent and efficient teacher and superintendent. We welcome him to our midst, and hope his stay may be long, and pleasant and profitable alike to himself and the patrons and scholars of our schools.

  One of our Bucyrus friends. Mr. John ZOOK, is at present in the city. As a master painter, he has few equals, and we hope he may find it to his advantage to permanently settle here.

Real Estate Transfers.---The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office, for one week, ending July 27, 1869.

Franklin ERICKSON from Mary J. HENN, 160 acres in Round Prairie tp. Deed dated June 30, 1869. 640 00
C. COOK from Wm. LINDLEY and wife, 25 acres in Black Hawk tp. Deed dated Jan. 29, 1869. 750 00
Charles COOK from James POLLOCK and wife. 160 acres in Black Hawk tp. Deed dated June 10, 1869. 2,000 00
Bassil MOWERY from Edward MOWERY, 40 acres in Polk tp. Deed dated May 11, 1868. 500 00
Samuel ROSS from Bryant FANNING and wife, 80 acres in Black Hawk tp. Deed dated July 19, 1869. 980 00
Henry W. HESTON from Bryant FANNING and wife, 80 acres in Black Hawk tp. Deed dated July 19, 1869. 780 00
George P. RIDER from Daniel RIDER and wife, 40 acres in Fairfield tp. Deed dated July 10, 1869. 600 00
Thomas M. RIDER from Daniel RIDER and wife, 40 acres in Fairfield tp. Deed dated July 10, 1869. 900 00
Martin CHANCY from Thomas PRICE and wife, one-halff [sic] acre in Liberty tp. Deed dated April 13, 1868. 1,000 00
Adam GOOD from Phillip BACHMAN and wife, 20 acres in Locust Grove tp.--- Deed dated Feb. 11, 1865. 120 00
B. F. De WITT from John T. McCULLOUGH and wife, 35 acres in Cedar tp. Deed dated Nov. 8, 1865. 150 00
Archer GREEN from Isaac BARRY, 50 acres in Lockridge tp, Deed dated December 16, 1867, 1,250 00
Peter WESTLING from Catharine LEWIS, lot 6. block 27 new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated July 19, 1869. 300 00

Breach of Trust.--A fellow whose name is John ARNOLD was requested to state why he did not return the full amount of money he received as the proceeds of the sale of a horse and buggy---$175---which he had disposed of for one John MERRILL. He could not answer the query with any sort of satisfaction to the court, when he was held in $500 for trial for larceny as bailee. He introduced as witness for himself a fellow named George HILL. Captain MILLER had been looking for HILL for a year, and was glad to see him. It seems he had stolen a fine horse from a Mr. MERRILL, in Jefferson county, Iowa, a year ago, which he brought to this city and disposed of; but the police could never find him since. The Captain invited him to a cool resting place in a cell, which HILL thinks is a sell on him. The authorities of Jefferson county have been notified of his arrest.-- Chicago Post.

  I offer for sale my Blacksmith Shop and tools, together with two lots, 54 by 128 each, on which said shop is situated. This shop and lots are at Doud’s Station, Van Buren county, Iowa, and is the only shop there--has a first rate run of work. Enquire on the premises.     M. MARTIN.
  July 14, 1869.                 no27 1m*.

  Circuit Court, August Term, A.D. 1869.
To Lauretta LONG and ----------- LONG, her husband, Franklin GOODRICH, George GOODRICH, Viola E. GOODRICH, Charles W. GOODRICH, Lucy E. GOODRICH, and Ruth A. GOODRICH, widow of James GOODRICH, deceased.
    You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, a petition of John C. JOHNSON, as the administrator of the Estate of James GOODRICH, deceased, asking authority and an order from said Court to sell the following described Real Estate, situate [sic] in said County, to-wit: the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section No. two (2), Township No. seventy-three (73,) North of Range No. ten (10,) and the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section No. eleven (11,) Township No. seventy-three (73,) North of Range No. ten (10,) West.  Also a tract commencing 20 Rods North of Southwest corner of Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Section No. sixteen (16,) in Township seventy-three (73,) North of Range No. nine (9,) thence East eighty (80) rods, thence North twenty-five (25) rods, thence West eighty (80) rods, thence South twenty-five (25) rods to the place of beginning,---Also the West half of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section No. seventeen (17,) in Township No. seventy-three (73.) North of Range No. nine (9,) or so much of said Real Estate as may be necessary to satisfy the claims against said Estate, and unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said Circuit Court, to be begun and held on the second Monday, the ninth day of August, A.D. 1869, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon, and an order granted in accordance with said petition.
           RATCLIFF & GILTNER,
  4t26-p.f.$11.25       Atty’s for Petitioner.

  [Ed. note:  One rod is 16½ feet in length as a unit of distance.]

  Archie BYRKIT’s new residence on Main street, where his shop formerly was, is completed and already occupied. It is a neat, story and a half frame.

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