The Fairfield Ledger |
July 15, 1869
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
--At Chariton, July 3d, by Rev. CASTLER, at the house of the bride’s father, Mr. John R. KING and Miss Mary TAYLOR.
Johnny KING has long been known as one of the most pleasant Conductors on the B. & M. R. R., and we trust that his affability has secured him a good partner through life.--- The fair bride and happy groom have oceans of our good wishes.
SMITH--BROWN.--June 26, 1869, at the house of the bride’s father, in Des Moines township, by Rev. Enoch T. PRATHER, Mr. John G. W. SMITH and Miss Nancy A. BROWN.
ADAMS--BLAKELEY.--July 3d, 1869, at the Court House, in Fairfield, by Mayor D. R. McCRACKEN, Mr. William H. ADAMS and Miss Katie BLAKELEY.
GUSTAFSON--SWANHILDA.--May 24, ’69, at the house of the bride’s father, in Lockridge township, Mr. Andrew Augustus GUSTAFSON and Miss Mathilda SWANHILDA.
ANDERSON--ANDERSON.--June 30, 1869, at the Swede Evangelical Church, in Lockridge township, by Rev. H. ODSON, Mr. Swan ANDERSON and Miss Charlotte ANDERSON.
ROBINSON--HODGEN.--June 30, 1869, at the Leggett House, in Fairfield township, by Rev. Carson REED, Mr. William W. ROBINSON and Miss Amanda A. HODGEN, all of Jefferson county, Iowa.
If you do not feel well, you send for a doctor, he calls upon you, looks wise, sucks the head of his cane, scrawls some hieroglifics upon a piece of paper which you take to a drug store, and there pay 50 cts. to $1.00, besides the doctor’s fee, for a remedy nine times out of ten not half as good as Judson’s Mountain Herb Pills, which are only 25 cts. per box. Do you think the former the best because you pay the most for it if you do, [sic] we advise you to use just for an experiment the Judson’s Mountain Herb Pills and see for yourself, that they are one of the best family medicines compounded; they cure Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, and all Female Irregularities. Give the Mountain Herb Pills a trial. Sold by all dealers. 1m24.
State of Iowa, Jefferson County, September Term, 1869.
You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Julius SANGER, claiming of and asking that the Bonds of Matrimony existing between you and said Plaintiff may be dissolved, and that he may be divorced from you; and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the first Monday of September, 1869, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. NEGUS & CULBERTSON,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Publish four weeks inThe Fairfield Ledger.
4t24pf$7 Clerk of District Court.
Another Disclaimer.--- Atter [sic] our paper of July 1st went to press we received another disclaimer on the GALLIHER appropriation. Mr. JONES, the member of the Board from Penn township, writes us under date of June 26th :
"I notice in the last LEDGER an article relative to a bill allowed J. A. GALLIHER for running a horse thief, &c. It appears in the article that I was the mover for the adoption of the resolution. I have no recollection of making the motion. I recolleci of opposing the resolution when it was under discussion, and also voting against the adoption of it, Thomas JONES."
We are glad Mr. JONES disclaims favoring the GALLIHER iniquity, and we have again to express our regret that the ayes and noes were not called on the question Messrs. WILLIAMSON, HOPKIRK and JONES did not vote for the appropriation, and we presume Mr. GALLIHER’s delicacy prevented him from doing so. We are, therefore, led to the conclusion that the eight members of the Board not mentioned above, voted for its adoption. Those gentlemen owe it to their constituents to give the reasons and the law that actuated them in defraying Mr. GALLIHER’s expenses in pursuit of a horse thief. The fact of Mr. GALLIHER’s boasting before he left Fairfield in the pursuit, that Jefferson county should pay his expenses, does not entitle him to anything. The Board has established the precedent, and to be consistent and honest it should, at its next meeting, re-imburse Mr. Henry McCORMICK to the amount of $40. In comparison with Mr. GALLIHER he is a poor man, and is illy prepared to lose the money. Mr. William YOUNG is also entitled, by the precedent, to remuneration.
If we can induce the Board of Supervisors to be more careful in the management of the affairs of the county we shall be satisfied. Several acts performed by it at the last session should have received more careful consideration. If law, instead of feeling, had governed, money might have been saved to the county.
Narrow Escape.--On the morning of the 6th, a son of Dr. OGDEN of our city, who is a breaksman [sic] on the B. & M. R. R. had a narrow escape from death. In passing under a bridge this side of Ottumwa, and while in a stooping position he was struck on the back of the head by a piece of timber projecting from the bridge, and knocked from the one car to the one in the rear of it, where he lay for some time in an unsensible condition. That he was not thrown from the car and killed is almost a miracle. He was laid up for a few days, but on Monday returned to duty.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office, for two weeks, ending July 12, 1869.
David McCASLIN from James D. CRAIL and wife, 100 acres in Cedar tp. Deed dated June 14, 1869. 3,640 00
Jacob SNEIDER from John GRABER et. al., 160 acres in Lockridge tp. Deed dated May 3, 1869. 880 00
Wm. D. WILSON from Hugh WILSON and wife, 50 acres in Des Moines tp. Deed dated June 9, 1869. 600 00
R. A. WILSON from Hugh WILSON and wife, 40 acres in Des Moines tp. Deed dated June 9, 1869. 500 00
R. A. WILSON from Alex. WILSON and wife, 10 acres in Des Moines tp. Deed dated May 10, 1869. 100 00
Stephen G. WOOD from Susan HAWTHORN and husband, 40 acres in Walnut tp. Deed dated Dec 4, 1867. 172,30
Jefferson county from John BISHOP and wife, (addition to Poor farm) about 11¾ acres. Deed dated June 20, 1869. 202 50
John T. GLENN from Samuel MAHAFFY and wife, 20 acres in Des Moines tp. Deed dated June 28, 1869. 300 00
F. F. LYON from Jacob TRACY and wife, 160 acres in Black Hawk tp. Deed dated March 13, 1869. 4,000 00
Geo. W. REYNOLDS from Mary LYNCH et. al., 40 acres in Polk tp. Deed dated June 8, 1869. 600 00
Hamilton SMITH from H. SMITH and wife, 180 acres in Liberty tp. Deed dated June 23, 1869. 5,200 00
D. T. LEPPO from W. L. BOLWELL, 40 acres in Liberty tp. Deed dated June 29, 1869. 200 00
Mary A. WAID from Joseph B. HANKS and wife, 168 acres in Black Hawk tp, and lots 4 and 5 in block 9 in Fleenor’s addition to the town of Abingden [sic]. Deed dated March 14, 1868. 500 00
Levi WHISTLER from Alfred WHISTLER and wife, 26 2/3 acres in Walnut tp. Deed dated Dec. 24, 1868. 500 00
Bad Accident.--On Friday evening, July 2d, as Dr. W. J. GREEN was going home his horses ran away. The tongue of the wagon fell to the ground, upset the wagon, and threw Dr. GREEN, his daughter and a Miss ALLENDER out. The Dr. was badly hurt, the right side of his neck being paralyzed. There seem to be no bruises on his body. Miss Laura GREEN was also badly hurt; two of her teeth and part of the upper jaw bone being knocked out. She also received severe bruises on the body. Miss ALLENDER’s injuries are not of a severe character. For several days the Dr. lay in a comatose state. We trust his injuries will not be permanent.
P.S.--- Dr. J. S. SHAW has since removed several pieces of the fractured bone from the mouth of Miss GREEN. All the patients are doing finely.
Soldiers of the War of 1812.--A meeting of the Soldiers of the war of 1812 of Jefferson county, was held in Fairfield, at the office of I. D. JONES, Esq., on the 19th of last month. The following old veterans were present :
William FULTON, of Fairfield township, aged (on the day of the meeting) 81 years, 9 months, and 2 days.
John HARPER of Cedar township, aged 80 years, 1 month and 21 days.
George G. FEE, of Black Hawk township, aged 74 years, 4 months and 15 days.
Thomas LOVE, of Buchanan township, aged 73 years, 9 months, and 16 days.
John S. BALL, of Round Prairie township, aged 76 years, 1 month and 4 days.
These old soldiers are all hale, healthy men, for their age, none of them use glasses, and each subscribed his name to the petition to Congress asking that a pension justly due them shall be awarded.
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