The Fairfield Ledger |
January 21, 1869
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Joey Stark
Fairfield Township.--This Township is divided into ten Sub-Districts, besides the Independent District of Fairfield. All that portion of Liberty Township lying North of Cedar creek belongs to this Township for school purposes.
The total number of children of school age in this Township, as reported by district Secretaries, is 473, an average of 47.3 to the sub district. This number is very unequally distributed, some districts being too small and others too large.
The board of directors provide for 7 months school during the year--one month more than the law requires.
The following notes were made during visits. The enumeration is taken from Secretary’s report:
Dec. 9th.--- Visited sub-district No. 1. Miss Aggie WELLS, teacher. Wages, $28 per month. Enumeration, 31. No. pupils enrolled, 28. No. in attendance, 8. The small attendance is not the fault of Miss WELLS, but owing to the fact that the lanes are drifted with snow.
Nov. 25th.--- Visited district No. 2. T. B. MAXWELL, teacher. Wages, $28 per month. Enumeration, 66. No. enrolled, 27. No. present, 24. A number of the pupils of this district attend the
Fairfield Union School.--- The house would not accommodate many more.
Dec. 1st.--- Visited district No. 3. Miss Jennie CAMBLIN, teacher. Wages, $25 per month. Enumeration, 44. Enrolled, 38.--- Present, 29. No. 3 has a very good house. This is Miss CAMBLIN’s second term in the same district.
Dec. 1st.--- Visited district No. 4. J. K. MAXON, teacher. Wages, $28 per month.--- Enumeration, 71. Enrolled. ---. Present, 31. This is the largest enumeration in the Township.
Dec. 29th.--- Visited district No. 5. Miss Mary HEWITT, teacher. Wages, $28 per month. Enumeration, 70. Enrolled, 56.--- Present, 46. Size of house --- 22x26; 10 foot story. Seat 46 pupils
[sic]. One acre of ground for yard. Was agreeably surprised to find Wm. KING, sub-director, on a visit to his school --- the first case of the kind that has happened.
Dec. 11th.--- Visited district No. 6. Wesley HAMMOND, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 26. Enrolled, 17.--- Present, 10. Whooping-Cough in the district. Mr. HAMMOND is teaching
the third term in No. 6. He says it is impossible to teach penmanship, and a glance at the desks confirms this assertion. Good house, with this exception.
Dec. 28th.--- Visited district No. 7. Hubert O’DONNELL, teacher. Wages, $28. Enumeration, 30. Enrolled, 28. Present, 24. Size of house --- 18x20. Two rows of desks. This is Mr. O’s first term. He believes in having a live school.
Nov. 27th.--- Visited District No. 8. Geo. W. CURFFMAN, teacher. Wages, $28 per month. Enumeration, 38. Enrolled, 25.--- Present, 21. Mr. C. has his school divided into two classes, one of which performs every Friday afternoon --- declamation, essays, &c.
Dec. 16th.--- Visited district No. 9. J. K. WEST, teacher. Wages $28 per month. Enumeration, 51. Enrolled, 41. Present, 26. Penmanship, a very much neglected branch generally, received
due attention from Mr. WEST. No. 9 has the best house in the Township.
Nov. 10th.--- Visited district No. 10. A. W. LAUGHLIN, teacher. Wages, $28 per month. Enumeration, 46. Enrolled, 24. Present, 21.
This is a new District in the western part of the township. Good house, school a little behind some of the others, owing to the fact that this is only the beginning of the second term. Mr. L. will give it a good start this winter.
--January 7, 1869, by Robert BLACK, J. P., at the house of Mr. S. SWARTZ, Mr. John H. CLOKE and Miss Sarah E. SWARTZ, all of this county.
--September 27, 1868, by Rev. H. OLSON, at the Swede Church, Mr. Henry N. NELSON and Miss Caroline ANDERSON, all of Jefferson county.
--December 27, 1868, by Rev. H. OLSON, Mr. Gustaf SMITHBERG and Miss Christena ANDERSON, all of this county.
--January 12, 1869, by Rev. A. J. KIRKPATRICK, at the house of Thomas MOORMAN, Esq., Mr. A. J. COMBS and Miss Mary Elizabeth ROBINSON.
--November 2, 1868, by Rev. A. J. KIRKPATRICK, Mr. James A. LAUGHLIN and Miss Luana C. THARP, all of Jefferson county.
--November 18, 1868, by Rev. A. J. KIRKPATRICK, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Warren A. RANDALL and Miss M. J. McKEYNOLDS, all of this county.
--January 7, 1869, by John GANTZ, J. P., at the house of the bride’s father, Mr. Melvin WHITMORE and Miss Priscilla MARION, all of this county.
--November 8, 1868, by Rev. A. J. KIRKPATRICK, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John K. HUDSON and Miss Ruth E. McREYNOLDS, all of this county.
Assignee’s Notice in Bankruptcy.
At Keokuk in said District on the 14th day of January A.D. 1869. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of the estate of Robert C. LANE of Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition, by the District Court of said District.
THOS. H. ALLYN, Assignee.
Jan. 14, 1869.-3t3
RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED TO DISpose of guaranteef [sic] for the sale of Landed and other valuable property in different parts of the United States. Profits very liberal, sales easily effected, and no loss of time from other business. Address J. T. MILLER & CO.,
3t3 Box 4, P. O., Port Deposit, Md.
Council Chamber, Jan. 14, 1869.
Council met with the following members present: Ald. ACHESON, ALEXANDER, CRAWFORD, MESSICK, MONFORT and SHRINER. Absent, Mayor DAVID, Ald. FERGUSON and PRATT.
Minutes of the meetings of December 17th and December 31th [sic], 1868, were read and approved.
Claims of E. D. RAND & Co., for lumber of $40 45; BLACK & STEVER, for lumber of $44 46, and G. W. VANCE & Son of 80 cents, refered [sic] to the Committee on Claims.
Ald. MESSICK moved that the Committee on Claims be instructed to ascertain by whom and for what purpose the lumber in bills of E. D. RAND & Co., and BLACK & STEVER, was procured. Carried.
Report of L. O. HOWE, grave yard sexton for the quarter ending Sept. 30th, received and ordered filed.
On motion of Ald. ALEXANDER, the committee on Streets and Alleys were instructed to examine the pavement at the southwest corner of the public square and report as to the best method of fixing the same.
On motion the ordinance "To prohibit the erection of wooden buildings,&c." [sic] was taken up, read the 2d time, and on motion of Ald. CRAWFORD again laid on the table.
On motion of Ald. MESSICK the Clerk was instructed to write to J. C. RICHARDS of Chicago concerning the price of fire engine and fixtures.
On motion adjourned for one week.
GEO. H. CASE, City Clerk.
Estray colts.--Taken by Robert HICKS, in Walnut t’p, Jeff. Co., Iowa, Dec. 22, 1869 [sic], two mare colts, supposed to be one year old. One is a sorrel, both hind feet white, left fore foot white, star in forehead. The other is an iron gray or roan. Appraised at $50 each.
Filed Dec. 30, 1868. G. H. CASE, Clerk.
Estray red heifer.--Taken up by Geo. DROZ, in Cedar t’p, Jefferson co., Iowa, Dec. 21, 1868, one red heifer, white under the belly, end of tail white, swallow fork in right ear, upper bit in left ear; supposed to be two years old last
spring; appraised at $16.
Filed Jan. 13, 1869. G. H. CASE, Clerk.
I. O. O. F.
JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 4, I .O. O. F., holds its regular meetings at the Odd Fellows Hall, Fairfield. Iowa, Tuesday evenings at 6˝ o’clock. Officers for the present term: Geo. H. CASE, N. G. P. C. MONFORT, V. G. J. S. GANTZ, Rec. Sec’y. B. B. TUTTLE, Per. Sec. T. D. EVANS, Treas.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the two weeks ending January 18, 1869 :
I. G. RHODES from Robert M. TRACY et. al., 150 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Oct. 24, 1868. $4,500 00
William HUDSON from Isaac ELLIS and wife, 40 acres in Penn township.--- Deed dated Jan. 30, 1866. 800 00
Andrew SMITH from Martha BIDWELL et. al., 40 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated December 12, 1868. 700 00
H. M. HENDERSON from John JOHNSON and wife, 10 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated July 6, 1867. 50 00
Benjamin and William BIDWELL from John DALZELL and wife, 40 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated April 10, 1866. 616 59
William PICKARD from Ellis HOSKINS and wife, 16 2/3 acres in Penn township. Deed dated February 26, ’68. 500 00
Isaiah FRAZIER from Henry W. HESTON, 60 acres in Penn township. Deed dated November 4, 1867. 850 00
Samuel MARSH from W. H. DILLSON and wife, 22 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated July 25, ’65. 400 00
Charles G. SWAN from Peter SWAN and wife, 20 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated August 13, 1867. 300 00
Levi MURPHY from Frederick SCHENINGER, 45˝ acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated December 30, 1868. 482 50
James ARMSTRONG from Ellis H. PEEBLER and wife, 9 acres in Des Moines township. Deed dated October 17, 1868. 160 00
Anna H. HILTON from A. M. FRASIER and wife, 1 acre in Locust Grove township. Deed dated November 30, 1868. 260 00
Catherine WAGNER from N. L. BONNETT, 40 acres in Des Moines township. Deed dated October 1, 1867. 600 00
J. S. WAGNER from N. L. BONNETT, 40 acres in Des Moines township.-- Deed dated October 1, 1867. 600 00
A. L. CRUMLEY from Jefferson county, 60 and 10-100ths acres in Walnut township. Deed dated January 6, 1869. 122 00
Montgomery PIKE from Silvester SPRAGUE and wife, 40 acres in Des Moines township. Deed dated March 28, 1868. 250 00
Abraham STONER from R. JOHNSON and wife, 80 acres in Fairfield township. Deed dated December 19, 1868. 912 50
S. O. SHELDON from Charles SKEERS and wife, 10 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated December 18, 1868. 25 00
Jacob HERTZLER from Reuben HARRIS and wife, 60 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated September 16, 1868. 1,000 00
V. C. BRADSHAW from Richard FORMAN, 10 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated April 15, 1867. 200 00
H. WALKER from J. W. ADAMS and wife, lot 11 in Whitwood’s addition to Batavia. Deed dated October 22, ’68. 500 00
Baldwin PARSONS from J. R. PARSONS and wife, 40 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated February 22, 1868. 500 00
Sarah A. GAUMER from Joseph BURGESS and wife, 5 acres in Penn township. Deed dated April 19, 1866. 50 00
Sarah A. GAUMER from J. M. DIXON and wife, 2 acres in Penn township. Deed dated September 15, 1865. 10 00
Peter CONPO from J. G POINSETT and wife, a piece of land near Grimes’ Addition. Deed dated July 12, ’67. 150 00
Joel CAMPBELL from Peter CONPO and wife, a piece of land near Grimes’ Addition. Deed dated December 31, 1868. 100 00
W. F. DUSTIN from W. S. WIDGER and wife, 10 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated September 3, 1867. 200 00
D. F. McCLAUGHRY from G. J. WEBSTER, 110 acres in Buchanan township.-- Deed dated December 10, 1868. 3,300 00
J. ROBERTS from E. B. STANTON, 32 acres in Penn township. Deed dated December 31, 1868. 550 00
A. G. NYE from J. J. COWAN, et. al., Referee, 40 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated January 15, 1869. 120 00
A. J. TRAVIS from Henry KELTNER and wife, 17˝ acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated February 16, ’67. 155 00
W. M. HUFSTEDLER from A. W. HOBERT and wife, lot 3, block 31, new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated January 7, 1869. 600 00
Margaret PHELPS from John McQUERRY, lots 75 and 76 in Whitwood’s addition to Batavia. Deed dated Oct. 28, 1868. 2,000 00
Henry BLACK from J. C. BLACK and wife, lot 5, block 9, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated November 10, 1868. 850 00
Henry BLACK from Joseph C. BLACK and wife, lot 2, block 9, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated November 10, 1868. 950 00
Thomas JOHNSON from G. A. SMITH and wife, lots 2 and 3, block 3, in Abingdon. Deed dated December 2, 1868. 80 00
Seth Thomas Clocks.--GEORGE & MORRIS have just received a new and large supply of genuine Seth THOMAS 30 hour and 8-day clocks--the best and cheapest timekeepers in the world. Call and examine before purchasing.
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