The Fairfield Ledger |
February 25, 1869
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:...]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
School Reports--Lockridge Township.--This township, situated in the eastern part of the county, is well timbered, and about all the available farming land is under cultivation. The principal products are wheat, corn and babies. This township has five churches. Three are owned and patronized by the Swedes, (of whom there is a quite a settlement.) The churches are one-fourth of a mile apart, denominated Baptist, Lutheran and Methodist; they are each located on high ground, are neatly fenced in, and part of the enclosures being used for burial purposes. -The middle one is the largest and has an excellent bell, and a large pipe organ--an instrument rarely found in this State. This township is divided into seven sub-districts. The seventh is on the East side of Skunk river, has no school house and numbers 17 pupils.
The total number of children between the ages of 5 and 21 in the township is 839, being 285 more than any other in the county, and 91 more than the Independent District of Fairfield. Average number of pupils to the six sub-districts 136 2/3.
Dec. 22.-- Visited District No. 1. Eber OGDEN, teacher. Wages, $35 per month.-- Enumeration, 165. Pupils enrolled, 83.-- Present, 44. Log house, 18x20 feet. Eight foot story. There are three different languages spoken by the children of this school.
Nov. 18.-- Visited District No. 2. G. G. SAMPSON, teacher. Wages, $40 per month. Enumeration 165. Enrolled, 74. Present, 64. No. 2 has a good large house well furnished. This is Mr. SAMPSON’s second term and he is doing well.
Dec. 27.--Visited District No. 3, (Salina.) M. L. VORHEES, teacher. Wages, $40 per month. Enumeration, 174. Enrolled, 99. Present, 69. No. 3 has a good house, 35x40. Seats for over 100 pupils. Miss Nancy E. GEORGE assists Mr. VORHEES. Primary Spelling class use McGuffey’s Spellers, the advance class Webster’s Elementary. Some of the citizens of this District would like to have a good select school permanently located in Salina.
Dec. 23.--Visited District No. 4. W. F. BILLINGSLEY, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 83. Enrolled, 44. Present, 30. A very poor log house, poorly seated.-- No. 4 proposes to build next summer.
Dec. 22.--Visited District No. 5. Joseph YOUNG, teacher. Wages, $30 per month.-- Enumeration, 126. Enrolled, 80. Present, 41. Good house, well seated. Mr. YOUNG has supplied himself
with "tablets."
Dec. 28.--Visited District No. 6. William HOPKIRK, teacher. Wages, $40 per month. Enumeration, 124. Enrolled, 50. Present, 38. Good house. Mr. HOPKIRK is assisted by one of his pupils part of each day.
The subscriber will offer for sale at Public Auction, at her residence, four miles north of Fairfield, on the East Richland Road, on
at 10 o’clock, A.M., the following property: 1 Mare, 1 Mule, 5 milch Cows, 3 Steers, 2 Heifers, 3 Spring Calves, 10 stock Hogs, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 two-horse Buggy and harness, 1 sett [sic] of Single Harness, I sett of Double Harness, 4 stand of Bees, Plows, Harrows and other farming utensils, and other articles not enumerated.
TERMS.--On all sums of $5 and over a credit of nine months, with approved security; under $5, cash. ANNE M. WALKUP,
Adm'x of the estate of John K. WALKUP, dec’d.
Thieving.--Some petty thieving was done in our town on Wednesday night of last week. The store of W. A. STEWART was entered by a side window, and three pairs of boots, a lot of pen-knives, suspenders, oysters, &c., taken from it. The rogues are spotted, and a return of or payment for the goods would save them some trouble and the county some expense.
--Feb. 9, 1869, at the house of Peter HOAGLAND, by Rev. J. J. CONDIT, Mr. Wilson Davidson SCOTT and Miss Louisa M. BLAKELY.
--Feb. 16, 1869, at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. Abner ORR, Mr. Joseph HEISEL and Miss Martha J. HOWARD.
--Feb. 19, 1869, in Des Moines township, by Henry BLACK, J. P., at the house of Robert BLACK, Mr. Clark R. AMISE and Miss Mary SHAW.
District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa--In bankruptcy. In the matter of Ithamer MOORE, Bankrupt.
To whom it may concern :
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoiofment [sic] as Assignee of the estate of Ithamer MOORE, in the county of Lee, in said District, and who was, to-wit, on the 23rd day of December, A.D. 1868, adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District.
Dated at Keokuk, Iowa, the 12th day of February, A.D. 1869.
Feb. 17-3t T. H. ALLYN, Assignee.
WM. B. COLLINS, Att’y at Keokuk.
In the District Court of the United Statss for the District of Iowa, in bankruptcy. In the matter of Robert C. LANE, bankrupt at Keokuk, in said District, on the 10th day of February A.D. 1869, U.S.A. District of Iowa.
This is to give notice that a petition has been to wit,: on the 10th of February, A.D. 1869, filed in said District Court, by R. C. LANE, of Fairfield, Jefferson co., State of Iowa, who has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the act of Congress entitled "An act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 24, 1867, for a discharge and certificate theteof [sic] from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 13th day of March
A.D. 1869, at 9 o’clock A.M., is assigned for the hearing of the same before said Court, at Keokuk, Leo [sic] county, Iowa, when and where all creditors of said bankrupt and all other persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. And further notice if hereby given that the second and third meetings of said creditors of said bankrupt, required under the 27th and 28th section of said act, will be holden before John BRUCE, Register, at
his office, room No. 6, Estes Block, in the city of Keokuk, Lee county, Iowa on the 11th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M.
H. K. LOVE, Clerk,
U. S. District Court, for Iowa
DAN’L F. MILLER, Keokuk, Att’y.
Feb. 17-3t.
In the District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa in Bankruptcy. In the matter of N. L. WITCHER, bankrupt at Keokuk, in said District on the 30th day of January, 1869--U. S. A. District
of Iowa.
This is to give notice that a petition has been to-wit, on the 30th day of January, 1869, filed in said District Court, by N. L. WITCHER, of Keokuk, county, Iowa, in said District, and who has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress entitled, ‘an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States,’ approved March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all their debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 12th
day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M., is the time assigned for the hearing of the same before said Court, in the city of Keokuk, Lee county, Iowa, in said District, when and where all creditors of said bankrupt, and all other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.
And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of the creditors of said bankrupt, required under the 27th and 28th sections of said act, will be holden before Daniel ANDERSON in bankruptcy, at his office, in the city of Albia, Monroe county, Iowa, on the 10th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M.
H. K. LOVE, Clerk,
U. S. District Court for Iowa.
Feb. 17,-3t Attorneys.
Proceedings of City
Council Chambers, Feb. 18, 1869.
The following members of City Council met pursuant to adjournment, viz:
The Mayor being absent, Ald. ACHESON was called to the chair.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Ald. MONFORT from the committee on Streets and Alleys made report of progress, and on motion of Ald. MESSICK the report was received as to the pavement at Southwest corner of Public Square and the committee granted further time as to the petition of Levi HOWARD et. al.
Street Commissioner, PRATHER, presented his yearly report to the Council for approval, which on motion of Ald. ALEXANDER, was received and ordered on file.
On motion of Ald. ALEXANDER the Grave Yard Sexton was instructed to make the necessary repairs on the gate at Southwest corner of the Grave Yard.
Ald. MESSICK presented a bill of $16 00 for services as Alderman for the year, and on motion it was allowed. Voting--aye, ACHESON, ALEXANDER, CRAWFORD, MESSICK, MONFORT and SHRINER.
Ald. SHRINER moved that the clerk be instructed to report at the next meeting the number of meetings each member of the Council had attended during the year. Carried.
Claim of JORDAN Bros., referred to the Committee on claims.
Ald. MESSICK offered the following resolution which was carried, viz:
Resolved, That the Mayor be again requested to furnish the Council with a statement of all moneys received by him and paid over to the City Treasurer, with dates, amounts, and sources from which the same were received, and that the Mayor be especially requested to furnish the same at the next meeting of the Council, as such meeting will be the only one before the next election of city officers. Also that the City Treasurer be requested to make his annual report at the same meeting.
On motion adjourned to meet Saturday night, Feb. 27, at 6˝ o’clock P.M.
GEO. H. CASE, City Clerk.
Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the two weeks ending February 22, 1869:
Thomas BARTHOLOMEW from George W. BROWN and wife, 30 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated January 25, 1869. $300 00
David A. MOORE from S. H. BUTLER and wife, 90 acres in Cedar t’p. Deed dated Jan. 30, 1869. 1,000 00
William THOMPSON from N. D. WILLIAMS and wife, part of lot 1, block 1, in the town of Brookville. Deed dated Nov. 30, 1868.
8 00
Philander CHANDLER from A. C. DODGE, et. al., 207 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated Jan. 20, 1869. 1,550 50
Andrew BOMGARDNER from Samuel SPAINHOUR, 40 acres in Walnut t’p. Deed dated Aug. 4, 1868. 800 00
Nuby SMITH from Albert G. SMITH and wife, 40 acres in Cedar t’p. Deed dated Sept. 21, 1867. 65 00
Henry ANDERSON from Peter SWAHN and wife, 20 acres in Lockridge t’p. Deed dated Dec. 21, 1868. 380 00
Charles EHEM from C. G. SWAN, 20 acres in Lockridge township.-- Deed dated Jan. 2, 1869. 400 00
Peter M. JOHNSON from Henry ANDERSON and wife, 7˝ acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated January 5, 1869. 191 00
Swan NELSON from Charles G. NELSON and wife, 85˝ acres in Blackhawk township. Deed dated January 4, 1869. 868 40
Joshua HADLEY from Aaron McPHERSON and wife, --- acres in Blackhawk t’p. Deed dated Jan. 23, 1867. 40 00
M. B. V. MILLER from Susana BEAVER, 2 acres and 155 square rods in Penn township. Deed dated February 5, 1869. [Ed. note: One rod is equal to 16˝ feet as a measure of distance. There is no sale amount listed for this transaction.]
Erick CORY from Olof PETERSON and wife, 2 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Jan. 26, 1867. 600 00
Andrew P. ANDERSON from Joseph RIPLEY, 62 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated February 17, 1869. 800 00
Jacob NEWLAND from Abigal W. COOK et. al., 50 acres in Des Moines t’p. Deed dated Feb. 12, 1869. 1,200 00
Xavier & Louis HOSATTE from Peter WESTLING and wife, 40 acres in Cedar township. Deed dated February 15, 1869. 320 00
Xavier & Louis HOSATTE from Robert McELHINNEY and wife, 60 acres in Cedar t’p. Deed dated February 15, 1869. 480 00
Charles J. A. FARMAN from John P. FARMAN and wife, 40 acres in Lockridge t’p. Deed dated Feb. 6, 1869. 440 00
John NEFF from Thomas W. SHOULTS and wife, 84 acres in Fairfield t’p. Deed dated Feb. 13, 1869. 2,520 00
John McCULLOCH from Isaac B. DUNN and wife, 40 acres in Polk township. Deed dated January 5, 1869. 600 00
Robert McELHINNEY from William ALSTON et. al., Referees, 80 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated January 27, 1869. 672 00
Paul SINDA from Jacob COURTNEY and wife, 20 acres in Penn township.-- Deed dated February 2, 1869. 700 00
A. M. EMRY from Addison JOHNSON and wife, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 7, in the town of Pleasant Plain, and one acre in Penn township. Deed dated Jan. 26, 1869. 800 00
Richard MYERS from Tinsley BROOKS and wife, 29 acres and 156 rods in Locust Grove t’p. Deed dated Sept. 9, 1868. 600 00
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