Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

February 18, 1869

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending February 8, 1869:
Joseph ESTES from W. E. RUGGLES and wife, 60 acres in Polk township.-- Deed dated Jan. 13, 1869. 1,025 00
Andrew WHITSON from Joseph ESTES, 60 acres in Polk township. Deed dated March 5, 1867. 1,000 00
Wm. HOLLENBECK from Sherman HOLLENBECK and wife, -- acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Nov. 23 1868. 25 00
George STEVER from Isabella J. WOODS et. al., 10 acres in Fairfield township. Deed dated Jan. 11, 1869. 50 00
Charles VEBURY from Thomas CHILCOTT and wife, 50 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated Sept. 17, 1868. 250 00
George W. RUSSELL from Andrew WHITSON and wife, 60 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Jan. 27, 1869. 1,400 00
Wm. R. McVEY from Joseph ESTES and wife, 60 acres in Polk township. Deed dated Jan. 27, 1869. 1,650 00
Guyland BEATTY from David BEATTY, 20 acres in Penn township. Deed dated Jan. 6, 1869. 150 00
Willis SPERRY from Charles CLARK, 10½ acres in Penn township. Deed dated Sept. 20, 1867. 160 00
John CHARLTON from William I. SMITH and wife, 92 acres in Penn township. Deed dated March 8, 1867. 3,700 00
Jacob GARMOE from Mary E. CRAINE and husband, 40 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated Nov. 18, 1865. 300 00
David A. MOORE from S. J. BUTLER and wife, 90 acres in Penn township.-- Deed dated Jan. 30, 1865. 1,000 00
Alfred HIBBARD from G. W. HARMON and wife, 40 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Jan. 25, 1869. 500 00
Reuben HARMON from George SNYDER and wife, about 50 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated January 4, 1868. 600 00
Jonas F. ANDERSON from Andrew G. ANDERSON and wife, 10 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Jan. 2, 1869. 150 00
Alfred HIBBARD from Andrew C. FRY and wife, 20 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Jan. 23, 1869. 400 00
R. M. ROBINS from W. M. BRADSHAW and wife, 1 acre and 120 square rods in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Feb. 24, 1868. 50 00 [Ed. note: One rod is 16˝ feet as a measure of length.]
R. M. ROBINS from Vance C. BRADSHAW and wife, 14 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Aug. 8, 1866, 112 00
Samuel REED from R. McELHINNEY and wife, lot 7, block 14, new plat of city of Fairfield. Deed dated March 28, 1868. 100 00
Samuel REED from James McDONALD and wife, lot 8, block 14, new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated March 28, 1868. 100,00 [sic]
Christian WEIBLY from Christian SHAFER and wife, 15 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated April 25, 1868. 75 00
H. S. BECKER from Christian WEIBLY 60 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Jan. 1, 1869. 1,500 00
Peter JOHNSON from Swan NELSON and wife, 40 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Jan. 30, 1869. 1,000 00
Swan NELSON from John P. TUSTESON and wife, 40 acres in Lockridge township. Deed dated Jan. 2, ’69. 1,000 00

  --On the evening of January 7th, 1869, at Trinity Church, by Rev. Wm. H. STOY, Dr. J. H. HATCH and Mrs. Mary J. TRACY, both of this city. No cards.--- Portland, Oregonian.
  Mrs. TRACY, nee Miss SHUFFLETON, is well known to many of our citizens. We extend our congratulations to the happy couple, and wish them many years of pleasure.

  --Feb. 9, 1869, in Fairfield, by Rev. W. C. SHIPPEN, A. C. COLBY, of Des Moines, and Miss Ella BLOSS, of Fairfield.
  With all the State Register’s bragging, the gentlemen of Des Moines come to Fairfield when they want good wives. Mr. COLBY made a wise selection, and we know Miss BLOSS got a good husband. May their days of happiness be many, and their joys be manifold.

  --Dec. 31, 1868, at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Marion TRACY and Miss Alice TRACY. [Ed. note: Per the list of 1868 Marriage Licenses issued, which appears on Feb. 4th, 1869, the license was issued Dec. 28th and Miss Alice’s maiden name was ELLER.]

  --Jan. 21, 1869, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Wm. HOPKIRK and Miss Maria T. HUBBELL.

  The subscriber will offer for sale at Public Auction, at her residence, four miles north of Fairfield, on the East Richland Road, on
      WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1869,
at 10 o’clock, A.M., the following property: 1 Mare, 1 Mule, 5 milch Cows, 3 Steers, 2 Heifers, 3 Spring Calves, 10 stock Hogs, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 two-horse Buggy and harness, 1 sett [sic] of Single Harness, I sett of Double Harness, 4 stand of Bees, Plows, Harrows and other farming utensils, and other articles not enumerated.
  TERMS.--- On all sums of $5 and over a credit of nine months, with approved security; under $5, cash.         ANNE M. WALKUP,
  Admix of the estate of John K. WALKUP, dec’d.

District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa--In bankruptcy. In the matter of Ithamer MOORE, Bankrupt.
To whom it may concern :
  The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoiofment [sic] as Assignee of the estate of Ithamer MOORE, in the county of Lee, in said District, and who was, to-wit, on the 23rd day of December, A.D. 1868, adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District.
  Dated at Keokuk, Iowa, the 12th day of February, A.D. 1869.
  Feb. 17 - 3t         T. H. ALLYN, Assignee.
    WM. B. COLLINS, Att’y at Keokuk.

In the District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa, in bankruptcy. In the matter of Robert C. LANE, bankrupt at Keokuk, in said District, on the 10th day of February A.D. 1869, U.S.A. District of Iowa.
This is to give notice that a petition has been to wit,: on the 10th of February, A.D. 1869, filed in said District Court, by R. C. LANE, of Fairfield, Jefferson co., State of Iowa, who has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the act of Congress entitled "An act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved March 24, 1867, for a discharge and certificate theteof [sic] from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 13th day of March A.D. 1869, at 9 o’clock A.M., is assigned for the hearing of the same before said Court, at Keokuk, Leo [sic] county, Iowa, when and where all creditors of said bankrupt and all other persons in interest may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. And further notice if hereby given that the second and third meetings of said creditors of said bankrupt, required under the 27th and 28th section of said act, will be holden before John BRUCE, Register, at his office, room No. 6, Estes Block, in the city of Keokuk, Lee county, Iowa on the 11th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M.
          H. K. LOVE, Clerk,
        U. S. District Court, for Iowa
  DAN’L F. MILLER, Keokuk, Att’y
  Feb. 17-3t.


In the District Court of the United States for the District of Iowa in Bankruptcy. In the matter of N. L. WITCHER, bankrupt at Keokuk, in said District on the 30th day of January, 1869 --- U. S. A. District of Iowa.
This is to give notice that a petition has been to-wit, on the 30th day of January, 1869, filed in said District Court, by N. L. WITCHER, of Keokuk, county, Iowa, in said District, and who has been heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress entitled, ‘an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States,’ approved March 2d, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all their debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 12th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M., is the time assigned for the hearing of the same before said Court, in the city of Keokuk, Lee county, Iowa, in said District, when and where all creditors of said bankrupt, and all other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.
  And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of the creditors of said bankrupt, required under the 27th and 28th sections of said act, will be holden before Daniel ANDERSON in bankruptcy, at his office, in the city of Albia, Monroe county, Iowa, on the 10th day of March, A.D. 1869, at 10 o’clock A.M.
          H. K. LOVE, Clerk,
        U. S. District Court for Iowa.
    Feb. 17,-3t             Attorneys.

  Jefferson County,   } ss:
    Margaret MOORE,        } Suit pending before
                 vs.                   } Edward FLETCHER,
The unknown claimants of   } a Jusiice of the
one dark brown horse mule, } Peace, in Liberty
2 years old past, and one    } Township, Jeffer-
brown horse mule, one year } son County, Iowa.
old past.                            }

To the unknown owner of one dark brown horse mule, 2 years old past, and one brown mule, one year old past.
      You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of Edward FLETCHER, a Justice of the Peace of Liberty township, in Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of Margaret MOORE, plaintiff, claiming of you ninety-nine dollars for a hotel bill contracted with said plaintiff by said unknown owner for himself and horse, and for pasturage, feed and care of one dark brown horse mule, two years old past, and one brown horse mule, one year old past, which property was left by said unknown owner with the plaintiff on or about the 25th day of July 1868, which said unknown owner claimed said property as his; and in said petition asking an attachment may issue against your property, and judgment for said sum of ninety-nine dollars, with interest and costs, and unless you appear thereto and defend on the 15th day of March 1869, at the office of said Justice of the Peace, at 1 o’clock P.M. of said day, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.       RATCLIFF & GILTNER,
6t5  p f $15 75           Attys for Plff.

School Reports -- Blackhawk Township.---  Blackhawk, like Polk township, is a prairie township, with a considerable vacant land, almost every foot of which is tillable. The school houses of this township are not as good as those of Polk, but the citizens are generally alive to the importance of education. They already have a library of 510 volumes, and are still taxing themselves for the same object. The board of directors pay the teachers according to the grade of the certificate held. The township is composed of seven sub-districts.
  Number of children of school age: males, 255; females, 203; being an average of 65 to each sub-district.

  Dec. 30.--Visited district No. 1.  Orlando MEACHAN, teacher. Wages, $27 50 per month. Enumeration, 69. Enrolled 50. Present, 38. Size of house 18x20 feet, Value, $50.-- Desks for 28 pupils, besides three old fashioned benches. When a class is called up to recite the little folks occupying said backless benches are allowed the pleasure of getting into the big one’s places during the recitation. This, with a good deal of confusion from other sources, makes it unpleasant to those who love order and quietness.
  Dec. 30.--Visited district No. 2. Isaac MORGAN, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 79. Enrolled, 46. Present, 43. Size of house, 22x26. One acre of ground for yard. Mr. STOCKMAN, sub-director, who visited the school the same day---and who makes a practice of visiting the school---says if possible he would have another acre of ground.
  Feb. 4.---Visited districted No. 3. James M. RUGGLES, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 64. Enrolled, 42. Present, 8. The average for the week ending January 30, was 17 per day. I would judge that this school was doing poorly from some cause or other. Miss Jennie WIGGINS, who has taught in this district, informs me that she wanted some of the scholars to get arithmetics, &c., and had word sent by the parents that they "didn’t want their children to study any such nonsense." On one occasion she was trying to explain to the school the shape of the earth. Some of the children told at home that the "school Miss" said the world was round,---it leaked out at all events---and she was politely informed by one of the parents to---"Don’t try to stuff such tom foolery into her children’s heads any more."
  Feb. 1.--Visited district No. 4. Lottie LINDLEY, teacher, Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 51. Enrolled, 48. Present, 20. Size of house, 16x18. Considerable sickness in the district.
  Dec. 29.--Visited district No. 5. Mary ARMSTRONG, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 60. Enrolled, 30. Present, 20. Size of house, 18x18 feet. About one acre of ground.
  Dec. 31.--Visited district No. 6. Samuel HEATON, teacher. Wages, $30 per month.-- Enumeration, 73. Enrolled, 50. Present, 33. A difference of opinion exists between the sub-director and Mr. HEATON as to the best mode of governing a school.
  Feb. 6.--Visited district No. 7. Miss Jennie WIGGINS, teacher. Wages, $30 per month. Enumeration, 62. Enrolled, 45.--- Present, 22. Average for ten weeks, 30.--- Size of house, 18x22 feet. This house has three windows on each side, and one on each side of the door. The two in the south end should have shutters. We think it would be an improvement to have shutters or blinds for all windows, except those on the North, perhaps.         D. HERON.

Wooden Wedding.--One of the most brilliant and pleasant social gatherings that has taken place in a long time in our town, was the Wooden Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. David B. WILSON, at their residence, on Thursday evening last. The house had been decorated throughout in preparation of the event---the walls, pictures, &c., were festooned with long shavings of various woods, presenting a handsome appearance. At an early hour the guests began to arrive---each bringing some useful, ornamental or ludicrous wooden present, and adding to the mirth of the assemblage; so that when all had arrived, a more mirthful and delighted throng could not have been found anywhere. The bride was arrayed in a wooden bonnet, collar, cuffs, and neck-tie, made of bird’s-eye maple, which handsomely and appropriately corresponded with the rest of her wardrobe. Mr. WILSON received and acknowledged the presents in a manner that showed he was "an old soldier," at hospitality and sport making. After an hour or more of pleasure and social enjoyment, came an excellent and bountiful repast, to tempt the palate and refresh the "inner man," and the way in which the substantials and delicacies disappeared, gave the best kind of evidence that it was "hugely" enjoyed by all present.
  "The wee sma’ hours beyont the twal" had come before the happy assemblage dispersed, each and all wishing that "the happy couple" may live to celebrate all the weddings laid down in the catalogue, even to their diamond wedding, and that it may be their good fortune and privilege "to be there to see."
  Below we append a list of the presents made, and the names of the donors:
  Capt. T. D. EVANS--Rolling Pin,
  Mrs. John H. WELLS--Rolling Pin.
  Mr. John H. WELLS--2 Corset Boards.
  Mr. & Mrs. ROGERS--Willow Traveling Basket and 2 dozen Clothes Pins.
  Mrs. J. MOORE--Rustic Frame.
  Mr. Geo. W. WORKMAN--Sugar Bucket.
  Mrs. Samuel HASTINGS--Bracket.
  Mrs. Geo. ACHESON--Work Basket.
  Mrs. J. E. ROTH--Work Basket.
  Mrs. John R. SHAFFER--Work Basket.
  Mrs. J. S. BECK--Wooden Bonnet.
  Mrs. Henry KNEPP--pair Wooden Cuffs, Wooden Bow for Neck-tie.
  Mrs. Geo. SHRINER--Wooden Collar and Cuffs.
  Mr. J. F. CRAWFORD--Half Bushel and Peck Measure.
  Mrs. Albert JORDAN--Knife and Fork Box, Cones and Shells.
  Mr. R. W. ALEXANDER--Comb and Br [sic - brush?] Box.
  Mr. Benjamin BARNES--Brush.
  Mrs. W. C. SHIPPEN--Mustard Spoon.
  Mr. W. C. SHIPPEN--Ink Stand.
  Capt. W. R. WELLS--Clothes Basket.
  Mrs. J. C. KECK--Butter Bowl.
  Mrs. ANAWALT--Potatoe Masher.
  Mrs. John WORKMAN--Box Matches.
  Mrs. L. F. BOERSTLER--Potatoe Masher.
  Mrs. D. W. TEMPLETON--Bracket.
  Messrs. STEVANS & MOUNT--Wooden Hat.
  Mr. John BROWN--Set Tenpins.
  Mr. Albert JORDAN--Wooden Spoon.
  Mrs. Dr. J. M. SHAFFER--Carved Bracket.
  Mrs. Wm. H. JORDAN; Spice Morter. [sic]
  Mrs. Capt. Wm. R. WELLS; Walnut Bracket.
  Mrs. Daniel HIGLEY; Cromo Picture and Frame.
  Messrs. WELLS & HIGLEY; Set Chess Men.
  Mrs. Oscar WELLS; Carved Card Case.
  Mr. & Mrs. S. M. BOLING; Coffee Bucket.
  Mrs. Wm. DODDS; Sweetbrier Pipe.
  Mr. Wm. DODDS; Wooden Knife and Fork.
  Mrs. A. Scott JORDAN; 1 pair handsomely carved Walnut Brackets.
  Mr. Mrs. W. W. JUNKIN; Mahogany Work Box.
  Messrs. FARMER & TEMPLE; Office Stool.
  Mrs. Geo. D. TEMPLE; Willow Sewing Stand with Spool and work Basket.
  Judge Charles NEGUS; Butter Paddle.
  Hon. D. P. STUBBS; Knife, Fork and Spoon Basket and one large Wooden Spoon.
  Mrs. Capt. CRAIL; Cradle.
  Mr. & Mrs. HOWE; Basket Wooden Eggs.
  Mrs. Daniel YOUNG; Wooden Tea Set.
  Mr. & Mrs. Isaac FELLOWS; Knife and Fork Box.
  Mr. & Mrs, E. M. B. SCOTT; Carved Walnut Bracket.
  Mr. & Mrs. Wm. BLOSS; Wooden Salver.
  Mr. B. F. IVES; large Mall.
  Mrs. Nancy STEEL; Ax Helve. [Ed. note: Ax handle.]
  Mrs. McCRACKEN; Wooden Spoon.
  Dr. J. S. SHAW; 1 dozen Clothes Pins.
  Mr. C. W. SLAGLE; 1 stick elegant shell bark Hickery Cork Wood.
  Mr. Dr. C. S. CLARKE; Cruasow Brestpine [sic] of Bogg-wood and one Sugar Bucket of Shovings the door of which is unknown [sic].   [Ed. note:  Possible this is a Pin in the shape of a Curassow bird.]

A Golden Wedding.--The like never before occu rred [sic] in Fairfield, that we are aware of, and it may be many years ere it occurs again; but it did take place on Thursday last, February 11th, 1869. On that day Mr. A. H. and Mrs. Isabell BROWN celebrated their Golden Wedding. The occasion was one of rejoicing. The aged couple, who are yet active and healthy were surrounded by some of their children and friends, and pleasure beamed from every face. From the Golden Wedding we received a full share of cake, and while we cannot wish them many "happy returns of the day," we do hope that their declining years may be peaceful and happy, and that their hereafter may be bright and glorious.

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