Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

February 11, 1869

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa

Transcribed by: Joey Stark

Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:....]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

  We have just learned the particulars of a dreadful murder, committed last Saturday evening in Red Rock township at the residence of J. T .YEARNS, Esq., member of the Board of Supervisors from that township.
  Some months ago a man named SHAFER, and a daughter of Mr. YEARNS’ were married and lived together a short time without anything occurring to mar the happiness of their union. But SHAFER, it appears, went away from home for the purpose of hunting a location, and while absent received a letter, purporting to come from his wife, stating that she did not care whether he ever came back or not, and if he did she would not live with him.-- On returning home he asked her what she meant by writing to him in that manner, and she denied writing the letter.-- He appeared to be satisfied, and she then went out of doors and never returned again. She was absent for some time, but finally returned to her father’s house where she was at the time of the sad affair of last Saturday evening. SHAFER, learning that she was at her father’s, went there last Saturday evening, and tried to induce her to go home, and live with him again, but she refused. He then drew a revolver and shot her dead, and then snapped it at her mother, and also at himself, but failing in this procured a butcher kife [sic] and cut a horrible gash in his throut [sic]. Mr. YEARNS was absent at the time, and the neighbors on being alarmed procured the services of a physician who dressed the wretched man’s wounds, and it is now thought that he will recover.
  P. S. Since the above was put in type we learn that SHAFFER and his wife had been married several years and have two children. We also learn that he was a worthless man, and that he frequently abused his family. Two of Mrs. SHAFER’s sisters have been attending school at the University here, and were terribly shocked and grief-stricken at the news of their sister’s sad fate.--Pella Blade 3d [Ed. note: A related article appears on April 8, 1869, in the "Ledger".]

  --February 4, 1869, by Archer GREEN, J. P., Mr. David TEETER and Miss Nancy E. GEORGE.
  --January 14, 1869, by Rev. J. A. CALHOUN, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. John S. CARTER and Miss Jane M. POLLOCK, all of Jefferson county.
  --December 31, 1868, by Anderson DAVIS, J. P., Mr. William M. WOODWARD and Miss Margaret MAY.
  --January 21, 1869, by G. W. BAXTER, J. P., at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Abraham COLEMAN and Miss Lucy SHADDUCK, all of this county.
  --January 7, 1869, by Rev. Andrew SMITH, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Samuel ORNDUFF and Miss Nancy EVERETT, all of Jefferson county.
  --February 4, 1869, by Rev. D. DONALDSON, at McDowell Chapel, Mr. James R. FITCH and Mis [sic] Mary E. DICKERSON, all of Jefferson county.
  --February 4, 1869, by Rev. Thomas DIXON, at the house of Mr. David COOP, Mr. David MARTIN and Miss Rachel GAUMER, all of this county.
  --On the 3rd inst., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. O. J. TULLER, of Centerville, Iowa, and Miss Emma E. PRATHER, of this city.
  We congratulate our young friends upon the sensible step they have taken and wish them all kinds of blessings in large quantities.
  --On the 4th inst., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. William A. JAMISON, of Sterling, Whitside county, Illinois, and Miss Lizzie P. BROWN, of Jefferson county.
  Thus two more of our good friends have entered into a co-partnership for life. They have our best wishes.
  --On the 4th inst., by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. James D. HUFF and Miss Susan A. JAMES, all of Jefferson county.
  Mr. HUFF is a firm believer in the declaration, that "it is not good for man to be alone," and like a gook [sic] Christian he has carried the principles of his faith into practice. We wish him and his happy bride long life and much happiness.

  Fatal Accident.--On last Saturday afternoon, Mr. John Q. SMOCK, of Fairfield, received a telegraph despatch [sic], stating that his son, Henry SMOCK, had been killed on the Hanibal & St. Joe Railroad on the night previous, at Wheeling station, and that his body would be here on Monday. The full particulars of his death have not yet been received but are anxiously looked for by the bereaved friends. From appearances his death was instantaneous, his side being smashed, and the brains oozing out of his head.  He had not been at home for three years, and the friends was looking for his return home [sic], and the shock of his sad and s lden [sic - sudden?] demise was distressing. We will give the particulars when received.

  By virtue of a Special Execution to me directed from the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, I will offer for sale on Saturday, the 6th day of March, 1869, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o’clock A.M. and 4 o’clock P.M., sale to commence at 1 o’clock P.M. of said day, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. seventy-two [72] in Whitwood’s addition to the town of Batavia in the County and State aforesaid. Said property was taken in execution and levied upon as the property of Aaron SPRAGUE, to satisfy a judgment in favor of William Y. McGAW, rendered on the 11th day of January, 1869.
          J. S. GANTZ, Sheriff, Jeff. Co.
  Feb. 11, 3t--$7.12˝.

  By virtue of a Special Execution to me directed from the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, I will offer for sale on the 12th day of March A.D. 1869, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, between the hours of 9 o’clock A.M. and 4 o’clock P.M., sale to commence at 1 o’clock P.M. of said day, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots one and two [1 and 2] in half block No. seven [7] also lot six [6] in half block number six [ 6 ] situated and being in the born of Brookville, in the County and State aforesaid. Said property was taken in execution and levied upon as the property of Lot ABRAHAM and Mary ABRAHAM to satisfy a judgment in favor of John WORKMAN rendered on the 8th day of January, 1869.
         J. S. GANTZ, Sheriff Jeff. Co.
  Feb. 11,-3t $7.12˝.

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