Jefferson County, Iowa
The Fairfield Ledger

December 16, 1869

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY LEDGER"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Joey Stark

Fairfield Union School Examinations.--The closing examination of the first term of the Union School will be held in the public school building, department No. 9, on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 23 and 24. The examination of classes from the several rooms will be conducted in this room as the order of the programme indicates.-- Here the citizens of our town are cordially invited to assemble to witness the advancement and proficiency of their children in the various branches taught. Music, Essays, Recitations and Readings will intersperse the class examinations.
      Programme of Thursday, Dec. 23.
 A. M.
 9:30: Music--Etta HOWE and school girls.
 9:35: A Reading Exercise, Room No. 4
 9:50: Mental Analysis, No. 6.
10:05: Object Lesson--"House," No. 5.
10:20: Grammar, No. 8.
10:35: Recess.
10:50: Music.
10:55: Primary Reading, No. 2.
11:10: Familiar Things, No. 9.
11:25: Geography and Miscellany, No. 7.
11:40: Printing and Gymnastics, No. 1
11:50: Music.
 P. M.
 1:30: Music.
 1:35: Primary Arithmetic, No. 3.
 1:50: Algebraic Solutions, No. 9.
 2:05: Reading--by boy from each room.
 2:20: Primary Geography, No. 5.
 2:40: Map Drawing, No. 8.
 2:56: Questions in Physiology and Hygiene, No. 9.
 3:10: Recess.
 3:25: Music.
 3:30: Interest Computations.
 3:45: "Story Telling," Analysis and Gymnastics, No. 7.
 4:00: Music.
      Friday, Dec. 24,
 A. M.
 9:30: Music.
 9:35: Composition and Analysis, No. 9.
 9:50: Primer Reading, No. 1.
10:00: Primary Arithmetic, No. 4.
10:20: Recess.
10:35: Music.
10:40: Questioning in U. S. History, No. 9.
11:00: Object Lesson--"Glass," No. 3
11:15: Physical Geography, No. 9.
11:40: Promiscuous Singing--girls.
 P. M.
 1:30: Music.
 1:35: Object Orthography, No. 2
 1:50: Geography and Sketching, No. 6.
 2:05: Reading, No. 5.
 2:20: Common Calculations, No. 9.
 2:35: Declaiming – by boy from each room.
 2:50: Recess.
 3:05: Music.
 3:10: Reading – by girl from each room.
 3:30: Written Orthography, No. 8.
 3:45: Dialogue --- by Room No. 7.
 4:00 Music and adjournment,
        M. THRASHER,
    Principal of Fairfield Union School.
  Fairfield, Iowa, Dec. 12, 1869.

Real Estate Transfers.--The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office, for two weeks, ending Dec. 14, 1869:
J. R. SHARP from Isaac SHARP and wife, 12 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated June 29, ’69. 150 00
Hezekiah CRAMER from L. OLIVER and wife, 40 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated May 24, 1869. 500 00
Missionary Baptist Church from Jeremiah THOMPSON and wife, one half acre in Liberty township. Deed dated Nov. 2, 1869. 1 00
Joel P. CAMPBELL from Jacob STEVER and wife, 7 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Oct. 25, 1869. 53 0 [53 00?]
O. HARRAN from D. I. McCLAMPHRY and wife, 110 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated October 25, 1869. 500 00
L. P. VANCE from O. HARRAN and wife, 110 acres in Buchanan township.--- Deed dated Dec. 6, 1869. 2,500 00
Daniel FIDDLER from S. O. SHELDON and wife, 35 acres in Round Prairie township, Deed dated December 7, 1869. 40,100 00
J. F. CRAWFORD from John SCHAEFER and wife, lot 7, block 12, H., W. & Co.’s addition to Fairfield. Deed dated December 1, 1869. 175 00
R. H. RIGGS from Josiah COUNTRYMAN and wife, lot 2, block 10, McQuerry’s addition to Batavia. Deed dated Sept. 4, 1869.
500 00
Casper DURR from Josiah COUNTRYMAN and wife, lot 1, block 10, McQuerry’s addition to Batavia. Deed dated Sept. 4, 1869.
125 00
Wm. HOWELL from W. R. HESRON [sic] and wife, north half of lot 71, of Batavia. Deed dated March 22, 1869. 400 00
William HOWELL from Agnes PEABODY, north half of lot 73, in Batavia.--- Deed dated August 13, 1868. 75 00
Sylvester RUSSELL from Theudas RUSSELL and wife, their undivided interest in 160 acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated February 27, 1860. 160 00
John COURTNEY from Mary J. COURTNEY, 160 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Nov. 13, 1869. 200 00
Ralph ROBINSON from U. G. FAULKNER and wife, one lot adjoining Fairfield. Deed dated Nov. 25, 1869. 381 50
Christian BOMGARDNER from George GROSS, 2 acres in Walnut township. Deed dated Feb. 27, 1869. 800 00
H. G. THOMAS from C. B. MOORE and wife, 80 acres in Blackhawk township, and their undivided interest in 27 1/8 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated Jan. 20, 1869. 5,125 00
John W. ELLIS from Doctor G. W. WOODSIDE and wife, 5 acres in Buchanan township. Deed dated Sept. 25, 1869. 20 00
W. H. BARNES from W. G. WILSON and wife, lots 5 and 6, block 23, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated Nov. 20, 1869. 1,400 00
N. MENDENHALL from H. H. LANDIS and wife, lot 2, block 15, old plat of Fairfield. deed dated August 14, 1868. 1,300 00
Geo. H. CASE from N. MENDENHALL and wife, by J. S. GANTZ, Sheriff, lot 2, block 15, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated Nov. 20, 1863. 800 00
Richard GAINES from John A. and John SPIELMAN and wives, their undivided two-thirds interest in one-third of lot 8, block 8, old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated November 26, 1869. 2,666 00
L. L. WILKINS from Isaac R. ALTER and wife, the undivided one-half of the south half of lots 3 and 4, block 8, old plat of Fairfield, except 22 feet off the south end. Deed dated Nov. 29, 1869. 1,650 00

Jurors.--The following are the names of the Grand and Petit Jurors drawn by the Clerk, Auditor, and Sheriff. The Grand Jurors are drawn for the year 1870, and the Petit Jurors for the January term, 1870, of the District Court.

William LONG, James CLINE,
Richard GEORGE, C. W. WOOD,

Peter FRITZ, Miles BURRIS,
H. R. DUKE, Nathaniel CRAWFORD,
Thomas HOCK, J. L. REED,

MONTGOMERY--HUFFMAN.--Dec. 7, 1869, by Rev. Amos ROBINSON, Mr. John A. MONTGOMERY and Miss Henrietta M. HUFFMAN, all of Fairfield.
  Ah! John, we can’t forego the opportunity of welcoming you to the ranks, and wishing you all the joys imaginable. May your fair bride ever find in you a husband worthy of her.

WHITE--THOMAS.--At the house of the bride’s mother, in Jefferson county, Iowa, by Rev. S. BROOKS, William L. WHITE and Miss Tiletha C. THOMAS. The minister failed to send the date.

BOCK--WALKER.--Dec. 8, 1869, in Batavia, by Rev. A. LAUBACH, James M. BECK and Miss Mary E. WALKER.

HACKNEY--EDWARDS.--Nov. 19, 1869, at the house of Alburtis TRACY, by Thomas TALBERT, J. P., Mr. Francis N. HACKNEY and Miss Harriet F. EDWARDS.

HICKS--DUDLEY.--Nov. 28, 1869, at McDowell Chapel, in Penn township, by Rev. D. DONALDSON, Mr. H. M. W. HICKS and Miss Eliza DUDLEY, both of this county.

LUNDQUEST--BLOM.--Nov. 22, 1869, by E. EDWARDS. J. P., Mr. Lars August LUNDQUEST and Miss Christena M. BLOM, all of this county.

ANKROM--KIRK.--Nov. 18, 1869, by Rev. W. H. PHILLIPS, Mr. John ANKROM and Miss Mary E. KIRK, all of this county.

ATEN--CLINTON.--Oct. 6, 1869, by Rev. J. S. ROSS, at the house of the bride’s father, Mr. John G. ATEN and Miss Amanda CLINTON, both of this county.

ACTON--PUMPHREY.--Oct. 31, 1869, at the house of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. LAUBACH, Mr. James J. ACTON and Miss Mary L. PUMPHREY, both of this county.

FOREMAN--SAMUELSON.--Nov. 21, 1869, by Rev. Peter LONG, at the Sweedish [sic] M. E. Church, Mr. Charles A. FOREMAN and Miss Carrie SAMUELSON, all of this county.

SAENGER--HUTCHISON--Nov. 25, 1869, by Rev. C. DARBY, at the house of the bride’s father, Mr. Helmann SAENGER, of Mt. Pleasant, and Miss Matilda HUTCHISON.

ESTRAY STEER.--Taken up by Loring FLINZPOCH of Buchanan tp., Jeff. Co., Iowa, a red and white steer, one year old, under bit out of each ear. No other marks or brands perceivable, and appraised at $14, Nov. 18, 1869, before Geo. W. DEVECMON, J. P.
          GEO. H. CASE, Clerk.

Notice to Stockholders.
  A meeting of the Stockholders of the First National Bank of Fairfield, is hereby called to convene at their Banking House in Fairfield, Iowa, on the second Tuesday in January, 1870. (being the 11th day of the month) at 2 o’clock P.M. of said day, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year.
        SAM’L C. FARMER, Cashier.
  Fairfield, Iowa, Dec. 6, 1869.

  THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of SPIELMAN & GAINES, in the stove and tin business, in Fairfield, Iowa, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 26th of November 1869. The business affairs of the firm will be settled by John A. SPIELMAN & Co.
  Immediate settlement and prompt payment is desired. The business will be continued by John A. SPIELMAN & Co.
          JOHN SPIELMAN,
          JOHN A. SPIELMAN.
  Dec. 1, 1869.    3t47

Original Notice.
STATE OF IOWA, }      District Court,
 Jefferson County,  } ss: January Term, 1870.
      You are hereby notified that there is a sworn petition now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, of A. B. WATERMAN, as Administrator of the estate of Alonzo B. HUTCHINSON, deceased, claiming of you the sum of $598.50 as money due from you to him as Administrator of said estate, for horses, cows, hogs, corn, wheat and other articles of property. And that unless you appear and defend thoreto [sic] on or before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court to be begun and held on the first Monday of January, 1870, at the Court House in said County, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered against you for said sum with interest and costs.
          R. S. MILLS, and
          I. D. JONES,
  4t43 p.f. $7.50          Attys for Plff.

Sheriff’s Sale.
  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an Execution to me directed, issued out of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jefferson county, upon a judgment rendered in said Court in favor of John H. WELLS, and against The Baptist Church of Fairfield, Iowa, I have levied upon the following described Real Estate as the property of the said Baptist Church of Fairfield, Iowa, to-wit: Their interest in Lot No five (5) in Block No. six (6,) and the buildings on the same, in the old plat of the City of Fairfield. And that on
FRIDAY, the 17th day of DECEMBER, 1869,
at one o’clock P.M., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Fairfield, Iowa, I will proceed to sell said property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Execution, amounting to 59 31-100ths dollars debt, and 5 35-100ths dollars costs, together with accruing costs, at Public Auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash.
            J. S. GANTZ,
          Sheriff of Jefferson County, Iowa.
  Nov. 17, no 45 p f $8 00.

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