The Fairfield Weekly Journal |
March 23, 1898
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY JOURNAL"
Jefferson County
Transcribed by Jane Adams
The following named persons have been selected to serve as petit jurors at the coming April term of court:
William LANGNER, Fairfield.
Oscar HOBSON, Woolson.
Thomas CRAWFORD, Fairfield.
F. D. GAINES, Fairfield.
George P. BAKER, Baker P. O.
J. C. COW, Fairfield.
David H. JONES, Pleasant Plain.
William HARBACH, Four Corners.
T. H. FANCHER, Batavia.
Joseph J. KIRTS, Germanville.
Peter DIERCE, Jr. Germanville.
John FISHER, Fairfield.
John ERICKSON, Lockridge.
A. W. McELHANY, Firfield. [sic]
Hiram HEATON, Glendale.
W. A. MURRAY, Fairfield.
J. A. GRIMES, Fairfield.
John MILLAINE, Fairfield.
J. B. STEWART, Beckwith.
A. P. LANGDON, Fairfield.
John WRIGHT, Fairfield.
F. S. CUMMINGS, Fairfield.
J. S. FAMILONER [FAMULENER?], Libertyville.
NOTICE. (Page 1)
Having sold my stock of goods in Glasgow to my sons, all persons knowing themselves indebted to me are hereby requested to settle their accounts. The books will be found with UNKRICH Bros. in Glasgow.
3-23-w3t. H. UNKRICH.
Death of Samuel ROSS. (Page 1)
Mr. Samuel ROSS, who was stricken so suddenly in SCOTT's grocery last Friday, died without recovering consciousness, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. Y. ROSS, just after midnight Sunday morning, March 20. Mr. ROSS was born in Washington county, Penn. March 26, 1832. When he was about two years old his parents moved to Goshocton county, O., where he lived nearly thirty years. Here he became acquainted with and married Miss Katie Ellen KARR, who has been his companion for forty-two years, and who remains to mourn his loss. To them were born four children, two boys who died in infancy and two daughters, Mrs. G. V. ROSS, of this city, and Mrs. W. D. HUDGEL, also a resident of this county.
He came to Iowa in 1864, living in Black Hawk township until 1883 when he moved to Fairfield. Mr. ROSS was a consistent member of the Congregational church, a kind husband and parent, a thoughtful and sympathetic neighbor, and industrious citizen. His illness, which came so suddenly, is believed to have been painless, and he passed quietly away just at the ushering in of the Sabbath. He was about sixty-six years old.
From Tuesday's Daily. (Page 3)
Very few country people were in town today, owing to bad roads.
Misses Virgie and Nina NOEL came up from Eldon yesterday to visit their parents.
M. J. JOHNSON went to Eldon this morning.
Mrs. James BARTLETT and Miss Amy HARRIS visited at Pleasant Plain today.
For the week Ending Friday March 18, 1898.
March, 12, 1898, Lizzie OSTRANDER & hus to Wm SCHLIEF, lot 1 blk 1 Rock Island add to City of Fairfield, Iowa . . . . $200.00
March, 14, 1898, N S. GILMER to Wm. E. RAMEY pt ne4 nw4 sec 33 73 11 24 acres . . . . 1200.00
March, 14, 1898, Mary NELSON al to O H SHERMAN pt se4 ne4 sec 21 72 8 9 acres . . . . 750.00
March, 14, 1898, Irwin R. SHULTZ & w to Christian KIENTZ & w pt se4 sec 36 73 8 141 & 90 100 acres. .
. . 5800.00
March, 14, 1898, Geo SCHMIDTLIEN decd by exec to John GREENUP pt nw4 sec 36 72 8 . . . . 1600.00
March, 14, 1898, Geo SCHMIDTLIEN decd by exec to Louis DUTTWEILER pt nw4 m sec 36 72 8 c . . . . 3023.40
March, 14, ’98, J. G. SCHMIDTLIEN & w to Frederick GRAF pt nw4 sec 36 72 8 . . . . 140.00
March, 15, ’98, Catherine SMITH to Adelin JAMES & hus pt sw4 sec 4 sec 21 71 8 1 a . . . . 1.00
March, 15, ’98, F E HILLHOUSE& w to W L COPELAND lot 7 blk 8 McQueery’s & Crees ad to town of Batavia Ia
. . . . 525.00
March, 15, ’98, Wm HALFERTY & w to Elenora J COYKENDALL pt blk 32 Centennial add to City of Fairfield
. . . . 2532.00
March, 15, ’98, Z. W. HALFERTY &w to Wm HALFERTY lts 1 2 3 & 4 blk 7 Railroad ad to city of Fairfield . . . . 1500.00
March, 15, 1898, J. W. DAVIS & w to Thos GELSKI pt se4 ne4 sec 19 73 8 37 a . . . . 703.00
March, 15, ’98, City of Fairfield to B J FULLER w½ lt 205 Fairfield cemetery . . . . 5.00
March, 15, ’98, Ivy HINSHAW w to Anton SHILLINGOSKI pt nw4 nw4 sec 29 73 8 7¼ a . . . . 183.00
March, 15, ’98, Nellie GUSTAFSON to Axel NELSON ne4 se4 sec 12 71 8 40 a . . . . 750.00
From Wednesday's Daily. (Page 4)
J. N. SMITH shipped five carloads of hogs to Ottumwa this week. Prices $3.60 & $3.75.
The greater includes the less. HOOD's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, and may be depended upon to cure boils and pimples.
James RICHARDS and wife, of Libertyville, were in town today.
Grandma GREGG came in today from Glasgow, where she has been visiting for some time. She leaves in three days for her home in Mankato, Kansas.
John FRY and wife, of Libertyville, were in town today, trading.
Rev. Will HEGAR, of Lockridge, was in town today.
From Thursday's Daily. (Page 4)
Gilbert McKEE made a trip to his farm yesterday and sowed some grass seed. He reports everything booming in the country at present.
Jas. SPEER was in town today looking after the subscriptions for the new church now being built in Cedar township.
Alfred LANGDON was in town today on business.
Chas. ANDERSON of Wooster was in town today.
John MARTIN of Glasgow was in town today.
J. R LAUGHLIN, of Libertyville, was in town today.
Frank WADKINS of Lick Creek was in town today.
A. J. TIMERMAN, of Libertyville, was in town today.
Miss Mollie SPRINGER, of Libertyville was in town today.
W. W. LAUGHLIN of Libertyville was in town today looking after business.
Mr. Clark VAN OSTRAND recently sold 100 head of hogs in the Fairfield market and will have 30 more Monday. He is feeding 200 head of cattle and 300 hogs now
From Friday's Daily. (Page 4)
The evidence in the case proves HOOD's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt rheum, boils, humors and all eruption.
Marriage License Issued Today:
Estrus W. Norton, 22
Lulu Shuppy, 22,
Both of Merrimac.
W. H. MOORE, left last night for Alaska, to seek his fortune.
Andrew ANDERSON, of Packwood, was in town yesterday and made the JOURNAL a pleasant call.
The Fairfield Gun Club had a trap shoot on their grounds yesterday. They chose sides by throwing numbers in a hat, and drawing odds on one side and evens on the others. Each man had 20 shots.
Lonnie SATTLER . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Theodore HOCHULY . . . . . . . . . .3
Soc CRANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Geo. D. CLARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
John MENEELY . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Joe JACQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Billy TREWITT . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Karl BRADSHAW . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dr. HAYDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Clarence EMERY . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
From Saturday's Daily. (Page 4)
Miss Beryl COCHRAN, of Glasgow, is visiting Miss Ethel MIKESELL for a few days.
Mr. SALES shipped a load of horses today.
Henry BOACKER, of Brighton, was in town today.
Joe TAYLOR, one of the county supervisors from Germanville, was in the city today.
G. B. PARSON, of Glendale, was in the city on business today and made the JOURNAL a plersant [sic] call.
The Parson's debate with Park college, of Kansas City will take place March 25, unless postponed.
A carload of food material gathered in Des Moines by the Cuban relief committee has been started on its way east. The car was decorated with patriotic banners.
Mr. Noah MILLER, the auctioneer, had a battle with a vicious hog yesterday and got a very bad bite on the back of the hand.
Meda A. HUFFORD has sued Edward H. HUFFORD for a divorce and $10,000 alimony.
From Monday's Daily. (Page 4)
John FRY of Libertyville came over today on business.
Chas. KALIFF of Packwood was in town today.
It is reported that an animal resembling a cross between a sheperd [sic] dog and a wolf was captured on Cedar Creek, near Mr. ADAMS’ ranch, by Harry POWELL.
John ERICSON, of Lockridge was in town today.
Several farmers were in town today with four horse teams, owing to bad roads.
Another Bargain. (Page 4)
The Geo. B. SMITH residence on West Washington street, for sale cheap. Fine location, good house, good barn, fine lot with fruit, garden spot, &c. Call at the house or the office of THE JOURNAL. 2-7-d-&-w-tf.
John RUSSELL one of Eldon’s citizens, was shot in the arm Wednesday afternoon as the result of a melee into which he had gotten. Whiskey and the resultant bad spirits is said to have been the cause of the row in the beginning. Several Laddsdale miners were in Eldon and had been drinking, and with some who are residents of Eldon, became involved in a quarrel. They soon resorted to blows and officers stepped in. A man named RUSSELL was under arrest by the constable, but the fight was going on around him. John RUSSELL a brother, it is said, stepped in and attempted to rescue his brother. Just then some one began
shooting, and RUSSELL stopped one of the balls in his arm. The riot was finally quelled, but not until there were several sore heads and as many men in jail. Other arrests may follow and the participants in
the riot will tried be [sic] today. The affair was a disgraceful one throughout.