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The Fairfield Weekly Journal

March 16, 1898

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY JOURNAL"
Jefferson County

Transcribed by Jane Adams

For the week Ending Friday March 11, 1898.
Mar. 7, Geo. E. DAVIDSON & w to Samuel T. LAYTON pt nw4 nw frac 4 sec 31 72 11 44 3/4 acres . . . . $4700.00
Mar. 7, Peter SOBOSKI & w to August KRAGUSKI n½ e¼ ne4 nw4 sec 25 73 10 . . . . 2600.00
Mar. 7, Samuel THRASH & w to A. L. BELLES lot 5 blk 13 new plat of City of Fairfield, Iowa . . . . 1400.00
Mar. 7, B. T. RAINES & w to Cora A. GORDON pt of blk 65 Centennial add to City of Fairfield, Iowa . . . . 1200.00
Mar. 7, Cora A. GORDON & h to B. T. RAINES se4 sw4 & s½ ne4 sw4 sec 36 71 10 60 acres . . . . 3000.00
Mar. 8, Sidney KIRKPATRICK et al to J. O. BALDWIN w½ sw4 & ne4 sw4 & nw4 se4 & w½ sw4 ne4 & se4 sw4 ne4 sec 31 71 11 196 acres . . . . 7000.00
Mar. 8, Winfield SMOUSE & w to T. S. COPPOCK pt sw4 sec 30 72 9 . . . . 1800.00
Mar. 8, Phenia MORT & h to Virginia J. WRIGHT lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 blk 4 McQueery’s add to Batavia, Iowa . . . . 400.00
Mar. 9, Geo. M. DAVIS & w to R. T. McCLAIN sw4 sw4 sec 26 72 9 40 acres . . . . 3000.00
Mar. 9, Trustees of Fell Cemetery to Mrs. Jessie WINN lot 45 in Fell cemetery sec 24 71 11 . . . . 15.00
Mar. 9, R. T. McCLAIN & w to J. R. SPECK pt blk 91 Centennial add to Fairfield, Iowa . . . . 1700.00
Mar. 9, D. H. McKEE & w to J. B. FOOTE blk 27 Centennial add to city of Fairfield, Iowa . . . . 600.00
Mar. 10, John R. SPIERS & w to A. J. STROMBERG lots 11, 12 & 13 blk 2 town of Pekin, Iowa . . . . 90.00
Mar. 10, Ira A. PEEBLER & w to Ellis H. PEEBLER pt w½ nw4 sec 12 71 11 40 acres . . . . 1600.00
Mar. 10, Lucy A. McCLURG & h to Ada JOHNSON lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 blk 2 Stephenson’s add to Packwood, Iowa . . . . 800.00
Mar. 10, Mary M. STEWART & h to Geo. STEPHENS pt of lot 3 blk 5 old plat of City of Fairfield, Iowa . . . . 500.00

From Monday's Daily. (Page 3)
  Mr. Thomas DUNLAP of Bloomfield visited relatives in this city over Sunday and returned home today.
  The PUMPHREY brothers are running their saw mill at the east end of Burlington street to its full capacity these days. They have an immense pile of logs of all kinds and sizes.

From Tuesday's Daily. (Page 3)
  A goodly number of country people came in today despite the bad roads.
  Rev. J. M. LUTE, of Glasgow, was in the city today and made the JOURNAL a pleasant call.
  The roads, though still bad, are drying with great rapidity.
  NELSON Bros. have put in a creamery at Hillsboro and H. A. NELSON went there today to take charge of the business.
  Messrs. Ed ROBINSON and Joe DOE, of Mt. Pleasant, are visiting friends in the city.
  SIDMORE’s piano and furniture polish is on sale at HIGLEY's east side drugstore.    3 16 w2.
  The wind and sun today disposed of the mud very rapidly. A few days like this will give us good roads again.
  B. T. RAINES recently closed a deal for a farm south of Birmingham near the county line.
  Theo. HOCHULY sells farms and city property.    10-20-t-f.
  A. G. HAGUE left his afternoon for Libertyville to be gone a couple of days.
  S. J. CHESTER went to Lucas today on business.
  Miss Ella STOUFFER came down from Washington today to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BECK and other friends.
  Spring is here, robins are chirping in the tree, blue birds are flitting about, the grass is growing green in protected places, but surest sign of all the small boy is hard at marbles.
  Seekers after gold are often disappointed. Seekers after health take HOOD's Sarsaparilla and find it meets every expectation.
  C. E. WARD went to the country this morning on business.
  Andrew HORTON, of Woonsocket, R. I., shipped a car-load of horses from the SENSE & MITCHELL's barn today for the market of his home city.

From Thursday's Daily. (Page 3)
  E. H. PEEBLE (sic), of Libertyville, was a caller at the JOURNAL office today.
  An information was filed by John D. DRISH against James MOONEY and one HALLAM, both of Perlee, for stealing two jugs of alcohol from said DRISH. Sheriff BLACK arrested MOONEY at his home in Perlee, and HALLAM gave himself up and was released on bond. They will have their trial later.
  Julius BROWN and John MORROW, of Richland, delivered a load of chickens to Sant. ZEIGLER today.
  Alex. PETERSON was in town today.
  Elwood HADLEY was in the city today on business.
  C. B. McPECK went to the country today on business.
  Men and medicine are judged by what they do. The great cures by HOOD's Sarsaparilla give it a good name everywhere.
  Miss FARBER was taken suddenly ill last night, but is some better today.
  Mrs. GONTERMAN moved into the COPPOCK house on North B street today.

From Friday's Daily. (Page 3)
  Goldie EVERETT, of Packwood, was in town today.
  W. W. GILL, of Packwood, was looking after business in the city today.
  Martin BUSH, a Buchanan township farmer who has been confined to the house all winter, was in town today for the first time.
  Bert SWISHER, of Farmington, is visiting friends in the city.
  A. S. POLLOCK, formerly of the firm of TILSON & POLLOCK, came down from What Cheer last night and returned today.
  The muddy roads kept most of the country people at home today.

Licenses Issued Today. (Page 3)
Fred R. WEAVER . . . . 24
Alice A. DUNCANSON . . . . 17
Coda F. ROLAND . . . . 21
Hattie DAVIS . . . . 20

From Saturday's Daily (Page 3)
  Miss Letha SIMMONS, who has been spending a week with her folks in the city, will return to her home in the country tomorrow.
  A large number of the farmers came to town today on horse back and a foot on account of the mud.
  Warren CHANDLER of Buchanaan township is first to commence sowing oats this spring, having sowed several acres this week.
  Phillip RINGELSPAUGH footed it into town on the railroad from his home five miles east this morning with a basket of marketing. Mud! Mud!
  A marriage license was issued today to Walter E. EDWARDS, aged 21 and Lilly LATHERS, aged 16, both of Abingdon.

  Messrs. Andrew LEWIS and Albert PETERSON departed last Monday, the former for Monmouth, Ill., the latter for Fairfield.
  Miss Mary REED went to Kirkwood, Ill., Monday.
  The pulpit of the Lutheran church was filled last Sunday by Messrs ANDERSON and OCKERSTROM, students of the Theological Seminary at Rock Island, Ill. Foreign missions was especially the theme
  John, Albert and Anna PIERSON gave a party lately to their young friends. Refreshments were served at an early hour after which games were played. Those present were: Messrs. Andrew LEWIS, Peter REED, John ANDERSON, Gust REED, Albert PETERSON, John NELSON, Charley PETERSON, Ernest NELSON and Frank ANDERSON; Misses Tillie PETERSON, Mary NELSON, Phrona ANDERSON, Anema LINDERSON, Helen HULT, Hilda JOHNSON, Minnie REED and Emma ANDERSON. On the following evening a party was given at the REED home to the same company of young people. All voted they had a very pleasant evening.
  Messrs. Gust REED, Frank ANDERSON and Peter REED left last Wednesday for Seattle, Wash., Miss Minnie REED accompanied them as far as Des Moines where she will stay for some time.

  Geo. ROLLETT, of Ft. Madison, came to town Monday; he has been called to work on the prospective railroad running south from Eldon. Geo. is an up-to-date railroad man.
  Capt. S. H. WATKINS went to Cedar Rapids, Friday; while there he will make his son, Chas. a visit.
  School election passed off quietly Monday.
  Mrs. CUPPS’ mother is failing quite rapidly.
  Miss Laura McCLEARY, of Des Moines township, was a business caller Monday.
  Mr. NAILOR expects to begin sowing spring wheat Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.
  Chas. WARD, of Fairfield, organized a Junior League at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon.
  Hiram SMITH has gone south in quest of work expecting to spend the summer.
  The young men's literary society of this place had for discussion Saturday evening the question of socialism. The boys went into the merits of the subject pretty thoroughly.
  Blue birds, Meadow larks, Robins and the assessor have been around, this is supposed to be an indication of spring.
  H. L. RHODIBAUGH's driver got its leg badly cut on the barb wire Saturday. It is feared that the animal will be a cripple.
  Rev. WALKER, of Brighton, is expected to preach at the Methodist church Monday evening March 21.
  Eddie GARBER remains quite feeble.
  On account of bad roads Rev. BOLLMAN did not reach his appointment at this place Sunday afternoon.
  Chas. WILSON Sundayed at home; he has been working in Fairfield for some time and we are glad to learn that he is doing so nicely. Chas. is a hustler.
  Presiding Elder COOPER, of Fairfield, passed through here Saturday on his way to Eldon to hold quarterly meeting.
  Wm. GOSICH gave an interesting Bible talk on Joseph at the Methodist church Friday evening and expects to give another Friday evening March 25 on the subject of Moses.
  The Sunday schools of this place by vote extended an invitation to the county Sunday school association to hold the next county convention here.
  Bert RYDER returned from Medical college, at Keokuk, last week.
  Mr. and Mrs. J. N. HIBBARD entertained friends Friday.
  The people of Krum are agitating the question of building a church. The people seem to be a unit in the matter and they certainly ought to be encouraged.

Death of Geo. W. RAYMOND. (Page 4)
  Mr. George W. RAYMOND died this morning at 5:30 o'clock after a lingering illness from a complication of diseases. He was taken down about July of last year and was confined to the house nearly all of the time since. Mr. RAYMOND was a Union soldier and did not receive any pension from the government, but the G. A. R. and W. R. C. people, together with some outside help, looked after the wants of the family. The funeral services will be held at his late residence tomorrow at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Dr. MAGILL, Rev. J. A. BOATMAN and the G. A. R. The burial will take place in the Evergreen cemetery.

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