The Fairfield Weekly Journal |
March 02, 1898
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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY JOURNAL"
Jefferson County, Iowa
March 2, 1898
Transcribed by Deborah Brownfield - Stanley
Following are the Proceedings of the Present Term of Court up to Date.
Wm. CHIDESTER, guardian, vs. Thomas TURNBULL et al. Continued.
Ellen JOHNSON, vs. Ida May GEORGE et al. Partition omitted from docket.
George H. WARD vs. Margaret GRIFFIN et al. Partition dismissed, cost paid.
Wm. H. McCRACKIN et al vs. Enos H. McCRACKIN et al, partition continued for sale.
Carrie C. T. BROWN vs. Washington BROWN et al. Dismissed at plaintiff’ costs.
J. W. ELLIS vs. Maggie May ELLIS, divorce granted, decree signed.
Wm. D. ALSTON et ux, vs. Wm. E. ALSTON et al, partition submitted to be decided and decree entered in vacation.
Lizzle A. McCLURE vs. Fannie M. JAMES et al. Settled and dismissed.
Jacob SHERIDAN vs. Paul SHERIDAN et al. Partition, decree signed.
Ida M. BURNS vs. Hester J. WOODS et al. Partition, order signed, decree signed.
Magdalene STAUL vs. Adam STAUL et al. Partition, decree signed.
William WISE vs. D. B. HUGHES et al. To quiet title, decree signed.
Ed D. FAGAN vs. Ed L. DOWNER. Foreclosure mortgage, default judgement.
Mertie L. WALKER vs. R. B. WALKER. Divorce granted.
C. E. NOBLE et al vs. School township Locust Grove, Jefferson county, Iowa et al settled and dismissed costs paid.
Frank DEALY vs. Luella COLBURN et al. Foreclosure mortgage decree signed.
Vincent POHREN vs. Magdalena STAUL. Foreclosure mortgage, decree signed.
N. LANCHEZ vs. F. M. STEPHENSON et ux. Foreclosure dismissed, costs paid.
Anna E. T. ADLER vs. David S. ADLER. Divorce default.
Minda M. DREWER vs. Frank DREWER. Divorce, decree signed.
Johanna WILKERSON vs. Oscar N. STEAD et al. Partition, final report approved, referees discharged.
LAW DOCKET. (Page 7)
Thomas BELL vs Wm. RICHARDSON. Attachment omit from docket.
Minnesota Thresher Co., vs J. B. DUNCAN et al. To be tried or dismissed at next term.
James H. CRAWFORD vs Geo. F. STEVER. Dismissed for want of prosecution.
J. S. GANTZ vs Robert KAESTNER. Attachment dismissed for want of prosecution.
Frank T. ECK vs Stephen ANGSTEAD. Garnishment dismissed at plaintiff's costs.
Isabel McCLENTIC vs J. F. McCLENTIC. Forcible entry, dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
D. N. LYON vs ALEX W. McCLENTIC. Damages, dismissed.
Buck-Reiner Co., vs August KIRCHNER et al on account, dismissed.
Isabel McCLENTIC vs BLEX (sic) W. McCLENTIC on account, continued.
Ruth COOK vs J. Z. FRASHER on account, judgement.
State of Iowa Ex Rel Patrick KENNEDY vs John GOW. Demurer sustained.
B. T. RAINES vs Harry MESSETT et al. Attachment, settled.
S. J. ATLEE vs F. A. CLARRIDGE on account, settled, costs paid.
Francis E. DAVIDSON vs Mary E. BARBER on judgement, settled and dismissed costs paid.
J. F. READY et al vs Wm. V. NICKLIN on contract, continued.
Peter ZAMANSKY vs R. W. ALLSUP & Co., et al. Landlords attachment. Default.
Tustees Pleasant Grove M. E. church vs Anchor Mutual Insurance Co., continued.
A. S. DOUGHTY vs C. S. MARSHALL. Landlords attachment, settled and dismissed, costs paid.
T. F. JONES vs R. B. WALKER. Attachment, settled and dismissed, costs paid.
R. R. ROSE et al vs. Edward ULM on judgement. Settled and costs paid.
John M. HAZLETT vs Robert WEBB on note, judgement.
J. S. STONE vs Farmers Insurance Co., of Cedar Rapids, on policy, settled, costs paid.
Annie MONHARDT vs Adam STAUB et al on note, judgement.
C. W. COYKENDALL vs John W. SPENCER dismissed without prejudice as to other parties.
FRANKEL, FRANK & Co., vs. VAN PATTEN & CHARLES. Judgement by default.
Peter FRITZ vs Adam STAUB et al on note, settled.
S. MCCULOUGH vs Willis S. STARKEY and wife default on note, judgement.
Application for permit to buy sell and keep liquors granted to Stephen R. THOMA.
L. L. WILKINS vs J. N. WILCOXEN at al on note, judgement.
C. T. SATER vs J. W. PATRICK et ux on note, default.
State of Iowa vs Wm. HALE. Indictment nuisance continued on application of defendant.
State of Iowa vs Jerris FRY. Bond to keep the peace. Defendant discharged and bondsmen released.
State of Iowa vs Charles WOODRUFF selling intoxicating liquors, continued.
State of Iowa vs Hugh MOONEY, Oscar JOHNSON. Plead not guilty to burglary. Court directed jury to bring in verdict of not guilty, there not being sufficient evidence to convict.
From Thursday's Daily. (Page 7)
Mr. C. C. COHORN and Miss Ada MILLER were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. MILLER, near Glasgow, Wednesday, Feb. 23, at high noon. An infair dinner was given them today by the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. COHORN, who live east of town.
It was somewhat amusing to see the people sleighriding around the square in the mud today. The sleighing is fairly good yet in the country but the streets are getting very bad in places.
The need of a good spring medicine is almost universal and HOOD'S Sar- (sic) exactly meets this need. Be sure to get HOOD'S.
B. T. RAINES will go to Illinois soon to buy tile for his farm 3 miles north east of town.
Marriage license was issued today to Alfred A. PETERSON, 26 and Clara R. JOHNSON, 26, both of Salina.
Fairfield has furnished one Klondiker in the person of Fred PATTERSON on East Kirkwood St. He is now in Brookville to settle up some business matters before starting.
Lafayette COOP, of Perlee, was made administrator of the estate of Lafayette SIMONS.
From Friday's Daily. (Page 7)
Mr. A. R. COFFEY, who has been living on the WALMER place south of town, is moving his family to Centerville today.
Robt. McCLENTIC, of Brighton, was in the city today on business.
At the February meeting of the Pastor's association of Fairfield Rev. M. L. MELICK was elected president and Rev. MARSH secretary of the association for the term of one year.
MARRIED.--Mr. Alfred A. PETERSON of Fairfield, Ia., and Miss Clara R. JOHNSON of Salina, at the home of Mr. Chas. STRAM in Fairfield, Feb. 24th, 1898. Rev. M. L. MELICK, officiating.
S. J. CHESTER has received an appointed as Deputy United States marshal for the eastern division of Iowa. This is gratifying to the friends of Mr. CHESTER and a deserved recognition of ability and worth.
From Saturday's Daily. (Page 7)
The country people turned out numerously today and trade was good.
The patent gate man, was in town today with a sample gate fastened to a telephone post on the south east corner.
From Monday's Daily. (Page 7)
While talking with W. S. EDWARDS in his shop today we noticed a fine looking machine which he told us was a new thing and of his own building. He is prepared to use it now and will be pleased to have anyone call and see it.
It is economy to profit by the experience of others. Thousands have been cured by HOOD'S Sarsaparilla, why not you?
FOR SALE. On easy terms 20 acres of land in 5 or 10 acre lots; located one half mile south of city limits. For terms inquire or address J. A. HETHERINGTON, Fairfield, Iowa. 2-28-wk- tf.
Stephen THOMA, of Fairfield, visited Sunday with home folks.
Rolla IVINS has returned home from Davis county, where he has been visiting relatives for saveral [sic] days.
Jas. BLUCHER, of Glasgow visited last week with the family of J. L. GLOTFELTY.
Mrs. Will THOMA visited in Fairfield Wednesday.
Mr. E. C. McCLEARY entertained company Thursday.
Miss Osa TURNBULL is making a short visit at home.
Mr. A. LAMB and Miss Maude WHITMORE were married Wednesday of this week.
The Klondike fever is out of existence and the war fever is raging.
The literary at County Line is closed on account of the protracted meeting.
The wedding bells will ring in the near future.
The literary at No. 1, was largely attended Friday evening. Good order prevailed and an excellent program was rendered, interspersed with music by FRESHWATER and HESTON on violin and guitar which was highly appreciated by the audience. The Library Question was ably discussed by some of our best debaters. The question was decided in favor of the affirmative. Think it should become a public library supported by the county; that Fairfield is already over-burdened with taxes; the tax would not be very much, thereby making it a public institution where every one could use it. The society adopted resolutions of sympathy for the American sailors, who lost their lives in the disaster of the Maine.
J. T. CONSER and family leave this community this week and will visit near Birmingham for a short time, after which they will go to their new home in South Dakota. They have lived on the LAMB farm for the past year and will be greatly missed.
Some of our young people attended the exhibition given Friday night at the Plum college school house by Miss HISEL.
Chas. LEGGET closed a very successful term of school at No. 1, Thursday.
Will SWARTZ and A. H. COLEMAN, of Libertyville attended literary Friday night.
Mrs. Albert STANSBERRY, of Ashland, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John TURNBULL.
The WILSON family, from near Fairfield have moved onto the LAMB farm.
G. T. PURYEAR was a business caller at Fairfield Saturday.
D. LOWNY, of Krum, has sold his store to Mr. COVERDALE, of Batavia, the latter will take charge of it the first of the week.
Misses May and Osa TURNBULL left Sunday for a week at Ashland.
Rev. WOLF preached at the Dunkard church Sabbath morning and evening. It being missionary services quite a good collection was made up.
Tom TURNBULL Sundayed with relatives here.
Mrs. M. HESTON spent Sunday with friends here.
Rev. SPRINGER will preach at No. 1, next Sunday at 3 p. m.
Miss Sarah IVINS spent Sunday with her parents.
Hiram SMITH, of Libertyville, spent Sunday with his friend, Sam McCLEARY.
Arthur IVINS and wife have moved on a farm 4 miles from Glasgow, which they have rented for the coming season.
Elmer FORNEY and wife, of Batavia, spent Sunday at the IVINS home.
Geo. SIMONS, who has been working for Walter ADAMS for several years past has moved on the PRATT farm.
Several of our young people attended Rev. GILBERT’S meeting at the line Sunday night.
Literary at Krum every Wednesday night. This society is proving more attractive to some of its members and the Krum correspondent need not have any further fears as the attraction at No. 1, is out of sight.
Mr. and Mrs. D. HESTON entertained a number of friends one evening recently.
A singular customer attempted to break into Mr. RINAKER’S house Sunday evening while the boys were at church. The family were greatly frightened. Monday forenoon the boys met a stranger supposed to be the same person and were at a loss to determine whether he was a thief, tramp or a crazy person.
H. L. RODIBAUGH shipped some fine fowls to Centerville Monday.
Emery CARTER expects to move to the Ed POLLOCK farm in a few days.
P. H. HESTON has been quite ill for a few days.
Geo. TETER moved Tuesday to Birmingham.
Miss Sadie WRIGHT, of Mt. Hamill, is the guest of Mrs. G. M. MARTIN of Libertyville.
John WHITLOCK has moved into John GARBER’s property.
Samuel WATKINS came home Friday, from Mt. Pleasant, to stay over Sunday. He reports the I. W. U moving along nicely.
Rev. GILBERT, of Batavia, spent a portion of Wednesday in our village.
Rev. MINEAR made a trip to Mt. Pleasant Monday.
Rev. BOLLMAN, of Birmingham preached an excellent sermon at the Methodist church Sabbath morning.
Geo. ROLLETT, of Ft. Madison, came to Libertyville Monday.
[Ed. note: column trimmed off on the right and 3-4 characters are lost.]
Mr. NAILOR attended the fine sale at Oskaloosa Thursday and Fri--- of last week.
Chas. GORDON has moved to F---field.
A. G. HAGUE and his son are ke---ing batch at the old homestead.
Rev. MINEAR and Abe MATTOX e--- sold his driving horse last week.
Horse buyers are swarming in t--- part of the country. It seems --- that in a brief time horse buyers ---- out number horses for sale.
Mr. RENO, of Batavia, was in --- village last week on business.
Frank SULLIVAN has moved into --- WAGONER's house in this village.
Wm. PRICE contemplates erectin- - nice new dwelling on his farm t--- season.
John PEELBER lost a valuable you-- horse a few days ago.
Wallace OGDEN has moved into --ram SMITH's house.
J. B. KERRICK has rented his fa-- to Chas. YOST and move to Fairfie--
John GARBER has secured the po-- tion of station agent at Birmingha- and moved his family there.
Some of our young people enjoy-- a social party at John WELDA-- Thursday evening.
Miss Gertie HISEL closed her scho-- with an exhibition Friday evenin-- Miss HISEL made quite a number -- friends.
Wm. GOSICK gave an interesti-- Bible talk Friday evening at the -- E. church.
The Coffee sociable at Andy ANDERSON's was largely attended.
Miss Throna ANDERSON is spending her vacation at home.
Another party at PIERSON's Monday evening.
Our school closed Friday with an exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HILLMAN gave a party for our young folks at their residence north of Four Corners Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served after which games were played. Those present were Messrs. Andrew LEWIS, Frank LEWIS, Henry HORTON, Frank ANDERSON, Gust REED, John PIERSON, John ANDERSON, Pete REED, John and Ernest NELSON and Misses Tillie PETERSON, Throna ANDERSON, Nina CRAFF, Risa RIVEY, Anna LINDERSON, Minnie REED, Anna PIERSON, Mary NELSON, Hilda JOHNSON and Emma ANDERSON. All had a nice time.
BECKWITH. (Page 8)
Not having seen any items from our community for some time, we presume that the regular "cor" went a visiting and forgot to return.
J. O. STEVER has moved on a farm down near Birmingham, John BOWERMASTER having purchased the farm that STEVER vacated.
Joe ROTH will soon move to Adams county.
Mrs. H. B. WHITE and daughter Bernice, of Mankato, Kansas, are visiting their many relatives here.
Miss Jessie WRAY will close her school at Liberty Friday with an exhibition at night.
Miss Belle SANDS is on the sick list.
J. R. DAVIS has been having a serious time with the la grippe.
James PARSONS is at home after several month's stay in Minnesota and Northern Iowa.