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The Fairfield Weekly Journal

May 8, 1884

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Fairfield, Iowa "WEEKLY JOURNAL"
Jefferson County -- Vol. VI, # 29, May 8, 1884
(Note: The issue number should be # 28 but the newspaper mistakenly labeled it # 29.)
Transcribed by Debbie Nash

Regular Meeting of the City Council of Fairfield, Iowa.
        CITY HALL, May 2, 1884.
  Council met pursuant to adjournment.
  The report of James F. CRAWFORD, City Treasurer, showing a balance on hand of $4.097,45 was received and placed on file.
  The Ways and Means Committee presented a bill for An Ordinance making appropriations for Water Works. Referred to the City Solicitor.
  The Streets and Alleys Committee reported recommending new sidewalks as follows: In front of properties of Mrs. Mary McLEOD, Andy BOYD, Wm. ALSTON, I. D. JONES’ business lot, and Mrs. JOHNS. The report of the Committee was adopted, and the walks ordered as recommended by proper resolution of Council.
  The Water Supply Committee reported recommending that two water bonds, of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, be delivered to George B. INMAN on account of work done by him, subject to final settlement. Also, recommending that the request of Mr. INMAN that the remaining water bonds be sent to New York to be sold be not complied with. The report was adopted and on motion the chairman of said committee was instructed to forward to Mr. INMAN the two bonds as recommended by the Committee, and inform Mr. INMAN of the further recommendation of the Committee.
  The Marshall was instructed to serve a notice on William JONES relating to cellar drains in J. V. MYERS’s alley, as provided in former resolution of the Council.
The bond of John M. GALVIN, as City Solicitor, in the sum of $500, with James SULLIVAN and Thomas L. JAMES as sureties, was approved and placed on file.
  The following bills were presented and allowed by a vote of the Council:
P. H. HOWLETT, coal,                $29.67
Martin ROBINSON, police April, 30.00
M. SCHOOLEY, same,                   30.00
H. HANSON & Co., lumber,          212.78
W. J. CLARK, street labor,            17.00
T. W. SMITH, same,                     30.00
Fairfield Gas Co., gas April,             1.80
J. N. KNOWLES, drayage,                 50
  The complaint of J. C. FURMAN was referred to the Streets and Alleys Committee.
  On motion the Council adjourned for week to meet at 7½ o'clock, P.M.
          T. F. HIGLEY, City Clerk.

Friday Facts. (Page 1)
  --The Council meets tonight.
  --Ed KOHN, Rock Island, is here.
  --Max HERZBERG, Quincy, is in the city.
  --E. L. KIGIGNS, New York, is in the city to-day.
  --Henry A. PRIZER, of Brighton, was in the city last night.
  --Frank McDONALD, of Lincoln, Neb., was back on a visit yesterday.
  --L. JACOBY, representing a St. Louis millinery house, is here to-day.
  --Ed KENNEFICK has received a supply of the Colfax Spring mineral water.
  --Dr. HAYDEN and Adam WILSON, of Libertyville, were in the city to-day.
  --Smoke none but PRIESTER’s "Elephant," for sale only by KENNEFICK.
  --HUFFORD, BRADSHAW & THOMA have on draft Stoddard’s Buffalo Mead, a new refreshing, and cooling drink.
  --A. J. BLAKELY, H. H. OSGOOD, John H. MOORE, J. N. CHERRY, M. S. ROTHCHILD and W. H. STEWART, of Chicago, were in the city to-day.
  --PRIESTER’s favorite brand, the "Elephant," is absolutely the best cigar in the State for the money. For sale here only by Ed KENNEFICK.
  --Subscription agents are wanted all over the country for the new illustrated book, Picturesque Washington, of which we make mention elsewhere.
  --Frank ZIMMERMAN and wife, Frank BLACK and wife, A. R. BYRKIT, Geo. W. WHITE and Miss Anna HERR will take in the District Convention of the Y. M. C. A. which convenes at Mt. Pleasant this evening and holds over Sunday.
  --Rev. A. B. McMACKIN, John A. SPIELMAN and Joe BRADLEY were called to Burlington yesterday to meet the Secretary of the Church Extension Board and other gentlemen with reference to the establishment and purchase of property for the Evangelical Lutheran Mission recently established there.
  --H. D. WALKER, of Mt. Pleasant, and Al HILBERT, Herman BAER, Bert STUBBS, Jacob DAHLMAN, Lou THOMA, W. G. YOUNG, J. S. RICHARDSON, Dr. HAMMOND, Dr. S. CAMPBELL, Will MOHR, B. E. RISTINE, John L. BROWN and Jake McGAW, of this city, go down to Birmingham tonight to institute a lodge of the Knights of Pythias.

Saturday Sayings. (Page 1)
  --John W. RICHARDS and Alex LEVY, of Chicago, were here to-day.
  --W. H. SULLIVAN and E. J. CLARRIDGE, of Libertyville, were in town to-day.
  --John R. SHAFFER has purchased for his handsome and accomplished daughter, Miss Clara, an elegant HALLETT & DAVIS piano.
  --E. S. PAGE of Des Moines, W. H. JOHNSON of Cedar Rapids, W. H. STEWART and A. KREIS, of Chicago, will spend tomorrow in the city, at the LEGGETT.
  --The A. E. O.’s, a society of the younger girls, will give an entertainment and render the play entitled "The Pets of Society," this evening at the residence of John W. McCLAIN. Admission, 5 cents.

Meeting Last Night of the City Council as a Board of Health.
      COUNCIL CHAMBER, May 5, 1884.
  Council assembled as a Board of Health.
  Present, Mayor BOLING and Trustees BRIGHT, CLARK, LEGGETT, McGAW, RICKSHER, SCOTT, SHOULTZ and YOUNG, and the Health Officer, Dr. SNOOK.
  Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
  The Health Officer submitted his report, which was approved and filed.
  On motion the report was referred to a committee of three, two members of the Council and the Health Officer, with City Solicitor, to draft ordinance relative to same. The committee appointed was Trustees BRIGHT and SCOTT.
  A bill of Dr. C. SNOOK for $50, physicians services for last year, was presented and was ordered certified to the City Council at next meeting for payment.
  Dr. C. SNOOK was re-elected by acclamation as Health Officer for the ensuing year.
  On motion the Health Officer was directed to serve notices on all persons having accumulated manure or other filth in or about their premises, or having unclean privies, to remove or clean and disinfect the same.
  On motion the Board adjourned to meet on call of the President.
        T. F. HIGLEY, Clerk

Monday Melange. (Page 8)
  --W. C. BROWN, Waterloo, is here
  --Bob CRAIL spent Sunday in Ottumwa.
  --Geo. B. SHARP, of Des Moines, is in the city.
  --Robert H. FOOS, of Springfield, O., is in the city.
  --H. S. WILLIS has returned from his trip to Kansas City.
  --The City Council meets to-nigh (sic) as a Board of Health.
  --Frank W. HEARNEY, of Philadelphia, was in the city to-day.
  --Mrs. MOORE went to Libertyville to-day to visit her parents.
  --Sixteen transcients Sundayed at the LEGGETT House yesterday.
  --E. E. WHITNEY and Ed FORGRAVE, of Cleveland, were in the city to-day.
  --Simon C. FRY, Frank WINN and Wm. SMITH, of Libertyville, were in town to-day.
  --Frank WHITMORE, of St. Louis, and M. A. SWEET, of Chicago, were in the city to-day.
  --The Clerk issued a marriage license to Andrew ANDERSON and Miss Sophia SWANSON.
  --Joseph LAWSON has been appointed guardian of Miss Dora RENO, minor heir of John RENO, deceased.
  --James F. CRAWFORD and Albert MAIR spent yesterday in Muscatine and Davenport. Albert says he saw AVERY in Muscatine.
  --Thomas McGOVERN, formerly "a hard crowd from Perlee," has been indicted in the District court of Keokuk county for selling liquor contrary to law.
  --There were 32 representatives from this city in attendance on the Y. M. C. A. convention at Mt. Pleasant over Sunday. They returned on No. 3 this morning.
  --Mrs. TYLER and Miss WELDAY have taken the rooms over the drug store of HUFFORD, BRADSHAW & THOMA, and will occupy it as a dress making establishment.
  --The C. B. & Q. have put on two new mail cars, painted whiter than white and they present a magnificent appearance. They are longer than the old ones, and much more convenient.
  --H. A. STRAIGHT, now of Denver, Col. with his wife, is renewing old acquaintances in this city. Mr. STRAIGHT was an artist in this city over a quarter of a century ago, and his genial countenance is as familiar as an old shoe to all old settlers.
  --The Fairfield Manufacturing Company has been re-organized with this list of stockholders: H. C. ALSTON, Sam C. FARMER, Henry SEMON, J. P. MANATREY, W. H. BARTELS, A. DEMARCE, Gus VOTE, J. E. ROTH, WELLS & GARRETTSON, WILKINS & TILSON, J. C. THORNE, P. N. WOODS, JORDAN Brothers & Co., James SULLIVAN, W. C. BALL, L. J. MARCY, Louis SUESS, Joseph RICKSHER, J. S. GANTZ, James F. CRAWFORD, Dr. A. C. D. BRADSHAW, D. P. STUBBS and S. M. BICKFORD.

  The merchants report good trade notwithstanding the bad weather.
  There was no school Monday on account of the absence of the teachers.
  The cold rainy weather we have been having the last few days makes the farmers in this vicinity despondent.
  J. W. PANCOAST has returned from "bleeding Kansas," and does not report very favorably impressed with his trip.
  F. T. ANDERSON will give a spelling school at the BALDING school house Thursday night, which will be interspersed with literary exercises.
  Barney GIFFORD, our irrepressible saloon keeper, has renewed his license for a year and says he will continue right on for that length of time, the prohibitory law notwithstanding.        RENRUT.

Tuesday Tit-Bits. (Page 8)
  --H. J. BELL, Albia, is in the city.
  --Ben HASSEL, Burlington, is here.
  --C. E. FOSTER, of Corydon, is in the city.
  --F. P. HUGGINS, of Davenport, is in the city.
  --H. C. WHITING, of Mt. Pleasant, is in the city.
  --C. H. McGREW, of Sigourney, was here to-day.
  --W. P. LaGROVE, New York, is in the city to-day.
  --Perry KING is the new president of the school board.
  --Thomas J. MOON, of Wilmington, Ohio, is in the city.
  --J. W. AKERS, state superentendent of public instruction, is in the city.
  --S. G. WHITE, H. ARONSON and W. J. RAY, of Chicago, are in the city.
  --W. A. McINTIRE and Mrs. M. A. PECK, of Ottumwa, were in the city to-day.
  --Mr. and Mrs. Walter CASE have removed to Kansas City to make that their future home.
  --W. S. VIVIAN, of Burlington, representing the cigar manufactory of Chas. WOLFF, is in the city.
  --Frank JONES expects shortly to take the road for KRAFFT, HOLMES & Co., wholesale grocers, St. Louis.
  --Miss Julia SWAYZE, of Pekin, Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Al HILBERT, and will spend the summer here.
  --E. S. W. DROUGHT, a general contracter, from Wyandotte, Kansas, was in the city yesterday and to-day.
  --R. W. DURKEE, reprasenting the crockery house of Geo. W. DILLAWAY, Muscatine, was here to-day looking up trade.
  --John H. ACHESON, of Keokuk, is in the city. Johnny has just recovered from a sick spell, in which he narrowly escaped death.
  --The Y. M. C. A. hold gospel meeting in their hall at 4 o'clock next Sabbath. Theme, "Rejoice." Bible meeting on Thursday evening. Topic, "The witnesses."
  --A Convention of the County Superintendents of this district, composed of thirteen counties, is in session here to-day, and will continue to-morrow. Representatives from all the counties are present.
  --In our list of the stockholders of the Fairfield Manufacturing Company the names of Charles D. LEGGETT, N. S. BRIGHT and John W. BURNETT were unintentionally omitted by our "intelligent compositor."
  --H. A. STRAIGHT has leased rooms in the WILSON block and will spend the summer here. Mr. GILCHRIST, our neighbor across the hall, has a landscape scene hanging in his gallery that Mr. STRAIGHT painted nearly a quarter of a century since. STRAIGHT says no difference how crooked he is, he is always STRAIGHT.
  --The School Board last night re-elected Prof. J. B. MONLUX supertendent (sic) at advanced wages, $1,100 per term. Miss Julia L. SCOFIELD, of Carthage, Ill., was elected to take charge of the high school. The other teachers selected are Mrs. Kate FULLER, Mrs. Jennie BONAR, Miss Amy JUNKIN, Miss Lizzie WEST, Miss Lizzie O. LOCKE, Miss Kate M. JONES, Miss Flora E. CHESTER, Miss Lillian EATON, Miss Laura B. SWAN and Anna CAMPBELL. The assignment of rooms is yet to be made by the committee on teachers.
  --The new mail cars, six in number, which have recently been placed on the Burlington route, are painted white, lettered as Chicago, Burlington & Quincy cars, and have panted on the sides "The Fast Mail," and a national design (the flag and the eagle) and the words "National Union," "State Sovereignty." There are wind guards at the entrance at both ends, which makes them much warmer in winter time than the ordinary door. The interior of the car is provided with hooks for 275 pouches, and 500 boxes which are reversible, a steam heater warms the car when necessary, and there is a water closet and the usual appurtenances provided in case of accidents or fire. Large sky lights and side windows make the coach as light as possible, while HARRISON’s electric lamp furnishes light at night. Every convenience is made to assist clerks in the dispatch of business. These new cars are so grand that we almost envy the postal clerks.

Wednesday Wanderings. (Page 8)
  --D. POWERS, Boston, is in the city.
  --Straw hats begin to show signs of life.
  --M. J. PASEY, of Eldon, was in town to-day.
  --H. H. MARGERNE, Boston, was here to-day.
  --Geo. TARKINGTON, of Rochelle, Ill., is here.
  --S. W. BRAMHALL, of Burlington, is in the city.
  --J. B. SMITH, of Bloomington, is in the city.
  --Robert J. PUSTER, of St. Louis, is in the city.
  --D. A. VanSICKEL, of Cincinnati, is in the city.
  --S. T. McINTIRE, of Morning Sun, is in the city.
  --Summer will soon smile upon the retreat of spring.
  --J. T. LAWRENCE and wife, of New York, are in the city.
  --Hon. M. A. McCOID and family are expected home to-morrow.
  --Mrs. Maggie CARMICHAEL, of Brighton, is visiting friends in the city.
  --O. H. CASEBEER and O. H. DAVIS, of Chicago, were in the city to-day.
  --S. L. MURRAY, of Williamville, Delaware, is in the city visiting friends.
  --Joseph HEINSWORTH and W. H. SNIDER, of Davenport, were here to-day.
  --C. W. von COELLN, formerly superintendent of public instruction, was in the city to-day.
  --Mrs. James F. CRAWFORD, of this city, attended the JUNKIN-SHAFFER wedding at Centerville.
  --The Wapello Times has things badly mixed in its last issue. It associates the editor of this paper, and Mrs. McELROY, of The Tribune, with the ownership of the Ledger.
  --At the annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. held last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, H. C. RANEY; Vice-President, J. W. BURNETT; Corresponding Secretary, Henry A. SPIELMAN; Recording Secretary, Frank ZIMMERMAN; Treasurer, F. J. L. BLACK.
  --R. H. MOORE, of THE FAIRFIELD JOURNAL, formerly of The Safeguard, made a recent visit to this county, and expressed the opinion that Moses couldn't get a tenth of one side of a delegate from this county. We don't know about that. His seed corn is reported as sprouting exceedingly well.--Wapello Times.
  --List of letters remaining in the post office at Fairfield, Iowa, unclaimed and advertised for week ending May 6, ’84: Priscilla M. COWAN, Chas. L. CUNNINGHAM, Wm. H. COOP, John DeGALLEFORD 4, J. F. GROTTS, Verda HALL, Rev. J. W. McCLAIN, T. J. McCARTY, Enoch OWENS, Emma PETERSON, Sarah ROBINSON, Peter SNOOK, Lillie STEPHENSON, Gus SAMUELSON, John TEDELL 2, Wm. A. VANCE, C. J. WEBURG, Joseph A. WHITACRE, B. F. WILSON, Albert McCARTNEY.
  --A quiet wedding occurred at Centerville yesterday which is a first-class item for our people. At the residence of C. S. BYRKIT at 9:30, Mr. Matthew JUNKIN, of this city, and Miss Mattie S. SHAFFER, of Centerville, were made husband and wife. The Rev. THORP of the Presbyterian Church performed the ceremony. Only a few of the intimate friends and relatives of the couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. JUNKIN left at once for a trip through Colorado, after which they will return and make this city their future home. THE JOURNAL joins with the numerous friends of Matthew and Miss Mattie in this city in wishing them many years of happiness and prosperity.

Thursday Transpirings. (Page 8)
  --S. K. WEST is back again.
  --James A. BECK is in Mt. Pleasant to-day.
  --Bob CRAIL has now a situation at the LEGGETT House.
  --J. H. MITCHELL, of Ottumwa, was in the city to-day.
  --The family of Hon. M. A. McCOID returned home this morning.
  --Mrs. M. WOODS is putting a new fence around her entire premises.
  --A. CHRISTENSON and C. S. BURNETT, of Burlington, were in the city to-day.
  --Henry M. MARX, of St. Louis, who attaches his photograph to the register is in the city.
  --Col. Sam C. FARMER, who has been in Chicago several days, returned home this morning.
  --Charles S. VINCENT, representing the wholesale drug house of FULLER & FULLER, Chicago, was in the city to-day.
  --J. H. BAXTER, representing the boot and shoe house of Wm. RICHARDSON & Co., Hornellsville, New York, was here to-day.
  --Wanted, a situation as a store clerk, by a young man of experience, of good habits and perfectly reliable. Particulars at this office.
  --Perforated patterns suitable for KENSINGTON painting and outline work; also, pillow sham holders, for sale by Mrs. R. H. MOORE. Call at residence, 920 Second South Street.
  --David L. COOP, of Pleasant Plain, was in town to-day. He has recenaly returned from a trip to Keokuk and Washington counties, and reports matters all O.K. there.
  --A son of C. M. HARRIS, of Keokuk county, was accidentally killed last Monday, while riding one of the horses. He only lived five minutes after discovered. We are indebted to David L. COOP for this item.
  --Frank G. MOREIN, our enterprising and wide-awake music dealer, recently sold an elegant Gabler upright piano to Sam COCKLEY for his daughter Stella. Frank is making things lively in the music business.

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