The Fairfield Weekly Journal |
March 6, 1884
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Fairfield Weekly Journal
Jefferson County, Iowa
Vol. VI, #19, March 6, 1884
Transcribed by Cathy Joynt Labath
Of Receipts and Expenditures of Independent School District, City of Fairfield, for the Year Preceding March 1st, 1884.
Bal. on hand March 1, 1883.
Received from County Treasurer 1.80
Bal. in hands of Dist. Treas. 21.38
Bal. on hand March 1, 1883, 2,038.84
Received from county treasurer, 4,879.81
Received from temporary school
Received from tuition, 168.50
Paid teachers, $5,180.00
Bal. in hands of dis-
trict treasurer,
3,481.55 - $8,661.55
Due dist. treasurer March 1, '83, $1,344.94
d. for painting entire inside of
school building, 431.98
Pd. for carpenter work on win-
dows and roof of school build-
ing, 90.70
Pd. for diplomas and expense of
graduating the class of '83 34.85
Pd. for hardware, lumber and
lime for repairs at school house
Pd. for postage for secretary, 4.25
Pd. for crayon, pencils and ink
for use at school house,
Pd. for printing annual state-
ment and advertising for coal
and painting 18.50
Pd. for stationery and printed
blanks for school house,
Pd. for repairing drain, 12.26
Pd. for repairing pump and well
Pd. janitor's salary, 398.25
Pd. for assistant to janitor in
cold weather, 12.50
Pd. for repairs on furnace,
Pd. for coal for school house, 460.30
Pd for brooms, kindling, oil, etc.
Pd. for tables and chairs for
Pd. for blackboards, repairing
old ones and new slating, etc.
Pd. for order book for secretary
Pd. for gong.
Pd. for tellurian,
Pd. for repairing air pump,
Pd. insurance on school build-
ing. 330.00
Pd. for secretary's salary, 68.05
Amt. received from
dist. treasurer, $3,115.29
Due district treasurer, 522.64
- $3,637.93
The following are the estimated amounts necessary,
in the opinion of the Board of Directors to maintain the schools for the
ensuing year:
For Teachers' Fund, $5,200.00
For Contingent Fund
By order of the Board,
JOHN M. GALVIN, Secretary.
February 25, 1884.
Fairfield Visited Last Night by the Destructive Element - Between $5,000
and $10,000 Worth of Property Destroyed by Fire.
Last night a fire was discovered about 12:15 in the rear end of the wooden building, in the rear of Pat BRADLEY's saloon, on the west side of the square, occupied as a bowling alley by H. C. LIGHTFOOT, which with the saloon building was the only frame on that side. Alarms were given by telephone and ringing of the church bells; but before the "bucket brigade" could get into fighting order the fire had made such headway that it was impossible to save the building. The fire soon spread to the wooden warehouse in the rear of JORDAN Bros. & Co. and occupied by G. & K. as a storage house for stoves, barb wire, etc; also the frame barn across the alley west, belonging to Sam COFFIN. All these buildings were entirely consumed, with most of their contents. GAINES & KIRKPATRICK lost all that was in the warehouse, some $1.500 worth, and sustained much damage in the removal of their goods from the brick building in the front,
which they occupy as a salesroom for general hardware and stoves.
BRADLEY & HUFFMAN occupied one of the three rooms in the lower story of the JORDAN block, and were considerably damaged by the removal of their grocery stock.
R. A. TUTTLE, who suffered in our last conflagration, occupied the south room of the same block, and sustained more or less loss by the removal of his stock of general merchandise.
Mr. LIGHTFOOT lost his billiard tables and furnishings, but we understand had them fully insured.
Pat BRADLEY, the saloon man, saved most all his effects.
George C. FRY, who occupied the lower room in the brick adjoining the saloon, lost six barrels of kerosene, and sustained some damage in the removal of his stock of groceries.
All these parties had more or less insurance. The total damage will probably amount to eight or nine thousand dollars, but one hundred thousand dollars would not to-day cover the damage, had it not been for the extraordinary fire-fighting qualities of the bucket brigade. At one time all the windows on the west and the wooden-covered stairway on the north of the Jordan block were on fire, with dense hot smoke rushing into the rooms of the two upper stories, yet ladders were put in front when the outside stairway could no longer be used, and water carried through the building to the west end, and in the face of the scorching blasts the wooden casings of the windows were kept from burning and the blaze thus kept out of the rooms. Some of the brigade stood to the work after their faces were blistered by the settling flames.
Whilst this was going on at the Jordan block, men were equally vigilant in, upon and about the Shaffer brick building adjoining the saloon building. All along the border of the burning circle
men and boys worked with a will, thus keeping back the flames from the adjoining buildings. So intense was the heat from the burning buildings, largely intensified by the addition to the flames of coal piles and oil
barrels, that the doors to the adjoining buildings were in several places burned through. But notwithstanding the intense heat, there was always energetic help enough at hand to keep back the inroads of the fiend by constand drenching with water.
Never before have we seen so much brave, energetic and valuable work done, and so much property saved from the destroying elements of the fire fiend, with such primitive appliances. But where machinery and convenience were wanting, the heroic will and energy of the citizens filled the breach.
The cause of the fire is unknown, but the opinion generally prevails that it was the work of an incendiary.
But we have to add, that while so many of our good citizens were trying to save the property of their neighbors, there was some one mean, despicable enough, mingling with the crowd to cut the pocket and slip the pocket-book from one of the most vigilant fire-fighters, Capt. W. T. BURGESS. His loss was nearly $300 in money. The English language does not contain scathing epithets enough to apply to such contemptible meanness.
Friday Facts. (Page 1)
--H. H. BRIGHTON has been in Chicago most of the week.
--John A. SPIELMAN is taking in St. Louis and Chicago this week.
--Joe STREAMER, of Chicago, is in the city, visiting his uncle, J. V. MYERS.
--Al HILBERT is convalescing fast, and will be able to resume business in a few days.
--Mrs. H. E. KINSLOE, we are glad to note, is able to be out again after quite a protracted illness.
--Frank B. CLARK, with HUFFORD, BRADSHAW & THOMA, went to Centerville to-day to visit his mother.
--Mrs. CASE, wife of State Senator, Geo. H. CASE, of Mankato, Kansas, and daughter Hattie, are in the city for a few days.
--Mayor CUMMINGS administration has been progressive and in keeping with the times. It has given us electric light and waterworks which has given our city a name and fame abroad.
--Will any of our readers please point to a public improvement for the city of Fairfield, in which the Ledger or some of its relatives were not financially interested, that the sheet ever ignored. Name us one instance.
--The telephone wires of BRADLEY & HUFFMAN and R. A. TUTTLE were demoralized by the fire last night, and will not probably be put in working order until to-morrow. In the meantime members of the exchange can call them through 36, ALLMAYER & Brother.
--The Ledger, a paper which in all of its thirty years existence has never favored a public improvement for the benefit of our town, wants a change in the city government, because the present Council is progressive and up to the spirit of the times, and not obliged to patronize that paper
because of party ties.
--H. W. LYMAN and Chas. A. CRONEY, Oskaloosa; F. P. PHILLIPS, Chicago; W. H. PLATT, Keokuk; Alex J. KNEUSTER, Maryville, Mo.; Miss Laura KNEUSTER, Dubuque; H. W. MEDES, Quincy; A. H. WIMER, Kansas City; Charles SPAIN and wife, St. Joe and B. WOLF, Philadelphia were at the LEGGETT House to-day.
--A bevy of boys, composed of Willie STUMP, Willie CHEW, Harry BEARDSLEY, George SIMONS, Elmer QUILLEN, Fred and Harry LOWERY, John STUMP, Davy RICKETTS and Rubie STUMP set out this morning to gather up the snow-birds killed last night by the electric lights in order to give THE JOURNAL an item.
They gathered 158 dead ones, and caught seven that were stunned, and found one dead owl.
--We invite the attention of our readers to an article in another portion of this paper, taken from the Boston Standard, with reference to the Burlington Insurance Company. The editor of THE JOURNAL has been personally acquainted with the officers and managers of this company for over fifteen years, and during all that time it has been a matter of pleasure and pride to us to note its steady and solid growth until it is now recognized everywhere as one of the safest insurance companies, and solidest financial institution in our commonwealth.
--The city election takes place Monday and we trust that all the voters will get out. Last evening, ex-Senator BOLING was nominated for Mayor by those who favor knocking electric light and waterworks in the head, and a raid on the city treasury by Bosses WILSON and JUNKIN and their relatives and friends. Mayor CUMMINGS will doubtless be renominated to-night by those in favor of an economical and progressive city administration, irrespective of party. THE JOURNAL has always been in favor of public improvements,
and trusts that the people will turn out Monday and elect the ticket that will be nominated to-night, and thus avert disasters that might come to our public improvements now in progress by virtue of a change of administration to the WILSON-JUNKIN ring.
Saturday Sayings. (Page 1)
--Ed TAYLOR is back.
--AVERY is in town to-day.
--Vote the entire citizens ticket Monday.
--G. A. UNKRICH was in Burlington yesterday.
--In case BOLING is elected, Boss WILSON will virtually be the mayor.
--M. A. FRAWLEY, special agent of the Burlington Insurance Company, was in the city yesterday.
--John WALKER, of Sonora, Old Mexico, known by nearly everybody around here, came in yesterday.
--Mrs. SMITH, widow of the late Samuel SMITH, died at her residence in the southwest part of the city, of cerebral hemorrhage yesterday, aged 56 years.
--We return our thanks to Mrs. J. C. DUNCAN, formerly of this city, now in Dakota, for late copies of Grand Forks papers.
--Every wide-awake and progressive citizen, who has the welfare and best interest of our city at heart, will vote for the re-election of Mayor CUMMINGS.
-- There will be a citizens' convention at the Court House, to-night, to put in nomination candidates for city officers irrespective of party, to be voted for Monday. Let everybody come out.
--M. LEVY, Davenport; E. W. KNAPP, Cleveland; A. W. NIMROCKS, Eldon; C. C. C. BROWN and B. BEANE, Thomson, Ill. and J. C. STIRLING, of Washington, were at the JONES House last night.
--In the contest to choose the representative for the Iowa State University at the State Oratorical Contest the first honor was awarded to Carl H. POMEROY, the second to Herman W. CRAVEN and the third to T. J. HYSHAM of this city.
--We understand that Boss JUNKIN received a telegram from Boss WILSON in Washington yesterday, instructing him to be sure and have BOLING nominated for Mayor. The Senator, we understand, regretted his inability to get home and help drive up the cattle.
--The Rev. J. C. CULLER, the genial and accomplished pastor of the Ev. Lutheran church at Newton, Iowa, was in the city over night. His friends will be glad to know that there is a strong probability of his being called to the Ev. Lutheran Mission about to be established at Burlington.
-- A few of the faithful, at the instance (sic) of Boss JUNKIN, assembled at the Court House last evening to put in nomination candidates for city officers. H. C. RANEY was called to the Chair, and Rollin A. TUTTLE selected to act as Secretary. Hon. S. M. BOLING was nominated for Mayor by acclamation. Being present he was called upon and made a speech accepting the nomination. The nominations of J. F. CRAWFORD, for Treasurer, and John T. AXLINE for Assessor, were also made by acclamation. Boss WILSON had blocked out the programme, and all they had to carry it out. A central committee composed of J. W. QUILLEN in the first ward, J. S. GANTZ in the second, W. W. JUNKIN in the third, and J. M. HINKEL in the fourth, was selected.
Monday Melange. (Page 8)
--R. W. DURKEE, Muscatine, was here to-day.
--W. W. MINBACH, of Des Moines, is in the city.
--E. R. PERLECT, Anamosa, is in the city to-day.
--Frank CLARK returned this morning from Centerville.
--HUFFORD, BRADSHAW & THOMA commenced to invoice to-day.
--Z. T. MOORE and A. W. JACKSON, of Libertyville, were in the city to-day.
--The Emerson Concert Troupe Sundayed at the LEGGETT House on their way to Muscatine.
--The Clerk has issued marriage licenses to J. B. PICKARD and Miss Ada May CLARRIDGE, James BATSON and Miss Patricia J. WEST.
--The Washington Democrat gives us this piece of news: "The fire at Fairfield Thursday night destroyed a fine billiard hall which was owned by C. A. STERLING, the steward of our county farm. He had $1,000 insurance, but it will not cover the loss.
--The March number of Our Little Ones has appeared and is an exceedingly attractive one of that excellent magazine for young folks. One only has to put a copy in the hands of the children once to see how well it is appreciated. It is issued by the RUSSELL Publishing Company, No. 36 Bromfield street,
Boston, at $1.50 a year.
--A convention of citizens, favorable to nominating a ticket for city officers, irrespective of party, to be voted for to-day, was held at the Court House Saturday night. C. E. NOBLE was called to preside and R. H. MOORE elected Secretary. The following ticket was nominated: Mayor, J. J. CUMMINGS; Treasurer, J. F. CRAWFORD; Assessor, J. T. AXLINE. And it will be elected to-day.
--Mrs. Jennie WORKMAN, widow of the late J. M. WORKMAN, died at her home five miles northeast of the city, in Buchanan township, yesterday afternoon at five o'clock, of consumption. She was about 35 years old, and a daughter of Mrs. McCREA, of this city. The funeral took place this afternoon, and the remains deposited in Richwood's cemetery.
--Portraits of three lovely, happy children adorn the colored lithograpic title-page of "HOOD's Latest," a handsome little eight-page periodical, published by C. I. HOOD & Co., Lowell, Mass., proprietors of the successful medicine, HOOD's Sarsparilla. It also gives an abundance of humorous and
other reading matter. Copies free at drug stores, or by addressing the publishers.
--The Davenport Gazette says: "Iowa is not proud of her contribution to the population of Illinois, known abroad as Frank RANDE. Illinois ought not to be proud of her leniency in forbearing to hang the desperate murderer. Because of that misdirected leniency, one of the prison officers of Joliet has been killed by the desperado, and the desperado has now met the death to which he should have been doomed by the jury. RANDE's real name was Charles SCOTT, of Fairfield." The Gazette is a little off. Neither of the parties are yet dead.
Tuesday Tit-Bits. (Page 8)
--E. N. BENEDICT, Dubuque, is here.
--L. F. RACINE, Ottumwa, is in the city.
--H. SIKEMEIER, St. Louis, is here to-day.
--Jim HINSON is in Pleasant Plain to-day.
--W. T. CLARK, Des Moines, is in the city.
--Dr. MONFORT went to Iowa City this morning.
--Wm. B. CAPELL, New York, is in the city to-day.
--Justice James GREWELL, of Eldon, was in the city to-day.
--John HOLLAND, a lawyer of Moline, Ill. was in the city to-day.
--J. E. WILKINS and wife returned last night from their Ohio visit.
--W. H. SNIDER and Jim BUCKNER, of Davenport, were here to-day.
--I. S. FELGER, Levi HILLS, F. S. BLOSSOM, and W. G. COLES, of Chicago, were in the city to-day, guests of the LEGGETT House.
--A little daughter arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILLHOUSE yesterday, and THE JOURNAL extends its congratulations to the happy parents.
--The sociable of the ladies' society of the Lutheran Church, will be
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis HERSHBERGER on Thursday evening. All are cordially invited.
--Bible study at Y. M. C. A. rooms Thursday evening. Topic: "The necessity of prayer." Service Sabbath afternoon. Subject, "Life's responsibilities."
Eccl. xii-14.
--Any person desiring Unitarian pamphlets or papers, or information concerning Liberal Christianity can be supplied gratuitously by addressing Mrs. C. T. COLE, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
--HELT is closing out his stock, and Mr. C. C. WORMWOOD, from Illinois, will start a restaurant in the same room as soon as he can get possession.
--George O. JOHNSON, Moline, Ill., M. A. PRATT, Lineville; A. E. LIND, Lucas; J. H. BONNELL, Fort Madison; Mrs. W. R. BENTON, Sutton, Neb., and Orange D. REEVES, Richmond, Ind., were at the JONES House to-day.
--W. B. MURRAY left last night by the Rock Island for Kansas City, where he will join an excursion party for Parral, Old Mexico. He goes to examine the property of Sterling Silver Mining Company, and will be absent a month.
--We chronicle with sorrow the death of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. WHITHAM, who have recently returned from Fairmount, Nebraska, to their old home near this city where they will, in the future, continue to reside. Junia Etta, the second child of the bereaved parents was born
Jan. 17th of the present year, and died on Sunday last, March 2d. of membranouos croup. We extend to the parents our sympathy.
--The city election passed off quietly yesterday, yet some very hard work was done on both sides. Ex-senator S. M. BOLING was elected mayor over J. J. CUMMINGS by 183 majority; James F. CRAWFORD, for treasurer, and John T. AXLINE, for assessor, were re-elected, having no opposition. In the first ward Daniel YOUNG was elected alderman over Tom COLE by a majority of 22. In the second ward Joe RICKSHER had a majority of 20 over Tom TILSON. In the third ward Geo. D. CLARKE was elected by a majority of 25 over G. A. UNKRICH. In the fourth ward Charles D. LEGGETT was chosen, having no opposition. It is a new deal all around.
--Mr. and Mrs. J. BRIER celebrated their crystal wedding at their residence in this city yesterday. Quite a number of invited guests, besides relatives, were present. The following is a list of the presents received: Mr. and Mrs. Valentine KNERR, bread plate; Mr. and Mrs. Clark VANNOSTRAND, glass
dish and goblets; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel REED, preserve dish; Wm. KNERR, honey dish; Mrs. GOEBNER, bread plate; Capt. and Mrs. C. Z. BEDFORD, pitcher and pickle dish; Mrs. MULLENIX, pickle dish, and a number of other presents were received. The guests were served with a bountiful dinner.
--A special from Joliet, Ill., to the Chicago Daily News says: "Deputy Warden McDONALD, who skull was crushed by the desperado, Frank RANDE, in the penitentiary yesterday, is still alive and conscious, and hopes are entertained of his recovery. RANDE is likely to recover from the wounds received in the struggle. He is still very defiant and expresses regret at his failure to kill McDONALD outright. The bullet in his head has not been extracted. He is evidently preparing to play the emotional insanity dodge in case McDONALD dies, as he asked several times to-day whether he would be hanged in that event, adding that he should not be punished because he could not help it, being impelled by a higher power."
--At the school election in District No. 2, Cedar Township, yesterday there was no little excitement, and the election ended in blood. Link STANFORD was elected director, and after the election was over John MAHON and Joe HEISEL got into an altercation over school matters and from words came to blows. It is said John's blows were awkward, but powerful, like his sledge-hammer blows of twenty-five years age, and that Joe, who never knew what it was to be anything else but a peaceable citizen, put in his licks with equal irregularity and awkwardness. A reporter of THE JOURNAL, describing it to us, says it put him in mind of two old women fighting. However 'Squire DAUGHERTY parted them and commanded peace, lest the snowy-white walls of the school house would be covered all over with gore.
Veterinary Surgeon. (Page 8)
P. M. MEHREN, Veterinary Surgeon, treats horses and cattle for all chronic diseases, such as heart, lung, liver and kidney disease, ring-bone, spavin, wind gall, fistula and poll evil, sore eyes or blindness. No cure, no pay. To be found at the GANTZ House. Office at CLARKE's Drug Store, Fairfield, Iowa.
BLOODED HORSES. (Advertisement page 8)
Norman French Horses
I now have the finest lot of Imported Norman
Stallions that has ever been in Southeastern
Iowa. My stud is headed by the imported
who cannot be excel'ed. I also have
who took the sweepstakes at the last Fair. I also
have Imported
a jet blach which beats them all. I have besides
these a fine lot of Grades on hand, from one to
three years old, which I will sell reasonably. Ex-
amination invited, correspondence solicited.
Wednesday Wanderings. (Page 8)
--C. W. FRACKER, Iowa City, is here.
--A. P. WEST, Villisca, is in the city.
--J. W. BURNETT is in Ottumwa to-day.
--E. H. BEANE, St. Louis, is in the city.
--H. W. MILLER, Allerton, was here to-day.
--Col. Sam C. FARMER went to Chicago last night.
--Rev. Carson REED, of New London, is in the city.
--Henry WEBB, Agency City, was in the city to-day.
--W. M. McFARLAND, of Brooklyn, Io., was in the city.
--L. L. KELLOGG, Nebraska City, was in town to-day.
--We are sorry to hear that Bert STUBBS is at home sick.
--Hon. Wm. HOPKIRK, of Lockridge, was in the city to-day, and made us a business call.
--John M. GALVIN, of GALVIN & ROSS, spent two days of this week in Burlington on legal business.
--Marshal SIGLER and E. BARKER, of Keosauqua, were in the city to-day, stopping at the JONES House.
--F. T. PLIMPTON, G. W. MANSFIELD and W. F. FOX, of Chicago, are in the city to-day, stopping at the LEGGETT House.
--Mrs. H. M. SYKES, general agent for Missouri and Iowa, of Freeman's Improved Geographical Cards, is in the city, stopping with Mrs. D. ECKERT.
--The advertisement of H. D. BLOUGH, breeder of Norman French horses, will be found in this issue of THE JOURNAL. Mr. BLOUGH is one of the leading breeders and solid farmers of Jefferson county.
--Mr. and Mrs. Milton DICKENS and Mrs. Charles H. WILSON, of Washington, Iowa; Miss Juliet WILSON, of Uniontown, Penn., and Miss Anna WILSON, from Illinois, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Milt ROTH.
--It pays to advertise in THE JOURNAL. Fred A. GRAVES, of 203 E. Gray street, Elmira, New York, writes us, saying: "I saw an advertisement of a "Musical Wonder" in your paper, and I wanted to send for it, but have mislaid the paper. Will you please send me a paper with that in and oblige."
--List of letters remaining unclaimed and advertised in the postoffice in this city for week ending March 4th, 1884: Rev. J.A. COREY, Irea FINNEY, William JOHNSON, Christopher NEAR, A. B. SMITH, Cora B. SMITH, Ellen VENNER, Sally WOODARD.
--They had a spelling match at the Y. M. C. A. rooms last night, in which several of the boys participated. The first prize, a set of Indian clubs, was awarded to Christie CONDIT, and the second, a double jointed fishing rod, to Carl DAVIS. A lively, interesting and profitable time was had.
--Freeman's Improved Geographical Cards should be in the hands of every family and teacher. They are both instructive and amusing as a game. One box contains two hundred cards and about one thousand facts of all countries. Sample box $1.00 by mail. Address Mrs. H. M. SYKES, Trenton, Mo.
--The law card of H.C. RANEY appears in to-day's paper. Mr. RANEY is so well and favorably known to the readers of THE JOURNAL that a good word from us seems unnecessary, yet we will say those who trust business with him will have it dilligently [sic], faithfully and honestly handled, and charges reasonable.
A school board election will be held next Monday.
Hon. H. C. DEAN was in town Monday and had on a clean shirt.
Mr. IRLAND, one of the bridge men of Centerville, was here Tuesday.
The young men here are trying to get up a lodge of the Knights of Pythias.
Eight or ten couples will go to Agency from here to a hop Friday evening.
Miss KLOPPS and sister, of Kahsas City, are visiting their sister, Mrs. CONESS.
Charles STEVENS' engine 98 is in the repair shop, and Charley gets a lay off.
Both mills, saw and grist, have been run to their full capacity the past week.
The hook and ladder club will give a dance St. Patrick's day at BICKFORD's hall.
A brakeman named STEWART had his hand badly mashed at Muscatine last Saturday evening.
S. CORNELL and Tom ASBY, both lawyers of this place, are at Judge TRAVERS' court in Ottumwa this week.
Heavy shipments through here last week have been without precedent. Every crew has been run to its full capacity.
A sporting club will be under way soon to contain 12 or 14 members. They have five barrels of glass balls and six good guns.
The "dinkey" is laid up for repairs, and Pat CASEY of the old "45" is doing yard work, while dad HOFFMAN's "160" is acting as a pusher.
The democrats carried everything at the city election last Monday, by majorities from 22 to 65. Mayor, E. WHITZEL; Recorder, Orlando DANIELS; Assessor, H. BAKER; Trustees, John WOLTE and Bill HUSTON. DODGE.
Thursday Transpirings. (Page 8)
--Henry ACKERMAN is in Ottumwa.
--E. T. KIGGINS, New York, is here.
--R. S. BECK, of Cincinnati, is in the city.
--Dr. J. M. SHAFFER, of Keokuk, is in the city.
--H. C. LIGHTFOOT went to Washington on No. 6.
--Mr. and Mrs. R. J. WILSON returned from Washington City this morning.
--Miss Nellie FULLEN, Agency, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. FULLEN.
--It is likely we will lose several of our old residents this summer by removal.
--Dr. WORTHINGTON is removing to the property recently occupied by Mrs. STRIBBLING.
--Lon. BURGESS left on No. 1 last night for Des Moines to undergo a postal examination.
--James M. HUGHES, we are sorry to know, is at home sick, and his condition very alarming.
--Many London ladies crop their hair short and wear an almost entire wig, and consequently catch cold more frequently than their American cousins, but of course they all use Dr. BULL's Cough Syrup.
--A new side-walk was put down to-day over the burnt district by street commissioner HIGLEY.
--Are our citizens going to allow Ottumwa to take the narrow gauge from Birmingham, and cut us off from all that trade in the southwest.
--C. F. SCOTT, Lincoln, Neb.; Perry ELLIOTT, Trenton; N. R. SMITH, Washington and Frank GEARHART, Atchison, Kas. were in the city to-day, stopping at the JONES House.
--W. T. BURGESS and H. N. WEST, two of the most efficient members of the School Board, retire with this year. Who will be chosen to fill the vacancies? It is important that good men be selected. Let's call a straight republican caucus.
--It is now settled that McCOID is to be judge. Rol WILSON has just returned from Washington where he had a conference with President ARTHUR, and the president promised him it should be so. We are glad the much vexed question is at last settled and that the Fairfield pole knocked the persimmons.
--Miss Lizzie J. NOBLE, who has been visiting friends here for some weeks, returned to her home at Villisca this morning.
--John M. RICHARDS, Geo. W. SLOAT, R. H. KERR, Chicago; Phil T. HALL, Pekin, Ill.; S. D. NICHOLS, Panora, and H. E. DAVISON, of Springfield, Mass., are in the city to-day stopping at the LEGGETT.
--Mrs. S. E. PRESSLEY has purchased the interest of Miss McGINNIS in the northwest corner hair store, and will run the business herself hereafter at the same place, second story MYERS' building.
--North-Side Drug Store, Albert C. JONES & Co., successors to W. H. JONES & Bro.; Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Notions, etc. News Dealers.
--A card received this morning from W. B. MURRAY dated Kansas City, March 5th, 9 P.M. says: "We leave at 10 o'clock in special car for the land of the Montezumas. Another train is to arrive yet with some more of our company. We will have twelve or fifteen."
To Thomas B. LAW -- You are hereby notified that on or before the 10th day of March, 1884, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, State
of Iowa, the petition of Alice LAW, asking that she be divorced from you, and for the care and custody of the child, Catherine Eliza.
Now, unless you appear thereto and defend, on or before noon of the second day of the March Term, A. D. 1884, of said Court, which term commences on the 24th day of March, A. D., 1884, default
will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
To William JOHNSON -- You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, State of Iowa, the petition of Lotta JOHNSON, plaintiff, asking for a decree of divorce from you.
Now unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of the March Term, A. D., 1884, of said Court, which term commences on the fourth Monday of March, A. D. 1884, default
will be entered against you, judgment rendered thereon, and decree rendered as prayed.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
To Robert M. STEEL, The Howe Sewing Machine Co. -- You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, State of Iowa, the petition of James STEEL, plaintiff, claiming to be the absolute owner by title in fee simple of the following real estate in Jefferson County, Iowa, to-wit:
The South fifty (50) acres of the East half of the Northeast quarter of the Section twenty-seven (27) in Township seventy-one (71) of Range ten (10) and asking a decree that you be barred and forever estopped from having or claiming any title thereto adverse to the plaintiff, and quieting the title to said premises in plaintiff, and for other relief see petition. No money judgment is asked against you.
Now unless you appear thereto and defend on or before noon of the second day of the March Term A. D., 1884 of said Court, which Term commences on the fourth Monday of March, A. D., 1884, default
will be entered against you, judgment rendered thereon, and decree entered as prayed.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.