Jefferson County Online
A part of the IAGenWeb and USGenWeb Projects
Free and Fee-based Lookups
Lookups of published information are performed by volunteers. Since most publications are covered by copyrights, and since volunteer time is limited, please limit your queries to one or two names per request and allow a reasonable amount of time for a response. Type JEFFERSON COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request; include the full name of the person or couple, and the specific information you are looking for.
We thank our volunteers for this service!
If you have access to published genealogical information for Jefferson County and you would like to become a volunteer, please contact the site Coordinator. Provide your name, e-mail address, and a description of your reference materials.
*Paid lookups - nominal fee applies - cost estimates on request*
- Jefferson County's 77 Cemeteries 1839-2004
- Jefferson County's Evergreen Cemetery 1870-2004
- Jefferson County's Marriages July 1880 - December 1899
- Jefferson County's Newspapers Death Notices 1847-1872
- Jefferson County's Obituaries
- Jefferson County's Deaths - Mortality List of Dr. J.M. Shaffer 1852-1862
- Jefferson County's Federal Census Mortality Schedules - 1850, 1860, 1870, & 1880
- Jefferson County's Naturalizations 1870-1905 & Citizenships 1846-1904
- Genealogical Resources in the Fairfield Library -- List of resources
- County gravestone photos on request - donation-based service
- Probate, Births and Deaths at the Courthouse (with specific dates, please)
- ** Note: Uncertified copies 25ยข per page, certified $5.00 per page
- Other Courthouse lookups available on request
- Limited lookups in Van Buren, Henry, Keokuk, Washington and Wapello Counties - please contact for details
Contact Richard Thompson: 805 W. Briggs Fairfield, IA 52556E-mail: IowaGenealogy.JeffersonCounty@gmail.com or ThompsonRB.Iowa@gmail.com Search results available by e-mail as PDF files or JPG files, or by USPS ~ please indicate what format you prefer. Envelope/postage fees apply for USPS mailings.
Important notices, effective 8/25/2015
At a statewide meeting of County Recorders in August, 2015, it was mandated that all vital record copies (births, deaths, marriages) will now cost $5.00 each. Fees for such records will need to be paid to our lookup volunteer in advance, please.
In addition, for those records which are being entered into the state-wide database (an on-going project), searching is very restricted. State-wide searches for records will not be possible, and the software does not allow for searches by maiden names. Only searches from within the County Recorder's Office will be permitted, and for that specific county alone.
For anyone doing research to prove DAR lineage, please note the organization will only accept certified copies of records. No paper copies marked "For Genealogy Purposes" will be accepted.
This page is copyrighted and was last updated 27 August 2015. The page and/or its linked data may be copied and used for personal purposes but can not be republished nor used for commercial purposes without the author's written permission.
I am the County Coordinator and the Webmaster, the one who is responsible for the IAGenWeb project for Jefferson County, Iowa. Please contact me if you would like to contribute to this database or if you note any problems with these pages.
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