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FHS Class of 1941

Fairfield High School, Class of 1941

"The Fairfield (Ia.,) Daily Ledger"
Thursday, May 29, 1941
Page 5

Fairfield High school tonight graduates its Senior class with fitting ceremony. This is the first class which will graduate from the new building.

One element of sadness enters into the exercises in that Harold Allen, a member of the class of 1941 died on March 27. The 1941 "Quill", at its opening, devoted a page "In Memoriam" to the departed member of the class. Among other things it said:

"He had only a few weeks to go, to finish an enviable high school career, all of which has been spent in F. H. S. He was respected for his judgment, his scholastic ability, and his willingness to work against odds and to stick to the job."

Herewith are presented the names and pictures of the graduates:

1--Russell Schafer, June Schillerstrom, Lloyd Shelan-
goski, Marilyn Simmons.
2--Warren Simmons, Bever-
ly Smith, Carl Snider, Max Sommerville.
3--Eugene Spry, Bettye
Stark, Elmer Turner, Court-
land Tuttle.
4--Jim Tygret, Gerald Vor-
hies, Aletha Waggoner,
Bruce Walker.
5--James Webb, Leland Weible, Philip Willson,
John Wittmer.
6--Bob Zillman.
1--Dick Allison, George Anderson, Lois Anderson,
Marjorie Anderson.
2--Robert Anderson,
Harry Barker, Junior Barrow, Merle Baughman.  
3--Delbert Beardsley, Maurice Benn, Susie
Bentzinger, Junior Blakeley.
4--Kenneth Boyce,
Tommy Bradley, Barbara
Bradshaw, Lucille Brere-
5--Bud Briggs, Norma Briggs, Gerald Burnett,
John Carlson.
6--Gertrude Castile,
Jack Caughlan, John Champ, Rosalie Coleson.
7--Walter Dabner,
Fredric Dahl, Elsie Davis,
Glen Edward Dimmitt.
8--Raymond Doane, Dale Droz, Bertie Duvall,
Esther Edler.
1--Maxine Edwards, Don Eikenberry, Lola Fisher,
Ruth Fitch.
2--Harry Frey, Darlene Fuqua, Marjorie Gibson,
Norma Gire.
3--Wayne Glotfelty, Idabel Goepel, Karl Goehring, Paul Gorman.
4--Lois Grant, Dorothy Gusta-
son, Harold Hammans, Clifford Headley.
5--Virginia Headley, Emma
Lou Heston, Doris Hillman,
Velma Hodge.
6--Dale Hoffman, Doris Holderness, Clair Hollander, William Hollis.
7--Darline Hootman, Preston Howell, Harold Ireland, Arnold Jennings.
8--Mary Virginia Johnson, Maynard Johnson, Vivian
Johnson, Marvin Knedler.
1--Arthur Kuhn, Helen Lauder, Mary Elizabeth
Laughlin, Donald Lawson.
2--Bob Lindauer, Bryce Lindsay, Bob Littleton
Arthur Lundquist.
3--Mary Luttenegger, Louis McClellan, Marie
McClure, Alice Jean McCormick.
4--Betty McCormick, Bill
McGuire, Margaret McKee, Bernard McWhirter.
5--Keith McWilliams, Lucille Madden, Wanda
Maxwell, Austin Miller.
6--Keith Miller, Merle Miller, Claire Nady,
Ronald Norman.
7--Bill Parkin, John Parsons, Lola Parsons,
Walter Payne.
8--Rita Peck, John Peters, Paul Rail, Martha

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