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A part of the IAGenWeb and USGenWeb Projects R. L. Polk & Co.'s Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1912-1913, Vol. XVI |
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The listing below is extracted from "R. L. Polk & Co.'s Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1912-1913, Vol. XVI", and was contributed for use on the Jefferson County site in August, 2022. The contributor requested that they only be credited as "Volunteer". Thank you, 'Volunteer', for providing this bit of local history!
ABINGDON. Population, 200. In Polk township, Jefferson county, 12 miles northwest of Fairfield, the county seat, and 4 from Packwood, the usual banking and shipping point. Telephone connection W. W. Knox, postmaster.
Caldwell David, saw mill.
Flint J W, grocer.
Harwood Clay, principal of schools.
KNOX W W, Cigars and Tobacco and Postmaster.
McCreery H M, grocer.
Myers & Baker, general store.
BAKER. A discontinued postoffice in Jefferson county. Has rural delivery from Fairfield.
BATAVIA. Population, 560. An incorporated town on the Burlington Route in Locust Grove township, Jefferson county, 11 miles w. of Fairfield, the county seat. Has Christian, Dunkard and Methodist churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Watchman. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Telephone connection. W. S. Campbell, postmaster.
Adams Express Co, R A Best agent.
Baldridge John H, physician.
Batavia Brick & Tile Co.
BATAVIA SAVINGS BANK (Capital $20,000) J B Mowrey Pres, W A Lewis Cashier.
Batavia Telephone Co.
Best E R, baker.
Best Roy A, r r, exp and tel agt.
Bradshaw C F, hotel and livery.
Byers R E, dentist.
CAMPBELL W S, Postmaster.
Copeland L E, general store.
Davidson M A, furniture and undertaker.
Elimaker (sic - Ellmaker) Solon, live stock.
Eshlemon & Kramer, meats.
Fishel Frank E & Co, hides and wool.
Fishel Sadie, milliner.
Fisher Charles, restaurant.
Flint Wm, feed mill.
Goft (sic - Goff) W M, live stock.
Harris Jonathan, insurance.
Humble Elias, hotel.
Hutchinson M B Lumber Co.
King David H, physician.
Koons Henry, hardware.
McCreery John, harness.
Marsh W K, drugs.
Matlock D A, carpenter.
Molden George, painter and paperhngr.
Nehre E, hardware and agrl implts.
Ogden Henry, plasterer.
Reno & Morrison, live stock breeders.
Robinson E R, real estate.
Scott & Walker, grain and coal.
Swenson & Nelson, general store.
Trent J B, planing mill.
Van Noorden & Son, publrs the Watchman.
Watchman The, Van Noorden & Son publrs.
Western Union Telegraph Co, R A Best agent.
Wilson L J, painter.
BECKWITH. On the B. & Q. R. R., in Buchanan township, Jefferson county, 6 miles e. of Fairfield, the county seat and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.
Hollander E, general store.
BERNHART. A discontinued post office on C. B. & Q. R. R., in Grove (sic - Locust Grove) township, Jefferson county, 5 miles from Batavia and 6 from Fairfield, the county seat, both of which places afford banking facilities. Send mail to Batavia.
BROOKVILLE. In Locust Grove township, Jefferson county, 8 1/2 miles n. w. of Fairfield, the county seat. Has rural delivery from Batavia.
COLLETT. A discontinued postoffice in Jefferson county. Send mail to Libertyville.
COUNTY LINE. Population, 60. On the C., R., I. & P. Ry., in Des Moines township, Jefferson county, 12 miles n. w. of Fairfield, the judicial seat, and 2 1/2 from Batavia, the nearest bank location. Exp., U. S. Tel., W. U.; E. D. Ashbaugh, post master.
ASHBAUGH E D, Postmaster.
ASHBAUGH PAUL, General Store.
Hendrick John, cattle.
McCune R L, r r and tel agent.
Yost Harley, grain buyer.
FAIRFIELD. Population, 4,970. The judicial seat of Jefferson county, is an incorporated city located on the C., B. & Q. R. R. and Southwestern Div. C., R. I. & P. Ry. (depots 1-3 miles apart), 50 miles n. w. of Burlington, 24 e. of Ottumwa, 112 s. e. of Des Moines, and 256 from Chicago. Fairfield is built upon high ground almost as level as a floor, its streets are broad and in the central business district paved with brick, and there is water, gas, sewers and electric lights in every ward. It has Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Congregational, Christian, Episcopal, Free Methodist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and other religious organizations, modern public school houses, Parsons College, a classical school of the highest order, a public library, occupying a handsome $50,000 building, a $75,000 court house, 3 banks, a daily and 4 weekly newspapers, a number of business, social, literary and muscial clubs, as well as secret and benevolent organizations. A flouring mill, gas works, malleable iron works, electric light plant, wagon factory, creameries, brick and tile works, hay tool factory, glove and mitten factory, all doing a good business and employing a large force of men, are located here. Ships grain, produce, live stock and manufactured goods. Exp., Adams and U. S. Tel., W. U.; Wm. G. Ross, postmaster.
Adams Express Co, Edward O'Donnell agt.
Allen Wm S, lawyer.
Allender Thomas B, auctioneer.
Allender & McPherson (Thomas B Allender, Albert McPherson), real est.
Anderson Charles E, shoes.
Angstead Hiram S, contr.
Anstead Guy S, optician.
Anstead Norman C, jeweler.
Automatic Air Brake Co, H T Ingran mngr.
Baker Gurley B, planos, etc.
Baldwin N M, horse dealer.
Ball Charles F, live stock.
Ball George, live stock.
Ball Harry I, live stock.
Ball Joe L, live stock.
Banta Oscar A, 2d hand goods.
Bates Thomas J, veterinary surgeon.
Bayz Bros (James and Theodore), confrs.
Beatty Frank A, farm implements.
Bell Clyde C, optician and notions.
Bevering Wm F, cigar mnfr and news dealer.
BLAKE GEORGE, Propr Leggett House.
Blough Bros (C D, C M and Simon), horse breeders.
Bock Edwin C, dentist.
Boughner Samuel, tinner.
Bradshaw L S & Co (Leland S Bradshaw, Henry W Kramme), druggists.
Brady Patrick J, plumber.
Bridges Harvey D, harnessmaker.
Brown & Hughes (Harvey L Brown, Bethsen B Hughes), hardware.
Browning John G, photographer.
Burrows George H, grocer.
Cable George W jr, lumber.
Cantebury & Johnson, bldg contrs.
Card & Co, M B Card mngr, photograph ers.
Carpenter Marcellus C, physician.
Carter Bros (Earl E and Harry O), restr.
Central Chemical Co Inc, O D Stubbs pres, W H Mohr sec and treas.
Clarke James F, physician and mayor.
Conner Warren H, physician.
Cooper Frank S, propr Court Hotel.
Copeland Jay, druggist.
Corey Oscar R. propr Fairfield Bottling Co.
Corso John, confectioner.
Cottage Hotel, Mrs Julia I Ridley propr.
Court Hotel, Frank S Cooper propr.
Cox Daniel, grocer.
Crail D E & Co (David E and B F Crail jr. A W Brown). meats.
Crail & Crail (Charles S and Joseph S), lawyers.
Cuddy Milton H, clothier.
Cummings Frank S, insurance.
Davis Edwin H, confr and lunch room.
Davis Harry, grocer.
Davis Homer C, grocer.
Day Oliver L, automobiles.
De Marsh John, fuel.
Despain Theodore S, cement blocks.
Dexter Mnfg Co, washing machines.
Dickinson Roy, livery.
Donaldson William, carpenter.
Donovan Arthur, bus line.
Doughty Calvin H, insurance.
Drackley Thomas P, machine shop.
Dunkel G K. physician.
Easter Mrs Anna, milliner.
Easton Bros & Du Vall (Oscar A and Harvey L Easton, Samuel E Du Vall), proprs Fairfield Steam Laundry.
Easton Louis, house mover.
Emery Thomas, drayage.
FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE, Charles W Wade and George Bonfield Proprs.
Fairfield Auto Co, H Earl mngr.
Fairfield Bottling Co, O R Corey propr
Fairfield Brick and Tile Co, Thomas Louden pres, W A Louden sec and treas.
FAIRFIELD BRICK AND TILE WORKS (Capacity 3,500,000), (John L and estate of H C Raney). Mnfrs of Brick and Drain Tile, Office and Factory mile west of C B & Q Ry Depot.
Fairfield Cement Block Co (Joseph H Stuckey, John Young).
Fairfield Chautauqua Assn, Hon C J Fulton pres.
Fairfield Coal Co (C S Henners).
Fairfield Commercial Club, C M Junkin pres, Theodore Hochuly sec.
Fairfield Evergreen Cemetery Assn, J C Thorne pres, T D Jones sec.
Fairfield Free Public Library, Henry M Dysart librarian.
Fairfield Gas and Electric Co, L O Gaines sec.
FAIRFIELD GLOVE AND MITTEN CO. INC, J S McKemey Pres, Fred L Hunt Sec and Treas, Mnfrs of Leather and Cotton Work Gloves to the Trade.
Fairfield Hotel, Mrs Frances Fulton propr.
Fairfield Ice Cream Mnfg Co (Russell Johnson, Henry Downs, Roy Raymond)
Fairfield Iron, Metal & Paper Co (W Finkel, J Feldman).
Fairfield Journal, B J Taylor & Sons publrs.
Fairfield Ledger, C M Junkin publr.
Fairfield Lumber Co, C E Ward mngr.
Fairfield Marble & Granite Works (Whitney & McDonald).
Fairfield National Bank (capital $60,000), D C Bradley pres, S K West cashier.
FAIRFIELD RUG CO, Edwin M and Ira N Glasgow, Makers of New Rugs from Old Carpets.
Fairfield Steam Laundry, Easton Bros & Du Vall proprs.
Fairfield Tribune, Spencer & Moburg publrs.
Fairfield Water & Light Plant (municipal), Wm L Long supt.
Fairmont Creamery Co (Ohaha), F O Johnson agent.
Farris T E V, gardener.
First National Bank (capital $100,000), Rollin J Wilson pres, Frank Light cashier.
Fisher & Ball Realty Co (P H Fisher, GM Ball). Fordyce Chester, dentist.
Fordyce Winfield, physician.
Fourt Frank, dentist.
Frame George W, wagonmaker.
Frasher George H, publr Jefferson County Republican.
Frazey Aurelius V, undertaker.
French Draft Horse Assn (National), C E Stubbs sec.
Fritz & Droz (John Fritz, Frank Droz), hardware and farm implts.
Fritz & Parker Co (John H Fritz, Wm M Parker), lumber, etc.
Fry George R, grocer.
Fry Roy C, clothing.
Fulton Mrs Frances, propr Fairfield Hotel.
Gaines Bros (Louis O and Frank D) hardware, etc.
Gantz Byron N, physician.
Gaumer James S, phys and coroner.
Gilbert William J, feed stable.
Glass David L, fuel.
Gobble & Heer (Lee T Gobble, Charles H Heer), clothing and merchant tailors.
Griffith & Pearson (T Jefferson Griffith, Henry Pearson), plumbers.
Grove Emil G, physician.
Hague Albert S, physician.
Hague Land Co (Clarence P and Vernon L Hauge).
Hammon Jacob, tailor.
Harper Fonna, brush mnfr.
Hartman Edward, ice cream mnfr.
Hawkeye Pump Co Inc, John Fritz pres, B A Dill sec and treas.
Henry George D, corn, oats and hay.
Herman Wm E, clothes cleaner.
Herring Charles A, grocer.
Higley & Gaumer (Daniel G Higley, Wesley Gaumer), drugs.
Hinkhouse John F, genl sec Parsons Coll.
Hirshberger Louis J, tinner.
Holcomb Wm B, feed stable.
Home Roller Mills, Voorheis and Son proprs.
Howard Business College, J W Howard propr.
Howard J Westbrook, propr Howard Business College.
Howell Dalton P, restaurant.
Howell George, harnessmaker.
Hufstedler John H, ins and real estate.
Hufstedler & Baker (W'm Hufstedler, Wm R Baker), dry goods.
Huglin John A, lawyer.
Hunt-Ireland Shoe Co (Edmund, Fred L and R Day Hunt, John E Ireland).
IOWA MALLEABLE IRON CO, Wm Louden Pres, Joseph Dain Vice-Pres, W C Spaulding Sec and Treas, Mnfrs of High Grade Castings.
Iowa State Savings Bank (capital $100,000), Joseph Ricksher pres, O F Fryer cashier.
Israel G H & Son (George H, and Chas), livery.
Jackson Verne L, cement blocks.
James Lora D, physician.
James Thomas L, dentist.
Jaques Anthony W, lawyer.
Jefferson County Abstract & Loan Co, R E Carruthers, sec and treas.
Jefferson County Rating League, J A Kilfoy mngr.
Jefferson County Republican, George H Frasher publisher.
Jefferson County Telephone Co, F H McQuiston mngr.
Jericho & Easton (Fred W Jericho, P J Easton), drugs.
Johnson Charles J, merchant tailor.
Johnson Melvin M, cigar mnfr.
Johnson & Johnson (Marion J and John M), lawyers.
Jones Isaac D, lawyer.
Jones Kate M, abstracter.
Jordan Arthur G, lawyer.
Junkin Charles M, publr Fairfield Ledger.
Kellogg Orrin J, real estate.
Keltner H B & Son (Henry B and Charles C), insurance.
Keltner John A, well driller.
Kerrick F D & Co (Frank D Kerrick, John C Bradshaw), furniture and undertaker.
Kirchner August, baker.
Knights of Pythias Band, L Schmidt director.
Kraft Clothing Co, G H Fairall mngr.
Lewis Bros (Samuel R and Charles F), meats.
Light Frank, Cashier, First National Bank.
Long Charles F, cigar mnfr.
Long & Fisher (R E Long, Richard Fisher), creamery.
Louden Machinery Co, R B Louden pres Wm Louden vice-pres and supt, Chas J Fulton sec and treas, mnfrs hardware specialties.
McCaslin & Young (Lottie E McCaslin, Olive C Young), milliners.
McClain Robert T, real estate.
McClain & Kilpatrick (Frank L McClain, Harry Kilpatrick), ice.
McClelland Charles H, dray.
McElderry C Arthur, dentist.
McElderry John R, fruit grower.
McElhany Alfred W (est of), Pearl C McElhany mngr, dry goods and millinery.
McEvers Thomas F, vet surgeon.
McGaw George D, wool.
McPeek Charles B, grocer.
McLean Thomas E, jeweler.
McPherson C D, horse breeder.
Maasdam & Wheeler (J G Maasdam, E G Wheeler), imported horses.
Maddox & Maxwell (Ralph Maddox Ray Maxwell), grocers.
Manatrey John P, live stock.
Maxwell Thomas B, insurance.
Messer Arthur P, live stock.
Metzger E M, hog breeder.
Mikesell Jacob R, dray.
Miller & Miller (Wm E and Iowa V), chiropractors.
Moberg Carl W, tailor.
Monfort Joseph B, dentist.
Montgomery Edward H, florist.
Mullenix Asher B, insurance.
Munro Ralph H, lawyer.
Murdock Charles H, drayman.
Murray & Allender (Buford Murray, F L Allender), automobiles.
Myrick E Grant, phys.
Nelson Frank O, well driller.
Nelson Lem J, tank bidr and well boorer.
Nowels Insurance Agency (Charles I and Edgar R Nowels).
Oliver Joseph W, physician.
Parks Elmer S, agt Standard Oil Co.
Parks Ralph B, dairy.
Parsons College (Presbyterian), Rev Willis E Parsons pres, Wm A Wirts Rec.
Parsons Rev Willis E, D D, pres Parsons College.
Peasley E U & Co, notions.
Pence Wm, machinist.
Pool Wm O, osteopath.
Power Scott A, fuel. Pumphrey Bros (Henry T and Louis C), ice.
Raible Fred M, cigar maker.
Raines John A, insurance.
RANEY BROS, Proprs Fairfield Brick and Tile Works (Capacity 3,500,000), Brick Mnfrs, Office and Works near C, B & Q Ry. 4 mile west of Depot.
Ratcliff Robert F, lawyer.
Ready John F, lawyer.
Reynolds Charles T, grocer.
Ridley Mrs Julia, propr Cottage Hotel.
Rock Island Elevator, grain elevator.
Rodabaugh Michael D, novelty store.
Rodgers U B, real estate.
Ross Wm G, lawyer, postmaster and lecturer Parsons College.
Roth J E & Co (John E and Mellon W Roth, James M Hammer), dry goods, etc.
Russell Bruce, insurance.
Sampson Laundry Co (Edward M and John E Sampson).
Sauer Philip, baker and restr.
Sayers Roscoe C, vet surgeon.
Scheffel, Jacob, pianos.
Scothorn John S, dairy.
Sense & Mitchell (David N Sense, J Donnell Mitchell), livery.
Shriner Frank S, drugs.
SIMMONS EBEN F, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Complete Collection, Conveyancing and Abstract Depart. References Any Bank in Fairfield.
Simpson F F & Son (Frank F and Frank H), meats.
Sloan & Hochuly (Robert Sloan, Theodore Hochuly), lawyers.
Smith E Russell, lawyer.
Smith Harry E, live stock.
Snyder & Co (Henry E and Ida L), jewelers and opticians.
Spence Robert H, carriages and farm implements.
Spencer & Moburg (C R Spencer, C W Moburg), publrs Fairfield Tribune.
Spratt & Son (Daniel F and Clayton), hardware and agrl implts.
Stallman John W, dray.
Standard Oil Co, E S Parks agt.
STARR JAMES P, Lawyer. Practices in All Courts, Titles Examined, Collections Receive Prompt Attention.
Stever George F, coal.
Stever John B, cattle dealer.
Stewart George W, well driller.
Stout Mrs Ona M, clothes cleaner.
Stubbs Charles E, see French Draft Horse Assn.
Stuckey Joseph H, grain elevator.
Tallman Cameron C, physician.
Taylor B J & Sons (B J Dean and A W), proprs Fairfield Journal.
Thoma & Son (Louis and Clifford), drugs.
Thoma & Thoma (Roscoe P and Leo D), lawyers.
Thorne J C & Son (John C and Harry P), dry goods.
Turney Joel & Co (Joel, Ellsworth and Dillon Turney, J H Montgomery), wagon mnfrs.
Unkrich George W, dry goods.
Unkrich Gustavus C, jeweler.
Vinton Edward W, meats.
Voorhies & Son (Frank W and Raymond A), proprs Home Roller Mills.
Warner John A, well driller.
Warren Fruit Jar Co (W W Israel, Harry I Ball).
White Tea Store (Louie D and Loren H White).
Whitman Charles W, nurseryman.
Williams Wm, photographer.
Wilson Bros (Charles H and Clark A), grocers.
Wilson David B, lawyer.
Wilson James F jr, insurance.
Wilson James P. baker.
Wilson Payton, 2d-hand goods.
Wilson Rollin J, lawyer and pres of First National Bank.
Wilson & Collins (James F Wilson jr, Melvin R Collins), real estate.
Wirtz Prof Wm A, sec of the faculty Parson College.
Wisecarver Isaac T, livery.
Wisecarver & Mohr (Hurse E Wisecarver, W H Mohr), clothing.
Woellhat (sic - Woellhaf) Charles H, restaurant.
Workman George & Co (A W George, J E Fleming), meats.
Young Edward A, flour.
Young W H & Son (Wm H and James E), plumbers.
Young & Stuckey (J L Young, J H Stuckey), cement blocks.
Zeigler Sanford, grain elevator.
FOUR CORNERS. A discontinued postoffice in Lockridge township, Jefferson county, 12 miles northeast Fairfield, the county seat and nearest banking point, and 3 northwest of Lockridge, the nearest railroad station. Has rural delivery from Lockridge.
GERMANVILLE. In Walnut township, Jefferson county, 15 miles northeast of Fairfield, the county seat, and 7 southeast of Brighton, the nearest railroad station and banking point. whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.
Craff J F, gent store.
Taglaner (sic - Taglauer) G, hardware.
GLENDALE. Population, 40. On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Lockridge township, Jefferson county, 8 miles e. of Fairfield, the county seat and nearest banking point. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Michael Damm, postmaster.
DAMM MICHAEL, General Store.
LIBERTYVILLE. Population, 425. On the C. R. I. & P. Ry., and the Burlington Route, in Liberty township, Jefferson county, 6 miles s. e. of Fairfield, the county seat. Has Adventist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams and U. S. Telephone connection. D. W. Garber, postmaster.
Boley Guy, carpenter.
Boyd & Routson, pumps.
Cleasby A B, drugs.
Cleasby C B, furniture.
Davis Samuel K, phys, implts and live stock breeder.
Eyestone Zane, implts and harness.
Farrell Wm, live stock.
GARBER D W, Books, Stationery and Postmaster.
Harlan W R, hardware.
Henderson Agrippa H, agt C B & G Ry and Exp.
Heston B R, meats.
Hotel Shipler.
Hutchinson M B Lumber Co.
Jornell E E, restr.
Kerrick F D & Co, undertakers.
Laughlin Stewart, insurance.
Libertyville Savings Bank (capital $10, 000), M Clinkenbeard pres, Charles W Riggs cashr.
Moss T J, agt C, R I & P Ry.
Schooley H M, genl store.
Slimmer W E, genl store.
Slimmer W S, vet surgeon.
Stephenson Robert B, physician.
Swanson O A, genl store.
Tedrow Bros, livery.
Yost W B, hog breeder.
Yost & Morley, grain and seeds.
LOCKRIDGE. Population, 200. On the C., B. & Q. R. R. in Lockridge township, Jefferson county, 12 miles east of Fairfield, the county seat. Has a Methodist church, a newspaper The Herald and a bank. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U.; W. L. Bankhead, postmaster.
Anderson & Larson, coal miners.
BANKHEAD W L, Postmaster and Editor Lockridge Herald.
Boos J H & Co, genl store.
Brand E A, r r, exp and tel agt.
Craff Fred, live stock.
Duttwiler L, feed.
Graf L J, genl store.
Heron John, apiarist.
Kyle & Sodergreen, harness.
Larson Albert, carpenter.
Lockridge Herald, W L Bankhead editor.
Lockridge Lumber Co.
Lockridge Pharmacy, Hulse & Anderson proprs.
LOCKRIDGE SAVINGS BANK (Capital $25,000). John Herron Pres, R A Linderson Cashier.
Murphy C E, feed mill.
Norton Citrus, livery.
Overstrom J M & Co, genl store.
Sherlock P J, phys.
MERRIMAC. In Walnut township, Jefferson county, 18 miles n. e. of Fairfield, the county seat, and 9 s. e. of Brighton, the usual shipping point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.
Carper & Co, genl store.
Saltzman P, flour mill.
PACKWOOD. Population, 264. An incorporated town on the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Polk township, Jefferson county, 15 miles n. w. of Fairfield, the county seat. It has Christian, Methodist Episcopal and Swedish Lutheran churches, a graded public school, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Packwood Review. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. G. A. Spielman, postmaster.
Adams Express Co, J C McKay agt.
Adams & Scott, poultry.
Anderson & Co, restaurant.
Caviness & Myers, autos and hardware.
Ermund Charles, mason.
Fairchilds B E, contractor.
Farmers' Savings Bank (capital $20,000), E A Miller pres, E E Phelps cashier.
Heald C E, live stock auctioneer.
Hook W A, seeds.
Hotel Ramey, C H Spencer propr.
Loughary H W, general store.
McKay J C, r r, exp and tel agt.
Miller E A & Son, grain elevator.
Mitchell P T & Sons, live stock.
Moorman Charles T, physician.
Moorman J A, harness.
Murphy J H, carp and cement blocks.
Nelson Bros, clothing, furn and undertakers.
North F R, physician.
Packwood Brick & Tile Works, W E Supernols (sic - Supernois) propr.
Packwood Drug Co, D H Jennison propr.
Packwood Review, C H Spencer publr.
Ryman L C, hardware and agri impits.
Smithart J W, livery.
Spencer C H, publr Packwood Review and propr Hotel Ramey.
SPIELMAN G A, Mngr M M Spielman and Postmaster.
Spielman M M. grocer and queensware.
Steigleder S F & Son, lumber.
Supernois W E, propr Packwood Brick & Tile Works.
Weidner W H, poultry.
Western Union Telegraph Co, J C McKay agent.
PERLEE. Population, 50. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., and on Walnut creek, in Penn township, Jefferson county, 7 miles n. e. of Fairfield, the county seat and nearest banking point. Tel, W. U. Exp. U. S.; D. B. Coop, postmaster.
COOP D B, Postmaster
Coop & Kyle, general store.
Ferrell O C, r r, exp and tel agt.
Perlee & Fairfield Telephone Co.
PLEASANT PLAIN. Population,174. An incorporated village in Penn township, Jefferson county, 13 miles n. e. of Fairfield, the county seat, 1 1/2 from East Pleasant Plain, its shipping point. Has Friends and Methodist Episcopal churches and a bank. Stage twice daily to East Pleasant Plain for 10 cents. Exp., U. S. John J Ginther, postmaster.
Bailey Cassius W, physician.
Correll-Hoskins Mrs H O, physician.
Crumley Allen, saw mill.
Ecke Frank L, dry goods and shoes.
Emry George J, live stock.
Fuqua Frank, grocer.
GINTHER JOHN J, Stationer and Postmaster.
Hoskins Joel, poultry breeder.
Hoskins & Humphrey, horses.
Humphrey C R, harness.
Lynn Rolla, r r, exp and tel agt.
Mealey David H, drugs and pianos.
Pleasant Plain Academy, Joel Hoskins pres, Mahlon Roberts sec.
Turner & Co, general store.
U S Express Co, R Lynn agt.
Westenhaver O I, miller.
Western Union Telegraph Co, R Lynn agt.
SALINA. A discontinued postoffice in Jefferson county, 9 miles n. e. of Fairfield, the county seat, and 4 n. w. of Glendale, the nearest railroad station. Has rural delivery from Fairfield.
Schillerstrom J, general store.
VEO. Population, 12. In Penn township, Jefferson county, on the Burlington Route, 12 miles n. of Fairfield, the seat of justice, and 6 from Brighton, the nearest bank location. Exp., Adams. P. J. Harken, postmaster.
WOOLSON. Population, 25. On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Black Hawk township, Jefferson county, 12 miles n. of Fairfield, the county seat, and 2 s. of Richland, the nearest banking point. Exp., Adams. Has rural delivery from Richland (Route No. 3).
Eck R F, genl store.
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