Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

bies: fishing, collecting stamps; off & res Sully.

DeJONG, RICHARD A: Clergyman; b Mahaska Co, Iowa Jan 6, 1894; s of Arie C DeJong-Jennie DeBruin; ed Grundy Center Jr Coll & Acad, AA 1925; grad work Grundy Center Jr Coll & Acad; Western Theological Seminary, Holland Mich 1928; m Emma Sjaardema Dec 26, 1917 Sully; 1918-19 farmer, Mahaska Co; 1928-30 pastor Reform Ch, Indianapolis Ind, 1930-Reform Ch, Sully; 1938-39 Bible tchr, Sully HS; Sully Comml Club; hobby: woodwork on lathe; off & res Sully.

DENNISTON, HOMER WILLIAM: Auditor; b Newton, Iowa Aug 20, 1895; s of William E Denniston-Lizzie Wilson; ed Newton HS 1915; Monmouth Coll, Ill 1916-17; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Helen Carolyn McCaffree Aug 18, 1925 Nashua; s William Owen, Charles David, Donn Homer; 1909-14 during vacations emp in Newton, delivered lbr in 1 horse wagon; 1915-16 bkkpr, Denniston & Patridge Lbr Co, Newton; 1917-18 yardman, 1919- auditor, 1916- part owner; past mbr sch bd 5 years; during World War enl May 14, 1918 USN, Great Lakes naval training oration, disch Feb 26, 1919; Amer Legion post 111; Iowa Retail Lbrmans Assn; C of C; ch mbr & past pres Kiwanis; mbr bd of YMCA; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: vacationing, travel with family, raising citrus fruits; off 223 W 4th N; res 409 E 2nd S, Newton.

DENNISTON, ROY WILSON: Secretary Lumber Co; b Newton, Iowa Feb 5, 1893' s of William Ewing Denniston-Lizzie Wilson; ed Newton HS 1911; Monmouth Coll, Monmouth Ill, BA 1915; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Carrie Ellen Johnson July 5, 1917 Monmouth Ill; s Robert William, Bryant Paul; d Joann Caroll; 1916- part-owner Denniston & Partridge Co, Newton, 1915-19 emp in off, 1919- secy; 1939- secy & co-owner Lovell-Denniston Lbr Co, Eldora; Denniston & Partridge Co estab 1894, inc 1904; post mbr city coun 2 years; mbr pub lib bd; during World War 1918-20 in USN res force; Amer Legion post 111; Iowa Retail Lbrmans Assn; C of C, past pres; Rotary, past pres; Newton Country Club; Westwood Golf Club; YMCA, past pres; Newton Camp Fire Girls; United Presby Ch, finance agt, Des Moines; Rep; hobbies: golf, fishing; off 223 W 4th N; res 208 E 5th S, Newton.

DENNISTON, WILLIAM EWING: Treasurer & General Manager Lumber Co; b Jasper Co, Iowa Oct 28, 1868; s of Robert Ewing Denniston-Dilla Theresa Hotchkiss; ed Jasper Co; m Lizzie E Wilson Feb 18, 1892 Jasper Co (dec 1932); s Roy Wilson, Homer William; 1892-94 bkkpr F L Maytag lbr yard, Newton; 1894-1904 mgr Maytag & Emerson lbr business, Newton; 1904-08 mgr Emerson & Denniston, Newton; 1894- ptr of T M Partridge in lbr business, Reasnor, 1904 inc Denniston & Partridge Co; 1904- treas & gen mgr, succeeded Emerson & Denniston in Newton, 1908; dir & pres Newton Home S & L Assn; dir & VP Jasper Co Savings Bank; past mbr city coun 7 years; Iowa Retail Lbrmans Assn; C of C; United Presby Ch; Rep; off 223 W 4th N; res 410 1st Ave E. Newton.

DICKINSON, WILLARD JAMES: Sales Manager; b Minneapolis, Minn July 25, 1896; s of Willard H Dickinson-Delia Connally; ed Minneapolis Minn HS 1913; m Hazel Marie Brenner June 18, 1919 Minneapolis; s Willard Bernard, Gregory Thomas; d Mary Lois, Catherine Ann, Elizabeth Geon; Patricia Joan; 1913-17 emp in bank; 1919-30 sales mgr American Ironing Machine Co, Chicago & Minneapolis, 1930- Automatic Washer Co, Newton; during World War 1917-19 in ASSC; Amer Legion; Cath Ch; hobbies: fishing & golf; off Automatic Washer Co, res 426 N 2nd Ave E, Newton.

DIEHL, JOHN NEVILLE: Attorney; b Wapello, Iowa Mar 9, 1913; s of John D Diehl-Talma B Parsons; ed North HS, Des Moines 1930; Drake U, BA 1934, LLB 1936; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Psi Chi; m Janice Maurine Tesdell May 28, 1938, Des Moines; 1936- mbr law firm Korf & Korf, 1940- ptr; Jasper Co & Iowa St Bar Assns; Jr C of C; past dir YMCA; ARC, mbr bd; Country Club; Rep; Congl Ch; hobbies: golf, fishing; off 510-16 Maytag Bldg; 811 W 9th S, Newton.

DIXON, LLOYD JOHN: Pharmacist; b Parkersburg, Iowa May 24, 1904; s of Oliver Elihu Dixon-Elma Rebecca Hadley; ed Thorntown Ind 1907-1919; Plainfield Ind 1922; Danville Ind Normal Coll, summer 1922; Penn Coll, Oskaloosa 1924-26; Des Moines Sch of Pharm, PhG 1936; Argonaut Sac; m Reba Katherine Quire Dec 28, 1929 Chicago Ill; 1922-23 odd jobs & emp by Morrell Packing Co, Ottumwa, also battery service; 1923-24 sch tchr, Monroe Co; 1924 emp by Canning Co, Rochelle Ill, 2 months; 1926-29 HS prin, Lynnville; 1929 in service dept Burroughs Adding Machine Co, Detroit Mich; 1929 emp by Burrough Adding Machine Co, Omaha Neb & Green Bay Wis, 1930-31 Marshfield Wis; 1931-36 owner & opr Dixon & Co drug store, Lynnville; 1936 registered pharm, 1936- owner & opr Dixon drug store, Lynnville; Iowa St Pharm Assn; Comml Club; AF&AM 227, sr warden; Friends Ch; hobbies: mechanics, watch repairing, travel; off & res Lynnville.

DODDS, MRS MINNIE MORRISON: Abstracter; b Martin Co, Minn Jan 23, 1872; d of Robert Hunter Williams-Louise Coppersmith; ed Newton HS 1888; Hazel Dell Acad; m Ebenezer Morrison June 6, 1894 Newton (dec); s Emmor R, William R; d Harriett Louise (dec); m Robert W Dodds June 16, 1908 Newton (dec); 1890-94 acct & steno, Maytag & Bergman Impl Co; 1904-13 & 1923- abstracter with the E Cogg, became Maytag Loan & Abstract Co; Service Star Legion; Amer Legion aux; WRC; DUV; ARC; WCTU; OES; Congl Ch: hobbies: quilts & fancy work; res 422 N 3rd Ave E, Newton.

DONAHUE, EUGENE JOHN: Grocer; b Adair Co, Iowa June 17, 1907; s of Michael Donahue-Mary McDonnell; ed Casey HS 1924; U of Iowa, BSc 1931; Brown Business Coll, Iowa City 1928-29; m Doris A Shaffer April 19, 1927, Des Moines; s Richard Eugene, Jimmy Dean, Thomas Lee, Larry Paul; d Delores Carman; 1931-32 route foreman Swaner Farms Dairy; 1932-39 owner Donahue's Dairy; 1939- owner grocery store, Newton; KC; BSA, past scoutmaster, mbr cam Emerson Hough grade sch scout troop; Sacred Heart Ch; hobbies: reading, fishing; off 1208 1st Ave E; res 12081/2 1st Ave E, Newton.

DOYLE, JOHN WILLIAM: Merchant; b Tipton, Iowa Aug 20, 1877; s of Timothy Doyle-Bridget Cottrell; ed Tipton; m Dorthy E Regenitter Aug 20, 1908 Davenport; d Barbara. Marie; 1903-06 clk in Elwood & McBurney dry goods store, Tipton; 1906-21 clk in Edward Bollhofer gen store; 1921- ptr & opr Bollhofer & Doyle dry goods, shoes & clothing; 1933-39 dir First Natl Bank, Colfax, 1939- VP; past mbr city coun; Colfax Comml Club, dir; Colfax Golf Club, dir; Mum Bridge Club; hobbies: bridge & fishing; off Howard & Walnut; res 423 E Howard, Colfax.

DRAKE, FRANK LEE: President First National Loan & Title Co; b Audubon Co, Iowa Sept 22, 1880; s of Ambrose Firman Drake-Mary Jane Conant; ed Audubon 1899; m Ruby Mae Currier Apr 6, 1908 Audubon; d Dorothy Mercede; 1899-1900 emp on farm, Audubon Co; 1900-10 abstracter, Nash Phelps & Phelps, Audubon; 1910 owner Cherokee Co Abstract Co; 1910-13 ptr of J E Hamilton, abstracters, ins & real est agts, Winterset; 1913-14 abstracter for H B Allfree, Newton; 1914-19 ptr of W R Cooper, abstracts & loans, Newton; 1919-27 orgr & mgr Farm Loan Dept in First Natl Bank, Newton; 1927-34 opr First Natl Co, secy, 1934-36 pres; 1936 corp name changed to First Notl Loan & Title Co, 1936- pres & owner; Iowa Title Assn; Amer Title Assn; dir C of C, past pres, natl counselor; past pres Kiwanis, 1939 won Iowa champion golf tournament for Exclusive Kiwanis Club; Newton Country Club, past dir; AF&AM 59, past sr warden; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off Jewel Bldg; res 303 S 3rd Ave W, Newton.

EASTMAN, HARRY JAMES: Superintendent of Schools; b Newton, Iowa Feb 13, 1903; s of James Hadley Eastman-Maude Joy; ed Newton HS 1920; Cornell Coll, BA 1927; Drake U 1923-24; U of Wyo 1925; U of Iowa, MA 1935, grad work 1938; Phi Delta Kappa; m Ellen Onita Roberts June 1, 1925 Carroll; s Harry James Jr, Robert Dean; 1922-23 supt of schs, Dedham; 1924-26 & 1927-28 supt of schs, Bouton; 1928-29 HS tchr, Adel; 1929-34 HS prin, Colfax; 1934- supt of schs, Colfax; 1932-34 mbr lib bd; ISTA; NEA; Jasper Co Schoolmasters Club; Comml Club; AF&AM 389, past master; OES, post patron; Presby, 1940- trustee, 1936-38 supt of SS; off High School; res 610 E Div St, Colfax.

EDGE, CHARLIE O: Attorney & Justice of Peace; b Tipton, Iowa Apr 8, 1869; s of Jonathon D Edge-Martha J Horn; ed Newton HS 1888; studied law in priv offs 1899-1901; m Lillian Belle Cope Nov 4, 1897 Newton; s Malcolm C; d Bessie L, Florence M, Gladys Vera (Mrs - Mortensen); 1891-97 farmer, Newton; 1897-98 ins agt; 1901 adm to Iowa bar; 1901-02 emp by E J Salmon; prac law, Newton; 1911-15 Jasper Co dep auditor; 1915-21 Jasper Co auditor; 1925-31 prac law, pres Abstract Co, Brookings S D; 1938- J P; 1909 clk 33rd Iowa St sen, Des Moines; 1938-40 mbr Inheritance Tax Comm; Jasper Co Bar Assn; MWA; AF&AM, past mbr; IOOF; Meth Ch; Rep; off 1121/2 N 2nd Ave W; res 501 S 2nd Ave W, Newton.

ELROD, LLOYD OSCAR: Manager Lumber Co; b Monroe, Iowa May 1, 1903; s of James DeWalt Elrod-Anna Breen; ed Monroe HS 1922; Des Moines U 1922-23; m Dorothy Cook Nov 1, 1924 Monroe; s James Marvin, Philip Dennis; d Barbara Jean; 1922-34 emp by W P Barber Lbr Co, Monroe, 1924-34 in off; 1934-38 mgr Smith Barber Lbr Co, Mingo; 1938- mgr Denniston & Partridge Lbr Co, Mingo; past mbr city coun 1 term; past pres Mingo consolidated sch bd 3 years; Hoo-Hoo Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: collecting pipes; off & res Mingo.

ENGLE, HARRY P: Physician & Surgeon; b Newton, Iowa Nov, 1882; s of Perry Engle-Kate Madison; ed Newton HS 1888; Newton Normal Coll 1892; U of Iowa, MD 1898; grad work Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose & Thoat Hosp; grad work med sch in Chicago; Sigma Nu; m Shirley Mann Oct 3, 1900 Newton; d Dorothy Maxine (Mrs Robert W Gould); 1901-02 interne gen hosp, Vienna Austria; 1903-07 tchr of physiology & hygiene, Newton Normal Coll; 1907- eye, ear, nose & throat specialist, Newton: 1907-14 chief eye, ear, nose & throat surg for Victoria Sanitarium, Colfax; chief of staff of eye, ear, nose & throat dept Skiff Memorial Hasp, Newton; 1902-04 asst surg for Iowa Sch of the Blind, Vinton; during World War 1917-19 mbr med advisory bd; Internatl Con (page 613). Next page