Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

gress of Ophthalmology; Amer Acad of Ophthalmology & Otolaryngology; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AMA; Iowa Chess Assn; past mbr C of C; past mbr Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; AF&AM; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine; KP, past chancellor; BPOE 1270; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: chess; off Engle Bldg; res 527 1st Ave W, Newton.

ENYART, WATSON NEWELL: Bank Vice-President; b Agency, Iowa Oct 25, 1879; s of John W Enyart-Mary B Newell; ed Agency HS 1898; m Loretta Crener Sept 8, 1898 Ottumwa; s Charles W, James C; d Edna Leona (Mrs Corral W Bradshaw); 1898-1907 clk in F D Samson Hdw & Drugs, Agency; 1907-31 orgr & cash Agency Savings Bank; 1931-35 in charge of Jasper & Poweshiek Co closed banks for the State Banking Dept, Des Moines; 1935-VP & dir Jasper Co Savings Bank, Newton; Newton Country Club; C of C; Kiwanis; AF&AM 59; Shrine; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off Jasper Co Bank; res Maytag Hotel, Newton.

FATLAND, OLAF SERENE: Dentist; b Cambridge, Iowa Jan 30, 1895; s of John Henry Fatland-Sarah Heggen; ed Ames HS 1913; U of Iowa, DDS 1918; m Luella B Larson June 30, 1920 Clarion; s John Lewis; d Katheryn Jean; 1919- dentist, ptr of Dr R G Anspach at Colfax Sanitarium; past pres Colfax sch bd; during World War enl US army at Iowa City, med corps, disch Feb 1919 Iowa City; Amer Legion post 176; ADA; Iowa St & Des Moines Dist Dental Socs; Des Moines Union Musician's Assn; Comml Club; Colfax Country Club; AF&AM 389; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine, mbr Shrine band; Luth Ch; trustee Presby Ch 1921-24; Rep; hobby: music; off Colfax Sanitarium; res 321 S Walnut, Colfax.

FELLOWS, LIBERTY EATON: Physician & Surgeon; b Lansing, Iowa Feb 11, 1895; s of Albert Milton Fellows-Elsie Smith; ed Lansing 1910; Grinnell Coll 1910-11; U of Mich, MD 1918; grad work Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Hosp 1921-22; Phi Chi; m Pearl Minerva Neel Sept 20, 1917 Webster City; d Jean Pearl, Dorothy Beth; 1919-22 med prac, Ellsworth; 192228 eye, ear, nose & throat specialist, Webster City; 1928- ptr of Dr R W Wood, Newton; mbr staff Skiff Memorial Hosp; during World War US med dept of USN, US naval hosp, Newport R I, sr grad It, disch Oct 1919, naval hosp; Amer Legion; Jasper Co Med Soc, past pres; Iowa St Med Soc; AMA; C of C; Newton Country Club; AF&AM 144; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off Roswell Bldg; res 521 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

GALLAGHER, WILLIAM NEAL: President Manufacturing Co; b What Cheer, Iowa July 13, 1895; s of Patrick Gallagher-Nora O'Keefe; ed What Cheer HS; St Ambrose Acad, 1913; m Zola Katherine Lister, June 22, 1920 Dallas Tex; s James Edward, William Patrick, Thomas Michael; 1914-16 clk & bkkpr One Minute Mfg Co, Newton; 1916-18 clk Automatic Electric Washer Co, Newton, 1919-25 in sales dept, 1925-31 VP, 1926-30 dir of sales, 1928-31 gen mgr, 1931- pres; during World War, 1918 in SC Fort Leavenworth Kans, Washington D C, disch Dec 20, 1918; pres Amer Washer & Ironer Assn; bd mbr Natl House Furnishing Assn; C of C, dir; YMCA, dir; mbr Fred Maytag Park bd; Newton Country Club; Cath Ch; hobby: golf; off Automatic Washer Co; res 725 W 9th St S, Newton.

GOULD, ISAAC LAWRENCE: Physician & Surgeon; b North Liberty, Iowa Feb 18, 1893; s of John Gould-Priscilla Lawrence; ed Richards Mo; Iowa City Acad; U of Iowa, MD 1919; m Genevieve Orclup Oct 13, 1924 Des Moines; s William Frederick; d Jean Clyde; 1919-20 interne, Lakeside Hosp, Cleveland Ohio; 1920-21 prac med, Killduff, 1922-31 & 1935- Kellogg; 1931-35 in immigration dept, US Public Health Service; 1922-31 & 1935- pub health ofcr; mbr staff Skiff Memorial Hosp, Newton; Iowa St & Jasper Co Med Socs; AMA; Comml Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: fishing; off & res Kellogg.

GRAY, CARL JESSE: Clergyman; b Ira, Iowa Sept 13, 1894; s of Fred L Gray-Ella Nancy Nichodemus; ed Deepwater Mo; Chicago Evangelist Inst 1927-28; m Hattie Esther Smith July 10, 1916 Deepwater Mo (dec Feb 5, 1925); s John Wesley; d Esther Lena, Doris Louise (Mrs Lester Buwalda), Lela Mary; 1915-16 emp by W S Dickey Tile Mfg Co, Deepwater Mo; 1916 emp by Lawrence Paper Box Co, Lawrence Kos; 1917-18 emp at One Minute Mfg Co, Newton; summer 1918 emp on farm, Saline Co Mo; 1918-27 learned machinist trade The Maytag Co, Newton; 1928- machinist for Mathews Mfg Co; 1935-38 supply pastor Ira Meth Ch; 1938-pastor Meth Ch, Mingo also Ira Meth Ch; past mbr Newton twp sch bd 2 years; past dir sch dist 8, Newton twp 3 years; Indep; hobby: Hawiian guitars; off & res Mingo.

GREEN, OLIVER NELSON: President Foundry Co; b Armstrong, Missouri Aug 15, 1876; s of John William Green- -ed Clark Mo; Jasper Co; Newton Normal Coll; U of Iowa, DDS 1903; m Margaret Blakley Oct 7, 1903 Newton; s Lester Myron; d Marguerite Amber (Mrs Arnold Peters); 1903-24 dentist, Newton; 1920 pres & gen mgr Newton Foundry Co, Newton; estab first rural mail route out of Newton; C of C, past pres; Kiwanis, past pres; Country Club, past pres; AF&AM; Congl Ch; hobbies: golf, autos, studying & devising different patents; off & res, Newton.

GREENE, JOHN SHERMAN: Attorney; b Des Moines, Iowa June 8, 1908; s of William Martin Greene-Margaret M Hughes; ed East HS, Des Moines 1925; U of Iowa, BA 1931, JD 1934; grad work, U of Iowa; Gamma Eta Gamma; Scabbard & Blade; m Ida Helen Peters Nov 12, 1939 Colfax; 1925-28 accounting dept of Pittsburg Plate Glass Co, Des Moines; 1934- prac law, Colfax; 1935- city atty; Iowa St & Jasper Co Bar Assns; VP Jasper Co Tuber-culosis Assn; Lions, secy; Comml Club; BPOE 1270; AF&AM 389, sr warden; Presby Ch; Dem, chmn Jasper Co Young Dem Club, 1939 elec permanent chmn Iowa St Y D Assn; hobbies: gardening & horticulture; off First National Bank Bldg; res North Oak Park Ave, Colfax.

GRIBBEN, JOHN HARVEY: Postmaster; b Waynesburg, Pennsylvania Nov 4, 1881; s of Elias K Gribben-Hester Jane Loar; ed Waynesburg Penn; Waynesburg Coll 1899; 1900-06 owner drug store, Monroe; 190610 Jasper Co dep auditor, 1911-15 dep clk; 1915-20 emp by Sen Louis Murphy, dep collector of Internal Revenue; 1920-29- owner J H Gribben Abstract & Loan, 1929 consolidated with E H Maytag, 1929-VP Maytag Loan & Abstract Co; 1936-PM, Newton; Natl & Iowa Assns of PMs; Dem; hobbies: horse racing, baseball; off Post Office; res 322 S 2nd Ave W, Newton.

GUSTAFSON, HIRAM RUDOLPH: Dentist; b Dayton, Iowa May 10, 1891; s of Gustaf A Gustafson-Minnie Lilyard; ed Dayton HS 1908; Drake U, 1908-10; U of Iowa, DDS 1916; Delta Sigma Delta; m Fay A Cole Feb 29, 1932 Michigan Ind; 1916-18 dentist, Newton; 1918-25 ptr of A E Sterling; 1925- dentist, Newton; during World War 1918-19 1st It dental corps; Amer Legion post 111; C of C; AF&AM 59; RAM 12; KT 22; BPOE 1270; off & res Newton.

GUTHRIE, FRANK A: Feed Dealer; b Holyoke, Colo Feb 11, 1899; s of Ami T Guthrie-Agnes E Stewart; ed Newton HS 1915; Coe Coll; Drake U; m Hazel June Dolph Mar 15, 1922 Newton; d Darlene Frances, Myrna Jean; 1922-23 forming, Newton; 1923-24 ptr of father, Guthrie Seed & Feed Co, 1924-38 ptr of H E Dolph, 1938- owner & opr; Farm Bur; C of C; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: travel; off 1110 1st Ave E; res 326 E 4th S, Newton.

HAHN, JOHN HENRY: Real Estate & Insurance Agent & County Supervisor; b Pittsburgh, Penn May 5, 1870; s of John P Hahn-Matilda Dittig; ed St Charles; Capital City Comml Coll, Des Moines 1892; m Lizzie Staffer July 7, 1892 St Charles; 1886-98 emp on farm, Westmoreland Co Penn, 1889 Thayer Co Neb; 1892-94 owner & opr J H Hahn Merc Store, St Charles; 1894-96 ptr of W H Cater in Hahn & Cater merc store, St Charles; 1896-97 mgr & ptr of Harry G Staffer & W H Cater in groc & bakery, Colfax; 1897 owner & opr groc & bakery, Colfax; 189798 ins & real est agt, J H Hahn, later ptr of Clarence Buchanan, firm Hahn & Buchanan, - ptr of Frank Staffer; 1924 mbr Jasper Co bd of supvrs; past mayor 6 years; past mbr city coun 2 years; past city assessor 2 terms; 1898- mbr vol fire dept, 1915- fire chief; Comml Club; Meth Ch; mbr Jasper Co SS Assn, past pres & an orgr; Rep; hobby: roads; off Gasmans Bldg; res 433 E Howard, Colfax.

HALDEN, JESSE W: Superintendent of Printing Co; b Indianola, Iowa Oct 26, 1893; s of William Holden-Susan Virginia Russell; ed Indianola HS 1913; Simpson Coll, 1914-17; Kappa Theta Psi; m Gladys Evlyn Merritt June 26, 1923 Mount Ayr; 1920-21 emp on Indianola Record; 1921-23 ptr of Don L Berry owner Indianola Record; summer 1923 at Pressmans Home, Tenn, internatl sch of press work; 1923-28 owner & opr Holden Printing Co, Creston; 1929-33 Supt Success Composition & Printing Co, Des Moines; 1933supt of News Printing Co, Newton; dir News Printing Co; during World War enl 1918, Municipal Pier, Chicago III, naval ofcr res, Great Lakes, commr ensign line ofcr in duties, disch Jan 26, 1919 N Y; comm Amer Legion post 111; Westwood Golf Club; First Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: mechanical newspaper machine; off Newton Daily News; res Besser Apartments, Newton.

HALL, FRED YOUNG: Automobile Dealer; b Colfax, Iowa Sept 1, 1884; s of Arthur Wright Hall-Ella Annett Young; ed Colfax; Drake U 1902-04; m Gladys Mae Squire Aug 15, 1912 Grinnell; s Arthur Wright (dec), James Norman, Homer Howard; 1895-99 bkkpr Baxter Savings Bank; 1906-07 bond & stock salesman, Denver Colo; 1908-30 bkkpr Bottling Co, 1918 ptr, 1930-33 distributors agcy Fry Bottling Co & Beverages; 1934- Ford dlr; 1934secy-treas Colfax Mfg Co; past mbr city coun; Comml Club; AF&AM 389; Chris Ch, past bd mbr; Rep; hobbies: reading & study of religion; off 311 N Walnut; res 416 E Howard, Colfax.

HAMILL, W KEITH: Attorney; b Keokuk Co, Iowa May 29, 1895; s of A W Hamill-Oleno Brier; ed Keota HS 1912; U of Iowa, BA 1917, LLB 1919, editor Iowa Alumnus 1917-18; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Alpha Delta; m Sara Bishop Sept 11, 1926 Pine Bluff Ark; d Sara Ann, Julie Brier; 1919 adm to Iowa bar; 1919-21 prac law, ptr of Hugo C Schulz, 1921- ptr of John E Cross, Newton; 1930 census supvr for Johnson, Iowa, Poweshiek, Jasper, Mahaska & Keokuk Cos; 1924- chmn pub lib bd; Jasper Co, 6th Dist, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; Newton Country Club; AF&AM 59; BPOE 1270, past exalted ruler; Rep, 192025 secy Jasper Co Rep Cam, 1925- chmn; hobbies: hunting, bird dogs; off Jasper (page 614) Next page.