Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

County Savings Bank Bldg; res 410 E 2nd 5, Newton.

HAMMER, MARION R JR: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa Aug 27, 1878; s of Mary E Dooley; ed Hazel Dell Acad; Newton Normal Coll; Drake U, LLB 1907, won gold medal in debating; Philomathean Soc; m Orpha Sparks Nov 22, 1909 Des Moines; 1900-04 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1907- proc law, Newton; Jasper Co atty 6 years; 1928 state legislator; Jasper Co, 6th Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; C of C; past pres & ch mbr Kiwanis; P of H Grange; Doodle Bugs; BPOE; KP; Presby Ch; Dem; off Suite 204 Maytag Bldg; res 330 N 8 Ave £, Newton.

HANKE, LEE: Clothier; b Newton, Iowa Aug 16, 1890; s of Richard Hanke-Kate Scharf; ed Newton HS 1908; m Patience Doris Kelly Feb 27, 1917 Newton; 1910 clk Jones & Allen Clothing Co, Newton; 1911 estab & ptr of uncle in Henke & Scharf Clothing Co, Newton, 1911-32 ptr of William M Blaylock, 1932- owner & opr; C of C, past dir; BPOE 1270; AF&AM 59; Congl Ch; Dem; off 111 1st Ave West; res 414 1st Ave West, Newton.

HANNON, ROBERT MATHEW: Builder & Contractor; b Joplin, Me Dec 26, 1880; s of Jerry Hannon-Sadie Henderson; ed Joplin Me; m Sadie Pratt Nov 12, 1903 Montezuma; d Mabel Mary (Mrs Lowell Downer); prior to 1901 emp on Iowa forms; 1902-06 emp by Incubator Co, & Maytag Co, Newton; 1907-08 brakeman, CRI&P RR Co; 1908-12 carp; 1913- gen contr & builder, Newton, covering Iowa & parts of Me; built Corydon HS 1922, Cambry consolidated HS 1922, Albany Mo HS 1923, Administration Bldg at F L Maytag Park 1935; mbr city coun 12 years; C of C; BPOE; KP 53; hobbies: autos, golf; res 118 E 7th S, Newton.

HARP, JOHN FREMONT, Retired; b Marion Co, Iowa July 24, 1858; s of William Conn Harp-Anna M Brous; ed Marion Co; U of Iowa, MD 1884; grad work Bellevue Hosp Med Coll 1885-86; m Emily Ann Worthington Mar 1, 1885 Marion Co; s Paul W; d Helen W (Mrs Peter Herny), Ruth W (dec); 1884-85 & 1886-1935 prat med, Prairie City; 1935 ret; life mbr Iowa St & Jasper Co Med Socs; Rep; hobby: med books; res Prairie City.

HARTNETT, ELLEN: County Superintendent of Schools; b Colfax, Iowa May 11, 1906; s of Samuel Mitchell Hartnett-Ellen Oswalt; ed Colfax HS 1924; Drake U, BSc 1934, MA 1939; Iowa U, grad work; Colo U; Psi Chi; Delta Sigma Epsilon; 1924-29 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1929-34 grade sch tchr, Colfax; 1934-39 HS tchr, Colfax; 1939- Jasper Co supt of schs; has gone on ednl tours with Drake U; Newton Womans Club; Newton Music Club; Jasper Co Hist Soc; Schoolmasters Club; Iowa St Assn of Co Supts; NEA; ISTA; Meth Episc Ch; hobbies: music, golf; off Courthouse; res Hotel Maytag, Newton.

HARTNETT, SAM M: Mortician; b Jasper Co, lowa Mar 25, 1898; s of Samuel Hartnett-Ellen 0 Oswalt; ed Colfax HS 1918; received embalming training in USN; m Louise Burnett Apr 6, 1929 Des Moines; 1919-27 embalmer W S Cutter & Co Funeral Home, Colfax, 1927-38 ptr in Cutter-Hartnett Co Inc, 1940- owner; 1934 ptr in Colfax Sales Co; past mayor, Colfax; during World War active service on east coast, disch Oct 1919; Amer Legion post 176, past comm; Iowa St Funeral Dirs & Embalmers Assn; Colfax Country Club, past pres & past dir; hobbies: golf & athletics; off 24 W Howard; res 19 N Oak Park, Colfax.

HARVEY, JOHN HORTON: Employment Office Manager; b Newton, Iowa Sept 7, 1871; s of John H Harvey-Harriet Fenton; ed Newton; Hazel Dell Acad; m Louise Miller Apr 10, 1895 Baxter; s Harlin J; d Edwina (Mrs Elmer Watkins); 1887-91 carriage painter; 1891-1901 contractor & house painting; 1901-22 foreman point dept Maytag Co, Newton, 1922- mgr employment off; mbr & past pres city coun 28 years; AF&AM 59; KP 53; BPOE 720; Congl Ch; hobbies: radio & sports; off Maytag Co; res 712 N 2nd Ave E, Newton.

HASSELBRINK, LOUIS ALBERT: Postmaster; b Laurel, Iowa Nov 1, 1906; s of Christopher J as e p h Hasselbrink-Amelia Schultz; ed Kellogg 1924; m Edna Armelda Badger Mar 1, 1931 Des Moines; d Joan Nina; 1924-28 clk in furn & undertaking business, Kellogg; 1928-29 shipping clk Wahl Mfg Co, Chicago III; 1929-30 machinist Mid-West Metal Stamping Co, Kellogg; 1930-31 elk in P 0, Kellogg, 1936 P M, Kellogg; Nat! Assn of PMs; secy Comml Club; Kellogg Athletic Club; Luth Ch; Y D Club; hobby: sports; off & res Kellogg.

HASTIE, DAVID ARTHUR: Clergyman; b Bedford, Iowa June 1, 1913; s of Arthur Hastie-Victoria Crispin; ed Perry HS; m Yukona Bailey June 12, 1932 Perry; s Roland David, Ronald William; 1933-35 Evangelist, la, Kans, Me & Okla; 1935-36 pastor, Brookfield Me; 1936-37 estab ch, Eldroa; 1937-38 estab ch, Chillicothe Ma; 1938- pastor, Newton; pres Iowa & Northern Me Christ's Ambassadors; hobbies: sports, fishing & hunting; off & res 109 S 3rd Ave W, Newton.

HEFTI, ROY EMIL: Music & Science Instructor; b Coleridge, Neb June 9, 1907; s of John Emil Hefti-Paulina Glasenapp; ed Coleridge Neb; Wayne Neb St Tchrs Coll, BFA 1930; U of Iowa, grad work; Lambda Delta Lambda; m Wilma L Conner June 10, 1933 Atlantic; 1928-29 sch tchr, Climbing Hill; 1931-32 sch tchr, Perry; 1932-34 tchr, Red Oak; 1934-35 tchr, Woodward; 1935-36 tchr, Manilla; 1936tchr, Baxter; org 1st band at Woodward State Hosp; marching band of Baxter won 1st place state contest, Iowa Falls 1939; dir Baxter city band; author Hefti's Beginners Band Method; inventor of Hefti's Intovation Guide; Iowa Bandmasters Assn; ISTA; Natl Music Educators Assn; AF&-AM 520; Congl Ch; hobby: photography; off High School; res Baxter.

HENSS, WALTER EDWIN: District Manager Southern Utilities Co; b Wayland, Iowa Aug 12, 1894; s of William K Henss Sarah Davies; ed Wayland HS 1911; m Nita B Henderson Aug 29, 1915 Wayland; d Catherine Jane; 1911-16 worked on father's farm, Henry Co; 191622 electrician helper, Iowa Gas & Electric Co, Wayland, later dist mgr; 1922-30 dist mgr Iowa Southern Utilities Co, Moulton, 1930-33 dist mgr, Mt Ayr, 1933- dist mgr, Newton; 1937 - pres YMCA, 1933dir; 1934- dir C of C, 1940- pres; Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; AF&AM; post mbr Kaaba Shrine, Davenport; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, hunting; off 101 1st Ave W; res 5 Cardinal Court, Newton.

HERNY, PETER MARION: Physician & Surgeon; b Mahaska Co, Iowa Jan 11, 1887; s of"Jacob Herny-Tinne Roorda; ed Mahaska Co; Central Aced, Pella 1912; Central Coll 1912-14; U of Iowa, MD 1918; grad work U of Penn 1925-26; m Helen Harp Oct 1, 1925 Prairie City; 1918-19 interne, Montreal Gen Hosp, Montreal Canada; 1919- prat med, Prairie City; 1937-Washington twp phys; Iowa St & Jasper Co Med Socs; AMA; Comml Club; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobby: travel; off & res Prairie City.

HERYFORD, CHARLES ALBERT: Hotel Proprietor; b Hale, Mo June 10, 1878; s of John R Heryford-Flora B Smith; ed Hale Me; Normal Sch, Kirksville Me; m Essie Magee Dec 25, 1904 Bethany Me; d Dorothy (Mrs M W Marshall); 1899-1900 rural sch tchr, Me; 1900-04 sch tchr, Albany Me; 1905-12 elk retail store; 1912-25 traveling representative Simmons Hdw Co, St Louis Me; 1925-28 salesman for Brown-Camp Hdw Co; 1928-33 opr hotel, Atlantic; 1933- prop Churchill Hotel, Newton; C of C; Chris Ch; hobbies: outdoor sports, trap shooting; res 300 N 2nd Ave W, Newton.

HESSON, EDWARD ELLSWORTH: Farmer & Dairyman; b Carroll Co, Maryland Dec 7, 1876; s of Edward Hesson-Agnes Wilson; ed Muscatine Co; m Agnes Schwin Oct 31, 1906 Wilton Junction; s Raymond Ellsworth, Hugh Edward; 1898-1905 emp at creamery & ice cream plant, Wilton Junction; 1905-06 emp at ice cream mfg; 1906-08 farmer, Muscatine Co; 1908-09 ice cream & butter business, Wilton Junction; 1910-11 opr butcher shop; 1911-12 farmer, Muscatine Co, 1912-23 Jasper Co; 1923- farmer & dairyman; Farm Bur; C of C; Meth Ch; hobby: fine dairy cattle; off 115 W 12th; res 1021 1st Ave W, Newton.

HILL, FLOYD SUMMERS: Dentist; b Jasper Co, Iowa Jan 21, 1884; s of Charles Shoemaker Hill-Ida M Adams; ed Grinnell HS 1908; U of Iowa, DDS 1911, grad work; m Helen Davis Apr 11, 1921 Newton; d Mary Helen; 1911- dentistry, Kellogg; 1940- pres Kellogg Indep sch dist, past bd mbr; past mbr city coun; ADA; Iowa St & Jasper Co Dental Socs; Odontia Study Club; pres Comml Club; Westwood Golf Club; AF&AM 280; Chris Ch, 1937supt of SS; Rep; hobbies: golf & sports; off & res Kellogg.

HILL, JAMES CHARLESWORTH: Physician & Surgeon; b Newton, Iowa Apr 21, 1878; s of William Hill-Sarah Charles-worth; ed Newton HS; Monmouth Coll, BA 1902; Rush Med Coll, MD 1905; grad work New York Post Grad Sch 1909; Nu Sigma Nu; Alpha Omega Alpha; m Margaret Pickens June 1, 1911 Newton; s Hugh Pickens; 1906-07 interne Presby Hosp, Chicago III; 1905 interne St Joseph Hosp, St Joseph Me; 1907- proc med, Newton; mbr staff Skiff Memorial Hosp, Newton; author of many articles on med economics & scientific med, also speaker on med economics; during World War mbr Jasper Co army examining bd of recruits; post mbr med economics corn of Iowa St Med Soc several years; Jasper Co Med Soc; AMA; mbr house of dels Iowa St Med Soc, past 2nd VP & past 1st VP; past mbr Kiwanis; C of C; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: med; off 1031/2 1 Ave W; res 413 W 3rd S, Newton.

HOLDSWORTH, HOMER J: Vice-President Manufacturing Co; b Brooklyn, Iowa Aug 4, 1902; s of George Thomas-Clara Marie Parrish; ed Newton HS 1919; U of Iowa 1921-23; m Edna Marie Engleman Jan 18, 1926 Des Moines; s Ronald J; 1919-21 experimental dept Maytag Co, Newton; 1921 service dept Parsons Co, Newton; 1924-25 asst city circulation mgr Omaha Daily Bee, Omaha; 1925-27 engineering dept Parsons Co, mfrs excavating machinery & road equipment, 1927-30 mgr service dept, 1930-37 purchasing agt, 1933-37 secy, 1937- VP & sales mgr; VP BSA coup; C of C; pres West Wood Golf Club; BPOE 1270, Newton; AF&AM 59; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby: woodworking; off Parsons Co; res 203 E 8th S, Newton.

HORN, HOLLIS HERBERT: Shoe Store Owner; b Lynnville, Iowa Oct 18, 1893; s of Joseph H Horn-Margaret Koons; ed Newton HS 1912; m Grace Giddes Sept 4, 1931 Aurora ill; d Mary Joan; 1913-30 ptr of brother Walter L in shoe business, Newton, 1930- owner Horn Brothers; during World War 1918-19 MTC, Kansas City Me, Fort Sam Houston Tex O/S 1 year, disch Camp Dodge Oct 22, 1919 sgt; (page 615) Next page