Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

Amer Legion post 111; Iowa Shoe Retailers Assn; C of C, post dir; Rotary; Newton Country Club; BPOE 1270; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: travel; off 119 1st Ave W; res 710 S 4 Ave W, Newton.

HOUGH, LEIGH ANDERSON: Merchant; b Newton, Iowa July 6, 1886; s of Arthur Moore Hough-Cora Adalade Anderson; ed Newton 1904; m Una Fern Nicholson Aug 26, 1908 Newton; s Arthur Nicholson; d Rosslyn; 1904-08 clk in store; 1908-19 ptr & mgr variety dept A M Hough & Son, Newton, 1919- brother became ptr, renamed A M Hough & Sons; 1931- dir Newton Home Loan Assn; secy Skiff Memorial Hasp Bd; Retail Mchts Assn, past pres; Newton Country Club, past bd mbr; Limited Price Variety Stores Assn Inc; Rotary; C of C; BPOE 1270, past trustee: AF&AM 59; RAM; KT; Episc Ch, treas; Rep; hobbies: fishing & vacationing at cottage Clear Lake; off 105 W 2nd Street N; res 409 E 2nd N, Newton.

HOUGH, ROY A: Grocer; b Newton, Iowa Feb 19, 1885; s of Arthur M Hough-Cora Anderson; ed Newton HS 1902; m Edith Bergman Oct 31, 1908 Freeport III; d Wilamine B, Janet B (Mrs Charles H Bryant Jr); 1902-03 clk in fathers store, Newton; 1903-04 clk in Westbrook & Geise drug store, Newton; 1904-05 mail elk P 0, Newton; 1905-17 salesman Reid-Murdock & Co, Chicago III; 1917- ptr in A M Hough & Sons, Newton; dir Groc Whol Corp Inc, past VP & pres exec bd; Newton Country Club, past pres; Doodle Bug Club; C of C; Rotary; BPOE 1270; AF&AM 59; York Rite 22; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off 103 W 2nd N; res 1001 S 5th Ave W, Newton.

HUFF, GEORGE CANNADY: Manager & Owner Motor Co; b Martinsville, Va Jan 3, 1911; s of Clifton P Huff-Annie R Mullens; ed Riverside Mil Acad; Greenbrier Mil 5th; U of Southern Cal; m Jean Sole Feb 5, 1937 Yuma Ariz; d Maryline Ann; 193338 mgr Texaco Oil Station, Los Angeles; 1938-40 owner & mgr Huff Motor Co, Buick sales; Doodle Bug Club; Presby Ch; off 223 N 2nd Ave W; res Newton.

HUNDLING, DORMAN DAANE: Theater Manager; b Huron, S D Mar 11, 1910; s of George Peter Hundling-S Helen Eby; ed Newton HS 1928; Drake U 1929-32; Tau Psi; m Clara Winifred Bond Aug 20, 1934 Newton; d Nella Sue; 1928-29 car salesman, Bishop Motor Co, Newton, also mbr theater orchestra; 1932-34 traveled with orchestra; 1934 opr gas & oil station, Newton; 1934- mgr Rialto Theater, Newton; past pres Jr C of C; C of C; Westwood Golf Club, secy- treas since 1940; Newton Handicap Bowling League, treas since 1939; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, golf, bowling; off Rialto Theater; res 214 S 3rd Ave E, Newton.

HUNDLING, GEORGE PETER: Partner & Manager Amusement Co; b Breda, Iowa June 18, 1881; s of Lubke HuendlingNellie Doane; ed Breda HS 1899; m S Helen Eby June 30, 1904 Des Moines; s Harold Lloyd, Dorman Doane; d Helen Lois, Carol Noel (Mrs A E Burton); 18991900 elk in E N Merchant groc store, Carroll; 1900-02 clk in William Brunning gen merc store, Breda; 1902-10 ptr of Peter J Donne in The Hub gen mere store, Hull; 1910-15 owner Sc & 10c store, Huron S D; 1911-21 salesman for Merrill Greer & Chapman China, Glassware & Holiday Goods, St Paul Minn; 1921 mgr Gale Theater, Mitchell S D; 1921 with family orchestra furnished music for Park Hotel & Park Theater, Arnolds Park, Iowa; 1922- owner half int Continental Amusement Co, Newton; 1913- mgr Capitol Theater, 1934 instrumental in making Bank Night legal; C of C, past dir; Rotary; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; hobby: volley ball; off Capitol Theater; res 315 S 2nd Ave E, Newton.

HUNTER, MRS CARRIE GORRELL: Clubwoman & Author; b Newville, Ind Jan 22, 1862; d of Joseph R Gorrell-Frances E Hendricks; ed Newton HS; U of Iowa; Calahan Coll, Des Moines; m James W Hunter Oct 14, 1885, Newton; s Donald G; -; editorial writer & reporter, Newton Journal; author poems & travel articles; Amer Legion aux, past dept pres; Pythian Sister, past supreme; PEO; Rep; hobbies: literature & travel; res Newton.

JEPSON, PAUL J: Pharmacist; b Butler Co, Iowa Apr 18, 1888; s of Simon Jepson-Pauline Jensen; ed Nashua HS 1908; U of Minn 1890 & 1910; Highland Park Coil, PhG 1911; m Lola Alice Stepman June 20, 1912 Iowa City; 1911-14 pharm Hartig's Drug Store, Dubuque; 1914-19 pharm Henry S Mayer Drug Co, Marshalltown; 1919-owner & opr Jepsons Drug Store, Newton; 1933-37 owner & opr Newton Whol Co; 1937- owner & opr dairy farm, Jasper Co; 1939- owner 2 farms; pres Dist Pharm Assn of Iowa Assn; past pres Iowa Pharm Assn, Amer Pharm Assn; Iowa Farm Bur; Kiwanis; past pres C of C; past mbr Newton Mcht Bur, pres twice; past pres Jasper Co Holstein Breeders Assn, dir, mbr bd; Holstein-Friesian Assn of Amer; Newton Country Club; Doodlebug Club; AF&AM; hobby: Holstein cattle; off 120 N 2nd Ave W; res 706 S 5th Ave W, Newton.

JOHNSON, FRANK WYATT: Pharmacist; b Jasper Co, Iowa Sept 8, 1871; s of Stephen Johnson-Sarah Wyatt; ed Prairie City; Drake U; Highland Park Coll, PhG 1891; m Retta Cox Oct 15, 1900 Des Moines; s Stephen; d Frances (Mrs Howard Doringer), Helen; 1891-92 elk in drug stores, Monroe; 1892-1901 owner & opr drug store, Prairie City, 1901-11 Luther, 1911- Monroe; Amer & Iowa St Pharm Assns; past pres Comml Club; IOOF; AF&AM 194, past secy; Dem; hobby: card playing; off & res Monroe.

JOHNSON, KENNETH JAMES: Manager Monument Company; b Adel, Iowa May 16, 1910; s of William Earnest Johnson-Winifred Ceowan; ed Newton HS; m Sarah W Jensma Dec 30, 1933 Reynolds III; d Patricia Ann, Carolyn Christna; 1926-29 emp by Maytag Co, Newton; 1930-33 learning trade of cutting & polishing monuments & stone setting, Agnew Monument Works, Newton; 1934-36 foreman of Agnew Monument Works, Newton, 1936- mgr; KP 53; Presby Ch; hobbies: fishing, hunting; res RFD Lake Park, Newton.

JOHNSON, WILLIAM S: Retired; b Worthington, Ohio Oct 9, 1860; s of Silas Johnson-Harriet L Doolittle; ed Indianola HS; U of Iowa 1879-81; Simpson Coll; m Julia B Hoadley May 20, 1889 Leon; s Lewis H; d Ruth (Mrs Roscoe N Bradt), Bertha Florence (Mrs J C Wallace); 187779 learned printing trade Indianola Herald, Indianola; 1881-82 emp printer Mills & Co, Des Moines; 1882-85 studied law & prat under Young & Parish, Leon; 1885-90 ptr of Marion F Stookey & Millard F Stookey, Leon Journal, Leon; 1890-94 farmer, Decatur Co; 1894-1901 editor & publisher Garden Grove Express, Garden Grove; 1901-05 editor & publisher Sanborn Pioneer, Sanborn; 1905-19 editor & publisher Newton Record, Newton; 1920-22 off mgr Newton Realty Co; 1921-23 columnist for Newton Daily; paid secy C of C, proposed three road bond elections, wrote all ads & supervised campaigns; 1935secy Jasper Co Hist Soc; 1938- ret from active business; 1886 originated plan for Blue Grass League of SW Iowa, which built Blue Grass Palace 1887 at Creston; 1910 proposed exhibit Newton factories at State Fair; 1913- Newton Home S & L Assn, dir; author Jasper Co History for Who's Who in Iowa 1940; pres advisory bd of SA; past pres, VP C of C; AF&AM 59; Presby Ch, tchr men's class 30 years; hobby: City of Newton; res 901 1st Ave W, Newton.

JOHNSON, WILLIAM WELLS: Clergyman; b Xenia, Ohio June 5, 1909; s of Rev Jesse Johnson-Maud Martin; ed John Bur-rough's Country Day Sch, St Louis Me; U of Mo 1930; U of Chicago, BA 1931; Theological Seminary, BTh 1936; Phi Kappa Psi; m Elizabeth McCrea June 22, 1938 Richmond Kos; 1936-38 pastor, Richmond Kos; 1938-40 pastor, Newton; Presby Ch; hobby: golf; off & res 109 S 3rd Ave East, Newton.

JOY, HOLLIS JAMES: Dentist; b Chicago, III Nov 3, 1872; s of Arthur Page Joy-Anna E Hamilton; ed Newton HS 1891; U of Iowa 1894; m Lillie Brown Sept 5, 1894 Newton; s Hollis James Jr; d Katherine Bernal Withey; 1894- dentist, Newton; Jasper Co & Iowa Dental Sacs; ADA; C of C; Newton Country Club; AF&AM 59; RAM 12; KT 22; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies. golf & fishing; off 112 1st ave E; res 914 1st Ave E, Newton.

KARSTEN, ORLO LOUIS: Bank Vice-President; b Iowa Co, Iowa Feb 11, 1888; s of Louis Karsten-Fannie Mitchell; ed Oxford HS 1905; m Leona Mae Marvin July 12, 1908 Corvallis Ore; s Orlo Louis; d Lorna Doon; 1907-11 asst cash Oxford State Bank; 1911-12 asst cash Winfield State Bank; 1912-14 asst cash Comml Savings Bank, Iowa City; 1914-28 cash Farmers Natl Bank, Winfield; 1928-32 cash Kewanee State Savings Bank, Kewanee III; 1932-35 cash Newton Natl Bank; 1935- exec VP Newton Natl Bank; past pres consolidated sch, Winfield; C of C, VP; Newton Country Club, tress; Rotary; AF&AM 235, Winfield; RAM 8, Mount Pleasant; KT; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: banking; off Newton National Bank; res 815 5th Ave W, Newton.

KEITH, NATHAN WALTER: Jeweler; b Los Angeles, Cal June 25, 1890; s of Walter Keith-Mottle Whitehead; ed Des Moines; Capital City Comml Coll; m Marie Dennis June 23, 1915 Des Moines; s Walter Dennis; d Kathleen Stella, Geraldine Martha; 1907-25 with Plumb Jewelry, Des Moines; 1925-1927 ptr of Ed Swinney in jewelry store, 1927- ptr in Keith-McLaughlin; Rotary, secy since 1931; C of C; Amboy Grange; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies: family & gardening; off 119 W 2nd N; res 508 W 5th S, Newton.

KENNINGTON, LAWRENCE S: Attorney; b Newton, Iowa June 13, 1858; s of Henry Kennington-Margaret Slaughter; ed Hazel Dell Acad; Newton HS; U of Iowa, LLB 1880, PhB 1884, hon MA 1887; m Myra T Davis June 12, 1895 Newton (dec); reared Eva Hall; 1877-79 sch tchr Jasper Co; 1884 ptr of John T Sherman in the Iowa St Democrat, Newton, 1887 editor & publisher; 1896-98 P M, Newton; 18981932 priv law prat, also real est agt & farm mgr; 1933-39 elk of Dist Court Jasper Co; 1939- atty, Newton; 1940 candidate for elk of court; Jasper Co Bar Assn; C of C; Jasper Co Hist Soc; IOOF; BPOE 1270; past mbr AF&AM; KP 53; Dem, mbr Dem State corn 1912-16, del natl cony 1920; hobby: politics; off 1121/2 N 2nd Ave W; res 623 1st Ave E, Newton.

KINSER, H LeROY: Clergyman; b Promise City, Iowa Sept 15, 1893; s of Charles W Kinser-Lennie Philips; ed Corydon HS 1915; Drake U, BSL 1922, BA 1923, BD 1939; m Inez Youngblood Dec 27, 1916 Corydon; s Donald Clayton; d June Marie; 1919-21 farmer, Wayne Co, pastor Antioch & Bethlehem chs; 1922-24 pastor New Virginia & St Charles, 1924-26 Lovilia, 1926-27 Onawa, 1928-30 Pierson, 1931-33 Nevada, 1934- Newton; past pres Co SS Assn; councillor BSA & Camp Fire Girls; (page 616) Next page.