Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

Kiwanis; AF&AM 59; hobby: farming; off & res 505 First N, Newton.

KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM: County Auditor; b Newton, Iowa Oct 17, 1870; s of Matthew Kirkpatrick-Viola Ann Gumsaulus; ed Jasper Co; 1895-1923 former, Newton; 1923-35 mbr Jasper Co bd of supvrs; 1935-39 owner & supvr farm ints, near Newton; 1939- Jasper Co auditor; 1915treas Palo Alto sch dist; Grange; Farm Bur; C of C; BPOE 1270; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: fishing; off Courthouse; res 424 1st S, Newton.

KOPPIN, WILLIAM LEWIS: Building Inspector; b Jasper Co, Iowa Oct 12, 1893; s of William Koppin-Anna Kracht; ed Selby S D HS; m Clara Olson Mar 6, 1918 Alexandria Minn; s Leo Dorman, Raymond Alford, Myrlin Eugene, Clifford Eldon; prior to 1918 farmed with father in Minn, S D & Iowa; 1919-23 owner & opr service station, Newton; 1923-37 in livestock & transportation business, Newton; 1937- chief of fire dept & bldg inspector, Newton; during World War enl in US army Mar 1918, 75 CAC, priv France, disch Apr 1, 1919; Amer Legion; Iowa Firemans Assn; Iowa Fire Chief Assn; Jasper Co ch ARC, first aid instr; YMCA; BPOE 1270; Luth Ch; hobbies: sports, hunting, fishing; res 1337 First Ave E, Newton.

KORF, EARNIE ORVILLE: Attorney; b Newton, Iowa June 29, 1889; s of Henry Korf-Wilhelmina Elizabeth Wesemann; ed Newton HS 1909; U of Iowa, BA 1913, LLB 1915; m Irene Geddes July 2, 1924 Newton; 1919- proc law, Newton; 192529 city atty, Newton; during World War 1st It inf, Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville Ky; Amer Legion; 40 & 8; Jasper Co 6th Judicial Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; Country Club; past pres C of C; Rotary, past pres; BPOE 1270; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off Maytag Bldg; res 1017 S 5th Ave W, Newton.

KROHN, FRANK MARION JR: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa June 22, 1916; s of Frank Marion Krohn-Florence Hickman; ed Colfax HS 1933; Drake U, LLB 1938; 1938 adm to Iowa bar; 1938- proc law, Newton; Jasper Co & Iowa St Bar Assns; Jr C of C; Newton Camera Club; Jasper Co Y D Club; Dem; hobbies: electrical & mechanical engineering & amateur photography; off 212 Jewel Bldg; res Newton.

LANE, WALTER GUY: Postmaster; b Baxter, Iowa Feb 15, 1893; s of Reuben Martin Lane-Sarah Alice Logodon; ed Baxter HS; Highland Park Coll; U of Commerce, Des Moines; 1910-18 rural sch tchr; 1918-20 examiner in accounting div of War Risk Ins Bur, Washington D C; 192034 sch tchr; 1934- P M, Baxter; mbr Natl League of Dist P Ms; Natl Assn of P Ms; Comm Club; KP; IOOF; Congl Ch; hobby: photography; off & res Baxter.

LEMKE, ROSS DRAKE: Attorney; b Kellogg, Iowa Mar 3, 1894; s of Fred Lemke-Lillian Maude Drake; ed Kellogg HS 1912; Drake U, LLB 1916; m Rebecca Louise Tracy Aug 20, 1927 Nashua; 1916 adm to Iowa bar; 1916-17 field orgr Mutual Chautauqua Co, Iowa, Neb, N D, S D, Minn, Wis & northern III; 1919-21 in Kellogg Iowa; 1921-26 proc law, Kellogg; 1926-29 corp atty for Peters Certified Poultry, Newton; 1931- proc law, Newton; 1916 adm to proc law in federal, state bars; 1921-26 city atty, Kellogg; during World War enl at Des Moines, Camp Dodge, Fort Robinson, Neb, commd to Camp Gordon Atlanta Go, Camp Sherman Ohio, Camp Kindricks N J, disch Mar 23, 1919 2nd It; 1937 past chmn Americanization com 5th dist, 1936 commd in res in CWS or US, Camp Sherman Ohio, command of Co M, offensive branch services, commd in inf & re-commd in chemical warfare, Camp Fire Marshall, Camp Kindricks N J; Amer Legion post 111, 1920-23 post comm, 191920 adjt, 1923-26 post adjt, past chmn safety com; 40 & 8; Jasper Co & 6th dist Bar Assns; 1937- chmn of Jasper Co Safely Coun; AF&AM 280, Kellogg; Rep; hobbies: photography, woodworkinq, music; off 217-219 Jewel Bldg; res 719 N 2nd Ave E, Newton.

LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM MUNSON: Reiired; b Jasper Co, Iowa Mar 8, 1859; s of Thomas Cummins Livingston-Innocent Arrilla -; ed Jasper & Marion Cos; Central U; m AnnaBelle Burchinal Apr 29, 1865 Monroe (dec); s Thomas Edwin; 1880-85 farmer, Jasper & Shelly Cos, 1885-89 Marion Co, 1889-1900 Otley; 1900-32 cash State Savings Bank, Monroe; 1932- ret; 1924- twp clk; 1926- treas town bd; past J P; past secy Monroe sch bd; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobby: reading; res Monroe.

LOGAN, LESLIE BABCOCK: Clergyman; b Sibley, Iowa Sept 19, 1887; s of Francis Adam Logan-Anna Babcock; ed Morning-side Coll Acad HS; Morningside Coll, BA 1916, DD 1935; Iliff Sch of Theology, Denver Colo, BD 1919; Alpha Tau Delta; m Genevieve E Tripp June 17, 1915 Pueblo Colo; s Frank Leslie; 1911-12 pastor, Meth Ch, Larrabee; 1912-16 pastor Meth Ch, Meriden; 1916-19 pastor, Meth Ch, Hudson Colo, org Meth Ch at Keensburg Colo; 1919-20 pastor, Yuma Colo; 1920-24 pastor, Lamar Colo; 1924-26 pastor, Park Hill Meth Ch, Denver Colo, completing a $150,000 church; 1926-31 pastor St Paul Meth Ch, Pueblo Colo; 1931- pastor First Meth Ch, Newton; mbr bd & exec cam Iowa Meth Hasp, Des Moines; Rotary; Rep; hobbies: fishing, railroad transportation; res 209 N 2nd Ave E, Newton.

LUTHER, JOHN HENRY: Grocer; b Hooper, Neb Feb 19, 1884; s of Martin LutherWilhelmina Ulrich; ed Colfax HS 1904; m Margaret Elizabeth Wilson Mar 5, 1907 Newton; s Martin Andrew (dec Oct 1932); 1892 came with parents to Colfax; summer 1904 worked on farm, near Colfax; 190406 driver for Duffee's Transfer Line out of Colfax; 1906-10 clk for Bollhoefer Merc Store, Colfax; 1910-14 owner & opr Luther Brothers Groc, ptr of brother Otto H, Colfax, 1914- owner & opr John H Luther The Leading Grocer; owner farm ints Hooper Neb & Colfax; past mbr city coun; 1905- mbr vol fire dept; Groc Whol Co Inc, Des Moines; Colfax Comml Club; AF-&AM 389; OES: Presby Ch. past chmn 10 years bd of trustees, past pres; Rep; hobbies: orchards, flowers; off N Walnut; res S Oak Park Ave, Colfax.

McANINCH, JOHN EARL: Chiropractor; b Brooklyn, Iowa June 13, 1886; s of David Franklin McAninch-Emma Rosetta Cape-hart; ed Brooklyn HS; Palmer Sch of Chiropractic, DC 1913; m Glen Rees Feb 11, 1924 Omaha Neb; 1908-13 groc clk; 1913-chiropractor, Newton; during World War enl US army 1917, O/S surgical asst base hasp 104 Camp Beaudessert France, disch Camp Dodge 1919; Amer Legion post 111; IOOF 114; Rebekah, Brooklyn; BPOE 1279; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: outdoor sports; res 107 S 4th Ave East, Newton.

McBRIDE, WILLIAM LEONARD: Manager Lumber Co; b Jasper Co, Iowa Dec 9, 1880; s of Rev Oscar Elwood McBride-Sarah Jane Lust; ed Jasper Co; Newton Normal Coll 1899-1900; m Laura Lillian Perry Mar 22, 1904 Reasnor; s Wilbur Leonard, Oscar Wayne, Jewellyn Dale; d Myra Katherine (Mrs W P Gerbracht), Margaret Fern (Mrs John Longnecker); 1901-14 farmer, Jasper Co; 1914- mgr Denniston Partridge Lbr Co, Reasnor; past mbr Reasnor sch bd & town coun; Iowa Retail Lbrmans Assn; Natl Geographical Sac; AF&AM 311, past mbr; WOW; hobbies: collecting fossils & Indian relics; off & res Reasnor.

McCANN, THOMAS JAMES: Clergyman; b Philadelphia, Penn Sept 12, 1881; s of Peter McCann-Jane Sarah Lynn; ed parochial sch 1899; Mt St Mary's Coll, BA 1903, MA 1905; St Mary's U, Baltimore Md 1908; 1908-10 asst at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Davenport; 1910- pastor Sacred Heart Ch, Newton; 1939- athletic Commrof Poweshiek & Jasper Cos; mbr advisory bd SA; past pres Rotary; mbr advisory bd YMCA; Newton Country Club; KC; Rep; hobby: study; off & res 415 S 2nd Ave W, Newton.

McCARDELL, EDMOND AYER: Manufacturer; b Newton, Iowa Dec 5, 1908; s of H C McCardell-Agnes Gertrude Ayer; ed Newton HS 1926; U of Iowa, BSc 1930; Delta Tau Delta; m Bernetta Emaline Kunau June 20, 1931 Clinton; s Edmond Ayer; d Jeanne Kunau; 1927-28 clerical work Parsons Co, Newton; 1930-32 accounting & sales dept Automatic Washer Co, Newton; 1932- mfr, Newton, owner & opr Wind Power Mfg Co; C of C; Congl Ch; hobbies; golf, hunting & fishing; off 1207 1st Ave East; res 803 W 11th S, Newton.

McCARDELL, HARRY CALVIN: Bank President; b Clearfield Co, Penn Dec 24, 1872; s of Edmund Garley McCardell-Mary Catherine Rorabough; ed Newton HS 1892; Capital City Comml Coll 1893; m Mary Allie Anderson (dec); d Ruth Marion (Mrs I Hoag); m Agnes Gertrude Ayers June 15, 1904 Omaha Neb; s Edmund Ayer; 1890-91 clk in P 0, Newton; 1894-1901 ptr of Fred Meredith book & stationery store; 1901-04 with father in coal business; 1904-12 ptr in Newton Milling Co; 191330 gen mgr Parsons Co; 1931-32 orgr Newton Natl Bank, 1932- pres; 1933- pres Wind Power Mfg Co, Newton; orgr & past pres BSA; past pres Comm Chest; past dir C of C; ch mbr Rotary; ch mbr Newton Country Club; past mbr BPOE: AF&AM 59; RAM 12; York Rite 22; KT; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: fishing; off Newton National Bank; res 821 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

McCORD, STELLA: Retired; b Newton, Iowa; d of Milton Alexander Reed-Mary Gertrude Reed; ed Newton HS; Grinnell Coll; 1922-24 managing editor Jasper Co Record, Newton; soc reporter Newton Daily; 1924-26 soc editor & feature writer Observer Dispatch, Utica N Y; 1926 feature writer Des Moines Sunday Register; 192629 soc clubcolumnist, music & art editor Republic, Phoenix Arizona; 1929-33 soc editor & feature writer Washington Post, Washington D C; 1935-36 soc editor Herald, Miami Fla; 1936-37 feature & staff reporter Evening Ledger, Philadelphia Penn; Womens Natl Press Club, Washington D C; DAR; Rep; hobbies: cats, music & travel; res 500 1st Ave W, Newton.

McLAUGHLIN, ROBERT JAMES: Jeweler; b Newton, Iowa Aug 4, 1901; s of John Wilson McLaughlin-Allie Catherine McCaulley; ed Newton HS 1918; Bradley Inst, Peoria III; m Mable Maxine Hardman Sept 17, 1927 Butler Co; s John Hardman; 1926-27 emp by Swinney & Keith Jewelers, Newton, 1927- ptr of Nathan Keith; past mbr Izaak Walton; C of C: BPOE 1270; Amer Fedn of Musicians; Congl Ch; hobbies; fishing & hunting; off 119 W 2nd N; res 730 East 1st North, Newton.

McMURRAY, RAY: County Engineer; b Newton, Iowa Oct 29, 1886; s of Frederick A McMurray-Mellisa Benjamin: ed Newton HS 1904; U of Iowa, BE 1909, CE 1916; m Bessie C Blackwell June 7, 1911 Newton; 1909-13 city engr & co drainage engr, Newton; 1914- Jasper Co engr, straightened both N & S Skunk River through Jasper Co; C of C; past pres Newton Kiwanis; YMCA; AF&AM, past master; past comm KT; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine; Congl Ch; hobby: sports; off Courthouse; res 302 N 3rd Ave E, Newton.

McPHEE, ARCH: Pharmacist; b Sleepy Eye, Minn May 28, 1882; s of Peter McPhee-Elizabeth Hamilton; ed Franklin Minn 1901; Highland Park Coll, 1909-10; Babcock Sch of Pharm; U of Minn, 1903-04; m Alma Fouling July 16, 1912 Buffalo Center; s Lane Edwin; 1901-07 tchr; 190709 clk, Morgan Minn; 1910-12 clk in Carroll Drug Store, Laurens; 1912- owner Nyal Pharm, Kellogg; past mbr city coun; 1916-18 twp clk; Iowa St Pharm Assn; (page 617) Next page