Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

Kellogg Improvement Club; Cath Ch; Dem, twp committeeman, 20 years; hobbies: fishing & hunting; off & res Kellogg.

MAYTAG, BLANCHE RUTH: Librarian; b Laurel, Iowa; d of Theodore Maytag-Minnie Birhrow; ed Newton HS; Grinnell Coll, BA; grad work Colo U; Chicago U; Columbia U, BSc; 1924-28 HS librarian, Boone; 1928-35 asst librarian, Newton Pub Lib; 1938-39 branch librarian, Clinton; 1939-librarian, Newton Pub Lib; Iowa Lib Assn; ALA; B&PW; PEO, past pres; hobbies: roses, needlework; res 503 W 12th S, Newton.

MAYTAG, FREDRICK LOUIS II: Vice-President Manufacturing Co; b Newton, Iowa Jan 8, 1911; s of E H Maytag-Ora Kennedy; ed Newton HS 1927; Culver Mil Acad 1929; U of Wis, BA 1933; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Scabbard & Blade; m Ellen Elizabeth Pray Nov 30, 1934 Narberth Penn; s Fredrick L III; d Ellen Louise; summers 1925-28 emp The Maytag Co machine shop, Newton; 1928 during summer vacation, Europe; 1933-34 traveled in foreign countries; 1934-36 salesman & fieldman Maytag Co, Newton, 1936- field & contact work, 1936- dir & VP; 1938- dir Jasper Co Savings Bank, 1940 VP; 1937- dir & VP Maytag Co Ltd, Winnipeg Canada; trustee Skiff Memorial Hosp; Newton Country Club; C of C; Rotary; hobbies: photography, golf; off Maytag Co; res Newton.

MEREDITH, FRED ELMER: Insurance Agent; b Lynnville, Iowa Jan 7, 1873; s of Oliver C Meredith-Sarah Masteller; ed Newton HS 1892; m Katie Wright Sept 12, 1899 Newton; d Janice (Mrs W D Lomond), Madge (Mrs H W Sweigart); 1893-99 mcht, Newton; 1899-1929 abstracter; 1929- ins agt, Newton; 1940- J P; C of C; VP Jasper Co Hist Soc; AF&AM 59; RAM 12; York Rite 22; Congl Ch; hobby: music; off Jewel Bldg; res 324 W 4th South, Newton.

MEREDITH, REVA ZOE: School Principal; b Lynnville, Iowa May 17, 1892; s of William J Meredith-Agnes Loveridge; ed Newton HS 1909; ISTC, summer extn work; U of Iowa, summer extn & grad work; Northwestern U; Delta Kappa Gamma; 1911 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1912-15 4th grade tchr East Sch, Newton; 1915-16 tchr 5th grade Lincoln Sch, Newton; 1916-18 prin East Sch, Newton; 1918-24 prin Lincoln Sch, Newton; 1924- prin Washington Elementary Sch, Newton; 1927-28 mbr reading corn of course of study for elementary schs; 1928-29 co inst work in Monona Co, Ottawa Iowa & Ottawa III; past secy-treas 2 years Elementary Prins of Iowa; post pres Newton Tchrs Assn; NEA; Nat[ Elementary Prins Assn; ISTA; ch mbr Newton Womans Club, secy, past chmn music dept; Evening Literature dept of Newton Womans Club; PEO, 1935- treas Ednl Loan fund; hobby: travel; off Washington Elementary School; res 515 N 4th Ave E, Newton.

MILLER, A M: Attorney; b El Paso, III Mar 20, 1895; s of A B Miller-Ila M McConnell; ed U of Chicago, PhB 1918, JD 1920; Phi Alpha Delta; m Gladys Needham Dec 23, 1920 Grinnell; s J R; d Gretchen Ann; 1920-25 prat law, Osceola, 1925- Newton; 1929-33 Jasper Co atty; 1939- mayor, Newton; during World War commd 2nd It Fort Snelling OTC, 89th div Camp Funston, 35th div Camp Donaphan, O/S, disch 1919; Amer Legion; 40 & 8, post dist comm; VFW; Jasper Co & 6th Judicial Dist Bar Assns; C of C; AF&-AM 59; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: fishing; off 200 Jewel Bldg; res 706 W 9th S, Newton.

MILLER, BURTON ATTWOOD: Dentist; b Jasper Co, Iowa Aug 21, 1871; s of Lauriston Leavitt Miller-Martha E Attwood; ed Hazel Dell Acad, Newton; U of Iowa, DDS 1896; m Mary Jane Stephenson Sept 4, 1901 Colfax; s Morrow, Lauriston Leavitt, Burton Attwood; d Nita Rebekah; 1892-93 painting & hdw finishing, Newton; 1896-97 dentist, Monroe, 1897-98 Brookings S D; 1898-1900 ptr of Dr A B Palmer, Newton; 1900- priv prat; past mbr sch bd; Iowa St, Dist & Jasper Co Dental Assns; past pres, Rotary; BPOE 1270; AF-&AM 59; Rep; Presby Ch; hobby: stamp collecting; off Jewel Bldg; res 319 S 5th Ave W, Newton.

MILLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS: Commercial Superintendent of Telephone Co; b Erie, Penn Sept 1, 1909; s of William James Miller-Florence Marcella Rice; ed Erie Penn HS 1926; Villa Marie Coll 192728; U of Pittsburgh, Erie branch; ch mbr Tau Phi Pi; m Ruth A Grossmann July 15, 1935 Tiffin Ohio; s Charles Owen; worked way through sch as drummer in an orchestra; 1929-35 comml & engineering work for Penn Tele Corp, Erie Penn; 193536 mgr of Penn Tele Co, Sayre Penn; 193638 asst comml supt Iowa St Tele Co, Newton, 1938- comml supt; Uni Club, Erie Penn; Orion Club, Erie Penn; C of C; Rotary; Newton Country Club; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby: collecting old telephones; off Iowa Telephone Building; res 616 W 7th St S, Newton.

MOL, JACOB J: Marshal; b Jasper Co, Iowa Jan 3, 1906; s of Henry Mol Sr-Jane Goemate; ed Sully; m Agnes Rose Hassel-man Aug 12, 1927 Newton; d Ilda Lou; 1926-32 learned carp trade, Sully; 1938-39 coal trucker, Sully; 1932-38 & 1939- town marshal, Sully & constable of Lynngrove twp; Comml Club; Dem; hobbies: fishing & hunting; off & res Sully.

MONG, DONALD McMILLAN: General Manager Telephone Co; b Erie, Penn Dec 22, 1902; s of Charles Adams Mong-Maude McMillan; ed Erie Penn HS 1921; Lehigh U, Bethlehem Penn, EE 1926; Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; m Marguerite Dorothea Harman Sept 10, 1927 Mount Pleasant Penn; s Donald McMillan II; d Marguerite Ann; 1917-20 in plant dept Mutual Tele Co, Erie Penn; 1920-25 1st class installer plant dept, Mutual Tele Co, Erie Penn; 1925 jr engr of United Electric Power & Light Co, New York City; 1926-30 asst comml supt of Mutual Tele Co, Erie Penn; 1930-33 dist mgr Cambria & Somerset Cos for Penn Tele Corp, Johnstown Penn; 1933-36 gen comml supt for eastern operating group assn tele utilities, Erie Penn; 1936 engr with Pub Service Commission of W Va, Charleston W Va; 1936-39 gen comml supt of Investors Tele Co, Newton, 1939- system gen mgr; Indep Pioneer Tele Assn; mbr bd Iowa Indep Assn; Kiwanis, past bd mbr; C of C; Newton Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: golf, model railroading; off South 2nd Ave, W; res 306 W 2nd 5, Newton.

MOORE, CLARENCE EMERY: Hotel Manager; b Jasper Co, Iowa Feb 13, 1890; s of Henry Silas Moore-Hattie S Clark; ed Newton HS 1910; Highland Park Coll, 1910-12; 1912-15 orchestra leader, Des Moines; 1915-18 leader The Manhattan Orchestra, Sioux Falls S D; 1919-25 orchestra leader for A H Blank Co, worked from Des Moines, Marshalltown & Omaha Neb; 1925-27 mbr theater orchestra Leech Theater Corp, Miami Fla; 1927-29 salesman & contact man Natl Bank of the Republic, Chicago III; 1929-30 salesman for Edward T Kelly Publishing Co, Chicago Ill; 1930-32 opr Miller Hotel, Newton; 1932-34 attendent at Veterans Hosp, Palo Alto Cal; 1934- mgr Miller Hotel; 1938ptr in B & M Sporting Goods Co, Newton; during World War enl 1918 Camp Dodge, band sgt & drum ma) hdqrs 87th inf 19th div, disch Jan 26, 1919 at Camp Dodge; Amer Legion post I11; Amer Fedn of Music; AF&AM 110, Des Moines; Dem; hobbies: music, fishing, hunting, athletics; off Hotel Miller; res 222 1st N, Newton.

MOORE, HARRY ORVILLE: Dentist; b Adair Co, Iowa Apr 24, 1891; s of David Millard Moore-Elizabeth Virona Kreamer; ed Altamont Kos 1911; U of Iowa, DDS 1917; m Mae Charlotte Love Feb 16, 1919 Craston; s Harry Orville; d Margaret Roberta; 1917-18 dentist, ptr of Or R R Rathbone, Dillon Mont; 1918-19 dentist, Stanford Mont, 1919-38 Leon, 1938- Cal-fax; past mbr Leon Municipal Bank; ADA; Iowa St & Des Moines Dist Dental Socs; Comml Club; Colfax Golf Club; C of C; IOOF; KP; Seven-day Adventist Ch; hobby: music; off Crisman Bldg; res S Walnut, Colfax.

MORGAN, HARVEY L: Attorney & Real Estate Agent; b Kellogg, Iowa Oct 12, 1883; s of John Morgan-Matilda Debois; ed Grinnell HS; Grinnell Coll; Drake U, Des Moines, LLB 1908; m Amanda Korf June 4, 1913 Newton; 1912- prat law, real est agt; Jasper Co Bar Assn; Dem; Congl Ch; hobby: baseball; off 2071/2 1st Ave W; res 427 N 8th Ave E, Newton.

MORGAN, VES H: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa Mar 31, 1872; s of John Morgan-Mary Du Bois; ed Jasper Co; Hazel Dell Acad & Newton Normal Coll 1884; U of Iowa; m Bessie Hinsdale Oct 30, 1901 Newton; s Charles Hinsdale, John Augustus; d Margaret Eva (Mrs E L Wintermeyer), Katherine Jeanne, Elizabeth (Mrs Daniel Trimble Gilman II, dec 1935); prior to 1893 farmed with parents, Jasper Co; 189496 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1898 adm to Iowa bar; 1898- prat law, Newton; past mbr Newton sch bd 9 years; 1900 apptd del by Gov L M Shaw to Paris Exposition to investigate agr in France; Jasper Co Bar Assn; Iowa St & 6th Dist Bar Assns; Jasper Co Hist Soc; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby: outdoor life; off Jasper County Savings Bank; res 308 N 7th Ave E, Newton.

MORGAN, WALTER J: Mortician; b McHenry Co, III Nov 29, 1877; s of Charles Frank Morgan-Amanda Foote; ed Newton; Grinnell Prep Sch 1894-95; U of Iowa 1899-1900; Hohenschuh Carpenter Sch of Embalming 1915; Sigma Nu; m Bess Hough Feb 2, 1910 Newton; s Charles; d Helen M; 1900-14 clk Iowa Merc Corp, Newton, 1904-14 buyer & mgr clothing dept; 19141933 ptr of father C F Morgan & Son Funeral Dirs, Newton; 1933- part owner & opr funeral home; past mbr sch bd;. C of C; Newton Country Club; Rotary; KP 53; AF&AM 59, past master; RAM 12; KT 22; BPOE 1270; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off 203 1st Ave E; res 1001 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

MORRISSEY, EDWARD JOSEPH: Farmer & State Representative; b Warren Co, Iowa June 4, 1888; s of Michael Morrissey-Mary Ryan; ed East HS, Minneapolis Minn 1895; De La Salle Coll, MSc 1899; Cornell U, 1902-03; m Catherine Gannon Feb, 1919' Colfax; s Joseph Edward, James Joseph; d Bernice Mary, Helen Agnes, Alice Marie, Margaret Ann, Jo Ann; 1903-05 bkkpr Farmers Savings Bank, Churchville; 190507 cash Malay Savings Bank, Malay; 190711 acct for Century Ins Co, Des Moines; 1911-17 cash Valeria Savings Bank, Valeria; 1918-22 state bank examiner, Valeria; 1922- farmer, near Valeria; 1939mbr Iowa House of Rep; 1918- mbr sch bd, pres 4 years; during World War enl 1917 Fort Logan Colo, sent to Kelly Field Tex, 276th aerial squad, commd pilot, disch Ithica N Y Nov 1918; Amer Legion, Mingo, past co comm; Jasper Co Farm Bur, 1936-38 pres; 1936- pres Jasper Co Fair Assn; 1936- pres Iowa Swine Producers Assn; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby: raising purebred Hampshire hogs; res Valeria.

MOWRY, ROSS R: State Senator; b Clear Creek, Iowa Mar 5, 1882; s of John E Mowry-Louisa Wilkins; ed Baxter HS 1900; U of Iowa, LLB 1903; Pi Gamma Mu; m Mary Edith Mathews Sept 17, 1908 Newton; d Esther Virginia, Gertrude Ellen; 1901 sch tchr, Malaka twp, Jasper Co; 1903 adm to Iowa bar; 1903-04 prat law, Baxter; (page 618) Next page