Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

1904-10 proc law ptr of John E Cross, Newton; 1910-14 Jasper Co atty; 1914-16 & 1917-24 proc law, Newton; 1916-17 atty gen under George Cossln; 1924-32 US atty under Pres Calvin Coolidge; 1932-38 prat law, Newton; 1938- state sen; post mbr lib bd; past mbr Newton park bd; past mbr city coun, Baxter; Jasper Co, 6th Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; Wittenberg Grange; KP; MWA, past state coun; AF&AM 59; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: reading; off 230-31 Jewel Bldg; res 720 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

NICHOLS, CLEO: Dentist; b Deepwater, Mo Sept 29, 1893; s of Ira 0 Nichols-Laura Hollingsworth; ed Newton HS; U of Iowa, DDS 1917; Pi Omicron; m Ethel Merle Dec 25, 1918 Newton; s Jack Allen; summers 1907-16 printer Newton Daily; 1919- dentist, Newton; past mbr sch bd, Baxter; during World War 1st It med corpCamp Grant III; Amer Legion post 111; Iowa St & Jasper Co Dental Assns; BPOE 1270; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: hunting; off .& res 216 N 7th Ave E, Newton.

NOAH, CALVIN SR: Hardware Dealer; 'b Jasper Co, Iowa Mar 31, 1877; s of Henry H Noah-Fredricka Schnulle; ed Jasper Co; m Charlotte Louise Wintermeier Mar 29, 1910 Baxter; d loona Helen (Mrs Rubin Deppe), Lorna, Esther Charlotte; 1897-99 appr carpenter, Baxter; 1899-1905 carp, ptr of Ernest Goeke, Baxter; 1905'hdw & furn dlr, Baxter; past mbr city coun; 1930- dir State Savings Bank, Baxter; Iowa St Hdw Dlrs Assn; Comm Club; Reform Ch; Rep; hobbies: flowers, woodwork, ocollecting curios, fishing; off & res Baxter.

NOLLEN, GARRET H: Druggist; b Marion Co, Iowa Dec 25, 1877; s of Herman Nollen-Dirkie Wolters; ed Marion Co; Central Coll 1892; Highland Park Coll of f harm, PhG; m Jeanette May Livingston Sept 15, 1903 Newton; s John Herman; d Lorraine L; 1892-98 clk in F W Brinkoff Drug Store, Pella; 1899 pharm at T J Loar ,drug store, Monroe; 1899-1906 clk in W O Foster drug store, Newton; 1906-12 ptr 'of W E Nichols in drug store, Newton; 1912-13 in confectionary business, Newton; 1913-16 mgr drug dept Iowa Merc Co, Big Store, Newton; 1916- owner & opr G 1-1 Nollen Drug Store, Newton; Iowa St & Amer Pharm Assns; Civil Service Commission; post pres C of C; Rotary; BPOE 1270: AF&AM 59; York Rite; United Presby Ch; Dem; hobby: travel; off 109 1st Ave W; res 403 E 2nd S, Newton.

NORRIS, DANIEL CHARLES: Postmaster; Is Prairie City, Iowa May 4, 1899; s of Benjamin Franklin Norris-Minnie L Wooley; ed Prairie City; Capital City Comml Coll; iii Mabel Clara Jennings Oct 6, 1909 New Sharon; s John Benjamin; 1909-36 farmer, Prairie City; 1920-29 owner & opr coal co; 1929-31 owner & opr Prairie City Ice Co; 1936- P M, Prairie City; Natl Assn of P Ms; Prairie City Comml Club; KP; Yeaenans; AF&AM 218; Chris Ch; Dem; hobby: fishing; res Prairie City.

NYE, RUSSELL G: Clergyman; b Agency, Iowa Jan 22, 1887; s of George Lewis Nye-Sarah Jane Dudley; ed Agency 1904; Northwestern U, BSc 1912; grad work Drew Theological Seminary, BD 1918; m Ella Newman Aug 6, 1919 Cold Spring Harbor, N Y; d Carolyn Jane; 1912-15 pastor Meth Ch, Avery; 1919-21 Delta, 1922-25 Moravia, 1925-27 West Liberty, 1927-32 Brooklyn, 1932-35 Des Moines, 1935- Colfax; during the World War 1917-19 chaplain in 308th Inf, 77th Div of AEF, disch June 1919; Amer Legion post 175, past chap-lain; Iowa-Des Moines Annual Conf; Comml Club; AF&AM 21; Rep; hobbies: garden flowers & shrubs; off & res 15 S Locust, Colfax.

O'LEARY, JOHN: Manager Water & Gas Department; b Newton, Iowa Jan 31, 1874; s of Cornelius O'Leary-Margaret Welch; ed Newton HS; m Grace Pearl Cooper Oct 30, 1902 Newton; s John Cooper; d Maurine Alice; 1886-88 emp on farm; 1888-1914 in cigar factory, learning trade of cigar making; 1914-17 opr cigar factory; 191719 emp at Maytag Factory, Newton; 1919-29 in water & gas business, Newton; 1929-mgr public utility water & gas, Newton; Comml Club; KP 53; AF&AM 59, Newton; hobby; fishing; res 422 W 4th S, Newton.

PAINTER, VIRGIL EUGEN: Manufacturer; b Kirksville, Mo Oct 19, 1898; s of Clifford Painter-Della Hayward; ed Kirksville Mo HS 1918; Kirksville St Tchrs Coll, BSc 1921; m Pearl Wallace Aug 6, 1921 Bloomfield; d Patricia Ann; 1921-26 sch tchr, Makin Mo, Holstine; 1926-31 supt of Younion twp consolidated HS, LeMars; 1931- mfr & marketer of dairy products; during World War 1918 SATC; Amer Legion post 111, Newton; AF&AM 5; hobbies: golf, fishing; off 115 First Ave E; res South 6th Ave W, Newton.

PATTERSON, ELMER LeGRAND: Clergyman; b Redwood Fails, Minn Jan 25, 1898; s of Herman A Patterson-Ruth Ruling; ed Fletcher Acad, Oskaloosa; Fletcher Coll, BA 1928; m Geneva Pearl Greenfield Aug 18, 1921 University Park; s Paul Elmer, Eugene; d Ruth Ellen; 1911-16 appr printer with father; 1916-18 opr ranch, Nolan S D; 1928-31 pastor, Deep River; 1931-34 sales mgr Des Moines Register & Tribune, advertising mgr for Review Publishing Co, Denison; 1934-36 pastor Meth Ch, Peru-Patterson circuit, 1936-38 St Charles, 1938-Monroe; Jasper Co Ministerial Assn; AF&-AM 315; Comml Club; hobby: printing; off & res Monroe.

PATTON, GYPSIE NELL: Assistant Librarian; b Kellogg, Iowa -; d of Lamar Patton-Adilia Powers; ed Newton HS; U of Chicago, U of Iowa; prior to 1904 primary tchr in Iowa & Washington, 1904-14 Takoma Wash; 1916- asst librarian, Newton Pub Lib; mbr Iowa Lib Assn; B&PW Club; PEO; hobby: travel; off & res Newton.

PEASE, MRS VESTA: Homemaker; b Jasper Co, Iowa; d of Andrew Edgar Jeffries-Emily Hannah Keyes; ed Jasper Co; Highland Park Coll, MA; Iowa Business Coll; m Frank Gaylord Pease Jasper Co; sch tchr 6 years, Jasper Co; 1 year bkkpr Harris-Emry dry goods business, Des Moines; 1900- homemaker; 1925- J P, Poweshiek twp; 7 years co chmn Farm Bur Home Project Work; 1928- mbr Jasper Co Girls 4-H Club Cam; pres Poweshiek Twp Federated Womans Club; 1921- secytreas Jasper Co Coun of Chris Edn, 1923 30 correspondence secy leadership training for Iowa St Coun of Chris Edn; Chris Ch, adult SS supt, ch treas; Rep, Poweshiek pct committeewoman; hobbies: gardening; res Route 2, Colfax.

PECK, CLYDE ANGUS: President Manufacturing Co; b Neola, Iowa Nov 24, 1887; s of Charles L Peck-Emma Roxey Watkins; ed Neola HS 1905; Iowa Business Coll 1907-08; m Vera Violet Porter May 31, 1913 Atlantic; s Paul Edwin; d Pauline Pearl; 1909-20 acct; 1921- pres Newton Mfg Co; 1932- VP & dir Newton Natl Bank; 1926- dir & VP Newton Home S & L Assn; 1929- mbr sch bd; 1933- dir of Natl Advertising Specialty Assn; mbr exec bd of Iowa St Mfg Assn; mbr Nat[ C of C; Newton Country Club; past dir YMCA 6 years; 1931- AF&AM 59, past master; RAM 12; York Rite 22; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine, Des Moines; Congl Ch, deacon; Rep; hobby: farming; off 1125 1st Ave E; res 703 5 6th Ave W, Newton.

PENQUITE, MAYNARD ELLSWORTH: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa Jan 20, 1872; s of William Henry Penquite-Sarah J Hopping; ed Greencastle Iowa 1890; special grammar Highland Park Coll 1895; Dixon Coll, 1897-98; Drake U, LLB 1899; m Lola Eve Worrell Aug 14, 1898 Clear Creek twp; s Leon Maynard, Virgil Ellsworth, Morris Oral; d Gladys Mae (Mrs Henry Meltvedt), Helen (Mrs Floyd Bishop); 1884-94 mgr of mother's farm, Jasper Co; 1896-98 sch tchr, Jasper Co, also studied law in off of Charley McClain, Colfax; 1899-1902 prat law, Collins; 1903- proc law, Colfax; 1909-13 mayor, Colfax, gave town 1st pavement & 1st sewer system; 1904-09 J P; past city atty; specialized in probate low; Jasper Co, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; Comml Club; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM 389; RAM; Rep; hobbies: hunting, fishing; off First National Bank Bldg; res 415 E Washington, Colfax.

PHILLIPS, JAMES FRANKLIN: Clergyman; b Montgomery Co, III May 14, 1887; s of Andrew Jackson Phillips-Mournen Miller; ed Coffeen III; Theological Seminary, ThB Fort Worth Tex; m Abbie Ivele Nevinger Oct 9, 1907 Coffeen III; s James Kenneth, Raymond Glen; d Helen Ilene; 1916-18 pastor of Union & BoDarc Bapt Chs, 1919-20 First Bapt Ch, Medora III, 1920-21 Christopher III, 1924-27 First Bapt Ch, Commerce Okla; 1927-29 & 1935-38 evangelist, Okla & Kos; 1930-33 pastor Bapt Ch, Tonkawa Okla, 1933-35, Salina Kos; 1938 chaplain Iowa dist CCC; res chaplain US army with rank of capt; C of C; Kiwanis; AF&AM 1084; RAM; hobbies: golf, gardening & sports; off 2141/2 1st Ave W; res 908 S 5th Ave E, Newton.

PHILLIPS, ROBERT GLENN: Manager Montgomery Ward Store; b Mitchell, S D Mar 10, 1907; s of Walter Milo Phillips-Elsie Bauer; ed Alexandria S D HS 1928; Sioux Falls Coll, S D, BA 1932; Phi Kappa Delta; m Bertha Caroline Hallickson July 11, 1934 Chicago III; d Sharon Sue; 193233 head shoe dept, Montgomery & Ward Store, Watertown S D, 1933-34 asst mgr store, Brookings 5 D, 1934-35 asst mgr, Austin Minn, 1935-37 asst mgr, Aberdeen S D, 1937-38 asst mgr, Mitchell S D, 1938 mgr, Redfield S D, 1938- mgr, Newton; C of C, mbr mchts bur; Newton Gun Club; Bapt Ch; hobbies: fishing, hunting; off Montgomery & Ward Store; res 1224 1st Ave E, Newton.

PICKENS, THOMAS A SR: Retired; b Northern, Ireland May 14, 1859; s of James Pickens-Eliza Gordon; ed Scott Co; m Hannah Frances Copley Jan 31, 1884 Davenport; s Willis L, Elmer C, Robert Francis, Thomas A, Glen L; d Margaret (Mrs J C Hill); 1884-1906 farmer, Jasper Co; 1906-10 city street commr, Newton; 1910-21 various positions, Newton; 192125 Jasper Co dep sheriff; 1925-29 Jasper Co sheriff; 1929-33 mayor, Newton; 1933ret, Newton; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: gardening, flowers; res 119 East 5th S, Newton.

PILCHER, CHARLES RAY: Dentist; b Canton, Mo Apr 23, 1896; s of Shaderack Grant Pitcher-Mary Roth; ed Iowa City HS 1916; U of Iowa, DDS 1929; 1916-18 machinist, Kenosha Wis; 1919-23 machinist, Detroit Mich & Kenosha Wis; 1929- dentist, Baxter; during World War enl Apr 9, 1918 2 months special training at New York U, New York City to Camp Jackson-Co-lumbia S C, 1st sgt field arty, disch Jan 11, 1919; Amer Legion post 111; 40 & 8; Jasper Co, Dist & Iowa St Dental Sacs; ADA; Baxter Comm Club, past VP 4 years; past KP, Iowa City; AF&AM 520, past master; Rep; hobbies: art, outdoor sports; off & res Baxter.

POLK, CHARLES WILLIARD: Superintendent of Schools; b Rowley, Iowa Apr 15, 1901; s of Albert E Polk-Mary E Cisna; ed Quasqueton HS 1919; Upper Iowa U, BA 1923; U of Cal summer 1926; ISTC summer 1928; U of Iowa, MA 1938; m Lola Louise Murphy June 6, 1927 Independence; d Norma Jean; 1923-25 sch tchr & HS prin, Estelline S D; 1925-27 HS prin & tchr, Keithsburg III; 1927-28 HS prin & tchr, Quasqueton; 1928-33 supt of HS, Montour; 1933- supt of schs, Sully; Jasper Co Schoolmasters Club; ISTA; Comml (page 619) Next page.