Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

er; 1939- mayor of Colfax; Comml Club; Cath Ch; Rep; res 110 Howard, Colfax.

CARY, EARL MANFORD: Bank Vice-President; b Killduff, Iowa Oct 3, 1880; s of James Cary-Mary Minerva Dennis; ed Killduff; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines 1897-98; Capital City Comml Coll Des Moines 1898-99; m Lily Zwank Mar 5, 1902 Killduff; 1900-01 mgr Dennis & Agar lbr yard & elevator, Killduff; 1901-12 mbr Macy Brothers Exchange Bank, Lynnville; 1912-16 cash First State Bank, Lynnville; 1916-40 bkkpr Jasper Co Savings Bank, 1935- VP; owner farm ints; Iowa Bankers Assn; C of C; Rep; hobby: farm management; off 123 1st Ave W; res 428 So 3rd Ave E, Newton.

CLAUSER, CHARLES WALTER; Purchasing Agent; b St Joseph, Mo Feb 26, 1883; s of Charles Clauser-Annie E Brodbeck; ed Marseilles Ill HS 1901; m Fannie Rose May 3, 1911 Marseilles Ill; s Donald H; 1902-17 emp by Marseilles Mfg Co; 1917-purchasing agt Maytag Mfg Co, Newton; Kiwanis; mbr civic orchestra; First Meth Ch; hobbies: music, radio, photography; res 912 N 4th Ave E, Newton.

CLEMENTS, FRANK HALFERTY: Attorney; b Prairie, Iowa Nov 11, 1871; s of William G Clements-Harriett I Halferty; ed Newton HS 1891; Grinnell Coll, BSc 1895; U of Iowa, LLB 1898; Phi Delta Phi; m Clara Bewyer Aug 7, 1905 Newton; s William B, James H; 1899-1911 prac law, mbr law firm Clements & Arnold, Newton, 1911-16 father mbr law firm, mgr Prairie City off, 1916-20 ptr of Arnold; 1920 prac law, Newton; 1899-1900 in mortgage business; owner farm ints, Iowa; Dist & Jasper Co Bar Assns; Rep; hobby: guns; grandfather & grandmother came to Iowa from Ohio 1855, settled in Jasper Co, Scotch Irish Presby, sheltered Negro slaves escaping to Canada; res 422 East 2nd St S, Newton.

CLEMENTS, WILLIAM BEWYER: Attorney; b Newton, Iowa Mar 1, 1907; s of Frank H Clements-Clara Bewyer; ed Newton HS 1924; Grinnell College 1928; Drake U, LLB 1931; m Monica Moffett May 27, 1933 Wilber Neb; s William Henry; d Caroline Monica; 1931- prac law, ptr of father, Newton; Jasper Co Bar Assn; Jr C of C; dir State Skeet Assn; Episc Ch; Rep; past chmn Jasper Co Y R; hobbies: trap & skeet shooting, fishing; res 619 8th Ave W, Newton.

COFFEY, CARL FRANKLIN: Merchant; b Mar 26, 1908 Monroe, Iowa; s of Frank Joseph Coffey-Lea Pomeroy; ed Lynnville HS 1926; Iowa St Coll 1927-29; m Helen Mae Broadston Oct 16, 1938 Montezuma; 1929-31 emp in Iowa Record & Drafting dept Northwestern Bell Tele Co, Des Moines, 1931 dial conversion work, 9 months, Cedar Rapids, 1931 short time Des Moines, 1932 Iowa City, 3 months, 1932-33 Cedar Rapids; 1933-34 emp by father in gen store, Lynnville; 1934-35 conversion work with Northwestern Bell Tele Co, Davenport; 1935-37 cable maintenance work Central Electric & Tele Co, Sac City; 1937-38 mgr Coffey Gen Store, Lynnville, 1938- ptr of mother since fa-ther's death; mbr city coun; 11 years at various times with ING, Des Moines, hdqr co 67th inf brigade; Iowa Retailers Assn; Comml Club; AF&AM 227, past master; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: fishing; off & res Lynnville.

COLEVILLE, MAYO PRITCHARD: Manager of Oil Co; b Mahaska Co, Iowa Mar 2, 1889; s of Francis Elmer Coleville-Julia A Patterson; ed Oskaloosa HS 1907; Penn Coll, Oskaloosa 1907-09; Drake U, LLB 1913; m Sophia J Ramsay Apr 15, 1915 Oskaloosa; 1913 real est agt, Oskaloosa; 1923-28 owner gas & oil business, Oskaloosa; 1928-34 salesman for Mid-Continent Petroleum Co; 1934- ptr in The Home Oil Co, Newton; Iowa Indep Oil Jobbers Assn; C of C; Kiwanis; res 107 W 3rd S, Newton.

COOPER, EARL C: Retail Coal Dealer; b Newton, Iowa July 12, 1883; s of J T Cooper-Laura Culbertson; ed Jasper Co; m Dorothy M Miller May 23, 1921 Newton; 1900-15 following cigar makers trade; 1915- owner & opr retail coal business, Newton, also mfr Ready Mixed Concrete; Comml Club; Country Club; BPOE; hobbies: fine horses, horse racing; off 600 W 4th N; res 500 First Ave E, Newton.

COOPER, STELLA MAUD: Junior High School Principal; b Newton, Iowa Aug 29, 1873; d of Joseph P Cooper-Laura Culbertson; ed Newton HS 1893; extn work ISTC; Delta Kappa Gamma; 1894-1907 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1908-15 elementary sch tchr, Newton; 1915-38 Jr HS prin, Newton; 1938- math tchr, Newton; past pres Newton Womans Club, past grand chief, past supreme representative Pythian Sisters; past pres PEO; First Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: keeping house; res 510 First Ave E, Newton.

>CRAMER, MARK CHRISTIAN:Retired; b Aalborg, Denmark Mar 7, 1872; s of Soren C Cramer-Enger Jacobsen; ed Monroe; m Clare B Evans Feb 15, 1899 Monroe; s Mark Evans; 1884-86 cared for dairy cows, Denmark; 1886 came to US, settled in Monroe; 1886-99 worked on farm, Iowa & SD; 1899-1902 farmer, Jasper Co; 1902-37 owner & opr farm, Jasper Co, raiser of purebred livestock; 1937- ret from active farming, farm mgr; 1937- field representative for the United Duroc Record Assn, covering 7 states; 1938- mbr city coun; past twp trustee; active in Farm Bur work; Iowa Duroc Breeders Assn, secy; IOOF; KP; MWA; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobby: purebred hogs; wife past chmn Rep twp com, 8 years mbr Monroe sch bd; Rebekah; off & res Monroe.

CROSS, JOHN ELI: Attorney; b Meigs Co, Ohio Nov 25, 1880; s of Milton Cross-Mary Elizabeth Kirkendall; ed Baxter HS 1898; U of Iowa, LLB 1904; m Edith Belle Thornton June 6, 1906 Zearing; d Doris Irene; 1885-92 with parents farmed in Holt Co Neb; 1904 adm to Iowa bar; 1904-10 prac law, ptr of Ross R Mowry, Newton; 1910-12 & 1914-21 priv law prac, Newton; 1912-14 ptr of W O McElroy, Newton; 1921- prac law ptr of W Keith Hamill, Newton; past city atty, 6 years; past mbr sch bd 6 years; Jasper Co, 6th Dist, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; past pres & dir C of C; ch mbr Kiwanis; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, archery; off Jasper Co Savings Bank; res 616 S 4th Ave E, Newton.

CROSS, JOSEPH: Farmer; b Jasper Co, Iowa July 14, 1893; s of Jessie Cross-Mary Margaret Dawson; ed Jasper Co; m Esther Remsburg Dec 3, 1919 Colfax; several years farmed with father; 1912-farmer, opr 517 A, raiser of registered Hampshire hogs & cattle, Baxter; twp chmn & checker for Soil Conservation com; Farm Bur; Grange; AF&AM 520; Congl Ch, SS supt, tchr Young People's class; hobbies: fishing, hunting, sports; res Route 1, Baxter.

CRUMPACKER, JOHN RUSSELL: Mortician & Furniture Dealer; b Washington Co, Iowa Aug 30, 1890; s of Charles Benjamin Crumpacker-Martha Elizabeth Myers; ed Afton; Hohenschuh-Carpenter Coll of Embalming, 1912; m Edith Florence Hummel Dec 14, 1916 Monroe; d Martha Jane, Marvel Janet; 1910-11 emp in Frank S Stewart Furn Store, Afton; 1911-12 emp in Harbach Funeral Home, Des Moines, 1912-14 McBride & Patrick Funeral Home; 1914- owner furn store& funeral home, Monroe, 1928- Pleasantville; mbr town coun; Iowa St Funeral Dirs & Embalmers Assn; Monroe Comml Club, post pres; KP; OES; AF&AM 151; Scot Rite; Rep, del to state & co convs; hobby: farming; off & res Monroe.

CUNNINGHAM, OSCAR EUGENE: Merchant; b Rhodes, Iowa Sept 24, 1871; s of Dwight C Cunningham-Elizabeth Forbes; ed Rhodes HS; m Iona Lynn Nov 23, 1893 Chicago III (dec); s Lynn Dwight; d Vera Eugenia (Mrs Robert Giese); 1888-91 in business with father, Rhodes; 1892-93 acct Cudahy Packing Co; 1894-96 farmer, Marshall Co; 1896-98 emp in brick yard, Rhodes; 1899-1902 emp by Retz Brothers, gen merc store; 1902-04 emp at Simon Klemme Merc Store; 1904-06 emp by Jim Obrien Merc Co; 1906- owner & opr Baxter Merc Co, Baxter; post mbr city coun; past mbr sch bd; Comml Club; KP; OES; AF&AM 520; York Rite; Scot Rite; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine; Congl Ch; hobbies: fishing, hunting; off & res Baxter.

DAVIS, GEORGE SELLS: Jeweler; b Des Moines, Iowa May 11, 1861; s of John McClarey Davis-Mary Catherine Christy; ed Des Moines HS; Des Moines Business Sch; m Mary Jasper Oct 29, 1890, Newton; s Charles Jasper (dec); d Marie (dec), Helen (Mrs F S Hill), Katherine (Mrs Ralph Beals), Harriett (Mrs Lyle Raver); 188286 appr Goodwin & Parlmee Jewelers, Des Moines; 1886-87 opr repair shop, Des Moines; 1887-40 owner jewelry stores, Newton; AF&AM; Congl Ch; hobby: music; res 1315 Ridgeway Drive, Newton.

DAVIS, JASON LeROY: Manager Telegraph Co; b Fairbury Neb Aug 2, 1908; s of Jason Davis-Mary Catherine McNulty; ed Fairbury Neb 1928; m May Ann Reedy June 3, 1929 Maquoketa; s Donald Eugene, Russell LeRoy; 1928 messenger for Western Union, Fairbury Neb, 1929-30 mgr, Maquoketa, 1930-34 Algona, 1934-Newton; 1934 one of two selected from Iowa to take Automatic Telegraphy, Bloomfield N J; BSA, post asst scout master; Jr C of C & C of C; past mbr DeMolay; hobby: working with boys; off & res Newton.

DAVIS, THOMAS DIXON: Cafe Owner; b Colfax, Iowa, July 10, 1904; s of Thomas P Davis-Inez Dixon; ed Newton HS 1922; U of Iowa; m Pauline McClain June 24, 1925, Newton; s Charles Thomas, Don Dixon; 1926-30 owner Davis Waffle Shop; 1930opr Davis Cafe; C of C; BPOE 1270, Newton; Congl Ch; hobbies: fishing, football; off 117 W 2nd N; res 625 S 3rd Ave W, Newton.

DeJONG, HARRY: Postmaster; b Pella, Iowa Oct 20, 1896; s of Ralph John DeJong-Anna Marie Geenen; ed Pella; Crookston Minn; m Ella Mae Mol Sept 24, 1921 Newton; d Almetta June, Betty Jane; 1915 county construction work 6 months, Union Co & Thayer; 1915 bell-boy Sidney Hotel, Creston 5 months; 1916-17 in ING, Brownsville Tex; 1917 groundman Iowa Tele Ca, Thayer, 1919-20 lineman Des Moines dirt; 1920 various jobs in Des Moines; 1920 in Edgertown Minn with brother; 1920-22 amp by father in harness shop; Sully; 1922-25 clk for C 0 Holdsworth Hdw, Sully, later with Dieleman Brothers Hdw; 1925-29 clk Krusemon Hdw, Sully; 1929-36 bulk station attendant Standard Oil Co, Sully; 1936-37 gen trucking Sully; 1937- P M, Sully; 1924 instrumental in getting gravel for streets of Sully; past chmn sch bd; 12 years mbr city coun; during World War enl in US army May 3, 1917 408th teleg butt Co d, Sept 1917-Nov 1917 Little Silver N J, Camp 4lfred Vail, 18 months O/S, non commd, disch Camp Dodge May 25, 1919; Amer Legion post 111; Natl Assn of P Ms; Natl League of Dist P Ms; past secy Comml Club; hob- (page 612) Next page.