Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

disch Dec 1918; ch mbr Amer Legion post 75, S D; Natl Edit Assn; IPA; pres Baxter Comm Club; OES; MWA; AF&AM 520; hobby: gardening; off Newspaper; res Baxter.

BURR, AMOS ARCHER: Clergyman; b Milford, Del Mar 14, 1876; s of Aron Grover Burr-Eliza Lewis; ed New York; Eureka Coll 1906-09; London U; Drake U; m Minnie Mable Taylor Dec 30, 1897 Thompson III; s Amos Lyle, Lester Taylor, Francis Paul; d Mildred Thelma (Mrs Clyde N Lieurance), Edna Winifred; 1893-97 wood carver for Anderson & Winters Furn Factory, Clinton; 1899-1901 farmer, Thompson III; 1902-03 supply pastor, Thompson III; 1903-04 supvr & orgr Amer Sunday School, Union; 1904-06 pastor Chris Ch, Keithsburg III, ordained 1905; 1906-09 student pastor, Eureka III; 1909-10 pastor Chris Ch, Harristown III; 1910-11 pastor, Moweaqua III; 1911-16 pastor, Rock Rapids; 1916-17 pastor, Spencer S D; 1919-38 supply pastor, Des Moines; 1938- pastor Chris Ch, Colfax; 1898 during Sp-Amer War in Co I 6th regiment III vol inf, disch Springfield III Nov 28, 1898: during World War Aug 28, Nov 24, 1917 Fort Snelling St Paul Minn, OTC, disch Nov 24, 1917, 1917-18 ent YMCA, Camp Dodge Des Moines, O/S: Amer Legion post 175, chaplain post 3626; VFW; Sept 1918 made Rotarian at large by Rotary, Portsmouth England presented by Harry Lauder: 1931 exec secty of Allied Forces of Iowa; AF&AM 111: Rep; hobby: reading; res Grand Hotel, Colfax.

BURTON, A EUGENE: High School Teacher: b Noblesville, Ind Aug 31, 1903; s of Alden James Burton-Lulu Jean Sherrick: ed East HS, Des Moines 1900; Drake U; U of Iowa, BA 1924, grad work 1925; grad work Columbia U 1932: Phi Mu Alpha. Sinfonia; m Carol Noel Hundling, Aug 4, 1936 Newton; s Allden Noel: 1924-25 asst instr violin, U of Iowa: 1925-40 tchr Beard School of Music; 1937- instr & dir orchestra & string instruments Newton HS, with HS since 1925; dir Newton Civic Orchestra: Iowa Music Educator's Assn: Kiwanis, past pres; Rep: Presby Ch. dir choir; hobby: collecting coins; off Beard School of Music; res 516 E 2nd S, Newton.

BUTLER. RALPH MITCHELL: Bank Vice-President; b Benton Co, Iowa Feb 15, 1891; s of Allan R Butler-Josephine Grettenberg; ed Estherville 1908: Estherville Business Coll: m Gwendolyn Beatrice Baker June 20, 1917 Appanoose Co: s Richard Niel: d Beverley Jean (Mrs James A Mabry), Muriel Maxine; 1910-13 bkkpr Dolliver Savings Bank: 1913-14 asst cash First Natl Bank, Ceylon Minn: 1914-28 cash of Farmers Savings Bank, Ringsted. 1928-31 cash of First Savings Bank of Richland; 1931-33 liquidator Iowa St Banking Dept, Hampton: 1933-36 cash Central Trust & Savings Bank, Sioux Rapids; 1936-38 pres First State Bank, Battle Creek; 1938-exec VP State Savings Bank, Baxter; 1938-town clk: VP Jasper Co Bankers Assn; Comm Club, VP; AF&AM 52; Canal Ch; Rep: hobby: baseball; off State Savings Bank; res Baxter.

CAMMACK, HOBART Z: Accountant: b Bangor, Iowa June 23, 1896; s of Lindley M Cammack-Anna Carey; ed Manhattan Kos HS 1917; m Zillah Ann Willits Mar 3, 1922 Bangor; s Hobart Z, George W; 1920-28 off clk, asst trees, Automatic Washer Co, Newton; 1928- secy-treas; during World War Apr 1918-Aug 1919 appr, USN hosp transport; Amer Legion post 111, 40 & 8; C of C; Country Club; Meth Ch; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off Automatic Washer Co; res 808 So 5th Ave W, Newton.

CAMPBELL, GEORGE EDWARD: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa Dec 19, 1892; s of James Campbell-Nannie Emily Hill; ed Newton HS 1910; Monmouth III Coll, BA1914; U of Iowa, LLB 1917; Phi Alpha Delta; m Myrtle Anna Brown July 14, 1927 Cutler III; s Robert James; d Ann; 1917 adm to Iowa bar; 1917-18 & 1919prac law, ptr of brother, Tim J, Newton; 1928- pres Maytag Loan & Abstract Co; 1919-24 & 1929-36 city atty, Newton; 1925-28 Jasper Co atty; 1938 mayor, Newton; during World War May 1918 Camp Dodge, Camp Zachary Taylor Ky, Camp Stanley San Antonio Tex, commd 2nd Lt, disch Dec 24, 1918; Iowa St, Jasper Co & 6th Judicial Dist Bar Assns; C of C; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: farms & agriculture; off 505-507 Maytag Bldg; res 912 1st Ave West, Newton.

CAMPBELL, LESLIE KENNETH: Dentist; b Quimby, Iowa Jan 21, 1904; s of John Abram Campbell-Katherine Amelia Bower; ed Quimby HS 1924; Buena Vista Coll 1924-25; U of Iowa, DDS 1925; Omicron Kappa Upsilon; Psi Omega; post secy-treas Iowa St Alumni Assn; m Linn Helen Mathews 1931 (dec 1936); m Alice Miles June 24, 1939 Newton; step-s Robert Miles; 1929-30 dentist, Pomeroy; 1930prac dentistry, Newton; counselor Jasper Co NYA; past secy Jasper Co Dental Soc; Iowa St Dental Soc; ADA; C of C; Ki-wanis; 1934- chmn court of honor Jasper Co BSA, 1940 chmn Central Iowa area; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: young peoples work, woodwork, industrial arts; off 304-05 Maytag Bldg; res 705 S 4th Ave West, Newton.

CAMPBELL, TIM JAMES: Attorney; b Jasper Co, Iowa Sept 29, 1883; s of James Campbell-Nannie Emily Hill; ed Newton HS 1900; Monmouth Coll, BA 1904, MA 1907; Drake U, LLB 1907; grad work Yale U, LLM 1908, cum laude; m Margaret Ferne Thomson Aug 16, 1911 Monmouth Ill; s Tim James Jr; d Mary Emily, Margaret Bertha; 1904-05 reporter on Newton Daily News & Newton Journal; 1907 adm to Iowa bar; 1908-14 ptr in law firm McLain & Campbell; 1914-19 priv law prac, Newton; 1919- proc law, ptr of brother George E, Newton; 1927-37 chmn municipal zoning adjustment bd, Newton; 1937- executor F L Maytag est; past pres ARC, Newton; 6th Judicial Dist Bar Assn, past pres; Jasper Co, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C, past dir & VP; Campfire Girls, mbr bd of coun, past pres; past mbr Comm Chest bd; Inter Church Coun; past VP State Coun of Social Work; United Presby Ch; Rep, past del state conv, temporary & permanent chmn state conv, 1940; hobby: farming; off 504-507 Maytag Bldg; res 1009 1st Ave West, Newton.

CANFIELD, HERBERT WARREN: Physician & Surgeon; b Charles City, Iowa May 4, 1887; s Warren Holmes Canfield-Lottie Merrill; ed Armstrong HS 1897; Keokuk Med Coll; Coll of Phys & Surgs, MD 1903; grad work U of Southern Cal 1921; m Emily Burch - (dec 1919); d Elva May (dec 1907); m Matie Louise Crawford June 16, 1920 Des Moines; step s Raymond G Hager; 1903-07 prat med, Rake, 1907-09 Ira, 1909- Baxter; 1915- health ofcr; staff mbr Skiff & Memorial Hosps; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AMA; ch mbr Evening Star; AF&AM 520, past master; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off & res Baxter.

CAREY, MARTIN JAMES: Attorney; b Newton, Iowa Oct 29, 1881; s of Alexander T Carey-Catherine E Walsh; ed Newton HS 1903; studied law under L A Wells; m Ethel Ogg Aug 23, 1917 Mankato Minn; 1903-08 newspaper & correspondent work, Newton; 1908-24 J P, Newton; 1910 adm to Iowa bar; 1910 prac law, Newton; 1922- pres Jasper Co Bar Assn; mbr 6th Judicial Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; C of C; State abdicator KC; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby: full blooded Chowdogs; off 300-302 Maytag Bldg; res 309 W 2nd S, Newton.

CARPENTER, FRANK L W: Physician & Surgeon; b Adams Co, Ill July 15, 1871; s of Dr Lewis Jamison Carpenter-Sarah Evelyn Rood; ed Jasper Co; Drake U, MD 1904; Hazel Dell Acad, Newton; m Anna Zwank -, - (dec); s Fred Elton; m Edna Sarah Cling May 11, 1932 Unionville Me: step s Leslie Raymond Chellers; step d Edna Lucille Shelley, Mary Louise Shelley; 1890-92 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1892-95 street car opr, Des Moines; 1895-1900 owner & opr gen store, Kilduff; 1904-06 prac med, Ira, 1906- Reasnor; past mayor; past mbr town coun; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AF&AM 311; Shrine; KP; IOOF; Dem; hobbies: farming, chicken raising & baseball; off & res Reasnor.

CARPENTER, FRED ELTON: Physician & Surgeon; b Des Moines, Iowa June 21, 1892; s of Dr Frank Carpenter-Anna Zwank; ed Newton HS 1911; Drake U, 1912-13; U of III, MD 1918, BSc 1916, grad work 1929-30; Post-Grad Hosp, N Y; Tau Psi; Sigma Nu; Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Tau Omega; m Eloise Adeline Perkins Mar 30, 1920 Chicago III; s Fred Elton Jr, Hugh Louis; 1914-18 interne Henrotin Hosp, Chicago III; 1918 interne 6 months Wesley Memorial Hosp, Chicago III; 1919-20 interne Cook Co Hosp, Chicago III; 1920-21 prac med, Sully; 1921-29 proc med, Monroe; 1930-31 ptr of Dr Harry Engles, Newton; 1931- prac med, Newton, eye, ear, nose & throat specialist, 1939 ptr of Dr Marshall Houston; 1921-29 city phys, Monroe; during World War commd 1st Lt in naval res; Amer Legion post 111; 40 & 8; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AMA; C of C; Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; BPOE 1211; AF&AM 59; Rep; hobby: golf; off 530 Maytag Bldg; res 916 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

CARPENTER, OSCAR ORVILLE: Physician; b Adams Co, III Feb 4, 1867; s of Dr Lewis Jamison Carpenter-Sarah Rood; ed Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah 1888: Drake U, MD 1894, PhG 1891; Chicago Clinical Sch 1904; m Arletta Howell Nov 1, 1904 Grinnell; d Mary Doris (Mrs Anthony E Huels); 1888-92 sch tchr, Jasper Co; 1894-98 prac med, Des Moines; 1898-1906 prac med with father, Sully, 1906 priv prac; past health ofcr; past mbr Sully sch bd; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; Newton Country Club; BPOE 1270; AF&-AM 370, Des Moines; Rep; hobbies: outdoor sports, golf, fishing; off & res Sully.

CARR, LUTHER MAYNE: County Attorney; b Kewanee, Ill July 25, 1906; s of Harrison Charles Carr-Ethel Frances Witmer; ed West Des Moines HS 1923; Drake U, BA 1927, LLB 1929; Pi Kappa Delta; Alpha Tau Omega; Phi Alpha Delta; Helmet & Spurs; m Mildred Delight Hutton June 28, 1930 St Joseph Mo; s David Charles, Thomas Hutton, William Luther; 1929 adm to Iowa bar; 1929-30 in Burt J Thompson law firm, Forest City; 1932-35 ptr law firm Cunningham, Brierly & Carr, Newton, 1935-36 priv law prac; 1936-Jasper Co atty; Jasper Co, 6th Judicial Dist & Iowa St Bar Assns; 1930 del State Judicial Conv, Forest City; 1936 gen chmn Newton Comm Chest Drive; C of C; past VP Jr C of C; dir Westwood Golf Club; AF&AM 59, past sr deacon & sr warden, Forest City; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, golf & bowling; off Courthouse; res 921 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

CARROLL, WALTER: Mayor & Theater Owner; b Cheyenne, Wyo May 7, 1900; s of D E Carroll-Christina Jacobson; ed Fullerton Neb; m Mary Fisher July 18, 1923 Indianola; s Richard Walter; d Rose Mary; 1920-23 linotype opr for News Journal & theater mgr, Fullerton Neb; 1923 ptr of father in Empress Theater, 1923-37 Star Theater, Colfax, 1937- own (page 611) Next page