Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

editor Newton Daily News, 1938- city editor; dist ednl reading & publicity for BSA; Jr C of C, past recorder; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing, hunting & tennis; off Newton Daily News; res 604 N 3rd Ave E, Newton.

STANLEY, LAWRENCE CHESTER: Editor & Publisher; b Earlham, Iowa Apr 1, 1911; s of Chester B Stanley-Josephine Oldham; ed Earlham 1928; Earlham Jr Coll 1930; 1 summer session at Iowa St Coll, Ames; m Erma H Golightly Oct 27, 1935 Earlham; s Leland Lawrence; 1923 34 emp in Earlham Echo, print shop; 1934 35 editor of Redfield Review; 1936- editor & publisher of The Citizen, Monroe; IPA; Coml Club, past secy; KP; Indep; hobbies: tennis & golf; off & res Monroe.

STANTON, LUCIAN MARCY: Dentist; b Chariton, Iowa Aug 2, 1902; s of Theodore Parker-Helen Marcy; ed Chariton HS 1919; U of Iowa, DDS 1926; Delta Tau Delta; Psi Omega; m Helen Louise Fair Oct 23, 1926, Ottumwa; s Robert Edwin; 1926- dentist, Newton; pres Jasper Co Dental Soc; Dist & Iowa St Dental Socs; ADA; Jr C of C, past mbr; Kiwanis, past mbr; Country Club; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: golf; off Jewell Bldg; res 708 W 11th S, Newton.

STARRETT, CHARLES PRESTON: Circulation Manager; b Newton, Iowa Jan 2, 1884; s of Aaron E Starrett-Laura Bell Tumbleson; ed Jasper Co; Newton Normal Coll; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines; m Mabel Grace Squires Feb 9, 1905 Des Moines; s Harry Preston; prior to 1918 farmed; 1919-23 real est & ins agt, Newton; 1923- circulation mgr News Printing Co, Newton; during World War 1918 field service ARC; trustee Masonic bd of custodians; C of C; post master of Iowa St Grange; SAR; AF&AM 59; RAM; York Rite; KT; OES; Meth Ch; hobby: county history; off & res Newton.

STERLING, ARTHUR ELMER: Dentist; b Madison, S D Dec 27, 1893; s of David Sterling-Caroline Carlson; ed Madison S D HS 1914; U of Iowa, DDS 1917; grad work Chicago Dental Surgery Coll; Delta Sigma Delta; m Verna Glenn Iliff Nov 6, 1920 Eldora; s Arthur Harlan; 1917-26 dentist, ptr of Or H R Gustafson, Newton; 1926-dentist, Newton; 1936- mbr sch bd; during World War enl Aug 1918 co 43 butt 11, med ofcrs training group Camp Greenleaf Go, commd Sept 19, 1917 1st It in dental corps, Newton, disch Camp Greenleaf Go, Dec 25, 1918; Amer Legion post 111; 40 & 8; past pres Jasper Co Dental Soc; Iowa St Dental Soc; ADA; Izaak Walton; C of C; AF&AM 59; York Rite 20; RAM; Shrine, Des Moines; past exalted ruler BPOE 1270; KT 22, past eminent comm; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies: stamp collecting, fishing, hunting; off 202 Maytag Bldg; res 619 S 3rd Ave W, Newton.

STOCK, SIMON A: Farmer & Stockman; b Jasper Co, Iowa June 1, 1880; s of Herman Stock-Lena Aitemeier; ed Jasper Co; m Agnes Schuman Feb 12, 1902 Newton; s Herman H, William L, John S, Robert N, Merrill D; d Helen (Mrs Joe Allen), Francis (Mrs Howard Ash), Marguerite Caroline; 1901- farmer 536 A, Jasper Co, purebred Angus cattle raiser; past pres sch bd; secy Baxter Grain & Coal Co; twp trustee; St John's Evang Ch; hobby: fine horses; res Baxter.

SWITZER, HAROLD JOHN: Manager Furniture Store; b Boone, Iowa Aug 14, 1894; s of John Switzer-May Butman Drake; ed Boone HS 1913; m Lura Marie Wrider Sept 20, 1924 Fairmont Minn; s John Edward; d Beverley Nan; 1913-15 emp at Jayne Furn Co, Boone; 1927-32 clk Townsend Furn Co, Newton, 1932- mgr Anderson Furn Co, Newton; during World War in Camp Pike inf replacement, disch Camp Dodge 1919; past comm, Amer Legion post111; 40 & 8, Chef De Gerre; C of C; Newton Country Club; Doodlebug Club; BPOE 1270; AF&AM 59; Meth Ch; hobbies: golf & fishing; off 203 1st Ave W; res 703 W 6th S, Newton.

TENNANT, STANTON EDWIN: Editor & Publisher; b Delphos, Iowa Oct 1, 1889; s of George Addison Tennant-Nancy Long; ed Mount Ayr HS 1909; m Ernstena Beckman Sept 12, 1916 Grundy Center; s Otto Addison; while ott HS emp by Mount Ayr Record News; 1909-12 emp by Mount Ayr Record News, Mount Ayr; 1912 in Charles City 5 months; 1912-19 linotype opr with Grundy Register, Grundy Center; 1919-20 editor & publisher Marble Rock Journal, Marble Rock; 1920- owner, editor & publisher The Colfax Tribune; past dir Colfax Mfg Co; 1929- secy IPA; Natl Edit Assn; Colfax Golf & Country Club; AF&AM 389, past master; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: home gardens; off 12 W Howard; res 11 E Broadway, Colfax.

THARP, HERBERT MILTON: Physician & Surgeon; b Marion Co, Iowa Nov 17, 1883; s of John Wesley Tharp-Melvina Earp; ed Newton HS 1901; Central Coll, 1913-15; U of III, BSc 1917, MD 1919; Phi Rho Sigma; m Ruby Lillian Clement Nov 22, 1905 Metz; d Elda Winona (Mrs Frank J Fisher); 1901-05 formed with father, Jasper Co; 1905-07 in meat business, Reasoner; 1907-09 engr Newton waterworks; 1909-13 traveling representative for M & E Mfg Co; 1919-20 interne Poly Clinic Hosp, Chicago III, 1920-24 surg Poly Clinic, hospital clinic; 1920-27 prat med, Chicago III; 1927- prat med, Monroe; 1924-30 & 1932- city phys; mbr assoc staff Skiff Memorial Hosp; during World War SATC 1918 Chicago III, disch Nov 1919; Amer Legion, past comm; past mbr Chicago Med Soc; Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Socs; AMA; past pres Comml Club; IOOF; past chancellor KP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: farming, dairy cattle; off & res Monroe.

THIELMANN, CHRISTIAN JOHN: Chiropractor; b Oldenburg, Germany Feb 6, 1900; s of Johann Gottfried Thielmann-Helene Wiebensohn; ed Oldenburg Germany HS; Coll at Luebeck 1917; Agr Coll, Germany 1922; Wartburg Coll, Waverly 1926-27; Lincoln Chiropractic Coll, Indianapolis Ind, DC 1934; 1922-23 farm administrator, mgr 1200 A, Germany; 1923 came to US; 1923-25 emp on farms & in packing plants & aft night sch; 1927-29 emp by Standard Oil Co, Indiana; 1930 took aviation course, Waterloo; 1934- chiropractor, Newton; does scientific research work; Sept 19, 1930 became U S citizen; 1939 won 1st honors on a thesis submitted at Natl Chiropractic cony, Dallas Tex; served in German army 1918; Iowa Chiropractic Assn; Natl Chiropractic Assn; mbr Genetic Research Soc; C of C; Evang Luth Ch; hobby: research work; off 241 Jewell Bldg; res Hotel Maytag, Newton.

TOLAND, RALPH VINCENT: Mortician; b Ruthven, Iowa July 2, 1902; s of Lemuel A Toland-May D Lindsey; ed Ruthven HS 1921; Morningside Coll, Sioux City; U of Iowa; Hohenschuh-Carpenter Sch of Embalming, St Louis 1934-35; Omega Beta Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa; Phi Tau Theta; m Ruth B Giles Nov 24, 1932 Waverly; s Joseph Don; 1931 dist off mgr Capital Hill Monument Co, Rochester Minn; 193134 chemist Shreves Medicine Co, Des Moines; 1935- mortician, Newton; 1938-Jasper Co coroner; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; C of C; Kiwanis, chmn Kiwanis Sr Scouts; IOOF; Rep; Meth Ch; hobbies: travel & pencil collection; off 205 1st 5; res 105 S 2nd Ave W, Newton.

TYLER, LYLE BURROWS: Photographer; b Saxon, Wis Aug 2, 1892; s of Williard Davis Tyler-Lillian Lucia Burrows; ed Hurley Wis HS 1911; Superior Wis Normal 1911; Bissell Sch of Photography, Effingham III 1915; m Nelle Lurie Loy Sept 3, 1917 Effingham III; s Williard Davis, James Loy, Lyle Burrows; 1911-14 sch tchr, supvr rural schs, Iron Co, Wis; 191517 emp by George C Bell Studio, Newton; 1917- photographer, owner & opr The Tyler Studio, Newton; 1939- owner & opr Tyler Studio & Camera Shop; 1940- owner branch studio, Des Moines; estab Newton Camera Club; Photographers Assn of Amer; Camera Craftsman of Amer; C of C; ch mbr Rotary; 1921 an orgr BSA, Newton, 4 years chmn troop orgn com, past pres Tri-Valley Area coun of BSA, 1931 Jasper & Marion Cos dist ent Central Iowa Coun of BSA 6 cos, 1,000 boys in area, 193140 VP, dist chmn Central Iowa Coun Area, 1940- dist chmn Jasper Co; AF&AM 59; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: BSA work, study of rocks; off 124 N 2nd Ave W; res 739 1st Ave E, Newton.

UMBREIT, GEORGE McKENZIE: Vice-President & Treasurer Manufacturing Co; b Milwaukee, Wis Apr 18, 1901; s of A C Umbreit-Helen Stanton; ed Milwaukee Wis HS 1918; U of Wis, BA 1923; Phi Delta Theta; Beta Gamma Sigma; s Robert M, George S; 1923-25 acct Ernst & Ernst, CPAs, Chicago; 1925-29 mbr firm Alexander Grant & Co, Chicago; 1929-34 auditor Maytag Co, Newton, 1934- VP & dir Maytag Co, 1939- treas; mbr exec com of Amer Washing & Ironing Machine Mfg Assn; Newton Country Club; C of C; Rep; hobby: fishing; off Maytag Co; res Hotel Maytag, Newton.

VAN der PLOEG, ALBERT: Clergyman; b Marion Co, Iowa Nov 30, 1870; s of Talda D Van der Ploeg-Betske Douma; ed Pella HS 1886; Highland Park Coll; Moody Inst, Chicago III; m Myra Kathrine Graves Dec 31, 1904 Mexico N Y (dec May 30, 1905); 1886-89 on farm with father near Pella; 1889-92 sch tchr, Marion Co; 1894-96 prin North Park grade sch, Pella; 1896-97 & 1901-02 with father on farm, Marion Co; 1898 rural sch tchr 6 months, Attica; 1899-1901 HS prin, Glidden; 1902-04 & 1905-09 prin grade sch, Otley; 1909-10 & 1912-13 pastor Mt Moriah Bapt Ch, Otley; 1910 ordained Bapt minister; 1910-11 pastor First Bapt Ch, Colfax; 1913-17 asst cash Farmers & Mchts Bank, Pella; 1918-35 supply pastor various chs, Pella; 1935-38 ret; 1938- pastor First Bapt Ch, Colfax; 1927-31 mbr city coun; Rep; hobby: theological work; res 12 Washington, Colfax.

VAN DYKE, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Manager Manufacturing Co; b Des Moines Co, Iowa Dec 24, 1871; s of John Van Dyke-Christiana Bumgardner; ed Howes Acad, Mount Pleasant; Elliott Business Coll, 1895; m Beatrix Moore Oct 26, 1898 Burlington; s John Kenneth; 1895-98 farmer, Des Moines Co; 1898-1904 grain dir, Winfield; 1904-18 ptr of A W Hall in Fry Bottling Co, mineral water, Colfax; 1918-25 asst cash Citizens State Bank, Colfax; 1926-35 ptr in Forsyth Hdw Co, Colfax; 1935-37 org Colfax Mfg Co, 1937- mgr; 1938- mbr city coun; Comml Club, secy; Mum Bridge Club; AF&AM 389, past master; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby: bridge; off 22 Front; res 330 N Oak Park, Colfax.

VAN NOSTAND, E JAMES: Managing Editor of Newspaper; b Washington, Iowa Nov 24, 1908; s of E R Van Nostrand-Alma Sowash; ed Washington HS 1925; Monmouth Coll Monmouth III, BA 1929; Sigma Omicron Nu; Pi Kappa Delta, Tau Kappa Alpha; m Virginia Jessie Wilson May 27, 1933 Newton; 1929-32 reporter, city editor, Newton Daily News, Newton, 1932-managing editor; past pres Jr C of C; Newton Country Club; Rep; United Presby Ch; hobby: amateur photography; off Newton Daily News; res 620 S 5th Ave West, Newton.

VAN STEENBERGEN, JOHN: Bank Cashier; b Harrison, S D Nov 5 1885; s of Wal- (page 622) next page.