Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

ter Van Steenbergen-Mina Vanderberg; ed Sioux Center 1902; U of Iowa, PhG 1906, LLB 1929; 1929 adm to Iowa bar; m Edna 0 Borene Nov 6, 1924 Malvern; d Marilyn Louise, Mona Ann; 1906-07 owner & opr Van Steenberger Drug Co, Sioux Center; 1919-21 ogt Mutual Trust Life Ins Co of Chicago, Sioux City; 1921-23 cash Holland State Bank; 1924-26 asst cash Farmers Natl Bank, Inwood, 1929-30 cash; 1931-cash First Natl Bank, Prairie City; during World War enl at Sioux City, tsfrd to Fort Logan Colo, to Camp Deming N M, base hosp 94, Camp Upton N Y O/S Liverpool England, South Hampton England, LaHavre & Pruiners France, returned to N Y May 1919, disch Camp Dodge 1919; Amer Legion post 275, post comm; Comml Club; Colfax Golf Club; AF&AM, master; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies: fishing & hunting; off & res Prairie City.

VESPESTAD, FRED WILLIAM: Automobile Dealer; b Kelley, Iowa Aug 5, 1898; s of Torkel S Vespestad-Lydia Peisch; ed Des Moines; Des Moines HS night sch; m Neva lone Graves Mar 26, 1922 Toledo Iowa; s Dale Frederick; d June Lee; while att night sch emp by Martha's Pies & Cookies factory, also by J R Brody & Mr Prim; 1914-16 emp by Hart-Harter & Sears Auto DIrs, Des Moines, 1916-17 mechanic; 1917-18 mechanic for Des Moines Buick Co; 1919-25 tester & mechanic for Kruidiner Cadillac Co, Des Moines; 1925-31 mgr service dept Longwell Motor Co, Newton; 1931-35 owner & opr service & repair business, Newton, Cod-a-lac Fred; 1935- owner & opr Aven Motor Co, Newton; during World War enl 1918 aero squadron Kelley Field, San Antonio Tex, disch Camp Dodge 1919; Amer Legion post 111; Iowa Auto DIrs Assn; C of C; Doodlebug Club; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies: woodwork, plastic model work, family; off Aven Motor Co; res 218 S 3rd Ave W, Newton.

VOLK, WAYNE MILTON: Former; b Fairmount, Iowa Mar 31, 1894; s of John George Volk-Carrie Hummel; ed HS; Iowa St Coll; m Lillian Piper June 3, 1921 Sheldon; d Carolyn Sedgwick, Helen Elizabeth, Clare Lillian; farmer, Jasper Co; during World War enl 1918 in USN, disch 1919; AF&AM; res Monroe.

VONK, CORNEILUS JR: Manager Cooperative Exchange; b Holland Sept 30, 1905; s of Corneilus Yank- -; ed Holland & Otley; m Alice Baorda Oct 9, 1928 Pella; s Richard, Cleo; d Berneda Nellie, Joy, Jean, Elaine, June; 1913 came to U S, Pella; 1928-36 emp by Sully Co-op Exchange, Sully, 1936- mgr; Sully Comml Club; Reform Ch; Dem; hobby: gardening; off Farmers Co-op Exchange; res Sully.

VOORHIS, CLYDE RANDOLPH: Physician & Surgeon; b Eldora, Iowa Jon 15, 1877; s of Samuel Wilson Voorhis-Louisa Ellen Lewis; ed Eldora HS 1897; Drake U, BSc 1903, MD 1904; m Sarah Belle Hickey Dec 28, 1904 Des Moines; s Donald Wilson; 1904-08 prat med, Swea City, 1908-12 Humboldt, 1913- Prairie City; post mbr city coun; during the World War enl Fort Riley Kos, 129th reg of 133rd div & comm 1st It med corps, 0/S 54 weeks, commd capt, disch Camp Dodge June 1919; Amer Legion post 295, past comm; Iowa St & Jasper Co Med Socs; AMA; IOOF; AF&AM 218, past master; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off & res Prairie City.

VOORHIS, DONALD WILSON: Dentist; b Swea City, Iowa Dec 9, 1908; s of Dr C R Voorhis-Sarah Belle Hickey; ed Prairie City HS 1927; U of Iowa, DDS 1932; Drake U, 1927-28; Sigma Pi; Delta Zeta Chi; m Edna Marie Rodger June 11, 1938 Kirksville; 1932- dentist, Prairie City; 1932- apptd capt in US army ROTC; Iowa St & Jasper Co Dental Secs; ADA; AF&AM 218, past master; Rep; hobbies: hunting & fishing; off & res Prairie City.

WARBURTON, JOHN HIGGINS: President Lumber Company; b Jewell, Iowa Aug 4, 1892; s of John Higgins Warburton-Lela Mary George; ed Jewell HS 1910; Iowa St Coll, BAgr 1914; m Ruth Elizabeth Cook Oct 12, 1920 Lake City; s John H; d Mary Jean; 1914-21 bkkpr Story Co Bank, Ames; 1921-37 mgr Daly Lbr Co, Newton; 1937- owner, opr & pres Warburton Lbr Co, Newton; dir Ames Reliable Products Co, Ames since 1930; dir Newton Notl Bank since 1932; during World War enl Fort Des Moines, Camp Cody N M, O/S, disch Camp Grant, Rockford III; Amer Legion post 111, 1st odjt & orgr of Ames post; Iowa St Lbr DIrs Assn; Newton Country Club; C of C, past dir; AF&AM 59; past mbr Shrine; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: agr; off Warburton Lumber Co; res 619 S 6th Ave W, Newton.

WEIRICK, GEORGE STANLEY: Druggist; b Bevington, Iowa Nov 12, 1888; s of Harry Allen Weirick-Mamie Herbold; ed Newton 1906; Highland Park Coll, 1908 asst pharm; m Nelle Turner Jan 1, 1916 Colfax; s George Turner; d Miriam Alice; 1906-16 clk in father's drug store H A Weirick Drug Store, Colfax, 191625 ptr of father in H A Weirick & Son, registered pharm, 1925- owner & opr Weirick's Drug Store, Colfax; past mbr sch bd 2 terms; past mbr city coun 2 terms; 1938- mbr lib bd; Iowa Phorm Assn; Comml Club; Golf Club; AF&AM 389; KT; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: home & comm; off Drug Store; res 238 E Howard, Colfax.

WELLE, CORNELIUS B: Dentist; b Sully, Iowa Aug 12, 1897; s of Henry WelleDora Van Sponckeren; ed Pella HS 1917; U of Iowa, DDS 1923; m Nellie Wisgerhof June 29, 1922 Sully; d Joan Elaine; 1923-dentist, Sully; 1938- mbr sch bd, Sully; 1924-25 mbr town coun; Jasper Co & Iowa St Dental Socs; ADA; Orthodontia Club; Comml Club; Grinnell Country Club; Jasper-Poweshiek Club; Natl Geographic Sac; AF&AM 227, post master; Sully Comm Ch; Dem; hobbies: plastic wood, keene cement & plaster Paris; off & res Sully.

WERESH, JOSEPH JOHN: Hotel Manager; b Sheridan, Iowa Mar 5, 1902; s of Andrew Weresh-Anna Ferrick; ed Chariton; Colfax HS 1920; m Susan Katherine Grohm Aug 6, 1923 Colfax; 1921-22 mbr of Imperial Orchestra & Musical Merrymakers also with Marigold & Pascal entertainers; 1931-32 salesman for Mathews Mfg Co, Newton; 1932- salesman for Iowa Power & Light Co, Colfax; 1930- mgr Mason House, hotel, Colfax; Comml Club; Lions; Colfax Golf Club; KC, past grand knight of 2302; Cath Ch; Dem, 1938- VP Y D Club; hobby: politics, civic affairs; off Iowa Power & Light Co; res S Walnut, Colfax.

WILDMAN, DARION WAYNE: Pharmacist; b Lynnville, Iowa Nov 4, 1899; s of C W Wildman-Grace English; ed Lynnville HS; Grinnell Coll; Phorm Coll, Des Moines; m Reva C Wisgerhof Sept 13, 1927 Sulley; d Kay R; 1928 Redpoth Chautauqua; 1921-26 pharm, Des Moines & Fairfield; 1926-29 owner & mgr drug store, Sanborn; 1929-38 emp in drug store, Sioux City; 1938- owner drug store, Sully; C of C; AF&AM 419; Comm Ch; off & res Sully.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM CLARK III: Editor & Advertising Manager; b Sabula, Iowa Nov 14, 1892; s of William Clark Williams II-Mary M Harms; ed Savanna III HS 1910; Mt Morris Coll III 1930-31; Union Theological Coll, BD 1934; ordained July 1939 Congl Ch; m Grace B Lanning Nov 30, 1911 Omaha Neb; s William Clark IV, Ernest Rexford, Paul Everett, George Ath-erton, David Earl; d Ruth Elinor, Mary Louise; 1906-10 while in HS, emp by C C Thill shoe store; 1911-17 bkkpr, sales & advertising mgr Omaha Furn & Carpet Co, Omaha Neb; 1917-20 ogt & dep supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, Norfolk Neb & Sioux City; winters 1920-21 asst to chief clk of Scheidenheln Construction Co, Savanna III; 1921-25 asst editor of Savanna Times Journal; 1923-26 pastor Meth Ch, Thomson III, 1926-30 Cherry Valley III, 1930-32 Mt Morris III; 1932-34 pastor Congl Ch, LaMoille III; 1934 salesman for Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co, Chicago III; 1934-35 salesman for Fish Furn Co, Chicago III; 1935 managing editor Jasper Co Mirror, Newton; 1936- managing editor The Jasper Co Record, Newton; 1938-advertising mgr Newton Daily News; 1935-pastor Wittemberg Congl Ch; 1938- dir Wittemberg sch; pres 1938-40 Newton twp sch bd; 1938- pres Newton Co-op Music Assn; Newton Ministerial Assn; Jasper Co Ministerial Assn, pres 1937-38; C of C; Grange Wittemberg, secy since 1937; chaplain Jasper Pomona Grange; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies: hunting, fishing; off The Newton Daily News; res Route 1, Newton.

WILSON, G FRANK: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Panora, Iowa July 27, 1884; s of Lee E Wilson-Hannah J Sidener; ed Panora HS 1906; Drake U, BSc 1910; Chicago U 1912-13; m Elizabeth Mae Foster June 15, 1910 Kellogg; 1914-19 supt schs, Manlius III; 1919-23 agt Peoria Life Ins Co; 1923-26 sales mgr & secy Continental Radio & Mfg Co, Newton; 1927-40 owner & opr real est & ins agcy; C of C; Kiwanis; AF&AM; Chris Ch; Dem, secy Jasper Co; Central Chmn; hobbies: dogs & fishing; off Maytag Bldg; res 201 E 2nd S, Newton.

WILSON, MRS HELEN HOUGH: Homemaker; b Newton, Iowa; d of Arthur M Hough-Cora Anderson; ed Newton HS; m Karl F Wilson Feb 26, 1925 Newton; s Charles L Coppersmith; d Margaret L Coppersmith (dec 1937); newspaper columnist, 15 years wrote column Over the Sink; PEO; Newton Country Club; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby: golf; res 123 2nd Ave E, Newton.

WILSON, KARL FRED: Publisher; b Avalon, Mo Dec 16, 1885; s of Robert Rush Wilson-Alice Elizabeth Singley; ed Warrensburg Mo HS; State Normal Coll, Warrensburg Mo; m Helen Elizabeth Hough Feb 26, 1925 Newton; step s Charles Coppersmith; prior to 1905 emp by father in Moulton Tribune, print shop; 1905-06 reporter on Des Moines Daily Capital, editor Prosser Record, Prosser Wash; 1906-08 reporter of Waterfront, Portland Daily Journal, Port-land Ore; 1908-09 author magazine stories & free lance newspaper work; 1909-11 editor Lake Port News, Lake Port Ore; 1911 estab weekly paper Marshfield Examiner, Ore; 1911-13 business mgr Marshfield Record, Ore; 1913-16 advertising mgr Star Journal, Warrensburg Mo; 1916-17 mgr Warburg Coal Co, Warrensburg Mo; 191920 in civic dept Coppers Weekly, Topeka Kos also dist circulation mgr Register Tribune, Des Moines; 1920-21 with Newton Daily News, Newton; 1921 publicity dir for Farm Bur Fedn, Ames; 1922-23 Lincoln Neb; 1923-24 ptr in Centerville Iowa Journal; 1924-25 publisher Centerville Daily Journal; 1925-28 with Jasper Co Record, Newton; 1928-33 publisher Jasper Co Mirror, Monroe, 1933- publisher Jasper Co Mirror, Newton; 1928-31 publisher Iowa Democrat, Des Moines; 1928-30 publisher The Homemaker magazine; during World War asst fuel administrator for Mo, Warrensburg Mo; Iowa Safety Coun; C of C; Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies: motion pictures, highway safety; off Jasper Co Mirror; res 123 2nd Ave, E, Newton.

WOOD, ROLLIN WEBSTER: Physician &   (page 623)   Next page.