Whos Who in Iowa (Jasper Co.)

Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Who's Who in Iowa

SCHLOTFELDT, DALE WILLIAM: Automobile & Farm Machinery Dealer; d Adair, Iowa June 3, 1899; s of William F Schlotfeldt-Agnes Elizabeth McDowell; ed Valley Junction HS; m Agnes Bertha Klewer June 29, 1921 Council Bluffs; s William West; d Patricia Lou; 1921-23 fountain mgr for Strotz Staff Co, Des Moines; 1923-24 acct for H J Heinz Co; 1925-26 chief elk for H J Heinz, Des Moines; 1927-28 credit mgr Halligan Co, Des Moines; 1928-31 off mgr F E Cutchall Motor Co, Ford dir; 193139 owner & opr Chevrolet agcy, Newton; 1939- owner & opr Oldsmobile auto & Allis Chalmers Agcy, Newton, also full line of auto & tractor parts & accessories; C of C; Kiwanis; Presby Ch; hobbies: golf, reading; off 306 1st Ave W; res 715 W 7th S, Newton.

SCHULZ, HUGO CHARLES: Attorney; b Laurel, Iowa June 16, 1891; s of Otto Schulz-Sophia Weseman; ed Newton HS 1910; U of Iowa, BA 1914, LLB 1916; Phi Alpha Delta; m Carolyn Jane Newcomb Nov 1, 1923 Iowa City; 1916 adm to Iowa bar; 1916-21 proc law, ptr of W Keith Hamill, Newton; 1921-25 Jasper Co atty; 1925- proc law, Newton; 1935 co atty 5 months; during World War 1917-19, Fort Snelling, OTC, commd 1st It & capt, 28th div, 1 year O/S, disch Aug 7, 1919; Amer Legion post 111; Jasper Co, 6th Dist, Iowa St & Amer Bar Assns; Isaak Walton; Game Protective Assn; past dir C of C; Newton Country Club; BPOE 1270, past exalted ruler; AF&AM 59; RAM 12; Rep; hobbies: fishing, hunting; off 103-106 Emmel Bldg; res 621 E 4th N, Newton.

SEYFORTH, ALBERT GLENN: Manager of Light & Power Co; b Jasper Co, Iowa Sept 3, 1897; s of August H Sevforth-Mary M Meyers; ed Jasper Co; m Alice M DeLuhery June 20, 1928 Chicago III; 1915-17 emp by Baxter Tele Co; 1917-34 representative of Iowa Electric Light & Power Co, 1934- store & off mgr; one of 5 men to build 1st illuminated trap shooting grounds in US, Baxter; Comml Club; Cath Ch; hobbies: hunting, fishing & skeet shooting; off & res Baxter.

SHAFFER, MRS HAZEL E: Homemaker; b Rockwell City, Iowa Nov 14, 1897; d of Nell Rinehart-Etta Pendroy; ed Monroe HS; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines; m Ray Shaffer Aug 28, 1928 Monroe; s Charles Ray; 1917-19 sch tchr, Jasper Co, 191928 Monroe; 1928- homemaker; Amer Legion aux, past pres; past pres Woman's Club; Meth Ch, SS tchr 6 years; hobby: needle work; res Monroe.

SHEETS, CLARENCE ARNOLD: Superintendent of Schools: b Zionsville, Ind May 12, 1897; s of Cary Sheets-Alice Addie Arnold; ed Elmo HS 1918; U of Iowa, BA 1926, MA 1930; grad work ISTC, 1919 & 1925; m Lucile Glenna Mulleneaux Feb 17, 1923 Des Moines; d Rowena Lucile; 1919-20 sch tchr, Floyd Co; 1922-23 HS tchr & basketball coach, Mingo; 1923-26 HS prin & basketball coach, South English; 1926-31 supt of schs, Kinrose; 1931-36 supt of schs, Barnes City; 1936- supt of schs, Baxter, 1937-39 boys basketball coach; ISTA; 1940- pres Jasper Co Supts Club; Comm Club; AF&AM 520, past master; OES; Meth Ch; hobby: coaching basketball; off High School; res Baxter.

SHENK, NORMAN MARSHALL: General Manager Telephone Co; b Erie, Penn Aug 14, 1906; s of Charles J Shenk-Lucenia Ziegler; ed Erie Penn HS 1924; U of Pittsburgh, BA 1930, also grad work; Westminster Coll 3 years; Kappa Phi Lambda; m Eleanor Scarlett Apr 9, 1932 Erie Penn; d Sarah Scarlett; 1925-26 installer for Mutual Tele Co, Erie Penn; 1928-29 automatic switchman for Mutual Tele Co, Erie Penn; 1930 apptd to USA air corps, Brooksfield Tex, cadet; 1931-35 dist comml mgr for Penn Tele Corp, Erie Penn; 1935-36 comml engr for Assoc Tele Utility System, Long Beach Cal; 1936 tele engr, Charleston W Va for West Va Pub Service Commission; 1936-37 comml supt for Jamestown Tele Corp, Jamestown N Y; 1937-39 VP & gen mgr Central Carolina Tele Co, Southern Pine N C; 1939- gen mgr Iowa St Tele Co, Newton; C of C; Kiwanis; YMCA, bd mbr: Newton Country Club; Iowa Indep Tele Assn; United Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: photography; off Telephone Bldg; res 611 1st Ave E, Newton.

SHIELDS, EARL LEO: Auctioneer; b Creston, Iowa Aug 28, 1892; s of Carl Shields-Mary Etta Mayer; ed Creston; Creston Business Coll 1910; m Nadine Martha Plummer June 24, 1920 Winterset; s William Earl, Carlton Charles; d Barbara Lee; prior to 1916 worked on farm, for grandparents Christian N Mayer, Union Co; 1916-17 auctioneer, Colfax; 1919-27 auctioneer & horse dlr, Newton; 1927-28 dist mgr The Maytag Co, Newton; 1928-29 auctioneer; 1929-32 Jasper Co dep co sheriff; 1933-39 Jasper Co sheriff; 1939- auctioneer, Newton; 1920-25 auctioneer for Cedar Rapids Horse & Mule Co, Newton Livestock Exchange Assn; 1939 ptr of brother Marion in Shields Sales Co, Creston; 1939- with Joy Sales Co, Newton; during World War enl 1917, 313th engrs 88th div, Camp Dodge several months, disch June 19, 1919 Camp Dodge, 1918 O/S 10 months, master engr; Amer Legion post 111, past comm; 40 & 8; VFW; Comm Auctioneers Sales Assn; KP; C of C; BPOE 1270; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: saddle horses; off & res 807 W 11th S, Newton.

SIEGERS, PETER JOHN: District Judge; b Kalamazoo, Michigan Jan 13, 1898; s of Peter Siegers-Katherine Steketee; ed Jefferson HS 1916, Lafayette Ind; Hope Coll, Holland Mich 1916-19; Tri-State Coll, Angola Ind, BA 1920; U of Minn, summers 1921-22, U of Chicago, summers 1923-2425; U of Iowa, JD 1930; Order of Coif; m Mary Fulton June 2, 1926 Alton; 1920-23 sch tchr, Orange City; 1923-24 HS prin, Orange City; 1924-28 supt schs, Sioux City; 1930-36 ptr in law firm Siegers & Bedell, Newton; 1933-36 Jasper Co atty; 1936-judge dist court, Jasper Co; Amer, Iowa & 6th Judicial Dist Bar Assns; AF&AM 59: Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies: fishing & chess; off Courthouse; res 713 East 5th North, Newton.

SKOW, FRED VINCENT: Manager Telephone Co; b Newton, Iowa Jan 9, 1915; s of Irving L Skow-Belva Dale; ed Newton HS 1933; Lawrence Coll, Appleton Wis; Phi Delta Theta; m Dolores Lewis Aug 12, 1938 Davenport; 1933-36 emp in chemical lob Maytag Co, Newton; 1938-39 cash Iowa St Tele Co, 1939- dist comml mgr; Jr C of C; Westwood Golf Club; Congl Ch; hobby: sports; res 616 W 4th S, Newton.

SMITH, JOHN J: Physician & Surgeon; b Carroll, Iowa Sept 21, 1894; s of Joseph W Smith-Elizabeth Anne Jurgens; ed Carroll HS 1912; U of Iowa, BA 1916, MD 1918; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Kappa Gamma; m Eileen M Fox Sept 21, 1920 Des Moines; s Harold Lloyd, James William, Earl K (dec Jan 22, 1930); d Mary Ann (Mrs John L Williams), Debris Iola; 1919-20 interne Meth Hasp, Des Moines; 1920-21 proc med, Carroll; 1921-28 proc med, Clarinda; 1928prac med, Colfax; past dir First Notl Bank, Clarinda; 1935- dir First Trust Co, Colfax; owner farm, Jasper Co; past mbr town coun, treas 3 years, Carroll; past mbr vol fire dept, fire chief 3 years, Clarinda; 1928mbr Colfax bd of edn, pres since 1935; mbr town coun; city treas; city phys; mbr Ed of Health; during World War enl Apr 1, 1918 in US army, Camp Dodge Iowa, field arty, 168th inf, O/S 7 months, France & Germany AEF, capt med corps, disch Aug 11, 1918, commd Ist It; Amer Legion post 5, past co comm; VFW; 40 & 8; Dist, Jasper Co & Iowa St Med Sacs; AMA; past dir C of C; Rotary, pastpres, Carroll; Lions; Kiwanis; Colfax Golf Club; Country Club; AF&AM 108, past master; RAM 64; R&SM 79; Scot Rite 32°; York Rite 34; Za-Ga-Zig Shrine, Des Moines; OES, post patron; IOOF, noble grand; LOOM; FOE; First Meth Ch, past SS tchr, trustee, elder; Rep, mbr Co Central Cam, del to natl conv Chicago 1933; hobbies: golf, fishing, hunting, coin collecting, forming; off 114 Cedar SE; res 834 W Rosebud, Colfax.

SMITH, PURL M: Freight & Passenger Agent; b Wheatland, Iowa Feb 24, 1879; s of George A Smith-Louise Elizabeth Leasure; ed Wheatland 1897; m Edna L Smead May 21, 1937 Rockford III; 1897-99 extra agt Iowa div, C&NW RR; 1899-1901 relief agt Northern Iowa div C&NW RR; 1901-12 local depot agt CB&Q RR, Laurel & Orchard Neb; 1912-17 depot agt, CRI&P RR, Marengo; 1917- freight & passenger agt, CRI&P RR, Newton; Railway Agts Union; C of C; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby: travel; off Rock Island Depot; res 501 1st Ave W, Newton.

SMITH, RALPH WILLIAM: Farmer; b Jasper Co, Iowa Sept 11, 1888; s of Hugh E Smith-Mary Staniforth; ed Newton HS 1907; m Ellen Carson Nov 29, 1911 Palo Alto Twp; s Ralph Dale, Hugh Carson, Leland Earl; d Mary Maxine, Vera Gladys; 1902-07 while ott HS elk in Iowa Merc Store, Newton; summers 1907-09 emp on farms, Newton, winters emp in coal mines, Jasper Co; 1909-11 emp on various forms, Jasper Co; 1911- farmer, Newton; 192329, 1931-36 & 1939- Master Iowa St Grange; 1933-36 mbr Iowa Corn-Hog cam of AAA, 1936-37 mbr Iowa agr conservation cam, 1937 chmn; 1933-38 mbr Iowa St Bd of Conciliation & debt adjustment; 1933-34 originator of farm control in AAA farm administration; chmn Iowa Cam to Increase the Sale of Pork & Pork Products; 1931 one of originators plan for Natl Corn Loan; 1935 originator fed loans on corn only to those who co-operated in AAA program; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies: fishing, hunting, collecting Indian relics; res Route 2, Newton.

SPARKS, WILLIAM IRA: Secretary & Director Manufacturing Co; b Crawfordsville, Ind July 30, 1866; s of Alvin Branch Sparks-Lucy Bowen; ed Greenwood Sch, Montgomery Co Ind; Normal training, Crawfordsville Ind 1884; m Ella Norwood Dorsey June 28, 1888 Crawfordsville Ind; d Wanda (Mrs R 0 Besack), Mildred (Mrs H L Holck); 1885-87 sch tchr, Montgomery Co Ind; 1888-90 sch tchr, Jasper Co Iowa; 1890-98 learned carp trade under Theodore Felieson & Martin & Rasmusen contrs also with Eastman & Sons, Newton; 18981913 emp in shops of The Maytag Co, Newton, 1913-18 mgr order dept, Newton off, 1918-26 off mgr & dir, 1926- secy & dir; C of C; Kiwanis; Newton Country Club; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby: reading; off The Maytag Co; res 418 N 6th Ave E, Newton.

SPRINKLE, HARRY ELBA: Assistant Postmaster; b Winterset, Iowa Oct 2, 1880; s of Benjamin L Sprinkle-Margaret Binegar; ed Winterset HS 1900; Capital City Comml Coll, Des Moines; m Bessie Jackson Jan 1, 1907 Newton; s Robert J; 1902-05 emp by Iowa Merc Co, Newton; 1906-15 elk in P 0, Newton, 1915- asst P M, Newton; Jasper Co Hist Sac, past pres; C of C, past pres; Kiwanis, post pres; AF&AM 59, past master; Chris Sci Ch; hobbies: gardening, flowers & golf; off Post Office; res 714 South 3rd Ave, Newton.

SQUIRES, DELMER RHODES: City Editor; b Jasper Co, Iowa Jan 3, 1911; s of Bert Madison Squires-Sadie Rhodes; ed Newton HS 1928; Monmouth Coll, Monmouth III; Drake U, BSc 1935; Tau Kappa Epsilon; m Edythe Louise Penick Dec 10, 1938 Newton; 1928-29 emp in composing room News Printing Co, Newton; 1925-38 sports (page 621) Next page.