Jasper Co. IAGenWeb
Past and Present of Jasper Co.


Past and Present of Jasper County Iowa
B.F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, IN, 1912


The total population of Jasper County, from 1847 to 1905, was as follows:

Year Population   Year Population
1847 560   1867 16,116
1849 1,223   1870 22,116
1850 1,280   1875 24,128
1852 1,647   1880 25,963
1854 3,456   1890 24,891
1856 7,490   1895 25,948
1860 9,883   1900 26,976
1863 10,590   1905 27,156
1865 12,239      

In 1905 the state census report gave Jasper County a total of 27,156 population divided among the various Townships as follows:

Township PopulationTownshipPopulation
Buena Vista Township 873 Mariposa Township 612
Clear Creek Township 787 Mound Prairie Township 1,393
Des Moines Township 1,080 Newton Township 902
Elk Creek Township 909 Palo Alto Township 1,096
Fairview Township 1,258 Poweshiek Township 1,032
Hickory Grove Township 638 Richland Township 739
Independence Township 608 Rock Creek Township 724
Kellogg Township 608 Sherman Township 75
Lynn Grove Township 883 Washington Township 852
Malaka Township 624

The population of cities, towns and villages in 1905 was: Baxter, 520; Colfax, 2,553; Prairie City, 756; Monroe, 836; Kellogg, 592; Lynnville, 462; Sully, 262; Mingo, 262; Newton, 4,398.


The official census returns for 1910 show that Jasper County has made but a slight gain in population during the past ten years, but a review of the table given below will show that the retardation in gain is due to the falling off of the rural districts for the towns in all instances, but three show a good per cent of gain. The cities of Newton and Colfax both made good gains over the 1900 census, Newton making a gain of 25.43 percent and Colfax 22.94 percent. Lynnville, Sully and Baxter also made good gains in per cent, but the towns of Monroe, Prairie City and Kellogg show a decided falling off in population. During the past ten years the county made a gain of but 58 inhabitants, or about one-fifth of one percent.

Jasper County 27,034
Buena Vista Township 896
Clear Creek Township 796
Des Moines Township, including Prairie City town 1,993
   Prairie City town - 761  
Elk Creek Township 904
Fairview Township, including Monroe town 2,028
   Monroe town - 800  
Hickory Grove Township 656
Independence Township, including Baxter town 1,361
   Baxter town - 527  
Kellogg Township, including Kellogg town 1,255
   Kellogg town - 610  
Lynn Grove Township, including Lynnville and Sully towns 1,492
   Lynnville town - 370  
   Sully town - 282  
Malaka Township 601
Mariposa Township 635
Mound Prairie Township 1,383
Newton Township, including Newton City 5,518
   Newton city - 4,616  
      Ward 1 - 1,552  
      Ward 2 - 1,769  
      Ward 3 - 1,295  
Palo Alto Township 1,035
Poweshiek Township, including Mingo town 1,259
   Mingo town - 246  
Richland Township 755
Rock Creek Township 631
Sherman Township 573
Washington Township, including Colfax City 3,263
   Colfax City - 2,254  
      Ward 1 - 727  
      Ward 2 - 744  
      Ward 3 - 1,053  
Continued on next page.

Transcribed by Ernie Braida in July 2003