Jasper Co. IAGenWeb

Jasper County, Iowa

1850 Mortality Schedule

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Persons Who Died During the Year Ending 1st of June 1850
In District 16, Jasper County, Iowa

Surname  Given Name  Age   Sex   Married?  Born  Occup.   Died       Cause of Death          Duration of Illness
Morrow   Samuel      67    male  married   PA    farmer   May 1850   scrofula                4 years
Ship     Richard     12    male  .         IA    .        Nov 1849   Juts?                   2 days
Moore    James       5/12  male  .         IA    .        Nov 1849   fever                   11 days
Moody    William     21    male  .         OH    farmer   Jul 1849   inflamation of bowels   9 days
I certify that the foregoing statistics were taken according to my oath and instructions as I believe to be true.
Cary D. Shellday, Ajat Marshall.
Sworn to before me on this 30th day of Nov 1850. William Highland, Justice of the Peace.

Compiled by Members of Jasper County Genealogical Society