Overshot Coverlet

Hand woven by Maria DeGraff Miller in 1805

The coverlet was woven by Maria when she was 13 years old and living in New York.

This weaving technique is called "overshot" and this is one of many patterns.

The coverlet is made of natural-colored linen and wool dyed to a navy blue.

The linen fibers are very fine and would have been difficult to work with, especially for a child.

But as you can see the weave is consistent and tight. "Very well done," says a modern weaver, "especially for a child."

The coverlet was in the possession of Orville Leslie Price who recently sent it to Barbara Lane Hug, a great, great, great granddaughter of Maria.

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Created Summer 2000 by Barbara Lane Hug and Marvelyn Lane Adams. Updated January 2005.