Galbreath Family Page

Galbreath, Thomas Lewis

Born: 01 Oct 1861
Died: 28 Jan 1924
Buried: Colfax Highland Cemetery


Marriage certificate

S. D. Undertaker's bill

Colfax Undertaker's bill


Three Generations
Thomas John Galbreath with his son Joseph Edwin (Ed) and Ed's son Louis Showers Galbreath taken around 1905

Widen, Alma (Leach) Galbreath

Born: 04 Apr 1873
Died: 18 Oct 1967
Married: Thomas Gilbreath
Married: Frank Widen
Buried: Rose Hill Cemetery, Reeder, Adams Co. North Dakota


Galbreth, Minnie Iva

Born: 09 Nov 1869
Died: 13 Feb 1944
Buried: Colfax Cemetery (Oak Hill section)

World War I Memoribilia of Carrol Glenn Galbreth
Company G 33rd Infantry - Camp Gaillard, Culebra, Canel Zone

1918 Christmas Menu Cover  |  Menu Items
Roster of Officers  |  Private 1st Class  |  Privates

Galbreath , Corda (Morrison)

Born: 18 Feb 1872
Died: 16 Feb 1956
Buried: Hills of Rest Cemetery in Minnehaha Co. South Dakota


Information submitted by
William and Colleen Galbreth at

Return to cemetery page

Created July 20, 2002
Information last updated on